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Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)


Microsoft Access is a computer application used to create and manage computer-based databases on desktop computers and/or on connected computers. Microsoft Access can be used for personal information management, in a small business to organize and manage data, or in an enterprise to communicate with servers.MSACCESS is a application software. It is the Data base management (DBMS) system. Introduction to MS-Access Microsoft Office Access, previously known as Microsoft Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. On May 12 2010, the current version of Microsoft Access 2010 was released by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version.

A database program, however, is much more powerful than a simple list you keep on paper or in a Microsoft Word document. A database program lets you:

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Store Information:
A database stores lists of information that are related to a particular subject or purpose. It could be a list of Aunt Mildred's home recipes, or business information, such as a list of hundreds of thousands of customers. A database also makes it easy to add, update, organize, and delete information.

Find Information:
You can easily and instantly locate information stored in a database. For example, you can find all the customers with the last name "Johnson" or all the customers who live in the 55417 zip code and are older than 65.

Analyze and Print Information:

You can perform calculations on information in a database. For example, you could calculate what percent of your total sales comes from the state of Texas. You can also present information in a professional-looking printed report.

Manage Information:
Databases make it easy to work with and manage huge amounts of information. For example, with a few keystrokes you can change the area code for hundreds of customers in the (612) area code to a new (817) area code.

Share Information:
Most database programs (including Microsoft Access) allow more than one user to view and work with the same information at once. Such databases are called databases.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Event :
Event is any change in state of an Access object. For example, you can write macros or Visual Basic procedures to respond to Opening a form Closing a form Entering a new row on a form Changing data in the current record

Control is an object on a form or report that contains data. You can even design a macro or a Visual Basic procedure that responds to the user pressing individual keys on the keyboard when entering data.

Microsoft Access calls anything that can have a name an object. Within an Access Database, the main objects are tables, queries, forms, reports, data access pages, macros, and modules. Database: A database is files in which you store data include all the major objects related to the stored data; including objects you define to automate the use of your data. In other database systems, the term database used to refer to only those files in which you store data. Here is a summary of the major objects in an Access database.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Table: An object you define and use to store data. Each table contains information about a particular subject, such as customers or orders. Table contains Fields (or columns) that store different kinds of data, such as a name or an address, and, Records (or rows) that collect all the information about a particular instance of the subject. E.g. All the information about a company you can define a primary key (one or more fields that have a unique value for each record) and, one or more indexes on each table to help retrieve your data more quickly. Query: Query in an object that provides a custom view of data from one or more tables. In Access, you can use the graphical query by example (QBE) facility or you can write SQL statements to create your queries. You can define queries to select, update, insert, or delete data. You can also define queries that create new tables from data Queries are the real workhorses in a database, and can perform many different functions. Their most common function is to retrieve specific data from the tables. The data you want to see is usually spread across several tables, and queries

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

allow you to view it in a single datasheet. Also, since you usually don't want to see all the records at once, queries let you add criteria to "filter" the data down to just the records you want. Queries often serve as the record source for forms and reports. in one or more existing tables.

An object designed primarily for data input or display or for control; of application execution. You use forms to customize the presentation of data that your application extracts for queries or tables. You can also print forms. You can design a form to run a macro or a Visual Basic procedure in response to any of a number of events- for example, to run a procedure when the value of data changes.

Report: An object designed for formatting, calculating, printing, and summarizing selected data. You can view a report on your screen before you print it.Data Access Page An object that includes an HTML file and supporting files to provide custom access to your data from Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can publish these files on your company intranet to allow other users on your network who also have Office 2000 and Internet Explorer version 5 or later to view, search, and edit your data.

Macro is an object that is a structured definition of one or more actions that you want Access to perform in response to a defined event. For example, you might design a macro that opens a second form in response to the selection of an item on a main form. You might have another macro that validate the content of a field whenever the value in the

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

field changes. You can include simple conditions in macros to specify when one or more actions in the macro should be performed or skipped. You can use macros to open and execute queries, to open tables, or to print or view reports. You can also run other macros or visual Basic Macros. Module: It is an object containing custom procedures that you code using Visual Basic. Modules provide a more discrete flow of actions and allow you to trap errors something you can't do with macros. Modules can be standalone objects containing functions that can be called from anywhere in your application, or they can be directly associated with a form or a report to respond to events on the associated former report. Table stores the data that you can extract with queries and display in reports or that you can display and update in forms or data access pages. Notice that forms, reports, and data access pages can use data either directly from tables or from a filtered "view" of the data created by using queries. Queries can use Visual; Basic functions to provide customized.

