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Could you imagine the power could be generated by a teaching model on teaching and learning, and its effects on both teachers and students? The 3H (Head-on, Heart-on and Hands-on) model developed by Dr Tan Aimei is grounded in 5 learning theories. The power of this model is proven in the production of trainee teachers who are not only aspiring but the birth of three blogs, namely,, and including publication of a book, entitled Panduan Kerja Kursus Ilmu Pendidikan: idea, Contoh dan Aplikasi Teori. The 3H approach has now been further applied by by Dr Tan in areas of curriculum, course work and rubric design which is witnessed in the birth of Pentaksiran 3H as documented in the



In an effort

to produce teachers equipped with vision, passion and action

(competency), the author has conducted three years of action research in her classes and developed a teaching model, to be called the 3H Approach to Produce Competent Teachers. This paper illustrates the power of 3H as a teaching model and the transformation of her trainee teachers into reflective and competent practitioners. The incorporation of 3H in the authors training of teachers has given rise to an advancement in pedagogy and knowledge generation as well as enhancement in teacher

professionalism which is partially documented in the book Panduan Kerja Kursus Ilmu Pendidikan: Idea, Contoh dan Aplikasi Teori (Tan, 2010), and can be accessed from and

Another major contribution of 3H as a teaching model is its power to integrate the 5 learning theories: Heart-on illustrates the power of the Humanist approach in motivating learners towards realizing their potentials, Head-on develops the cognitive and the constructive capacity of learner as posited in the Cognitive and Constructive Theory, while Hands-on demonstrates the effect of Social Modeling and Behaviorist Theory which spells the charm of practice makes perfect. How to get 3H works effectively? In order to make teaching and learning effective, the author points out the need to pay emphasis to the sequencing of 3H and teaching to be activity oriented through cooperative learning approach, as well as an observation of knowledge culture and reflective practice by students. Teachers to assume the role as effective facilitators and students as active learners.

3H IMPLEMENTATION IN THE CLASSROOM The effectiveness of 3H model in producing competent and confident teachers lies in the emphasis in administering teaching and learning as a process. This model illustrates the art and science of producing effective teachers who are not only competent, but reflective and visionary as presented below. The use of 3H as an art refers to the use of creativity and resourcefulness in motivating and inspiring the subject teachers towards becoming reflective and enthusiastic, while the use of 3H as a science refers to the need in compliance to some rules and procedures in order to facilitate effective learning in students as presented below. In order to get the 3H model to work, an appreciation of the concepts as explained below is a prerequisite.

WHAT IS 3H? 3H stands for Head-on, Heart-on and Hands-on. Head-on exemplifies both the cognitive and constructive process, Heart-on exemplifies the essence of both the humanist approach and social modeling while Hands-on exemplifies the demonstration of modeling and the behaviorist approach entailing the philosophy of practice makes perfect. In greater detail:

Head-on refers to the use of head to acquire knowledge and develop concept process and thus a development of strategy towards problem solving in the execution of tasks. It enables students engaging in practices like reading, internet search, discussion and thus a development of an inquisitive mind and hence thinking capacity and VISION. In the author's teaching class, trainee teachers are required to prepare for tasks assigned, which include planning, discussion and acquisition of adequate knowledge for lesson delivery with activities that require a knowledge culture for which trainees must practice. This preparation will have a positive influence to gear teachers towards being resourceful and visionary.

Heart-on simply means get connected. In the process of teaching and learning, first of all, teachers must ensure they are connected to the students needs and state of being. In addition is to connect students with the learning curriculum. And more

importantly students are able to connect learning with themselves. In order to achieve such effect, teachers need to provide students with motivation and support, in particular, recognizing students potentials and urging them towards self-achievement through acts of self reflection and participation in activities. This requires instilling in subject teachers self-awareness and confidence which generate intrinsic motivation in subject teachers, thereby releasing their potentials in the teaching profession.

Hands-on is associated with direct involvement of subject teachers in planning, and execution of teaching and learning activities. Findings of the authors action research indicate that emphasis on the command of both thinking and people skills by the teacher consititutes the thrust towards the acquisition of all other related teaching task skills which include concept building, bridging students experience with learning, communicating, motivating, evaluating, facilitating, counseling etc.

