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Technical White Paper CPDLC Data Link

Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (CPDLC) Data Link Mandate

Industry-leading Total Data Link Solutions from Honeywell

With global air traffic expected to double in the next 20 years to over 1 billion flights, upgrades to Air Traffic Control systems will become necessary in order to prevent reductions in airspace efficiencies whilst maintaining acceptable levels of safety. Additional requirements for data link on aircraft are anticipated over the next 5-10 years to meet this need for new traffic management systems. Data link solutions provide airline operators with significant benefits at reduced cost, including enhanced flight operations efficiency and lower airline maintenance, administration and air traffic control costs.

With new statistics and headlines relating to increased air traffic and the environmental damage this causes being published on an almost daily basis, it is evident that air traffic management systems in Europe and the United States need to be modernised. The response of the US and the European Union to this situation is equally well documented, with both EUROCONTROL and the FAA taking the lead in the modernisation of the ATM EcoSystem. The Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) is currently in its development phase (2009-2016) with initial deployment in some technology areas already progressing. Once complete, this should facilitate a threefold increase in capacity and a 50% reduction in air navigation costs, as well as a reduction in an aircrafts environmental impact by up to 10% per flight.

The Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is the US equivalent to SESAR. This system will be implemented in stages between 2012 and 2025, and will save 1.4 billion gallons of fuel and 14 million tonnes of CO2 by 2018. The system is anticipated to reduce delays by 35%, adding up to $23 billion in benefits by 2018 compared with 2010, according to the FAA. Data link solutions represent the key to future global Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems, and both SESAR and NextGen are defining the standards and validating the systems of tomorrow, today. The Single European Sky - Data Link Services (Link 2000 / SES-DLS) is being deployed now. The aircraft improvements defined and validated during the development phase of SESAR will start to be deployed in the 2016-2018 timeframe.

Data Communications

Flight Operations

Airline Maintenance

Airline Administration

Air Trafc Control

Data link solutions represent the key to future global Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems, and both SESAR and NextGen are defining the standards and validating the systems of tomorrow, today.

Data Link Upgrade Mandate Timings


TentativeDeployment 2014-2020




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ForwardFit January1,2011



RetrofitDate February5,2015






(theSingleEuropeanSky ATMResearchProgramme) (Operationalphase2016-2018)


Single European Sky Data Link Services (SES-DLS) Mandate - PM-CPDLC

Although complex in name, PM-CPDLC is straightforward in practice: similar to text messaging on cell phones, this system allows pilots and Air Traffic Control to send canned data messages between the ground and the aircraft. CPDLC messages enable routine tasks that can take up to 50% of a controllers time to be automated. Messages include standard ATC clearances ACL (e.g. Climb to level 350) or AMC (e.g. microphone check) and are intended to augment ATC voice communications and provide additional air traffic control capacity in high density ATC environments. CPDLC is not a new technology, and air traffic controllers and pilots have been using these text messages for many years in the existing Future Air Navigation System 1/A (FANS1/A), used in trans-oceanic flights. 2 There are various forms of data link in operation today, including AOC, ATC, ADS as part of ATS, FIS (D-ATIS) and A623 applications that include D-ATIS. In addition, clearances such as PreDeparture Clearances are supported via A623 messages. The European Commission mandated the installation of Protected Mode Controller Pilot Data Communication (PM-CPDLC) for forward fit aircraft starting from January 1, 2011. This mandate is the first of a number of expected compulsory upgrades to the data link systems on aircraft. The SES-DLS mandate is expected to be followed by additional data link requirements. FAAs NextGen Air Traffic Management System requirements are expected in 2014. Initial deployment is expected to be centered on FANS 1/A+ with VDL Mode 2, followed by harmonisation with Europe by 2025 as reflected in NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC), dated 02/2012. SESAR requirements in work (SC-214), project operational usage starting in the 2016-2018 time frame. The Airbus plan is to have an ATSU capable of SC214 in 2016. North Atlantic Tracks will have preferred routings for FANS1/A equipped aircraft from 2013 on limited tracks, and from Feb.2015 on two core NAT tracks above FL340 Today three versions of CPDLC are envisioned: Future Air Navigation System (FANS1/A+) Link 2000/SES-DLS SC-214.

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NorthAtlanticTracks FANS1/A

Mandatedonlimitedtracks thenontwocoreNATtracks

EndofFANS1/AExemption OnForwardFit January1,2014

Technical White Paper CPDLC Data Link

FANS utilises Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) over VHF and satellite communication for transmission of messages.