How to start MS-ACCESS: 1. Click on start button. 2. Then all programs. 3. Then MS-OFFICE. 4. 4 .Select MS-ACCESS and click enter.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Then put name file name in it to create table. Double click on the blank database. and then create file name in it click the create button.


TWO ways to create a table in ms-access: 1. Import the MS EXCEL file. 2. Import Access data base 3. Enter the data manually.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)


1. Create an excel file. 2. Then switch to ms-access.

3. On the external data tab in the impact group, click next. 4. Click browse, open the spread sheet file that you created in the pre vious steps, and then click ok, the impact spreadsheet wizard starts. In the Get
External Data dialog box, click Browse to find the source data file, or type the full path of the source data file in the File name box

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

5. By default the wizard select the first worksheets in the workbook and data from worksheet appears in the lower section of the wizard page, click next, 6. On the next page of the wizard, select the choose my own primary key option, choose roll no. room the list and click next.
7. Click the option that you want (all programs allow you to import, and some

allow you to append or link) under Specify how and where you want to store the data in the current database. You can create a new table that uses the imported data or (with some programs) you can append the data to an existing table or create a linked table that maintains a link to the data in the source program.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

8. If a wizard starts, follow the instructions on the next few pages of the wizard. On the last page of the wizard, click Finish. If you import objects or link tables from an Access database, either the Import Objects or Link Tables dialog box appears. Choose the items you want and click OK.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

9. Default access applies the name of the works next to your new table click finish. 10. Then click close.

2. IMPORT ACCESS DATABASE: Importing a table from another Access database

To import a table from another Access database, select the External Data tab in the toolbar at the top of the screen. Then click on the Access button in the Import group. Click on the Browse button and find the Access file that contains the tables that you wish to import from. In this example, we are selecting the Testing2.accdb file.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Then select the radio button called "Import tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules into the current database" and click on the OK button. In ms-access to create a data base two types of views are datasheet view and design view. Firstly click on the design view here the save as box arise .change the name of the table and then click ok.

You have the option now of saving your import steps. Click on the OK button. Your imported tables should now appear in your database window. And after that student field name and data type fills in it. For example student name, class, roll no, dob etc.and then when we click on the datasheet view a table will arise to save the table first.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

After saving the table and then student table will arise in which we enter a student data. In the ms access we put a primary key for uniqueness of the table.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)



It identifies a record in the table. Primary key always has a unique value. The value

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

Primary Key: Each table should include a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies each record stored in the table. This information is called the primary key of the table. The primary key is typically an auto number field which assigns it a computer generated number. You can also create a field with Integer data type and assign it a unique value. of primary key cannot be null.

1. Unequally identified 2. No duplicate value 3.No null value


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

2. Foreign key:
When A foreign key is assigned to a field in the child table that creates a relationship to the parent table. The parent table has the primary key on the same field which creates a relationship between the two tables the primary key of one table is represented in a second table to form a relationship, it is called a foreign key.

3. Composite key:
Primary key can consist of more than one field are called composite key.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)


IN ms-access tupples and attributes are the functions of the table.

1. Attributes:
Which words specified the values of the records of the tables those are attributes.

2. Tupples: which are the records in the rows in the table those are tupples


1. It is much time consuming. 2. Often the books are lost and the librarian is not aware of this. 3. No proper records for the workers, members and books transaction. 4. If manual record book is lost data will be completely lost.

Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

5. Lots of Manual labour is required for record keeping.

6. The workers especially sweepers and security guards are often absent and take the salary for the whole month without accountability of their attendance.

7. Many times duplication occurs as workers are finding it hard to keep track in the bundles of registers.

8. Data is stored in filling cabinets and can get in the wrong hands and can be used against the company.

9. Data is not always reliable as it is hand written and some human errors might have occurred example wrong telephone number ECT.

10. Retrieval of data is very slow as it has to be searched it has to be searched in lots of registers and this waste lots of time.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

11. Mostly data is kept on registers and these are stored in filling cabinets and this consumes a lot of space.

HOW DATA WAS STORED BEFORE MS ACCESS IN Microsoft access when we enter data here the two types of views datasheet view and design view first of all when we click on design view arise a Box For save the table click on ok button. Then open the table for field name and data type in it

. In this we enter only these types of which we want to show in the access table. And then we save and after that we open the datasheet view only these field open into it.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

Harmandeep Singh MBA 2ND (E)

In the datasheet view only special fields are available those who enter in the design view.


Chandigarh Business School, Gharuan

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