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COLEGIUL NAIONAL tefan cel Mare Suceava


1. Introduction .........3 2. What is freemasonry ...4 3. Why does Freemasonry not admit women? 4 4. Why are Freemasons so Secretive? .4 5. Why is Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth so important in Freemasonry .......5 6. How does somebody become a Mason? .....5 7. Stucture of the Degrees within Freemasonry ..6 8. Famous masons .......7 9. The New World Order ....9 10. Conclusion ..10 11. Bibliography ...11 12. Annex ..12

Introduction How little we know of the scale of eternity, but we still dare to challenge the enormity of such wisdom and creation. We live in a multidimensional universe, part of an infinite consciousness called God and even though nowadays people have a tendency of denying his existence, there are some people organized in a brotherhood called freemasonry, that relates to the divinity, and his contributory role in the world. During my previous summer holiday I met a special person to me, that opened my eyes in what concerns the world nowadays, paving my way towards different topics like esoteric knowledge, which is also known as the Illuminatis greatest weapon, Illuminati representing just another branch of Freemasonry and the New World Order. As summer passed by, I was getting more and more interested in this subject and Ive decided to share my few developments to others that might be interested in it, too.

As you will find out in my short presentation, Ive been surprised to find out that there is a secret government that is running our world, that the use of debt and wars as a means of control was exactly what the manipulators had always planned1. Another aspect of this secret society that astonished me is that its members were very important people such as George Washington or Franklin Roosevelt, who managed to impose subliminal esoteric signs and quotes in the history of the country, like the one dollar bill. The approach to the history of Freemasonry I spread in this lecture is one that reflects only my point of view towards this subject. Despite the fact that freemasonry is of British origin, and is perhaps one of the cultural phenomena of British origin which has had the biggest international impact, the importance of its historical and cultural heritage in Britain has been largely neglected.

The Illuminati Protocols


What is Freemasonry? As we all know, Freemasonry is one of the most important secret societies which have appeared since the ancient times, as some historians believe. The origin of Freemasonry is very unclear, being often attributed to King Solomon and the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem 2, or it is sometimes inferred that this brotherhood is a direct descendent of the Knights Templar3. Even though The Halliwell Manuscript, or Regius Poem, believed to date back to 1390, seems to make references to several concepts and phrases similar to those found in Freemasonry, its historical foundation dates to 1717, after the formation of the Grand Lodge of England. These fraternities existed primarily to pay for prayers for the souls of their members, but increasingly, particular fraternities were favoured by certain groups of craftsmen, and they began to assume responsibility for trade regulation. Freemasonry is a male fraternity dedicated to the spiritual development of the iniate into a broader sense of the self, how he relates to the Divine, and his contributory role in the world. During my documentation Ive found out that todays lodges often have a special account set aside for charitable activities. Each Mason is expected to contribute to this account. This account is used to help members who face financial difficulty, and is also used to send condolences to members windows or bereaved loved ones. Some Masonic Districts have a Chairman of Benevolence, a person whose job it is to help Masons in need and to make recommendations about use of the money accumulated in each lodges account. Why does Freemasonry not admit women? The fraternity has remained a mainly all male fraternity, the exclusion of women being predicated on issues like distractions in a predominant male environment or the belief in purism of ritual practice. Still, women Freemasons do exist, with their own unique ritual practices and philosophies that are similar to the Regular Freemasonry. Why are Freemasons so Secretive? Being supposed to be a secret, many masons will choose not to answer questions about the fraternity. A common reaction to this idea is that Freemasonry is a Society with Secrets, rather

Freemasonry through Six Centuries, Vol I, pg.6 The History of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey

than a Secret Society. There are aspects to Freemasonry that are kept and told only to those who pass the initiations and ceremonies, in order to keep them in a perspective meaning. But is it honest to be so secretive? To answer this question, Ill use a declaration of an Ex 33 degree Mason, Jim Shaw, who says in his book, The Deadly Deception, page 149: "The Mason swears to keep the secrets of another Mason, protecting him even if it requires withholding evidence of a crime. In some degrees treason and murder are expected; in other, higher degrees, there are no exceptions to this promise to cover up the truth. The obligations, if the Masonic teachings are believed, may require a Mason to give false testimony, perjure himself or (in the case of a judge) render a false verdict in order to protect another Mason.. Why is Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth so important in Freemasonry? These three virtues are the foundation of Freemasonry. As John Sebastian Marlowe Ward, another ex Freemason, affirmed: By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human race as one family the high, the low, the rich, the poor who, being inhabitants of the same planet, support and protect each other. Relief means that every Mason is forced to relieve the suffering of any Master Mason they encounter, and also to act charitably towards society. The truth, is represented by the Divine, in its multiplicity and diversity, as understood by all men. How does somebody become a Mason? Im sure that most of us have heard about 2B1ASK1. If you dont know a member of a lodge, you can complete the request for information form and someone will contact you regarding membership, but only after youre ready to join. Some of the qualifications are: * belief in the existence of the Supreme Being * loyalty to your country * dedicated to providing for your family * you must be willing to sign a Petition, stating your age, occupation and place of residence * you must be a man at least 21 years of age (18 in some jurisdictions, like in our country) * you must be of good moral character It can take from six months to eighteen to be accepted, depending on your interest, ability and time. It could theoretically be faster or longer, depending on how one applies himself. Of course there some costs involved, separated into two categories: joining fees almost 150$ - and annual dues around 200$/year, but it depends from lodge to lodge. Taking the total cost into consideration, is it desirable to join the Lodge? Through my eyes, the answer is very clear. Paying all those fees is only some minor investment. The main argument for joining consist in establishing strong ties with other men, a sense of camaraderie with Masonic Brothers. Other aspects that have to be taken into account are business connections: Masons will more likely do business with other masons. More than that, Masons hold considerable power worldwide, and positions of power in government and military are awarded to brother masons. Last but not least, there is a strong Sense of Pride: learning secrets and having special knowledge that the rest of the public does not have.

Stucture of the Degrees within Freemasonry As we all know, in every organization there must be a structural hierarchy, in order to maintain discipline. In view of this order, Freemasonry is structured in degrees: * Symbolic Degrees 1 Entered Apprentice 2 Fellow Craft 3 Master Mason * Ineffable Degrees 4 Secret Master 5 Perfect Master 6 Intimate Secretary 7 Provost and Judge 8 Intendant of the Building 9 Master Elect of Nine 10 Elect of Fifteen 11 Sublime Master Elected 12 Grand Master Architect 13 Master of the Ninth Arch 14 Grand Elect Mason * Historical Degrees 15 Knight of the East, or Sword 16 Prince of Jerusalem * Philosophical Degrees 17 Knight of the East and West 18 Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M. * Traditional and Chivalric Degrees 19 Grand Pontiff 20 Master ad Vitam 21 Patriarch Noachite 22 Prince of Libanus 23 Chief of the Tabernacle 24 Prince of The Tabernacle 25 Knight of the Brazen Serpent 26 Prince of Mercy 27 Commander of the Temple 28 Knight of the Sun 29 Knight of St. Andrew 30 Grand Elect Knight Kadosh 31 Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander 32 Sublime Prince of The Royal Secret

* Official Degree 33 Sovereign Grand Inspector General

Famous masons: In Canada : 1. Sir john Alexander MacDonald First Canadian Prime Minister. St. Johns Lodge No. 758, Kingston, Ontario 2. Sir Robert Borden led Canada as Prime Minister throughout the First World War and led the Canadian delegation at the Paris Peace Conference 3. Sir Arthur William Currie commanded the First Canadian Corps in France in the War of 1914-1918 PREMIERS OF ONTARIO: Arthur Sturgis Hardy (1896-99), Sir George William Ross (18991905), Sir William Howard Hearst (1914-19), Ernest Charles Drury (1919-23), George Howard Ferguson (1923-30), George Stewart Henry (1930-34), Mitchell Frederick Hepburn (1934-42) Gordon Daniel Conant (1942-43), Harry Corwin Nixon (1943) and others. FREEMASON US PRESIDENTS: George Washington , James Monroe, Andrew Jackson James Knox Polk, David Rice Atchison, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and others. Signers of the Declaration of Independence who were Freemasons 1. Benjamin Franklin 10. Philip Livingston 2. Elbridge Gerry 11. Joseph Hewes 3. John Hancock 12. Robert Treat Paine 4. William Hooper 13. Thomas McKean 5. Richard Stockton 14. John Penn 6. Matthew Thornton 15. Lyman Hall 7. George Walton 16. William Ellery 8. William Whipple 17. Thomas Nelson, Jr 9. Roger Sherman Josiah Bartlett Signators to the U.S. Constitution (1789): - George Washington - Benjamin Franklin - Rufus King - John Blair - Gunning Bedford Jr. Later became Freemasons: Jonathan Dayton James McHenry William Patterson

