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A study on the impact of why students want to go abroad

Researcher : Naeem Afzal (302-FSS/MSCSOC/F11)

Submission in partial fulfillment of the requirment for the Master in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, International Islamic University Islamabad.


Mr. Saeed Akbar Department of Sociology International Islamic University, Islamabad.

Education is one of the important things, which takes people abroad. Today world has become small and students tend to move towards reputed foreign universities. Broadly speaking, education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. Education from a reputed institution ensures to safeguard the climb up the initial steps of a solid career. Studies ultimately converge to earn a decent living, be it bare sustenance or luxury. Moreover, its not limited to earning only, but it also adds up to the human instinct to learn more.

Study abroad offers students a powerful personal and intellectual experience to advance their academic and real life career. People may go abroad for a number of reasons. They may want to learn more, earn a decent living while studying, or just to gain experience and then return back and serve their home country in a more productive and profitable way. Studying in another country, away from homeland, is an enriching, enthralling and demanding experience for the aspirants. The experience can both be academically and personally rewarding. The reason of going abroad is also to learn specific skills that are career related.

Research purpose:
The purpose to carry out this research is to study the impact of desires to learn, earn or gain experience that drives students to go abroad. Statement of Problem: Students have got different motives to go abroad. Our research problem focuses on three motives which are desire to learn, desire to earn a living and desire to gain experience. Why students want to go abroad?

Exploratory Research:

A large amount of internet research was done by group members, in order to gather information about the study. Also read and searched different articles which were similar to our study but not very significant information found by us. So after much work done on it, a research model was defined to show the research objectives. A comprehensive questionnaire was prepared in order to represent our study.

Literature Review:
Mainly we consult internet for the literature review. Among the books we could not find any significant study carried on this topic. But still we manage to get some ideas and information from internet in a shape of references. Although authenticity of information sought on internet is debatable, we were able to find few websites that give information about the study. We have mentioned a few of the helpful websites under references, attached at the end of the report. As our study is on three desires for example desire to learn, desire to gain experience and desire to earn a living so we have to gather information about student desire of going abroad. In one research paper it is written that choice of university also has an influence of ethnic origin.

Research Questions and it Objectives:

Students purpose of going abroad is graphically presented in research model. This model is designed in questionnaire form which contains total thirteen questions. These questions cover all the three motives of the students and designed to know about the relationship of students going abroad with their desires. Complete questionnaire is available in appendix 1. Our research study questions were as follows: Do you like to come to university? Do you enjoy sitting in the lecture? Do you prefer learning over earning money? Do you want to support yourself while studying? Do you want to earn a lot of money? Money matter to you more than learning and gaining skill: In your opinion the experience you gain is important than learning: Do you prefer gaining experience over earning money? Do you want gain experience from foreign country? If you go abroad would you only study?

Study and work together be managed abroad: Do you want to study in Pakistan? Study and work together be managed in Pakistan:

Desire to Learn

Q1, Q2, Q3

Desire to Earn a Living Desire to gain Experience

Q4, Q5, Q6

Q7, Q8, Q9

Target Population:
The target population of our research study is students of the university, both graduate and under graduate.

Sampling Frame:
The sampling frame or working population for this study is all enrolled students from International Islamic University Islamabad.

Sample Size:

Our group distributed total hundred questionnaires randomly among the students. We filled questionnaire from students of all departments of the university in which both graduate and under-graduate include.

Data Collection Techniques:

We have filled total hundred questionnaires from our target population. No missing value was found which means that the response was 100%. Our group member visited different departments in different time in order to fill the questionnaire in proper way.

Result for Driving Variables:

Total number of driving variables five which are Ethnicity, Age, Degree, Father`s Occupation and City. From these variables Ethnicity and City was not numerical value so only other three variables means and medians are given in the below table: Driving Variable Age Means Medians






Fathers Occupation



Detailed analysis for these variables can be seen in the (Appendix 2).

1.Like to come to university**enjoy sitting in lecture:


Students who like to come to university also enjoy sitting in the lectures. So we cay that student who like to come to university also like and enjoy sitting in the class and listen to the lecture.

Test Applied:
By applying a Paired Sample T-Test on these two variables so we got the mean for like to go to university is (1.86) and mean for enjoy sitting in lecture is (2.14). The significant was recorded (0.033) which mean that the result is significant. Crosstabs test was also applied in order to get more significant result. Detail information and bar chat is given in appendix [2.1]

2. Going abroad only for study**enjoy sitting in the lecture:

In this result we got, students are not very sure that when they go abroad they will only study but they will attend lectures and enjoy sitting in lecture.

Test Applied:
On these two variables Paired Sample T-Test was applied. The mean for both variables recorded as, for going abroad only for study is (3.21) and for enjoying sitting in lecture is (2.54). The significance was recorded at (0.000), so that mean the result is 100% significant. Details are given in appendix [2.2]

3. Earn a lot of money**Money matter more:

Analyzing this we found that students want to earn a lot of money but they also want to learn and gain skills. So they like to have money and also gain skills.