The excerpt below demonstrates the perception of one of the trainee teachers towards 3H:
Apa itu 3H? Dalam konteks pendidikan 3H adalah salah satu cara atau skill dalam pelaksanaanpengajarandanpembelajaran.Handsonadalahmaklumatyangdiberikan secaralangsungkepadapelajarpadaketikaitujugadenganjawapanyangkonkritdan 4

kritikalyangmanacarainilebihberkesan.Headonadalahmaklumatyangdisampaikan berdasarkan kepada unjuran kognitif yang tinggi oleh pelajar dan dibantu oleh guru. Contohnyamencabarkognitifpelajardenganpersoalanpersolalanyangkritikaldengan subjek yang mana secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan daya fikir pelajar untuk berfikir dengan lebih kritis, kreatif dan reflektif lagi. Seterusnya Hearton adalah pengajarandanpembelajaranyangberkonsepkankasihsayang.Konsepinimerupakan antara salah satu peneguh yang paling berkesan dalam mendidik dan membentuk perilaku murid yang bermasalah kerana melalui kasih sayang, ia seterusnya boleh menjadisalahsatumotivasiinstrinsikkepadamuriduntukterusbersemangatdalam P&Pdankehidupanmereka. (Abdul Mat Azilah : 2009)

As noted by one of the trainee teachers, Wan , The 3H approach is actually grounded in the 5 Learning theories as described in the excerpt below: Apa yang dapat saya simpulkan, ciriciri lima teori pembelajaran ada pada Dr. Tan. Beliau seorang yang menggunakan teori humanis dengan pandai ambil hati pelajar (Hearton), gunakanteoribehaviourisdenganmemberitugasanuntukpengukuhan(Handson),rolemodel untukkamisemuaiaituteoripembelajaransosial(Hearton),menggunakanteoripembelajaran kognitifdengansentiasabersoaljawabdanmenggunakanteorikonstruktivissupayakamidapat berfikirsecarametakognitif(thinkhowtothink)melaluihubungkaitideayangsediaadadengan ideayangbar(Headon).

The acquisition of both hard and soft skills, including a multitude of teaching

skills through the Head-on and Hands-on approach, will lead to the development of competent and confident teachers. This indirectly serves to professionally train and nurture teachers to be effective life-long learners and knowledge practitioners.


How does 3H Work? In order to make the 3H approach a success, the sequence of emphasis in the

shaping of teachers has to be commenced with the Heart-on, followed by Head on, and subsequently the Hands-on though the three elements interplay and inter-phase throughout the training process. This is because when teachers get inspired (heart-on), self intrinsic motivation will lead teachers to engage with thinking, planning and knowledge inquiry to establish goal including problem solving (Head-on).

Simultaneously, the full involvement of students with the doing of the task repetitively (Hands-on) will lead to the acquisition of the task skill and other generic skills. It is noted

that both thinking and people skills constitutes the thrust to facilitate the acquisition of the hands-on skills.

Figure 2: HOW DOES 3H WORK?

ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF 3H The charm of 3H is evident in its power to generate not only interest and enthusiasm, but motivation and processes in producing promising educators for teachers. This is indicated in the following journal excerpt ( see Tan: 2010, Chap 3) :
Bilamenyatakantentangprosespembelajaran,iamenunjukkankepadaperubahantingkah laku sebagai output. Jika tiada perubahan yang terjadi, maka proses pembelajaran tidak berjaya. ....Ini terjadi kerana perubahan diperlihatkan daripada tingkah laku. ... Dari aspek kognitif, saya mengalamai perubahan dalam gaya berfikir .... Saya juga merasakan banyak kelemahan diri seperti kurang yakin,malu,rendah diri telah berkurangan dari masa ke masa. Konsepkendiripositifsayaaplikasikandalamhidup. (MohdIzwan:2007,inTan:2010,Chap3) ... Disebabkan teknik pengajaran Dr. Tan yang pelbagai dan sudah pastinya menarik. Mengadakanlakonandanperbentangankumpulantelahmemotivasikansayauntukmendalami ilmu pendidikan. Selain itu pelajaran ini juga banyak perkaitan dengan diri sendiri. Saya dapat membuatpenilaiantentangdirisendiri.Motivasiinidinamakanmotivasiintriksik. (Hafizah:2007,inTan:2010,Chap3)

Gurumestilahpekadengankeperluansosioemosimurid.Muridsememangnyabolehmembaca keikhlasan seorang guru. Keikhlsan Dr Tan memberikan penghargaan dan peneguhan positif sememangnyamemberikanimpakkepadasaya.Sayalebihberkeyakinankinidarisebelumnya. Ini kerana saya mempunyai banyak kekurangan dan sering melihat orang lain lebih hebat daripadasaya.Sayasememangnyatidakpernahmengharapkanapaapauntukdirisaya.Namun kini,berkatpengajaranP&PDrTan,sayamempunyaimisiyangpalingpentinguntukmendidik anakmuridsayamenjadiinsanyangbergunakepadabangsa,agamadannegara. (Farah:KPLI:2008)

