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Why English as a communication tool?

English is a language which is important, useful and

helpful for every citizen in today's world. By learning English, we can develop four important skills like:

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

and writing fluently in English. Also our way of pronunciation of different words will be improved if we learn good communication. We can make conversation, practice dialogues, give presentations if we learn English communication language skills. Communicating with people in English on a daily basis also improves our pitch & voice or tone of our speech; how to speak in a correct form & for correct usage. Advantages of learning English language communication is an endless list, creating possibilities each day to connect with people worldwide. With command over English language you can get jobs easily and can participate in interviews and discuss with people in a group about any particular important topic or aspect. English communication gains us wisdom and we can also gain lots & lots of knowledge by reading online magazines, newspapers, story books, essays, websites and journals and any of the greatest and famous writing written in English by poets, authors or leaders. Apart from being most important, widely used and useful, English is considered to be one of the easiest languages to learn and speak. With daily practice, you can communicate well with others and improve your skills, show-off or expose your skills before others to impress and motivate them to come up with their English language communications skills.

Knowledge of English is important as we can get to know how to frame sentences, how to use words in dialogues while speaking to others. As every word has a particular context where it fits right, using words in such a manner in English is a art that can only be mastered by practice. And with such command, we can easily communicate with others on any level. Mostly, listening and speaking improves our command on English language. Daily listening to english speakers and trying speaking in English, helps you to know how to use the language, where to use each word and when to use it in a correct manner. Concentration on learning English communication skills in this new millennium, is a tremendous move towards speaking

English act as a international communication languages English is the language of international business, the Internet, international commercial aviation, international maritime (marine) activities, the language in which international scientific and technological reports are written, the leading diplomatic language (even the French admit that now!), the common language whenever a group of foreign doctors get together. English is also the second language of choice of all significant countries, e.g., China, Russia and most Middle Eastern nations. English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world. We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language. We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries. English is very much important in our is necessary in each and every field. If we know English we never feel tongue tide in front of others. It's a widely spoken language. People English is important for business Nobody can deny that our 21st century world is an ever changing globalization world. It is the fact that people move around everywhere as long as their lives go on. English, a very well-known language, is used effectively all over the world. English communication skill is a most important factor to be successful in any business. Whether we realize it or not, we are now living in an information and communication technology world. In this digital age, computers can be seen populating everywhere. Eighty percent of computer data are processed and stored in English. Much satellite communication use English. Scientists have found out that five thousand newspapers, more than half of the newspapers published in the world, are published in English. Even in many countries where English is a minority language, there is still at least one newspaper in English. English is also very important for doing travelling business. As you can see most information that you have received from foreign countries are in English. English is spoken in large hotels and tourist attractions, at airports, and in shops that tourists crowd at. There are newspapers printed in English, and TV news is available in English. Tours are almost always available in English. Even in countries where few people speak English on the street, people who work with tourists generally speak English. As you can see, communication skills in English connect people to the world's understanding. Communicating in English in our globalizing world allows us to become a successful person. It can allow you to understand people all over around the world, gain knowledge from new technologies, and connect your understandings while travelling from places to places. If more and more young generations learn to communicate in English, there would surely be no limitation in the globalizing world. take pride in speaking English .if we don't know English, we will leg behind the other. English is a need of hour. Today we can't deny the importance of English in our life. To anyone who lives in an English speaking country, it is of vital importance. Language is always very important, because it is the means of communication. If you cannot speak the language of a place, it will be very difficult to communicate with the people. And so it is an absolute necessity. We communicate with others every day. Weather we just say 'hello' or have a long conversation, or weather we give or follow instructions, or weather at home or at the shop or in the workplace. Communication is a tool for everyday life-Everyone uses it every day. And language makes it a whole lot easier, so everyone learns to speak their native language. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and if you know how to speak it, it will be an invaluable tool of communication. You can develop your knowledge for betterment of your knowledge. As long as you educate yourself, you will come across many new things. There is no end for learning.

The English language is nobodys special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself. Derek Walcott

English- a necessary tool of communication

I think that the English language is so vitally important because it is spoken in so many parts of the world. Businesses, educational domains, academic domains, and even realms that deal with security all use English as a language of communication. In a practical sense, one could survive without English, but with the globalized nature of the world and commerce, knowledge of English is quite essential. In terms of the appreciation of language and literature, knowledge of English is extremely important in understanding some of the best writings offered. This is not to say that other languages do not possess the same amount of introspection and talent. Far from it. Yet, the knowledge of English could help to open many professional and literary doors.

If you can communicate in English, you can contact people from all over the world, talk about your ideas and opinions on Internet discussion groups, send e-mail to interesting people, and learn about their life and culture. Secondly, you can travel more easily by communicating with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a conversation, or ask for help. As you know that English is an international language, which is spoken by a majority of population in the world. So you do not have to worry about being totally misunderstood when you visit a new place or country.

More than a billion people around the world speak English language. Most of the international conferences, seminars and trainings are in English. The language is considered to be an international medium of communication. It is important to use English language so that we can communicate with other people outside of the country you are living in. You can travel to any English speaking country and not need a translator. Its hard to travel to a different country and not know the language. Travel and tourism around the world is carried out in English. If you are planning a holiday to a foreign country you will probably be speaking English not only at the airport but also in the country itself.

Almost all international conferences and competitions are conducted in English. For example, the Olympics and the Miss World contest. Diplomats and politicians from different countries use English to communicate with each other. English is the main language of organizations like the United Nations, NATO, and the European Free Trade Association.





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