Each of the three versions of CPDLC supports the needs of Air Traffic Management (ATM) to varying degrees, outlined as follows:

FANS 1/A+, developed in the 1990s by Honeywell, Boeing and Airbus, is primarily used for Trans-Oceanic flights. FANS utilises Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) over VHF and satellite communication for transmission of messages. The use of ACARS restricts the amount of air traffic on the system due to bandwidth limitations of the technology. Later upgrades included ACARS over HFDL. The FAA is currently planning on utilising FANS 1/A+ over U.S. continental airspace as an initial ATC data link deployment phase; but requiring operators to use VDL Mode 2 radios for improved performance. SES-DLS. The Data Link 2000+DLS implementation mandate in Europe provides the ground and airborne infrastructure for future ATM. SES-DLS installs the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) and requires VHF Data Link Mode 2 (VDL-M2) radios on aircraft to remove the bandwidth limitations of the ACARS/Satellite system.

When directly integrated into the Flight Management system, FANS2/B+ is often referred to as the SES-DLS/Link 2000 solution. SC-214/WG78. To investigate future data link requirements the FAA and EUROCAE have established a joint committee SC214 / WG78.

AOC Data Link Benefits Honeywells data link solutions support not only ATC applications, but include an extensive AOC capability. 1. Improved communication with the flight crew, in terms of time and accuracy. 2. Improved communication and information dissemination within an airlines operation. 3. Increased information for cost reduction. 4. Reduced pilot workload. 5. Reduced delay times. 6. Increased accuracy for flight crew pay. 7. Reduced activity by airline personnel. 8. Improved operational planning. 9. Reduced impact on fuel cost.

Data Link Service

ATC Comm. Management (ACM) ATC Clearance (ACL) ATC Mic Check (AMC) 4D Trajectory Data (4DTRAD) Departure Clearances (DCL) Taxi In/Out (D-Taxi) Flight Pan Intent (FLIPINT) In Trail Proceedure (ITP) Operational Terminal Info Services (D-OTIS) Hazardous Weather (D-HzWx) Runway Visual Range (D-RVR) Digital Automatic Terminal Information Services (D-ATIS)3



10. Improved maintenance operation. 11. Improved passenger service. 12. Emergency/Hijack awareness notification. 13. oice communication V cost reduction.

Not Supported

Partially Supported


FANS 2 is Boeings name for highly integrated, seamless FANS 1+ and PM CPDLC/CM ATN systems. Airbus uses FANS B+ to signify PM CPDLC/CM ATN system. 2 Uses CPDLC and ADS-C. 3 Is part of D-OTIS functionality.

Using data link systems avoids common communication problems such as unclear radio communication or misinterpretation due to language differences or poor clarity.

Typical ACARS Data Link Applications

Taxi From Aircraft Link Test/Clock Update Fuel/Crew Information Delay Reports Out To Aircraft PDC AGIS Weight and Balance Airport Analysis Dispatch Release Flight Plan Load FMC

Take-Off From Aircraft Off Report

Departure From Aircraft Engine Data

En Route From Aircraft Position Reports Weather Reports ETA Updates Engine Parrameters Maintenance Reports To Aircraft ATC Oceanic Clearances ATIS Weather Reports Reclearance Ground Voice Requests (SELCAL)

Approach From Aircraft Provisioning On Gate Requests Special Requests Engine Information Maintenance Reports To Aircraft Gate Assignment Connecting Gates for Passengers and Crew ATIS

Landing From Aircraft

Taxi From Aircraft In Fuel Information Crew Information Fault Data (from Central Maintenance Computer) Closeout

To Aircraft ATIS Weather Reports

Many global airlines now use data link as the main channel of communication between aircraft and ground crew. In addition, a significant proportion of this communication is automated. Using data link systems avoids common communication problems such as unclear radio communication or misinterpretation due to language differences or poor clarity.

Data link also helps to increase the speed of information dissemination, both to and from the aircraft. For example, an alert regarding a maintenance or exceedance condition such as engine overheating can be automatically sent to Maintenance and Engineering, and a delay message sent to Flight Operations and to personnel on the ground at destination as soon as the fault is detected by aircraft systems.

Data link also allows users to save messages for future reference and trend analysis. Improved information delivery speed can help eliminate delays, providing information punctually and to multiple parties. Information sharing is also easier, as electronic information can easily be sent to multiple destinations, which is difficult with voice communications.