Impak secara heart on

Impak secara Head on

Sememangnya sekilas saya melihat, saya dapat membuat kesimpulan DrTansarat dengan pengetahuan dan dapat memberikan ideaidea yangbernas dengan hujahhujah dan bukti yanglengkap.Persiapan dan perancangan yangstrategiklah yangmenjayakan setiap apa yang ingin dilakukan. Dalam P&PDrTan,saya banyak berfikir secara lebih mencapah.Sebelum ini saya hanya melihat sesuatu dari 1aspek sahaja,namun kini,pemikiran saya mula berkembang dan mula mengambil kira banyak aspekaspek lain. Selain daripada itu,DrTan juga kelihatan cooltetapi mempunyai inisiatif lainsekiranya perancangannya gagal.Sebagai seorang guru,saya perlu lebih proaktif dan efektif.

F a r a h K o h o r t


keikhlasan seorang guru.Keikhlsan DrTanmemberikan penghargaan dan peneguhan positif saya menjadi insan yangberguna kepada agama,bangsa dan negara. Farah (FarahKohort KPLI/2008)

Gurumestilah peka dengan keperluan sosioemosi murid. Murid sememangnya boleh membaca

sememangnya memberikan impak kepada saya.Saya lebih berkeyakinan kini dari sebelumnya.Ini kerana

saya mempunyai banyak dan sering melihat orang lainlebih hebat dari saya.Saya sememangnya tidak

pernah mengharapkan apaapa untuk diri saya.Namun kini,berkat pengajaran p&p DrTan,saya

mempunyai misi yangpalingpenting untuk mendidik enam murid saya menjadi insaneyangberguna kepada bangsa,agamadan negara.mempunyai misi yangpalingpenting iaitu untuk mendidik anak murid

Kesedaran Perubahan Kewujudandalampenampiran diri


DrTan Aimei @IPIK' 2009

P L I / 2

Figure 2: The Impact of 3H on the Trainee Teachers as recorded in their Journal Wrtings

Slide 1: A forum with Dr Tan and post secondary trainee teachers in sharing differing views on the philosophy of education

Slide 2: A roleplay to demonstrate the impact of laisser faire parenting on children

Slide 3 (Video Clip) : A movie produced by three 18 year olds trainee teachers depicting issues of EQ confronting teenagers in the present Malaysian society









Slide 4: Innovative activities designed in teaching and learning demonstrated by Dr Tans trainee teachers.

In addition to the development of motivated trainee teachers, the power of 3H approach is evident in its contribution towards generation of knowledge and advancement in teaching pedagogy. This is clearly evident in the work produced by the trainee students to include


presentation of mind-maps, reflective journal writing, insightful school-based

inquiry research as well as their resources and the variety of ideas displayed in the design and delivery of activities in teaching and learning( see Slide 4). These have been documented in the form of script, forum, simulation, video clip, CD and VCD which in turn have given rise to the following 4 major accomplishments stated below:

(i) Development of an effective teaching model. This model stood out from among the 33 groups of participants, comprising both private and public higher education institutions in Malaysia. It was awarded the Bronze Medal in a national competition, Research and Innovativeness in Education held by University Malaya.

(ii) Book publication entitled, Panduan Kerja Kursus Ilmu Pendidikan: Idea, Contoh and Aplikasi Teori (2010) (i.e. Coursework guide in Education: Ideas, Illustrations and Application of Theories) comprised reflective writings of trainee teachers in educational psychology and presentation of their school-based action research findings which ranged from students disciplinary, behavioral to classroom management as well as strategies in enhancing pedagogy and the teaching profession.






and 3happroach/ (2010). Both these websites demonstrate the use and effect of 3H in teaching, including the documentation of work produced by subject teachers in the form of mind-maps, role-play, stimulation, movie and excerpts of journal writing etc. (iv) A series of forthcoming publications in print, videos and illustrations covering areas such as Emotional Quotients(EQ), Education philosophy, Applications of diffferent Teaching Methods and Learning theories as well as activities sharing through blogs covering thinking is fun and the teaching of social cultural aspects in education.



