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SELF-SURVEY Please read the instructions in each part carefully before proceeding. There is no right or wrong answer.

All we ask is that you answer each question as honestly as possible so that you can learn more about yourself. You will be given 20 minutes to complete the survey. Please take your time and answer all the questions. If you need any clarification, please raise your hand and wait for us to acknowledge and approach you. Please begin by giving us some background information about yourself by putting an X in the appropriate boxes. Age School: Grade / Year Level: Favorite Subject(s): Name at least one, at most three. 17 Xavier School High 4 Business & Management, Physics, ToK

Below are cases involving the contrasting views of two fictional characters: Jose and Pablo. Read the cases and the questions following them. For every item, choose the response that best expresses your response to the question by putting an X in the appropriate box. Please note that there is no right or wrong answer.

1. Jose believes that one mathematicians proof of the math formula is right. Pablo believes that another mathematicians proof of the math formula is right.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

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2. Jose believes that the universe was created by a supernatural being or power. Pablo believes that the universe was created out of a purely natural process. 3. Jose thinks the first piece of music they listened to is better. Pablo thinks the second piece of music they listened to is better.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

4. Jose has one view of why criminals keep going back to crime. Pablo has a different view of why criminals keep going back to crime.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

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5. Jose accepts one books explanation of how the brain works. Pablo believes another books explanation of how the brain works.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

6. Jose thinks lying is wrong. Pablo thinks lying is permissible in certain situations.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

7. Jose thinks the first book they both read is better. Pablo thinks the second book they both read is better.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

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8. Jose agrees with one books explanation of how children learn language. Pablo agrees with another books explanation of how children learn language. 9. Jose thinks people should take responsibility for themselves. Pablo thinks people should work together to take care of each other.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

10. Jose thinks the first painting they looked at is beautiful. Pablo thinks the second painting they looked at is beautiful.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

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11. Jose thinks the government should limit the number of children families are allowed to have to keep the population from getting too big. Pablo thinks families should have as many children as they choose.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

12. Jose thinks one books explanation of why World War II began is right. Pablo thinks another books explanation of why World War II began is right.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

13. Jose has a particular belief about what happens after death. Pablo subscribes to a different belief about the afterlife.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

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14. Jose believes one books explanation of what atoms are made up of. Pablo believes another books explanation of what atoms are made up of.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

15. Jose has a specific belief about God. Pablo conforms to a belief different and even contrary to Joses belief.

Can only one of their views be right, or could both have some rightness? (A) ONLY ONE OF THE VIEWS IS RIGHT (B) BOTH VIEWS CAN BE RIGHT TO SOME DEGREE If your answer is (B): Can one view be better or more right than the other? (A) YES, one view CAN be more right than the other. (B) NO, one view CANNOT be more right than the other.

What did you think of the survey? Was it hard/easy to answer? An interesting aspect of this survey is the range of the questions; from book opinions to higher powers to death even. Once ridiculed by the masses for their heliocentric beliefs, Aristarchus of Samos exclaims, Whos laughing now? And really, all it took was one man who thought differently. Thinking differently could thus be a trend that would reconcile man in the future, providing answers to questions that plague mankind today. All we have to do is question peoples beliefs and ask why they believe it to be right, and logically prove them wrong (or less Right). The aspect I found most difficult to deal with is the equal vagueness of the questions and answers. What determines if something is Right? Is it universal acceptance or can it be something more personal, possibly more thought out, an idea ahead of its time. But in surveys like this, it s so much easier to stay vague, for its in this ambiguity where we can inject our own thoughts, emotions, and prejudices; ultimately (although similar A or B questions on paper) letting each participant own his choice, and own it individually, and own it with purpose.

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