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Language through Peace, Peace through Language

TESOL 2010, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Presenters Molly Staeheli, Camp Director, US/ Ankara, Turkey Katalin Szab, Camp Counselor, Budapest, Hungary Adela Tompos, Teacher, Cakove, Croatia Bojana Klacar, Teacher, PljevLja Montenegro Supporters Mary Lou McCloskey, Teacher Education, US Lydia Stack, Teacher Education, US Lisa Harshberger, RELO Hungary Gergo Santa, Assistant RELO Hungary Handouts and more info: Camp goals, organization and learning approach, Molly Staeheli, Turkey Camp Objectives Teacher development Active/Interactive language learning Tolerance and understanding content Creating a supportive camp community Camp Organization Mornings Teachers learn methods for teaching content Students participate in wide selection of counselor-led activities Afternoons Teachers put into practice their new strategies Students participate in interactive language learning Camp Organization Evenings Teachers, students and counselors organize evening programs Discos, talent shows and games with the whole camp community How our community is built: Randomly-selected roommates allow for informal kid time. English classes - content based and interactive - offer opportunities to identify with heterogeneous groups academically. Teams offer opportunities to identify with heterogeneous groups socially. Each small community plays a part in the entire camp community. Language through Peace, Peace through Language, TESOL 2010 1

Entire camp participates in service project in community outside of camp. How Camp Recreation Activities Contribute to Camp Tolerance Theme.

Team Building Through Adventure: Treasure Hunt Game, Katalin Szab, Hungary Treasure Hunt Game Tasks Art Gallery Zoo Airport Clover Crossword House of cards Learn our languages build the statue of friendship make a zoo and show it to the judge fold a paper plane that flies the given distance bring as many four-leaf clovers as possible solve the crossword build the biggest house of cards learn the sentence Were all friends in the five home languages of the Teaching Tolerance 2009 campers (Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Slovakian, Hungarian)

Procedures: Campers play in their (mixed) GROUPS The group members must work together to be able to overcome the CHALLENGES before they get the MAP and find the TREASURE Counselors/Teachers role: supervising (let students solve the difficulties on their own) The students practice how to act as team members and must rely on each other The only way to be up to their tasks is cooperation

Taking Action for Change the story of Rosa Parks, Adela Tompos, Croatia
Note: Activities come from Making Connections 2 by Carolyn Kessler, Linda Lee, Mary Lou McCloskey, Mary Ellen Quinn, and Lydia Stack (Heinle)

Lesson plan: Into the Reading Quickwrite Students write about a time when someone treated them unfairly Frayer Model Students use Frayer Model Vocabulary Cards to Build vocabulary Vocabulary -e.g., boycott: Through the Reading Jigsaw Reading: In small groups, students number off. These are their Home Groups Language through Peace, Peace through Language, TESOL 2010 2

Then they move from home groups to expert groups according to their numbers. Expert groups each study one paragraph of the text. Then they return to their home groups where each person teaches about the paragraph they studied. Numbered Heads Together Students in home groups put their heads together to find the answer questions from the teacher Teacher calls out a number, and the persons with that number give their groups answer. Everybody has to be prepared, but only one number answers Beyond the Reading Point of View Class writes questions for characters in the story. Individual students take on the roles of the characters Characters stand before the class and answer questions from the group

Readers Theatre, Bojana Klacar, Montenegro

Readers Theatre Objectives practising reading out loud increasing reading and oral fluency in a creative and stress-free environment working in a team environment to perform in front of peers writing and performing Readers Theatre script Readers Theatre Principles Reader's Theatre asks for no costumes,no scene its accessible to all teachers and students the success of a play depends ONLY on the students intonation, pronunciation, attitude, body language Readers Theatre Procedures Introduce Readers Theatre with a prepared scripts Students read out loud taking the parts of different characters Students move on to create their own scripts from texts Groups perform the script in front of the class or school Impact of Teaching Tolerance through English Program Mary Lou McCloskey & Lydia Stack, USA Lasting effects of Teaching Tolerance through English Learners participate in a positive multicultural community and develop lifelong friends from other countries and cultures Teachers expand their teaching repertoires with interactive teaching strategies and develop their own multicultural learning community Everyones oral English fluency and accuracy improve dramatically Handouts & Info:

Language through Peace, Peace through Language, TESOL 2010

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