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List of Illustrations (Figures/Plates)

Figure 1: Faience tablets representing fronts of houses and towers (Evans, 1921-1935, I.304)

Figure 2: Remains of Faience Plaques representing various subjects found within House Tablets (Evans, 1921-35, 1.310, fig.228). p archer. t spearman.

Figure 3: Siege scene on Silver Rhyton from Mycenae (Evans, 1930, III.393, fig.52)

Figure 4: The Master Impression from Kastelli, Khania (Hallager, 1985, 50, fig.11)

Figure 5: Sealings from Zakros showing castellated buildings (Evans, 1921-1935, I.308, fig.227 a,b,c)

Figure 6: Clay seal impressions showing scenes of combat, from Hagia Triada (Evans, 19211935, III.512, fig.456 a, b)

Figure 7: Sword type illustrations. a Minoan Prepalatial dagger. b Type A sword. c Type B sword. d Type C sword. e Type D sword. f Type F sword. g Naue II type sword. (Peatfield, 1999, 75, fig.Pl.Va-g).

Figure 8: A Skull 1032, trauma caused by blunt object. B Skull 1033, trauma caused by pointed object. C 8065, trauma probably caused by a bladed weapon (Betancourt, 2008, 583, fig. 20, 21, 22)

Figure 9: Skull 8123, Cranial trephination (Betancourt, 2008, 587, fig. 31)

Figure 10: Map of the main sites mentioned in Chapter 3 (Modified from Web Reference 2)

Figure 11: Original west faade line of the Palace of Knossos showing Outer Enceinte Wall, (Evans, PM IV.I, fig 30, 50). Annotated to show relevant architecture

Figure 12: Isometric view of outer entrance system on west (partly completed): with original west entrance of palace, modified to show guard room (Evans, PM IV.I, fig 34, 57)

Figure 13: Aspro Nero. Cliff with fortified site [stou] Paletsi on top (Schlager, 1999, 178)

Plate: Aspro Nero site plan showing the North bastion and double fortification wall (Schlager, 1999, 180)

Figure 14: Aspro Nero site plan, modified to show the North bastion and double fortification wall (Schlager, 1999, 180)

Figure 15: Monastiraki Katalimata: perspective view (Nowicki, 2000, 93)

Figure 16: Plan of Myrtos-Pyrgos (Cadogan, 1992, 201). Annotated to highlight the location of the beacon tower and cisterns

Figure 17: Drawings of guard houses and vigla as seen during the survey. (Chryssoulaki, 1999, Pl.VIIIa, 88). 1 - Chordaki 2 - Yolifi 3 - Plakalon 4 - Faragouli 6 - Keratia I Riza 7 Chocklakies 8 - Koufodassos 9 - Kokkino Froudi 10 - Sfaka 11 - Ayio Pnevma 12 Choiromandres 13 - Aspra Koutela 14 - Mabro Avlaki 15 - Polla Kladia 16 - Kali Elia 17 Aspres Plakes 18 - Karoumes-Mother Fort 19 - Karoumes-Phylakio tis Thalassas.

Figure 18: Topographical map showing the spatial distribution of Neopalatial Guard Houses in Sitia Crete

Key: = Guard houses = Minoan sites

= Minoan roads (Tzedakis, 1990)

Figure 19: Colour coded topographical map showing the spatial distribution of Neopalatial Guard Houses in Sitia Crete

Key: - Sites mentioned in chapter 4 - New guard houses constructed in the Neopalatial - Continued use of Protopalatial guard houses - Abandoned or destroyed guard houses during LM I - Guard houses renovated/converted into villa/farm complexes in LM I - Minoan roads (Tzedakis, 1990)

Figure 20: Excavated guard houses. - Choiromandres, - Karoumes -Mother Fort, Kokkino Froudi, Karoumes - Phylakio tis Thalassas (Chryssoulaki, 1999, Pl.VII 87).

Figure 21: Colour coded topographical map showing spatial distribution of the New Guard Houses built in the North of Sitia Crete

Key: - Key sites mentioned - New guard houses constructed in the Neopalatial - Continued use of Protopalatial guard houses - Minoan roads (Tzedakis, 1990)

List of Tables
Chronology Table FN End EM I EM II EM III MM IA MM IB MM II MM III A MM III B LM IA LM IB LM II LM III A1 LM III A2 LM III B LM III C c.3650/3500 B.C 2900-2300/2150 B.C 2900-2300/2150 B.C 2300/2150 2160/2025 B.C 2160/1979-20th cent. B.C 19th cent. B.C 19th cent. - 1700-1650 B.C 1700/1650 1640/1630 B.C 1640/1630 1600 B.C 1600 1480 B.C 1480 - 1425 B.C 1425-1390 B.C 1390-1370/1360 B.C 1370/1360 - 1340/1330 B.C 1340/1330 1190 B.C 1190 - 1070 B.C

Table 1: Cretan absolute chronology (Hankey, 1989, 169, table 3.1)

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