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Name: Date:

LEVEL 5 SPEECH 1Introducing Ourselves to the Universe

Have you ever wondered if we are alone in the universe, or if life exists on other planets? These questions have puzzled and perplexed humanity for generationsand the questions continue to go unanswered because we can not visit the whole of the universe to investigate for ourselves. If there is life on other planets, what message would you send them? What would you place on board a spacecraft to communicate the diversity and hugeness of Earths shared culture? In 1977, the U.S. space program, NASA, sent a spacecraft on a one-way journey to outer space. The spacecraft was named Voyager. Part of Voyagers mission was to carry items that would communicate to aliens the richness and diversity of life on the planet Earth. Now, the United Nations is planning another spacecraft in the Voyager series: Earth Ambassador 1. Directions: For this speech, you and your group of specialists will decide what five items to send on the spacecraft that will best represent the diversity of life on Earth. As with any spacecraft, size and weight are limited. In your selections you need to be specific and consider the following factors as you prepare for your speech: What represents the best of humanity? Why do you think your items would be good to send? How would each item be understood by people who didnt speak any of Earths languages? How can you explain to your classmates why you are sending the particular item? Preparation: Brainstorm a list of five (5) possible things that will fit within the canister your group has been provided. Share your list with your group and see if there are any that you agree on. If not, work together in your group to come up with a list of five items that you all agree on. Remember, the more you practice explaining to your peers in English, the more prepared you will be for your presentation. Before the presentation day, you need to make sure to have your visual aid ready so that we can weigh it and make sure it does not exceed the maximum weight. Visual Aid: You will need to pack the space cylinder with your items to show your classmates; this will be your primary (required) visual aid. In addition, as an option, you may prepare a PowerPoint which is simple and to the point. If you choose to use a PowerPoint, please be sure to proofread it for spelling and grammar errors before presenting it (you may e-mail it to me on the day before class if you would like my input). Also, please be sure that your PPT is ready to load onto the classroom computer within the three minutes that we will have between presentations. Any delays will cause you to lose points. Time Limit: Between 10-15 minutes. Per minute you are short or over the time-limit you will lose one (1) letter grade. Thus, a B would become a C if you present for 9 or 16 minutes. Also, any visual or audio used in your presentation will count toward the time limit (I expect that you will make minimal use of these tools and not show us 15 minutes of video). Additional Information: Please feel free to ask for help if you need it. If you are unable to find a particular item to include in your cylinder, please let me know so that we can either locate one or come up with an alternate plan. All items that are put in the cylinder as visual aids will be returned to the group members who submitted them after the speech is completed. You are responsible to take care of your cylinder until the project is completed. Do not expect that I will store your cylinder or its contents in the office. Presentation Dates: We will be presenting on Monday-Wednesday of next week and I expect everyone to be ready.

Photograph of Voyager II (from an online source)

Homework for February 2, 2010: Write down one or two questions you have about this assignment. (If you have a question it is possible that other people have it too!)

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