Development of 3H as a teaching model is a result of a 3 year action research conducted by the author in her teaching classrooms. It commenced in 2005 as a year of exploration, 2007 as a year of consolidation and 2008 as a year of distinguished success. Methods used in this action research comprised of interviews and feedbacks from the trainee teachers in oral and written forms of reflection, as well as video recordings of various sessions of experimenting in teaching and learning in the classrooms.

In 2005, the author was assigned to teach a class of 35 post-secondary trainee teachers in a teaching institute in Malaysia. The trainee students were considerately bright with ideas. However, they were lax in their learning attitude and expected notes to be provided by lecturers. They did not read nor prepare for their assigned tasks and classroom presentations. On the contrary, they complained of heavy workload and that the author was too speedy in her teaching. In the face of such a challenge, she resorted to the use of tutorial questions which delineate the assignment of tasks and activities to be delivered in groups by the trainee teachers. This set the beginning of the Head-on experimenting in the classroom. In parallel, time was allocated for the trainees to discuss their work and reading in the classroom. That constituted the practice of a knowledge culture as observed by the trainee teachers. Simultaneously, the author played the role of facilitator to provide them with feedback and guidance for further enhancement of their work production.

In the year 2007, the subject trainee teachers consisted of 2 classes of university graduates: 19 and 21 of them from each class. However during the first 4 weeks of the course, these were combined due to the shortage of classrooms. The author was overwhelmed by her own enthusiasm and passion for teaching and oblivious to the pressure faced by these adult students. She was ignorant of the trainees' background, whereby their past learning experiences in schools and universities were highly academic and examination oriented. As a result, a considerable number of these students found her requirement on them to prepare for presentation of tasks through activities burdensome

and stressful. Casual interviews with the unhappy students disclosed the impact of different learning styles and the dominance of the left and right brain on their preference for teaching. The author was also aware that students acceptance for new ideas is related to their learning experiences, externally or internally, negative or positive, cognitive or affective, and that will have an impact on the students. This has enlightened her to give priority and connected to the Heart of the students. She was aware too that an observation of reflective practices by students seemingly has an effect to get the students to connect with themselves from the inside, and in turn the generation of their self awareness and intrinsic motivation eventually. With the right emphasis given

between the Head-on and the Heart-on, where Heart-on is given priority, as is the case mentioned above, she realized that the sequencing of the interplay of the 3H elements makes a difference on the impact of teaching and learning.

2008 was the phase of accomplishment. Drawing from past experiences of 2005 and 2007, she began to realize that in order to motivate the students to enjoy and excel in learning, the emphasis in observation of knowledge culture, the Head-on, and the preparation for the execution of activities, the Hands-on did not work with all the students. Instead to those who are less positive and lacking confidence , foremost attention should be given to the Heart-on component, namely to connect with students by providing them care, support, opportunities and affirmation towards realization of their potential. This has therefore laid the foundation for her success in teaching trainee teachers in 2008.

By 2008, the author had acquired the insight in interplaying the elements of the 3H. Instead of focusing on students weaknesses, she facilitated them to think, to reflect and to enjoy learning through the use of humour and effective question asking technique. Also, she paid much attention to identify trainee teachers potentials to acknowledge them openly and in warm recognition in class. It had a tremendous effect on the Heart-on of the students and that was the impetus to their intrinsic motivation. She reinforced in students the use of related thinking and people skills, to lead them to acquire the various teaching skills such as communicating, emotivating, building relationships,

drawing students attention etc. Such Hands-on training develops the necessary teaching competency in the trainee teachers. It also provided them with lots of tips and gains in deeper reflection towards problem solving. Her biggest discovery in 2008 was the power of journal writing and the effect reflective sharing have on the passion generated in trainee teachers towards the teaching profession.

Since 2008 until the present, the author has mastered the art and science in interplaying the elements of 3H towards realizing her aims in shaping teachers to be reflective, visionary and passionate which will be presented in the following paragraphs. The joy, effect and meaning of students learning experience have been documented in videos, research reports and students reflective writing. Others in the pipeline will be shared through blogs and book publications in the near future.