Technical White Paper CPDLC Data Link

Honeywell continues to lead the way in ATM technologies, and is the only company globally that has been selected to contribute to both the SESAR and NextGen programmes.
Honeywell Solutions
Honeywell is one of the worlds leading avionics suppliers and is the only company selected to contribute to both the SESAR and NextGen programmes. Honeywell solutions are currently validating tomorrows data link solutions and incorporating tomorrows system requirements into todays products. Honeywell solutions are mapped through upgrades, STC, TC and platform centric solutions for all major aircraft platforms including Boeing, Airbus and Embraer.

CPDLC Solutions by Aircraft Type

A/C Type B717 B737 Classic FANS-1/A/A+ Option4 N/A FANS-2/B+ N/A N/A Standalone ATN CMU Solution4 CMU Solution4 Upgrades/Minimum Configuration Required Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade , VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU (not HON on B737) or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU (not HON on B737) or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade CMU, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade VDL Module 2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A or upgrade FMS to NG FMS or provide a Federated Solution NG FMS Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade , VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade VDL Mode 2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and AIMS upgrade B787 CMF Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade For A320 with Airbus ATSU: VDL Mode 2 and non-HON upgrade (ATSU, MCDU). For aircraft not having an Airbus ATSU, CMU Mark II option for standalone ATN solution. With Airbus ATSU: VDL Mode2 non-HON upgrade (ATSU, MCDU)

B737 NG


Future Option

CMU Solution4

B747 Classic B747-400 B747-8 B757/B767 B777 B787 MD-80 MD-90 MD-10/11 Airbus WB Airbus SA

N/A Option Option Option (with Pegasus FMS)4 Option Standard N/A Option (with Pegasus FMS)4 Option N/A Option (FANS-A+)

N/A N/A Option N/A Future Option (with AIMS-2)4 Option N/A N/A N/A N/A Option (FANS-B+)

CMU Solution4 CMU Solution4 N/A CMU Solution4 N/A N/A CMU Solution4 CMU Solution4 CMU Solution4 CMU Solution4 CMU Solution (via STC for non-ATSU equipped a/c) N/A N/A N/A CMU Solution4 EPIC CMF

Airbus LR Airbus A380 Airbus A350 BAe-146/RJ EMB-170/190

Standard (FANS-A+) Standard (FANS-A+) Standard (FANS-A+B) N/A N/A

N/A Future Option (FANS-A+B) Standard Option (FANS-A+B) N/A Future Option (with NGFMS)4

Federated Solution - CMU MKII to MKII+ Upgrade, VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A and MCDU or MIDU upgrade Either NG FMS with EPIC CMF upgrade or stand alone EPIC CMF/ ATS upgrade (Requires Pentium M Configuration) - VDL Mode2 upgrade of VHF Mode 0/A

Updates & Retrofit available from Honeywell

Note : N/A = Not Applicable or Not Available (the OEM did NOT provide such a function for the aircraft). Standard means the a/c as delivered from the OEM would have that capability, OPTION is that function is a current (or soon to be available OPTION), and Future Option means exactly that (a PLANNED future option from the OEM, but not under any current development and therefore there is some risk in that it will change or not ultimately be certified and offered).

MKII+ Communications Management Unit

Product Part No.
MKII+ Communications Management Unit


ARINC 758 Link 2000

FANS 1/A+5


965-0758-001 965-0758-002 965-0758-005 965-0758-006


Not Supported Supported

Initial CMU MKII

Support FANS as a router with special FANS routing logic and Data Link recording.

Honeywell continues to lead the way in ATM technologies, developing MKII+ CMUs for future compliance with the anticipated changes to data link requirements including data link encryption. The hardware of part numbers 965-0758-005 (ARINC 724B version) and 965-0758-006 (ARINC 758 version) is designed to support the future data link requirements with only software upgrades necessary to achieve future functionality as per the table to the left. These technology roadmaps include three important upgrades linked to the PM CPDLC software: The AOC function has been enhanced to supply greater customisation capabilities. The ACARS Reconfiguration Tool (ART) has been improved so that multiple elements of the AOC database (e.g. parameters, screens, downlinks) may be viewed and edited simultaneously. The Airsim tool has been upgraded to enable the simulation of the CPDLC function.

