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Geography and History - ESO 1 Teachers' Notes for Audio CD Story 3 - Introduction In this story, Bobs friends John

and David tease him because he is afraid to do anything dangerous. Bob thinks that John and David are crazy. The story deals with Bob's reaction to being teased, and how he reacts to something that he finds very scary. After he agrees to go white-water rafting because he is teased, he worries about what he has agreed to. He only overcomes his fear (at least briefly) after he falls into the river and manages to get back into the raft. Subject content The story covers many of the key words related to rivers and landscape features from Chapters 2 and 3 of the textbook. In the transcript, key words are highlighted in bold. The questions for geography lessons (see page 5) are designed to help students revise the subject content of the chapter, as well as testing general comprehension. Language focus The language focus for the story is the same as the language focus for Chapter 3, i.e. the conjunctions and, or and but. These are the most basic conjunctions, and the students should be very familiar with them, but using them correctly is essential to communicating properly in English, and so we have chosen to practise them in this chapter (see the questions for English language lessons on page 7). In the transcript, phrases related to the language focus are marked in italics. Pronunciation Each story has been designed to reinforce the pronunciation of a particular sound. This story focuses on words that contain the sounds "i" as in "ship" and "ee" as in "sheep". These sounds can be difficult for native Spanish speakers to distinguish between. The exercise for English language lessons (see page 8) practises these sounds. Useful vocabulary engineer = ingeniero steamship = barco de vapor to parade through = desfilar por sticky = pegajoso riverbank = orilla (de un ro) moonlight = luz de la luna scorching hot = abrasador life-jacket = chaleco salvavidas paddle = remo to bounce = dar tumbos to steer = navegar
LinguaFrame, 2011 These notes may be printed and/or photocopied

Story 3 Part 1 In this story, Bobs friends John and David tease him because he is afraid to do anything dangerous. Bob thinks that John and David are crazy. *************************************************** Tomorrow is the last day of Bobs amazing American river trip. He has finally met up with his two good friends John and David, who are engineers. His friends have travelled up the Missouri from its mouth in New Orleans, past the confluence with the Mississippi all the way up to Great Falls where David wants to see some reservoirs with hydro-electric dams. The three friends are in a restaurant, ordering dinner. They watch the sun set over the mountains, and hear the gentle sound of the huge waterfalls in the distance. As they wait for their food to arrive, John and David tell Bob how much fun they have had in the past two weeks. They are good friends with Bob, so they like to tease him a little, as he doesnt like to take any risks. John starts: I think the best thing we did was dive off the steamship on the first day. We absolutely had to swim to shore and hear the jazz band parading through the streets. Why else go to New Orleans? Bob sits quietly, listening to his friend. I never jump off steamships, he thinks to himself. Its just too dangerous. You never know how deep the water really is with all the sediment. I would never dive into a delta. Just then, their sticky, spicy chicken wings arrive. David eats a wing: And do you remember when we were camping on the riverbank by the confluence with the Yellowstone? It was midnight, and you went out for a wee in the river. You saw a canoe, and we decided to get in and head up the river. It was incredible the moonlight on the still river, the cool fresh air on our faces after the scorching hot day, the alligators... Bob stops listening and thinks to himself: Canoeing up a tributary full of alligators? At midnight? Without a map, a torch or a compass? Theyre crazy! The waitress clears the empty plates, and then brings a sizzling mixed grill. The three friends help themselves to steak, sausages, burgers and a small side salad. David turns to Bob, with a big grin on his face...

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Story 3 Part 2 David turns to Bob, We should do something together, tomorrow, before you go home. Now, I know you dont like to do anything too fun or exciting, he winks at John and they both laugh. Would you like to climb one of the mountains in the range in front of us? The view from those peaks must be great... Or maybe, says John smiling, something a little safer? I dont think there are any plains or plateaus to go and sit on for the afternoon, but maybe we could go for a walk along a little gorge? Bob looks at his two friends, who are trying not to laugh out loud. Bob feels embarrassed. Actually, he says, When youve seen Death Valley and the Grand Canyon, you want to do something a little bit more exciting than walking along a gorge. Something a little bit different. What is the most fun thing to do around here? Why dont we go white water rafting tomorrow? That is definitely the most exciting thing to do around here... says John. That night, back in his room, Bob brushes his teeth, puts on his stripy blue and white pyjamas, gets into bed, turns off the light and lies down. His heart is beating far too fast. What have I done? he thinks. Then he imagines telling Kate all about it, and how surprised, impressed, and pleased shell be. After an hour of worrying, he goes to sleep. The three friends meet up early for breakfast. David and John eat lots, but Bob cannot eat a thing. He tries to pretend he is ok, but he feels ill with worry. Then, they drive to the river...