The Four Factors Contributing To The Success Of 3H The building of Head-on can be very effective through emphasizing an appreciation of knowledge culture in the students. A prerequisite to the success of the 3H is building on the impact of modeling where the trainer has to be both an effective model and a competent facilitator (see video-clip the art of facilitating in aimei99.wordpress). Another ( a must ) teaching approach to facilitate development of 3H students is the activity oriented cooperative approach. These are discussed below:


Teaching to be activity oriented through cooperative learning approach The Role of teachers as effective facilitators and students as active learners An observation of knowledge culture practice in the subject teachers Enhancing transformation in teachers through reflective writings


Cooperative Learning with Activity-Orientation In the author's teaching classroom, students are divided into groups. They take

turns to present the task assigned with activities and power point presentations by pooling


resources, sharing their joy and sorrow, experiencing the swimming or sinking together in cooperative learning of group work.

In their learning process the students engage the Head-on to come out with ideas and solutions for problem solving as well as tapping into the strength and resources of their group members. This obviously contributes to the intellectual development in the subject teachers. Besides, the need to interact and to communicate, to discuss and to argue, the trainee teachers will at the same time develop the art of people skills as described in the following excerpts. Dari aspek kognitif, saya mengalami perubahan dalam gaya berfikir. Semasa di peringkat ijazah, saya hanya belajar tentang teori. Tetapi berbezapulaapabilaberadadidalamkelaspsikologibersamasamaDr. Tan. Saya telah mempelajari perkara baharu, iaitu melihat sesuatu dengan lebih makro, membuat hubung kait dan dicabar untuk membuat pandangan kritikal, menguji teori seperti pembelajaran di peringkat Sarjana dan melatih diri saya untuk mengeluarakan teori sendiri(Izwan:KPLI:2007) Dalamaspeksosialmelaluiaktivitikelasyangdijalankan,sayamenjadi seorangyanglebihakrabdengankawankawan.Kamiberkongsitawa, tangis, dan menghadapi tekanan bersamasama. Di sini menunjukkan empatidankomunikasisayadenganoranglainmenjadisangatbaik. (Izwan:KPLI:2007) Dr. Tan pernah berkata Kelas saya memerlukan pengorbanan dari segi masa, jadi kamu perlu berkorban masa untuk memastikan dapat menguasai pelajaran ini. Akan tetapi katakata itu tidak cukup untuk memotivasikansaya.Adasesuatusebablainyangtelahmemotivasikan saya untuk melakukan ulangkaji ilmu pendidikan. Ia ialah disebabkan teknik pengajaran Dr. Tan yang pelbagai dan sudah pastinya menarik. Mengadakanlakonandanperbentangankumpulantelahmemotivasikan saya untuk mendalami ilmu pendidikan. Selain itu pelajaran ini juga banyak perkaitan dengan diri sendiri. Saya dapat membuat penilaian tentangdirisendiri.Motivasiinidinamakanmotivasiintriksik. (Izwan:KPLI:2007)

Collaboration and sharing of resources within and between groups develop in students the benchmark by which such cooperative approach directly facilitates learning, living up to the motto of the four pillars of education of UNESCO, namely (i) learning to know, (ii) learning to work together; (iii) learning to solve problems, and (iv) learning to being.

(ii) The Role Of Teachers As Effective Facilitators The success of 3H implementation in the classroom is closely related to the effective role played by teachers as facilitators and students as active learners. This means that the students take ownership in their learning and the teachers responsibility is to generate interest, enthusiasm and motivation in students towards realizing their potentials to be motivated learners and effective life-long learners.

Good facilitating skills are not confined only to provide students with resources, moral support, affirmation and guidance to learn and to excel, but stimulations and challenge as well as feedbacks and alternatives for students to reflect in learning. Other dimensions of effective facilitating skills include a demonstration of skills, knowledge

and assessment to facilitate students to look back and to leap forward. The art of facilitating in the 3H strikes at both the Head-on and Heart-on of the trainee including the Hands-on effect on teachers which in turn motivates them to strive towards realization of their full potentials as clearly noted in the following excerpt:
Galakan di dalam kelas membuatkan semua pelajar bersemangat untuk mengikuti kelasini.Motivasiinipuladinamakanmotivasiekstrinsik.Kesimpulannyabanyakteknik yangDr.Tanterapkandidalamkelassamaadasecaralangsungatautidaklangsung.

(iii) Appreciation OF Knowledge Culture An observation of knowledge culture practice is a prerequisite to build up the Head-on component of the 3H, that is to develop in students the thinking capacity, thus the capability to generate ideas and alternatives towards problem solving. This is especially important for teachers who are required to live up to their roles as knowledge practitioners and human engineers, entrusted with the mission to open up the minds of students with knowledge, ideas, alternatives and inspiration for a greater good.

Slide 5 : An observation of knowledge culture by both teachers and educators in Dr Tans classroom and workshops.