Increased Functionality
VDL Mode 2 CMU Link 2000+ Pioneer Phase ATN Compliant CMU
Link 2000+ ATN Compliant CMU MKII +

VDL Mode 2 AOA Reconfigurable ARINC 758 and Partitioned SW 724B wiring 622/623 ATC supported Messages (PDC, OCX, ATIS etc) Uses MCDU FANS Special Routing Support SATCOM and HFDL ARINC 716 (Mode 0 or Mode A) Supports 724B and 758 wiring

ATN and VDL Mode 2 ATC communication via CPDLC (Link 2000+ Message Set)

Level C Protected Mode CPDLC AOC enhancements Future Enhancements: Gatelink Secure ACARS Recording

19 96

MKII CMU (965-0758-001 or -002) Upgrade Paths

The available upgrade of current MKII CMUs (-001 or -002) to the ARINC 758 Mk II+ (9650758-006) or the MKII CMU (-001) to ARINC 724B MKII+ (965-0758-005) with PM-CPDLC Application Software provides the following: DLS IR Compliant PM-CPDLC (VDL Mode 2) Functionality Data link Recording Capability (High- Speed ARINC 429 Interface to CVR) Provides the router services for the FMS hosted FANS 1 and 2 applications HF, VHF (VDL Mode 0/A and Mode 2), and SATCOM support 965-0758-005 supports ARINC 724B wiring (Retrofit ONLY) 965-0758-006 supports ARINC 758 wiring (Retrofit and Forward-Fit) PowerPC (MPC 8270) Processor Based System, >750MIPS 32MB SDRAM, 64MB Flash 1MBit Non-Volatile Backup (24 Hours) 1GB (SD Card) Increased AOC Capabilities (Logic Units) and Programmability via ART (ACARS Reconfiguration Tool)

C ur re nt

0/ 1

Leading the way in ATM technologies.

Honeywells solution for VDR Upgrade to provide VDL M2 capability
With the implementation of the EUROCONTROL mandate, any airline operators flying within European Airspace need to have VDL Mode 2 Data Link capability installed on VHF #3. Mix-ability between VDL Mode 0 and VDL Mode 2 units will vary depending upon aircraft platform and OEM. Honeywells VHF Data Radio (VDR) Model RTA 44D and Integrated Primus EPIC Radios are upgradable to provide VDL M2 capability for all kinds of platforms supporting multifrequency capabilities as per the European mandate A631-5/6 standards. This conversion includes hardware and software modification that vary according to the serial number of the VHF. Honeywells plan is for two service shops to perform the relevant service bulletins (Seattle Area Service Center (SASC) and Toulouse Service Centers (FSC)).

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Technical White Paper CPDLC Data Link

System Architecture to Address Compliance Using Honeywells CMU

CMC ACMS FMS Cockpit Pilot Interface ATC HFDL ANT





DataLinkRecording AirlineDataLink



Printer AuralAlert VisualAlert AOCDatalink FMSDatalink


ACARS Router CMU-A623 ACMSDatalink

Movement Messages Weather Requests Delay/Diversion Reports Customised Reports

Flight Plan Uplinks Wind Uplinks Performance Uplinks Position Reports

Engine Trend Reports Exceedance Reports FOQA Reports Customised Reports


Real-time Faults

Honeywells Data Link Based ACARS Comprehensive Solution

The diagram above outlines Honeywells comprehensive approach to delivering benefits to airlines through the adoption of data linkbased upgrades. Honeywell has a multiple tools suite that helps airlines to configure their solutions to meet their operational, maintenance, optimal flight planning and administration functions. The architecture provides a seamless interface to CMS, FMS, ACMS and other LRUs to help transmit reliable data in real-time for use in decision-making managed through the CMU MKII+s seamless power and interface capabilities with other avionics systems in the aircraft.

Data Link Messages from Other LRU

ACMS/FDAMS - A/C Exceedance Reports These are used to automatically inform ground of abnormal conditions (engine or aircraft performance outside acceptable thresholds), for example, EGT over temperature, landing gear dropped at excessive high speed, N1/ N2 over speed, oil temperature /oil pressure, vibration and other potentially hazardous conditions. Engine & aircraft performance reports result in reduced maintenance and warranty cost, and support various aircraft/ engine analysis programmes (ADEPT, GEM, and others)and offer the potential for full automation of analysis. CMC (Maintenance Computer) Reports Used to automatically inform ground crew of equipment failures. For example, on Airbus aircraft, CMU can turn on and off CMC reports to be sent to ground. This allows data to be sent to maintenance in real-time, and decreases the need for maintenance visits to the aircraft. This system also delivers information more rapidly, which can reduce delays. FMS (Flight Management System) This system allows for the update of wind data to allow for adjustments in flight plans, as well as enabling updates of flight plan changes and down- linking of flight plan changes. And in some aircraft, FANS Operation is also enabled (Controller -Pilot Communication) - example B747, 777, A340 etc. Not All FMCs, ACMS/ DMUs and CMCs support data link. FMS support A702 AOC application. It may also have FANS 1/A+ and FANS 2 and FANS B. In addition, airlines use this for any information (paper) provided to the flight crew before flight, reducing costs associated with personnel bringing information to the aircraft. This is more efficient compared to any information provided to the flight crew via voice communications, reduces delays (data can be sent in seconds) and increases number of aircraft handled by flight operations/ dispatch. Any information usually manually written by flight crew for provision to ground personnel transmitted faster using this system, and it also removes the need for manual data entry on the ground, which in turn reduces the risk of mistakes due to human error. 7

