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Word Order

Put the words in the correct order in these scrambled (jumbled) sentences.

Directions (Qs. 1 to 5) : In these items, some parts of a sentence have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these jumbled parts labelled P, Q, R and S to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence from the alternatives (a), (b), (c) and (d). 1. The Government wants to know when the patient was admitted to hospital/ (P) and/ (Q) got totally paralysed /(R) as per your instructions / (S) The proper sequence should be (a) P Q R S (b) P S Q R (c) S R Q P (d) R S Q P 2. I feel that the civic administration/ (P) is one proof / (Q) of the efficiency of / (R) cleanliness in the city / (S) The proper sequence should be (a) P Q R S (b) S R P Q (c) R S Q P (d) S Q R P 3. Today science has progressed barely conceivable / (P) at a rate / (Q) prior to our century / (R) to most people / (S) The proper sequence should be (a) Q P S R (b) R Q P S (c) Q P R S (d) S R Q P 4. The police who were stealing from the shop / (P) red-handed/ (Q) caught/ (R) the thieves / (S) The proper sequence should be (a) R S Q P (b) Q R S P (c) R Q P S (d) P Q R S 5. Indias most important naval battle between the Portuguese and the rulers of Calicut, / (P) with devastating consequences / (Q) off Diu / (R) was fought in February 1509 / (S) The proper sequence should be (a) P R S Q (b) P Q R S (c) S R P Q (d) R Q P S
1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c)

1. Do you play every week tennis? Every week do you play tennis? Do you every week play tennis? Do you play tennis every week? 2 I'm going to see him on Monday. I'm going on Monday to see him. I'm on Monday going to see him. I'm going to on Monday see him. 3 You are always quick to criticise me. Here she has worked for a very long time. For a very long time she has worked here. She has worked for a very long time here. She has worked here for a very long time. 4 You are always quick to criticise me. I want to speak English fluently really. I really want to speak English fluently. I really want to speak English fluently. I want to speak relly English fluently. 5 You are always quick to criticise me. Sally took to "The Bistrot" for lunch the auditors. Sally took the auditors to "The Bistrot" for lunch. Sally took for lunch the auditors to "The Bistrot". Sally took to "The Bistrot" the auditors for lunch. 6 You are always quick to criticise me. He has been in California since February 1997 working.

He has been working since February 1997 in California. He has since February 1997 been working in California. He has been working in California since February 1997. 7 You are always quick to criticise me. Please fill out with the details this form. Please with your details fill out this form. Please fill out your details with this form. Please fill out this form with your details 8 You are always quick to criticise me. I've heard some interesting information about our competitors. I've heard about our competitors some interesting information. I've heard some information interesting about our competitors. I've some interesting information about our competitors heard. 9 You are always quick to criticise me. Tom goes to work by car always. Tom goes always to work by car. Tom always goes to work by car. Tom always by car goes to work. 10 You are always quick to criticise me. I probably won't take the early train tomorrow. I won't take probably the earky train tomorrow. Iw on't take the earky train probably tomorrow. I won't take the probably early train tomorrow. 11 You are always quick to criticise me. I have always to remind her to send in the figures. I have to remind her to send always in the figures. Always I have to remind her to send in the figures. I always have to remind her to send in the figures.

12 You are always quick to criticise me. She has spoken never to me about it. She has spoken to me never about it. She has never spoken to me about it. She never has spoken to me about it. 13 You are always quick to criticise me. I haven't heard anything recently about them. I haven't heard anything about them recently. I haven't heard recently anything about them. I recently haven't heard anything about them. 14 You are always quick to criticise me. I him met on the plane home. I met him on the plane home. I him on the plane home met. I met on the plane him home. 15 You are always quick to criticise me. We found the solution to your problem soon. We soon found the solution to your problem. We found soon the solution to your problem. We found the solution soon to your problem. 16 You are always quick to criticise me. She ever hardly remembers to call. She remembers hardly ever to call. She hardly ever remembers to call. She remembers to call hardly ever. 17 You are always quick to criticise me. Jim has always been a joker. Jim has been always a joker. Jim has been a joker always.

Jim always has been a joker. 18 You are always quick to criticise me. I would have agreed never to that if I'd known. I would have agreed to that never if I'd known. I would never have agreed to that if I'd known. If I'd known, never would I have agreed to that. 19 You are always quick to criticise me. I've been many times there. I've been there many times. I've there been many times. I've been many there times. 20 You are always quick to criticise me. You always are quick to criticise me You are always quick to criticise me. You are quick always to criticise me. You are quick to criticise always me.

ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. D A D C B D D A C A D C B

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


References: 1. 2.

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