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Story 3 Part 3 The three friends drive to the river, where they meet Phil, who runs the white water rafting company. Everyone puts on a life-jacket, takes a paddle and gets on the raft. The current is strong. They are very careful steering the raft around all the rocks. Bobs heart starts beating faster and faster. All four men are bouncing up and down. Bob wants to let go of his paddle and hold onto the raft with both hands. He cant understand how David and John arent scared, or why they think its funny to rock the raft from side to side. Suddenly, Bob hears a loud cry. David has slipped over the edge, and is holding on to the side of the raft. Bob rushes over and tries to pull him back up, which turns the raft upside down. Bob holds his breath as he goes underwater. It is suddenly very quiet, cold and wet. The strong current pulls him into some sharp rocks. Ow! When he comes back to the surface, Bob sees the raft and the others quite far ahead. Ouch! Something hard hits Bob in the face. It is his paddle. He uses it to steer himself towards the others. Bob, are you all right? Phil is worried. I split my lip when the paddle hit me in the face, and I think my teeth are damaged. Oh, and my lifejacket got ripped on a sharp rock. I might have broken my nose and there are definitely a few bruises too. Its all my fault, says David. I only fell out because I rocked the raft, and you only fell out because you tried to save me. Dont worry, replies Bob, grinning from ear to ear, that was probably the most exciting five minutes of my life! Lets get back on the raft and head down this river, and this time lets try and go even faster! Bob knows that he is only feeling brave because of the adrenalin, but after today, no-one will ever tease him again.

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Subject Questions These questions are designed to be used in geography lessons, and are based on the subject content of the story. The correct answers are indicated in bold. Part 1 1. What does David want to see in Great Falls? a) reservoirs and dams b) the river delta c) a waterfall 2. What part of the river were David and John in when they jumped off the steamship? a) upper course b) middle course c) lower course 3. Where did they go canoeing? a) in a reservoir b) in a tributary c) in a lake Part 2 1. Which two of these things do John and David suggest doing? a) climbing a mountain b) visiting a waterfall c) walking along a gorge 2. Bob says he has already seen a valley and a canyon. Write down their names. Death Valley and the Grand Canyon 3. What do they decide to do in the end? a) go canoeing b) go whitewater rafting Part 3 1. Who falls in the water first? a) David b) John c) Bob 2. Where is Bob pulled by the current? a) to the shore b) into some sharp rocks 3. When Bob comes back up to the surface, where is the raft? a) further up the river b) next to Bob c) further down the river

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Subject Exercise Here is a diagram of the Missouri river. Mark on the diagram where the following things happen in the story: David and John jump off a steamship David and John meet Bob All three of them go whitewater rafting David and John go canoeing All three of them go whitewater rafting
Great Falls


David and John meet Bob


David and John go canoeing



New Orleans MOUTH

David and John jump off a steamship

LinguaFrame, 2011 These notes may be printed and/or photocopied

Language Questions These questions are designed to be used in English lessons, and are based on the language content of the story. The correct answers are indicated in bold. Part 1 1. Which of these statements is correct? a) David is an engineer or he wants to see some reservoirs with hydro-electric dams. b) David is an engineer and he wants to see some reservoirs with hydro-electric dams. c) David is an engineer but he wants to see some reservoirs with hydro-electric dams. 2. Why does Bob think that it is dangerous to jump off a steamship in a delta? a) the river is deep but the current is very strong b) the water might not be deep enough or it could be polluted c) there is lots of sediment and the water might not be very deep 3. Do you think David and John tell Bob the truth about the things they did on the way up the Missouri river? Discuss it with your partner. Part 2 1. What does David say about Bob? a) he says that Bob doesn't like doing things that are too fun or exciting b) he says that Bob likes doing things that are fun and exciting c) he says that Bob doesn't like doing things that are too exciting, but he likes to have fun 2. How does Bob feel about going whitewater rafting? a) excited b) scared c) bored 3. What does Bob think Kate will think about him going whitewater rafting? a) she'll be surprised but she'll think it's a stupid idea b) she'll be surprised and impressed c) she won't be surprised or impressed because she won't be interested Part 3 1. What does Bob want to do when he gets in the raft? a) get out of the raft as quickly as possible b) hold onto the raft with both hands c) rock the raft from side to side 2. What injuries does Bob say he has? a) he has a few bruises, but he doesn't think he's hurt his lip, teeth or nose b) he has a few bruises and his lip is split, but his teeth and his nose are fine c) his lip is split, his teeth are damaged, his nose might be broken and he has a few bruises 3. What does Bob want to do after his accident? a) give up and go home b) get back in the raft and go faster

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Language exercise Listen again to the start of Part 2 of the story. Underline all the words that have an "i" sound like in "it" and "him". Take a different colour pen and listen again. Now underline all the words which have an "ee" sound like "he" and "week". _________________________________________________________________ David turns to Bob, We should do something together, tomorrow, before you go home. Now, I know you dont like to do anything too fun or exciting, he winks at John and they both laugh. Would you like to climb one of the mountains in the range in front of us? The view from those peaks must be great... Or maybe, says John smiling, something a little safer? I dont think there are any plains or plateaus to go and sit on for the afternoon, but maybe we could go for a walk along a little gorge? Bob looks at his two friends, who are trying not to laugh out loud. Bob feels embarrassed. __________________________________________________________________ [In the above, "i" sounds are marked in italics and underlined, "ee" sounds are marked in bold italics and underlined]

LinguaFrame, 2011 These notes may be printed and/or photocopied

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