Achieving Compliance
Adopting Honeywells data link solutions ensures that your aircraft and fleet are benefiting from the most up-to-date Honeywell technology, delivering a superior user experience and enhanced levels of safety, efficiency and reliability, whilst maintaining compliance with local and global mandates. Furthermore, adopting this technology places airline operators at the forefront of ATM advances, ready to reap the benefits of a modernised ATM environment.

Why Honeywell
Since the launch of FANS in 1990, Honeywell has been committed to providing technical tools to enable effortless migration by mapping through upgrades, STC, TC and platformcentric solutions for Boeing, Airbus and Embraer platforms. Our performance-focused approach meets mandates and ensures seamless integration to existing Honeywell Avionics products. For more than 100 years, Honeywell has been a pioneer in aerospace innovation. Every day, thousands of aircraft equipped with Honeywell technology fly across our skies. In fact, our products can be found on virtually every type of commercial airliner, business and general aviation jet, military aircraft and space vehicle currently in operation. So, from takeoff to landing, Honeywell helps make flying safer, more reliable and more efficient, and it doesnt stop there Honeywell technology is cost effective too.

ACMS ADL AIMS ANSP AOC ART ATC ATN ATS ATSU BITE CM CMF CMU A ircraft Condition Monitoring System Airborne Data Loader A irplane Information Management System Air Navigation Service Provider A irline Operational Control/ Communication ACARS Reconfiguration Tool Air Traffic Control A eronautical Telecommunication Network Air Traffic Services Air Traffic Services Unit Built In Test Equipment Context Management Communication Management Function C ommunications Management Unit CPDLC CVR DCDU DCMF DLC DLS DLS IR EASA ETA C ontroller Pilot Data Link Communication Cockpit Voice Recorder D ata Link Communication and Display Unit D ata Communication Management Function Data Link Communications Data Link Services D ata Link Services Implementing Rules European Aviation Safety Agency Expected Time of Arrival MFD Multi-Function Display NGFMS ext Generation Flight N Management System OMS PDL PM- CPDLC R/T RIPS SESAR Onboard Maintenance System Portable Data Loader Protected Mode Controller Pilot Data Link Communication Receiver/Transmitter R ecorder Independent Power Supply Single European Sky ATM Research

FDAMS Flight Data Acquisition and Management System FANS FDCF FMS HFDL MCDU Future Air Navigation System F light Deck Communication Function Flight Management System High Frequency Data Link M ulti-Function Control Display Unit

SES-DLS Single European Sky Data Link Services SSCVR STC VDL VHF S olid State Cockpit Voice Recorder Supplemental Type Certificate VHF Data Link Very High Frequency

VDL-M2 VHF Data Link Mode 2

This document (and related information provided by Honeywell) expresses Honeywells current business views and opinions on certain current and anticipated rules and laws. It is intended as an informal guide only, designed to assist current and prospective Honeywell customers in their evaluation of whether our products and services can meet their business needs. This information should not be relied upon when making business decisions. None of the information contained in this document constitutes legal advice or legal opinion on how any of the referenced rules or laws may apply to you or your organisation or to any other matters. We encourage you to seek your own legal counsel and conduct your own independent analysis of the matters raised if you feel they are important to you or your business. Although we believe the factual information provided here to be accurate, it is disclosed (along with related information) without any representation or warranties of any kind (such as those relating to accuracy, currency, completeness or suitability to your business).

Find Out More

For general information on Honeywell data link solutions with the MKII Communication Management Unit, please contact your Honeywell sales representative or call +1 (800) 601 3099 or +1 602 365 3099. For more technical information, please contact the appropriate Technical Sales Representatives: Greg Francois, Air Transport Andy Hill, Air Transport Honeywell Technical Sales Honeywell Technical Sales Office: +1 (602) 436 3196 Office : +44 (0)1256 722 297 Mobile: +1 (425) 922 0708 Mobile : + 44 (0)7974 451 305 Email: Email :

Honeywell Aerospace 1944 East Sky Harbor Circle Phoenix, Arizona 85034 North America: +1 (800) 601 3099 Outside North America: +1 (602) 365 3099

N61-1121-000-000 April 2012 2012 Honeywell International Inc.

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