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Families and the Church

Bobservations June 17, 2012

by Pastor Bob Lawrenz Family. Couples. Babies. In a few weeks I will have the privilege of presiding over the wedding vows of two young couples. One of the brides is my niece, so it will be a particular blessing to marry her off to her beloved. But with both couples, as they begin their lives together, decisions and plans will be made to bring their dreams to pass. New young families dont just happen; they are planned, though some planning is quite spontaneous. Some are prepared very well, knowing that children are the desire of both the hearts of a young couple. Others are less prepared, but once it is known that a little one is on the way, the planning gets kicked into high gear! Pauls words to the Church in Ephesus make it clear that there is a correlation between families and the church. Ephesians 5:20-33 speaks of the relationship between husband and wife, but in verse 32, he says, This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church. Planning! And, more planning precedes: In Ephesians 4:11 Paul speaks more clearly to the Church; And He gave some, Apostles, and some, Prophets; and some Evangelists; and some Pastors and teachers. This Fathers Day weekend, we have the chance to see this mystery that Paul speaks of come fully into play. Pastors, literally, shepherds take their flocks from green pasture to green pasture. To put it nicely, the sheep have been in that field before! Its green now because of past fertilization! Healthy sheep beget sheep! The Rock the Lakes Festival, and its Evangelist Franklin Graham, continues a long tradition of sharing the Gospel message to thousands of sheep who need good healthy food upon which to chew. We have hundreds of Pastors and Teachers in the region, but Evangelists seem rarer. The Festival has long been in the planning stages, but this weekend, the baby will be born. Thousands have been praying for the New Believers in the Greater Rochester Area. Baby Christians are coming. We should each be praying in turn that every New Believer would find the Church Families that Jesus entrusts their growth and nurture to. Like young parents, we have planned on this birth arrival, the delivery, and the nurture necessary for healthy young Believers. Wonder Bread used to promote itself as Building strong bodies in 12 ways. Jesus is our Bread of Life. He builds His Church to suit Him. Is our nursery ready? Are WE ready?! The harvest is ripe!

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 1 Corinthians 3:6

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