Reflective Blog

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12 JUNE 2012 - Introduction to the course and

basic concepts covered in the course Our first class for course Technology and Innovation in Education course we start with ice-breaking session during the first hour of the session. It start with the lecturer who introduced himself as Mohd Azrul Bin Azlan. After ice-breaking we registered as a members of group. By using My English group we can find out all the information about this course. Our lecturer also explained about our course assessment. Below are the details about our course assessment: Assessment For EDT 5303


Mid Term Test (20 marks) Mid term test students must answer 20 multiple choice question and it covers the topic of instructional design, learning theories and principles of visual. This mid term test is held on 3rd class/meeting.


Production of instructional multimedia (group work 55

marks) a) Students must develop an instructional multimedia using Power Point. The power point slides must include still images (original and non original), video (original and non original) and audio (narration or music or both). Details about the instructional multimedia:

Designing instructional material for teaching and learning Employing advanced features of power point Timing and precision is required A self running power point as end product. Presentation of power point a 10 minutes teaching session using the media The design and development must be based on Gagne nine events of instructions

(Marks = 40)


Presentation of multimedia (using Power Point) on the 5th and 6th class/meeting. Marks = 15


Blog for e-portfolio (group work 25 marks)

Students must create a blog for e-portfolio. Your blog must consist of your reflections, photos, videos, links and etc . Dead line for completion of the blog is 6th class/meeting. Details about creating blog: Creating a blog for teaching and learning Focusing on a specific subject End product is a ready to use blog Reflection on the process must be written in the blog. It is part of the assessment.


No examination in this course.

After our lecturer briefing the assessment for EDT 5303, we start to select group members for our project for designing powerpoint and blog. Our group members are Zuraidah Binti Nordin, Norhafidzah binti Ab Rahaman and Siti Hajar Binti Mohd Hussin. We come from KPM Ayer Molek, KPM Bandar Melaka and KPM Indera Mahkota. We hope we can work together and give full commitment to complate the task given. Our first class is interested because we learnt the something new about how to desingn blog and powerpoint by applying A.D.D.I.E model and GAGNEs Nine Events of Instructions. Sir Azrul also express that we need to ensure that our project must be students friendly and attractive because the user of our powerpoint and blog is our own students. As a conclusion for this class, we gain many knowlege about the lesson today. We hope we can learn more for next class. CLASS 2: 14 JUNE 2012 - Instructional theories, models, principles and systems. Lessons to be covered: Behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism as the bases for instructional theories governing the development, use and evaluation of instructional media. ADDIE model and Gagnes Nine Events of Instruction. Components and characteristics of instructional system

Categories of instructional systems, eg cooperative learning, games and etc.

The second class we start with the lecture about the topics of instruction theories, models, principles and systems. Learning about ADDIE model and Gagnes Nine Events of instruction. This topis was interesting because as a lecturer we can apply it this method while the teaching and learning process. This instruction able to help the lecture to prepare well and effective in the learning process. After we learnt this topic about A.D.D.I.E model and Ganges Nine Events of instructions we should realized and apply this model to our teaching and learning. Before the end of this class we do some revision for our midterm. We enjoyed the revision and able to answer the question given by discussion with other friends. As a conclusions, we gain a lot of information, knowlegde and experiences about the teaching skills. We hope we can share this knowledge with others lecturer and students to our college. We also can apply this knowledge in our teaching and learning process. CLASS 3: 15 JUNE 2012 - Midterm Examination & Designing Effective Instruction Using Blog The third class, we had sitted a midterm, alhamdulillah we managed to answer the questions very well because we did the revision in class. After the midterm test, our lecturer gave a lecture on how to design an effective blog. After one hour of lecture,we were given about one hour

to design our blog. Before we start designing the blog, we discuss in group and come out with an outline about the concept and content for the blog. We had to discuss among the group members to create the blog. Our group decided to choice topic promotion mix which is advertising for our blog. After decided the topic, we start searching information and material needed for our blog. The information we search about the types of commercial advertising, videos, pictures, powerpoint and note relate with topic and others. As a conclusion for today class, we had learnt how to create the blog. We are very interested to create our blog because this blog are related the subject our teaching. based on this blog, its able to help our students to find the new information and we also can sharing a lot information to other people. CLASS 4: 18 JUNE 2012 Using powerpoint to enhance

teaching and learning. Today class we had to learnt how to make powerpoint in an effective visual aids. The most important thing to design powerpoint slides is to ensure there is less animation and text because less is more. The powerpoint must be followed the model of Ganges Nine Events of instructions. We should apply this model to create effective in teaching and learning process. Sir Azrul helps us on how to download a video from Youtube by using the

As a conclusion for today class, we had learn how to make powerpoint using the Ganges Nine Events of instructions. This model is very interesting because its able to gain attention of students. CLASS 5: 20 JUNE 2012 Group presentation Our classmate have group presentation and we enjoyed with

them. Today also our group turn to present. Our group have a technical problem in early presentation because the video attached can not run smoothly. This is one of our mistake because we not prepared and test early before we start presentation. We though the video attach can run smoothly because we are already tested the video the night before. We learned from our mistake and hopefully for the next time we prepare well. As a conclusion, we enjoyed with group presentation today. We gain more knowlege and learn new method to make the powerpoint attractive. After the presentation we had learn about the new system is Dropbox. This system we use to share the folder information to other group or people. This system also can saving our folder safely. we also can use this system at our college.we can sharing the information with the others lectures and students. CLASS 6: 21 JUNE 2012 Group presentation (Last class) Today, our class we continued with others group presentation for the powerpoint slides. We gain more knowledge from the group presentation today. Before the end of the class we fill the form for the group evaluation and submit the assessment through www.myenglish.e-

celpad. We need to evaluate each members in our group. Alhamdulillah our group no have any problems and we works as a good team. As a conclusion for over all class, Sir Azrul advise us that we need to change our mind to accept technology as a part our life especially in teaching and learning process later on, because some of people they are difficult to apply the technology in their life. Using the technology we can make our life more knowledgeble and creative in teaching and learning process. This also can help us as a teacher to make the learning process become more interesting. Last but not least, we take a picture to capture a memorable moment with a sporting and high-tech lecturer. We are glad to have him as our lecturer in Technology and Innovation in Education subject.

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