Test Applied:
We applied Paired Sample T-Test which gives us that the mean of earning a lot of money is (1.99) and means matter of money more than learning and gaining skill is (3.33). And significance was (0.00) which shows that the result was 100% significant. For detail information go to appendix [2.3]

4. Like to come to university**Prefer learning over money:

From testing these two variables together, the relationship shows that student who like to come to university also prefer learning over earning a lot of money. They took interest in lectures to learn and gain skill.

Test Applied:
We applied a Paired Sample T-Test on this relationship, through which we observe the means of like to come to university is (1.86) and students who prefer learning over earning money mean is (2.36) and also applied cross tabulation. The significance of this result is (0.003), so it a significant result. To see detail go to appendix [2.4]

5. Going abroad only for study**Study and work together abroad:

Study abroad is much expensive than here and as earlier we tested that students who want to go abroad do not sure to study only or not want to study only so they think that both study and work is manageable together abroad. So they will work also while studying.

Test Applied:
A Paired Sample T-Test applied which shows a positive relation between these two variables. So the mean of student going abroad only for study is (3.21) and mean of study and work together be managed abroad is (2.18). The significance is (0.00) which mean the result is100% significant. The test which is applied is given in appendix [2.5]

6. Gain experience from foreign country**Degree program

The result shows the both the graduate and under-graduate like to gain experience from foreign country.

Test Applied:
To get this result we applied an Independent Sample T-Test which gives us the mean of graduate is (2.36) and under-graduate mean is (1.98). The significance is 0.093 which acceptable. To see detail of this result go to appendix [2.6].

The result of our research gives us the understanding of student aims and desires of going abroad. These result answered our question in very significant way. Students want to earn a lot of money and also the students who like and enjoy lectures they prefer learning over money and want to gain skill. Our research measures the students desires for learning and earning a living so it means that the research is significant.

1:Education unbound Literature review Author(s): Tom P. Abeles Source: On the Horizon Volume: 15 Issue: 4 2007

2: Marketing to American Latinos: A Guide to the In-culture Approach Type: Non-article

Author(s): Sylvia Keyes Source: Journal of Consumer Marketing Volume: 21 Issue: 3 2004 3:Brain drain from Turkey: survey evidence of student non-return Type: Research paper Author(s): Aysit Tansel, Nil Demet Gngr Source: Career Development International Volume: 8 Issue: 2 2003

4: Choosing futures: influence of ethnic origin in university choice Type: Research paper Author(s): Jonathan Ivy Source: International Journal of Educational Management Volume: 24 Issue: 5 2010

5: Real or hyper-real?: Cultural experiences of overseas business students Type: Research paper Author(s): Martyna Sliwa, Gina Grandy Source: critical perspectives on international business Volume: 2 Issue: 1 2006

6: THE ROLE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION AND PROFICIENCY AS RELATED TO STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMS IN BUSINESS Type: Chapter Item Author(s): Orlando R Kelm Source: Advances in International Marketing, Volume: 13, 2003

7:THE CASE FOR ASSESSING EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES IN STUDY ABROAD Type: Chapter Item Author(s): Michael Vande Berg Source: Advances in International Marketing, Volume: 13, 2003

8:STUDY ABROAD CONSORTIA: COLLABORATIVE VENTURES AMONG SCHOOLS Type: Chapter Item Author(s): Sally Innis-Klitz, Janice E Clark Source: Advances in International Marketing, Volume: 13, 2003

9: Student Mobility in Europe: An Academic, Cultural and Mental Journey? Some Conceptual Reflections and Empirical Findings Type: Chapter Item Author(s): Vassiliki Papatsiba Source: International Perspectives on Higher Education Research, Volume: 3, 2005

10: DOCUMENTATION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF STUDY ABROAD Type: Chapter Item Author(s): Edward C. Ingraham Source: Advances in International Marketing, Volume: 13, 2003

We are conducting a survey to find your opinion about students going abroad. The information provided by you will only be used for research purpose. Following is the scale: 1: Agree 4: Disagree 2: Strongly Agree 3: Neither agree nor disagree 5: Strongly Disagree

Name (Optional): Ethnicity: Degree: Fathers occupation: Business Agro land

Age: City:



Q1: Do you like to come to university?

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

Q2: Do you enjoy sitting in lecture? Q3: Do you prefer learning over earning money? Q4: Do you want t support yourself while studying? Q5: Do you want to earn a lot of money? Q6: Money matter to you more than learning and gaining skill: Q7: In your opinion the experience you gain is important than learning: Q8: Do you prefer gaining experience over earning money? Q9: Do you want to gain experience from foreign country? Q10: If you go abroad would you only study? Q11: Study and work together be managed abroad: Q12: Do you want to study in Pakistan? Q13: Study and work together be managed in Pakistan: 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

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