A knowledge culture comprises not only reading or searching for information through the internet but of utmost importance, the researching and inquiring mind brought about through sharing, group discussion and an engagement in research and reflection. Below is an excerpt demonstrating the benefit of knowledge culture appreciation by the trainee teachers:
3H ini juga mudah dilaksanakan terutama kepada guru yang membudayakan ilmu kerana ia memerlukan satu pengetahuan yang luas dan tidak terbatas. Oleh yang demikian ini akan menjadi satu cabaran kepada guru untuk terus menjelajahi dan menguasi ilmu di dada mereka kerana apa yang akan mereka sampaikan kepada pelajarnantimemerlukanmerekamenguasaiilmudalambanyakaspekdanbarulah mudahuntukmerekabertindaksebagaiejenpenyampaiilmuyangbaikdanberjaya. Secaratidaklangsung3Hiniakanmeningkatkankejayaandanpenampilanseseorang guruitunanti.(AbdulMatAzizlah:2008)

(iv) Reflective Practice Observed By Teachers Engagement in teacher reflections, oral or written, in a group or on an individual basis has the charm to enhance ones awareness about the self, and thus an effective approach to facilitate changes in teachers attitudes, as shared by the trainee teachers in the following excerpts:
Oneofthewaysshehasmotivatedstudentsisthroughreflection,byengagingstudentstothink aboutwhattheyhavelearntandwhattheyarelearning.Studentsarefreetogivetheiropinions and comments. This strategy is democratic, and students take ownership in learning. This reinforcement technique is very good because it is highly motivating and students could easily engagewithactiveparticipationduringlecturehours.(Saiful:KPLI2007) Refleksi merupakan proses memikirkan atau merenung kembali pengalaman dan implikasinya terhadapdirikita.Iaadalahsalahsatuusahabermaknauntukmenjiwaiprosespengajarandan pembelajara(P&P),membantugurumengimbangkantindakangurudengankeperluanpelajar. Apabila guru membuat refleksi, kita menjadi lebih sedar dan kritis mengenai amalan diri sebagaiguru.Sebagaikesan,keberkesananP&Pdankualitipendidikandipertingkatkan. (Liza:KPli2009) ..Kinisayaselalumerenungdiridalamseharihariuntukmencarijawapandalamtindakansaya agar saya menjadi lebih baik pada hari esoknya.Dari segi emosi, saya berubah kerana dapat mengenaliemosisendiri,mengawal,danmembezakannya.Selainitu,sayadapatmerasakan satumotivasidalamanyangselalumenggerakkansayauntukterusberjayadalamhidup.


The above excerpt clearly outlines the power of reflective practice on teachers to become more self aware and critical of their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the observation of regular reflective practices will directly upgrade a teachers teaching and learning practice, including enhancing the psychological attitude of a more effective educator.

CONCLUDING NOTES AND IMPLICATIONS The effectiveness of 3H model in producing competent and confident teachers lies in its emphasis in administering teaching and learning as a process. This model illustrates the art and science in developing effective teachers who can effectively produce motivated students.

3H also echoes with a mission to educate with the ASK, the shaping of Attitude, Skill and Knowledge in students, which has been given due emphasis in the delivery of education in many schools in Singapore. Head-on signifies the Knowledge, Heart-on draws on the Attitude and the Hands-on produces the Skills

This model works in line with the contemporary learning model developed by INTEL called GRAPE, the acronym for Goal, Role, Audience, Product and Evaluation, where in the 3H model, the Head-on corresponds with the Goal and Role, the Heart-on corresponds with the Evaluation and Audience as in the engaging with reflection and attending to its audience, while the Hands-on corresponds with the product, its achievement in a thinking and people-related skills, including the application of knowledge. . One major contribution of 3H as a teaching model attributed to its power to integrate the 5 learning theorie. . This model works well to cater to the different

preferences for learning owing to different learning styles and the dominance of multiple intelligence in learners as pointed out in the earlier part of the article . Heart-on illustrates the power of the Humanist approach motivating learners towards realizing their potentials, Head-on develops the cognitive and the constructive capacity of learner as

posited in the Cognitive and Constructive Theory, while Hands-on demonstrates the effect of social modeling and Behaviorist Theory which spells the charm of practice makes perfect.

Finally, in the challenging environment of globalization, it is obvious that the 3H model sits in the framework of globalization to produce teachers who are effective lifelong learners and reflective knowledge practitioners.

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