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Opera internet browser

Opera is an internet browser which is as popular as Firefox too.This application is widely used by almost 700millions internet users in the world.This browser handles many internetrelated tasks such as viewing websites,managing communication,chatting on IRC,downloading BitTorrent file using BitTorrent download manager & reading web feeds.Opera is a multi-platform browser.Meanwhile,Opera Mini can b used by handphones which r Java-supported.Opera is also available in many languages. OK...back to the main business!B4 starting the revelation of Opera,let me tell u that Windows Media Player 9 in mini mode has been shot randomly in some screenshots here.I xplain this so that u won't feel strange. The greatness Opera is having the mouse gestures to ease the webpages navigation.Below is the screenshot of the mouse gestures.

I won't xplain too much about this feature.U must discover it by yourself.

Another feature of Opera is having many interesting skins/themes.There r only 2 readily-available skins in Opera installer which r Opera Standard & Windows Native Skin.To change the theme,just press Shift+F12.Here,u can donlod many themes by clicking Find more skins.many themes support Aero properties & really suitable 4 Aero editions of Windows 7.The locations of the stored skin packs r C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Opera\Opera\skin and C:\Program Files\Opera\skin.

Next,Opera has the Tab Peeking feature.U can peek the passive tabs by hovering the pointer on those tabs.This feature is truly similar 2 the Aero peek feature for Windows 7 of Aero edition.

If u're too lazy too peek the tabs,u can enlarge the tab bar as shown my the following screenshot.

Tab bar is movable & can b placed whether in the above,below,right or left of inside space of browser.The original position of tab bar is the upper region.


The tab located in the tab bar located on the right & left section can b further minimized until the contents on those tabs disappear. Opera also has many amazing xtensions.U can donlod & install the extensions depending on ur needs.

Another gr8 feature of Opera is havin the ability to block elements such as images,flash contents,etc.U can block images/contents that u don't want using this feature.

B4 blocking

Blocking process

Finished blocking

Opera has the Turbo feature which enables webpages to b donloded faster than normal.........This feature is the advantage of computer which r connected to high & medium speed internet............However,this feature can't b used if the internet connection that u're using is ridiculously slow!!!!!!!

There r several ways to open a new tab.The most popular way is by using the Ctrl+T keyboard shortcut.If u want to use the mouse,just c the following screenshot.

That's the way to open it............Now,it's the time to close........To close the current tab,just hit Ctrl+W.To close the other tab(s),c the following screenshot.

The following shows the Speed Dial tab.U'll b in this tab each time u open a new tab.Speed Dials enable u to store the URLs of webpages that u always visit in thumbnails form.

U can add a new speed dial by clicking the last box with the

+ sign.

Want to know how to put & change the background,resize the speed dial boxes,resize

the background and hide the speed dial adder[+] box??Click the spannar symbol on the right-upper part of the speed dials tab to do some settings.

U can go to the websites which have been assigned their own speed dials by pressing Ctrl+<Position of speed dial box of that website>. C the following screenshot for more understanding.

Another reason of me introducing Opera is bcoz it has the e-mail manager.By the availability if this feature,u can read & send ur e-mails without visiting the site of that email(but,u must hv ur computer connected 2 the internet to send & receive e-mail).The following screenshot shows the Opera e-mail manager.

As same as the other browsers,u can find words in websites using the Ctrl+F keyboard shortcut.While u're searching for the word,the webpage will b darkened.The found word will b yellow-highlighted whereas the active finding is greenly highlighted.

Opera enables u to regulate the viewing size of webpages.There is a zooming slider in the right-lower section of the browser.

To neutralise the webpage viewing size(100% zooming),just hit Ctrl+0(0=4-4). Other than using the zooming slider,u can also can hit Ctrl+Rotate the mouse wheel to control the viewing size of webpage. To move from tab to tab,there r 2 ways either by using the keyboard or the mouse. MOUSE To move using mouse,just right-click+rotate the mouse wheel. KEYBOARD To move using keyboard,hit Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab.

The following screenshot shows the movement from tab to tab if u do either one of the movement method above.

While the tab-changing box is being shown,u can click any tab that u want to switch to.

A tab can b moved along the tab bar.Just click on the tab that u want to move & drag to the location that u want to place it.

Sometimes,there r too many tabs which we open & they'll look messy!Therefore,Opera has the Tab Stack feature that enables us to gather some tabs into the same tab stack.Just drag a tab halfway.Then,release it.Thus,the tabs will b stacked.C the following screenshot.

The stacked tab can b expanded by clicking the small arrowhead leading to the right direction as shown in the following screenshot.

The tabs in the same stack which r xpanded can b united again by the following instruction in the screenshot below.

To unstack(terminate) a collapsed tab stack(united tabs/all in 1),right-click on it.If it's in the expanded form,just right-click on any tab in it.Then,choose Tab Stack.Lastly,click Unstack.

A tab can be lifted to b opened in a new Opera window(bring it to the taskbar)/moved to other Opera window(insert to the tab bar of another Opera window).A website can also b reloaded if u lift the tab of that site & release it in the same window. Similar to other applications,Opera can b crazy sometimes.The typical problems such as not responding is normal expecially for computers which r low in RAM capacity and slow processor.Sometimes,Opera can stop suddenly like a sh*t.If this happens,the following window will appear.

What to do if the above window appears?Don't b panic!Relax.........It's ez!!In that comment box,u can type ur details of disatisfactions...Any dirty word is encouraged!! Then,type ur e-mail address in the Contact e-mail: box so that the Operist(Opera developers team) can reply(if they want to do so).To close this dialog box,just choose Full restart....The error report can b sent or not.However,don't click the View Report button.If u do so,then a Notepad window containing the error report will b opened.The opening process takes a looooong time to finish.The Noetpad wondow might stop responding when this happens. OK.....This is the last paragraph....Any elaboration after this point is fatal for me... Q^Q U need to xplore the other features by yourself........Bye-ni!!

Sakata Gintoki
Kantoi Dah,Sakata Gintoki;Copyright Protected 2012.

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