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Kushal Haran English 10 Ritchie 5/15/12 Lit Log 4 Questions 1.

How will exile change Okonkwos thoughts about reputation 2. What will the conflict develop to and will the exile actually be a blessing in disguise? 3. Will Okonkwo start liking Enzima more since in the new village, they seem to value women more?

Quotes He [Maduka] will do great things, Okonkwo said. If I had a son like him I should be happy. I am worried about Nwoye. A bowl of pounded yams can throw him in a wrestling match. His two younger brothers are more promising. But I can tell you, Obierika, that my children do not resemble me. If Ezinma had been a boy I would have been happier. She has the right spirit (124).

This quote is a very important one because it expounds on the recurring theme of gender inequity and the degradation of women. Right here Okonkwo is disappointed in his sons especially Nwoye. The reason Okonkwo specifically cites is that his son is a poor wrestler and isnt at all like Okonkwo. Ironically, he wishes his daughter were a son because her spirit is right for a man. This proves that the society is as iniquitous as it is superstitious. The way Okonkwo says if Ezinma had been a boy I would have been happier is clear that he only cares about men. Furthermore, the quote establishes a tone of melancholy and disappointment, as if Okonkwo is in 1

despair while he says the said statement. This only reifies the point that gender matters as much as it can because it is showing that being a woman can create an air of melancholy and darkness.

The Earth cannot punish me for obeying her messenger, Okonkwo said. A childs fingers are not scalded by a piece of hot yam which its mother puts into its palm(99).

This quote only illustrates the motif of proverbial communication in the story and how important sayings are to communicate things. Okonkwo uses a proverb to illustrate his point. He hopes he will not be scalded by the hot yam of killing Ikemefuna. But in a deeper sense he says the words with the hope that they might come true, because internally Okonkwo feels deeply guilty about killing his adopted son.

I think it is good that our clan holds the ozo title in high esteem, said Okonkwo. In those other clans you speak of, ozo is so low that every beggar takes it (167).

This quote elaborates on the major theme about how important reputation and respect are in Okonkwos mind, as well as the rest of the tribe. Okonkwo, because hes very proud of his strong reputation, is pleased that positions of respect in his community are publicly known and difficult to achieve. This means that his status in the community is an elite and meaningful accomplishment.

Reflection I think the story has gotten a lot more interesting since the beginning of the story since there is at least a conflict. Furthermore, the plot seems to be developing with more turns. However, I still feel like the book is still missing a major component of the plot such as a true conflict. In this 2

sense and many others, I feel like the book is very much like the movie Whaleriders because in that story there isnt really a major conflict. Moreover, the plot in Whaleriders includes the theme that women are worse than men and that gender inequity prevails and proliferates in tribes, just like in Things Fall Apart. I also think that the story is progressing a lot faster which makes me enjoy the story much more.

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