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ECE360: Op-Amp Circuits

This lab provides a first experience with operational amplifier circuits. In this lab you will first construct a non-inverting amplifier as well as a non-inverting amplifier. You will then use the non-inverting amplifier to construct a sine-wave signal generator. Please feel free to write your measurements on this lab handout. The notes that you use in performing this lab will be attached to your lab write-up.

Part 1 - An Inverting Amplifier

In this first part you will construct the amplifier illustrated below. First obtain the resistors, measure the actual values and predict the amplifier gain, assuming the op-amp open-loop gain is very large.
R1 = R2 = Vo Av-predict = ---- = Vs

Figure 1: An inverting amplifier Next, use a signal generator to produce a 1KHz sine-wave that is approximately 1.0 volts peak to peak. Make sure the signal generator offset voltage feature is turned off so the sinewave appears centered about zero volts. Using an oscilloscope, produce a hard copy output illustrating both the input and output wave forms. Measure the input and output voltages, peak to peak.
Vs (pk-pk) = Vo (pk-pk) = Vo Av-actual = ---- = Vs Av-predict - Av-actual Diff-Err = ------------------------ *100% = Av-actual

Finally, calculate the percent difference error of the predicted value relative to the actual value.

Part 2 - A Non-Inverting Amplifier

obtain the resistors, measure the actual values and predict the amplifier gain, assuming the op-amp open-loop gain is very large.
R1 = R2 = Vo Av-predict = ---- = Vs

Figure 2: A non-inverting amplifier Use a signal generator to produce a 1KHz sine-wave that is approximately 1.0 volts peak to peak. Make sure the signal generator offset voltage feature is turned off so the sine-wave appears centered about zero volts. Using an oscilloscope, produce a hard copy output illustrating both the input and output wave forms. Measure the input and output voltages, peak to peak.
Vs (pk-pk) = Vo (pk-pk) = Vo Av-actual = ---- = Vs Av-predict - Av-actual Diff-Err = ------------------------ *100% = Av-actual

Finally, calculate the percent difference error of the predicted value relative to the actual value.

Sine-Wave Generator
In this next part, modify the non-inverting amplifier to convert it to the following circuit. The circuit generates a signal. Use the nominal values of C = 0.1uF and R = 1K to predict the signal generator frequency.
1 F-predict = -------------- = 2 * pi * R * C

Use an oscilloscope to examine the circuit output and produce a hard copy of the output.

Figure 3: A oscillator without gain stabilization To generate a so-called pure sine-wave, the amplifier circuit must provide the correct gain, exactly. The following circuit uses diodes to provide a variable gain that stabilizes the amplitude of the generated signal. Measure the frequency of the generated signal and calculate the percent difference error of the prediction relative to the actual value.
F-actual = F-predict - F-actual Diff-Err = --------------------- *100% = F-actual

Figure 1

Figure 4: An oscillator with gain stabilization The gain stabilization network should cause the circuit to produce a sine-wave that is fairly clean in appearance. Produce a hard-copy of the output signal.

The Write Up
Present your results in the body of your paper, attach hand written notes and equations in an appendix, at the end. Use the following listing as a starting point for your report.

Introduction Part 1 o Present the inverting amplifier, describing its closed loop gain o Summarize your inverting results in a table, with discussion o Attach the hard-copy output in the hard-copies appendix at the end, be sure the discussion refers to the figure Part 2 o Present the non-inverting amplifier, describing its closed loop gain o Summarize your non-inverting results in a table, with discussion o Attach the hard-copy output in the hard-copies appendix at the end, be sure the discussion refers to the figure Part 3 o Present the oscillator circuit, with and without gain stabilization o Summarize your results in a table, with discussion o Attach the hard-copies in the hard-copies appendix at the end, be sure the discussion refers to the figures Conclusion Appendix with hard copy printouts Original lab notes Sign off sheet

ECE360: Op-Amp Circuits Lab Sign-Off Sheet

Make sure to have a member of the teaching staff review your data and then sign and date the following. Student Name(s):

Any Necessary Comments:

Teaching staff member name and date:

This lab handout is written for engineering students at the University of Hartford. Copyright is reserved by the author, but copies of this document may be made for educational use as-is, provided that this statement remains attached. The author welcomes corrections, comments, and constructive criticism. Original Author: Jonathan Hill Copyright Date: Wed Apr 23 12:30:48 EDT 2003 Last revised: Wed Apr 23 12:30:48 EDT 2003

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