- John Dickinson - Jacob Broom - David Brearley - Daniel Caroll

Signators of the U.S. Articles of Confederation (1781): 10 Freemasons Generals in George Washington's Continental Army: 34 Freemasons Presidents of the Continental Congresses (1774-89): Peyton Randolph of Virginia (1st) John Hancock of Massachusetts (3rd ) Henry Laurens of South Carolina Arthur St. Clair of Pennsylvania. As it can be seen in the list of Famous Freemasons, the members of this brotherhood played an important role in the course of the history and they might still have the same role nowadays. To my mind, most world leaders were Freemasons because Freemasonry produces only the finest men, men of virtue and intelligence.


The New World Order Even though there are more conspiracy theories than evidences supporting this idea, it is common knowledge that nowadays, the tycoons of the world have a tendency to establish some systems of control, in order to control the slave class to support them. In fact, George W. Bush 4 stated in a State of the Union address in 1991, What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea-a new world order. It seems that this idea has been put into practice, by some magnates of the world like David Rockefeller5, Rotschild family67, The Queen Sofia of Spain, prince Charles of England, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and others, who have united into an organization named Bilderberg, a power center that brings together elite economic, financial, political, military and intellectual world in order to achieve absolute power. A Victorian-era Prime Minister of Britan, Benjamin Disraeli, asserted in one of his declarations that "The world is governed by people far different from those imagined by the public." However, are they conspiring to create a New World Order? Ill answer this question with a quote of David Rockefeller: For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. Throughout its history, even though the club is denying its responsibility for the course of history, the Bilderberg Club have had the decisive word in events like the war in Vietnam, the Gulf War, the invention and support of euro, the bombing of Chechnya and even some critics do not hesitate to consider them directly responsible for 11th September. The purpose of 9/11 was to indoctrinate the people that Terrorism is our new challenge, and no one is safe. According to Prince Philip, depopulation is a key part of this plan: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation".

33rd degree mason

J.D. Rockefeller started his Standard Oil Company in 1853 to produce the fuel for oil lamps, but, as the potential for oil was realised, it became a global company with tremendous power. In the early years of this century, the Rockefeller empire encompassed scores of other industries and interests, including railways and banks. They owned or controlled the National City Bank, the Hanover National Bank, the United States Trust Company, and leading insurance companies like Equitable Life and Mutual of New York.

The House of Rothschild is a European dynasty, of German-Jewish origin, that established European banking and finance houses starting in the late 18th century

The Rothschilds had played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati


Conclusion The human mind is quite unique it acts as a camera capturing what it sees and converts this into our perception. But often two people can have differing perceptions about the same thing. As we all know, nowadays people see Freemasonry in different ways, so Ive tried to get closer to the truth by going straight to the source, writing a mail to one of the UKs lodge. As I expected, they didnt give me a proper perspective about this organization, but more like a general overview. This bibliographical research took me almost two months, reading and collecting information. Of course, I should probably thank one of my friends, maybe my best friend, a Macedonian, Goran, who in spite of his work, spared some time in order to help me with the research. Being more familiar with the theme, he could explain me in a proper way the things I couldnt understand. It has not been easy work, but I am happy that I went through it. I do not have the claim that I know all about Freemasonry but I enjoyed what I have learned by preparing this paper. As I exhibited in my study, Freemasonry's real impact on America is richer and more significant than anything that speculation would hold. You can see that the American history was written by important freemasons like Benjamin Franklin or George Washington and it is still being written by nowadays freemasons. This being said, I will sum up my piece of work by expressing my point of view towards Freemasonry. Even though freemasons say they are nothing more than a brotherhood who meet regularly for spiritual and intellectual enlightenment, and conduct all kind of charitable activities, through my eyes Freemasonry remains not an occult organization, but more like a powerful one that is addicted to control.


Bibliography This is a list of the books and web-sites you may wish to consult for more detailed information of specific subject areas. To my mind they contain some excellent research and might give you a better perspective about Freemasonry that I have managed to reveal in so few words. Allen, Gary; The Rockefeller File Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Icke, David; And The Truth Shall Set You Free Mullins, Eustace; The World Order, Our Secret Rulers



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