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Expressing purpose

A barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure. The purpose of a barometer is to measure atmospheric pressure. The following are the commonest ways of expressing the purpose for which we do something. 1. The purpose of the safety valve is to allow excess pressure to escape. 2. The aim of the safety valve is to allow excess pressure to escape. 3. The object of the safety valve is to allow excess pressure to escape. 4. A safety valve is provided to allow excess pressure to escape. 5. A safety valve is provided so as to allow excess pressure to escape 6. A safety valve is provided in order to allow excess pressure to escape 7. A safety valve is provided for the purpose of allowing excess pressure to escape 8. A safety valve is provided with the object of allowing excess pressure to escape 9. A safety valve is provided with the aim of allowing excess pressure to escape 10. A safety valve is provided with a view to allowing excess pressure to escape

Exercise I 1. painting iron parts : protects then from rust 2. thermostat : maintains temperature at a constant level 3. test : predicts the rise in pressure 4. an aerial : receives broadcast signals 5. a feasibility report : makes recommendations on the practicality of a project 6. sending telegrams : ensure that the message reaches the address quickly 7. an experiment : demonstrates a principle 8. constructing a bypass road : reduces traffic congestion in a city 9. a sheet of carbon paper : makes copies while one types 10. a litmus test : identifies acid and alkalies 11. a flowchart : represents a process as a series of steps 12. Email : ensure the message reaches the addressee almost at once

Exercise II 1. dictionary : meaning of words 2. book : present the historical development of English 3. catalyst : speed up a chemical process 4. (took up) a part-time job : (supplement) his income 5. shorthand : (write) rapidly while listening to a speaker 6. message written in code : (ensure) secrecy 7. speaker : slide projector : (present) visual material with speech 8. proof-reading : correct mistakes in the matter to be printed. 9. Hammer : fix any object to the base using a nail 10. Thermometer : measure the body temperature

Exercise III Using the hints given below, make sentences that express the purpose. 1. We use cameras for taking photographs. ----- robots ----- (perform) heavy and dangerous jobs 2. The purpose of a safety valve is to release excess pressure. ------ catalyst ------ speed up a chemical process 3. Example: aerial: receive broadcast signals Answer: An aerial is used to receive broadcast signals. (or) An aerial is used for receiving broadcast signals. (a) Carbon paper : make duplicate copies (b) Barometer : measure atmospheric pressure Exercise IV Answer the questions using the pattern to / in order to / so as to + verb 1. Why did he study engineering? 2. Why do people study medicine? 3. Why is drinking water filtered? 4. Why are dams built? 5. Why should you wear goggles in the workshop? 6. Why is a safety valve provided? Exercise V Join each using to/in order to/ so as to 1. He fitted a silencer. He wanted to reduce the noise of the exhaust. 2. He applied the brake for the purpose of stopping the car. 3. The steam is superheated so that it is fairly dry. 4. He wanted to drive faster. He depressed the accelerator pedal. 5. He wanted to change the gear. He depressed the clutch pedal and moved the gear lever. 6. I wanted to stop the car. I operated the brake. 7. He wanted to check the oil in the engine. He used the dipstick. 8. She wants to qualify for a better position. She is studying advanced statistics. 9. He wanted to start the engine. He pressed the switch. Exercise VI Join each pair of sentences using appropriate clause markers showing purpose. 1. Astronomers wanted to discover more about the stars. They improved telescopes. 2. It was proposed to reduce the traffic congestion on the roads. The Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) Project was envisaged. 3. The rain water has to be conserved. A dam has to be built. 4. These days students want to become computer professionals. They study very hard. 5. The aircraft has been skillfully designed. It can fly at a speed of 3000 kmph. 6. The State Government took immediate measures. The Government wanted to control the growth of population.

Exercise VII Rewrite the sentence using so that 1. Fire extinguishers are painted red so as to make people see them clearly. 2. Bearing are used so as to reduce friction. 3. Complete the sentence using so that Helmets must be worn -----Exercise VIII Complete the sentence using the pattern used for verb+ing 1. A rheostat is used ----2. A radiator is used ----3. A barometer is used ----4. An ammeter is used ----5. A fax machine is used ----6. A generator is used ----7. A computer is used ----8. A hammer is used ----9. A seismograph is used ----10. A laboratory is used ----Exercise IX Rewrite the sentences using for the purpose of 1. The mechanic fitted a diesel engine in his car. He wanted to reduce the running cost. 2. The government introduced a new scheme. It aimed at improving the software industry. Exercise X Begin with The purpose or Rewrite using The purpose of 1. Bearings are lubricated to reduce the friction. 2. A safety valve is provided to allow excess pressure to escape. 3. Water tubes are fitted in a boiler in order to absorb some of the heat. 4. The metal is annealed in order to relieve some of the stresses. 5. The steam is superheated to ensure that it is fairly dry. 6. The metal is worked cold so as to obtain a more accurate finish. 7. Firebricks are used to minimize heat losses in the boiler. 8. A gauge is incorporated to measure the pressure in the boiler. 9. Pure feed-water is used in order to prevent the formation of deposits. 10. The test is made for the purpose of calculating the total temperature rise. 11. Forced circulation is made for the purpose of preventing the formation of steam pockets. 12. A large heating surface is provided for the purpose of increasing the amount of steam which is produced.

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