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The Chartered Institute for the Management of Assessment Practice (CIMAP) Board Members: Chairperson: D.E Damons MSc; (FCIEA U.K) Vice-Chairperson: Prof. M. Mehl, Prof. D S. Matjila; Dr. W. Guest-Mouton; Dr. K. Deller; Mr. P. Mathebula (BEd Hons) Mr. T. Tshabalala; Dr. W. Goosen, (FCIEA U.K); Mrs. R. Pillay (M.Ed.); Dr. M. Serfontein, (FCIEA U.K); Dr. L. Meyer, (FCIEA U.K); HEADOFFICE CIMAP Suite 16 Republic Rd Bordeaux Randburg - 2125 T - 011 329 9000 F - 086 218 4466 W - M -

Newsle^er Editor: Regional Conveners:


June 2012

L. Meyer GA: H. Van Twisk CPT: S. Louw

Sub Editors: H. D. Edwards & H. Van Twisk Limp: T. Tshabalala KZN: J. Topping FS: S. Lala Ethics: H. D. Edwards

1st Floor Cowey House Morningside Durban - 4001 CIMAP Suite West Block Tannery Park 23 Belmont Road Rondebosch - 7700

Message from the CIMAP Board

Dear CIMAP Members, It is hard to believe that the rst half of 2012 is behind us. The second part of 2012 oers remarkable opportuni=es for our professional body. CIMAP has achieved signicant milestones in our rst year of opera=on. In reec=ng on the preceding year, some of the CIMAP achievements that are worth men=oning include: T h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a C I M A P Con=nuous Professional Development (CPD) framework; T h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f a C I M A P designa=on framework; Formula=on of na=onal and regional structures; Establishment of a social media presence and progressed strategy; Establishment of a number of formal rela=onships with various professional bodies including PRISA, SABPP, SAPA; Representa=on on the WC Premiers Skills Council; Representa=on on regional SETA structures; Representa=on on the Professional Body Forum; The formal engagement with SAQA and the QCTO on a number of issues ae c = n g m e m b e rs a n d m e m b e r companies; Engagement with various ETQAs; Formalisa=on and appointment of the CIMAP board; Roll out of CIMAP CPD ac=vi=es; Commencement of the process to register with SAQA as a professional body; The awarding of the rst CIMAP formal designa=ons; The development and implementa=on of a formal communica=on strategy; Securing sponsored oce space for 24 months; Appointment of full =me CIMAP sta; Establishing the rela=onship with CIEA U.K; Submissions e.g. the new QCTO system and the Green Paper on post-school educa=on; A successful membership drive that yielded a 475% growth in membership in the preceding three months; The conceptualisa=on and development of a student membership model. CIMAPs founding members deliberated the idea of the forma=on of a professional body in the preceding years. CIMAP was ocially established in 2011. It takes considerable pa=ence and determina=on to maintain the stamina in advancing the needs of a specic profession. The founding members are condent that, notwithstanding the normal cri*cs that do very li^le to secure their fate, the professionaliza=on of the assessment prac=ce industry is a worthy cause. (Cont.)



Ethics and accountability have emerged as central themes in the What should we be doing to advance a creditable body of CIMAP growth journey, underpinned by our core values of assessment prac:ce? Integrity, Credibility and Discipline. It is common cause that Umalusi and the CHE and some SETA Educa=onal Assessment Prac=ce is wide ranging and commences ETQAs (with the assistance of credible professional bodies) are with Early Childhood Development and con=nues to the highest laudable. It is, however, problema=c that SAQA guidelines have echelons of Post-Doctoral research. been applied with varying personal interpreta=ons by autocrats CIMAP understands the assessment process involves that and bureaucrats that are more osen than not unqualied to do somewhere, somehow, someone is making a decision about so. competence or the lack thereof in various levels of society. Professor Mehl constantly reminds us that someone has to approve the nuclear physicist skills set prior to their solo endeavour. A solo endeavour that may result in the loss of large numbers of life if poorly executed! It is evident that global assessment systems are underpinned by standardisa=on, peer review mechanisms, communi=es of trust, expert prac==oners, maturity valida=on and uncompromising quality. The aforemen=oned is pivotal in pursuit of assessment excellence. We may engage on issues such as competency ra=ng percentages that are les open to the interpreta=on and cause vigorous debate. The debate around the assessment paradox is instrumental in developing a coherent examina=on for valid assessment principles. Prac==oners who have researched and reviewed educa=onal journals or other seminal research are faced with a plethora of available and conic=ng informa=on. Dr. Doug Orzolek from the University of St Thomas (USA), reminds us that the deni=on of the word assessment is a paradox.

Forma=ve and summa=ve assessment constructs; Objec=ve and subjec=ve assessment processes; Referencing (criterion-referenced, norm-referenced, and standardised assessments, Informal and formal assessment processes


Why do we assess competence and compe==veness in the rst place? South Africa advanced two places to 50th in the 2012 World Compe==veness Yearbook (SA info 2012). Why is this Assessment includes the evalua=on of performance (as in determina=on important to us? learning), or value (as in property) or it can simply be a judgment It is natural that all human beings understand how they are about something. Orzolek further argues that from the performing at various levels in their personal and professional etymologist review of the origin and root of an assessment we can lives. learn something more. Individuals and collec=ves are constantly assessed to validate their levels of competence. Assessment Prac=ce review mechanisms According to the American Heritage Dic=onary of the English are cri=cally important to monitor the success of learning and Language, assessment, which is derived from assess, actually assessment interven=ons and Return on Investment (ROI) comes from the La=n word assidere meaning to sit beside as ini=a=ves. an assistant judge. Moving from denial to acceptance that prac==oners are osen This could indeed mean many things. Orzoleks interpreta=on is disadvantaged in rela=on to their available knowledge repository innova=ve as he explores the role of the educator (assistant judge) allows us to progress and seek solu=ons. It is important that the as merely parallel to that of the learner, in the role of educator best possible assessment constructs are applied in a given set of (assistant judge) and proposing advice or ideas as they reect and circumstances. In the quest for quality advancements in assessment prac=ce, we evolve in our quest for future excellence. assess themselves. The dimensions involved in assessment are vast and oer an South Africa has not been opera=ng in a vacuum. The CHE, exci=ng eld for professional prac=ce engagement. CIMAP has Umalusi and SAQA have established clear assessment guidelines. embarked on a journey of professionalizing the credibility of Inconsistent quality levels in the implementa=on of assessment prac==oners and facilita=ng debate in assessment prac=ce. prac=ce have unfortunately compromised a credible system in CIMAP members are pioneers and visionaries who embrace the some instances. Learners / Students from these compromised ethos of credibility, responsibility and accountability on our ins=tu=ons face ill-fated discrimina=on through no fault of their evolu=onary journey. own.

(NCWIT ES; 2012)

The no:on of educa:onal assessment is complex and involves

Yours in assessment excellence!



By Heidi D Edwards (CIMAP Convener Ethics)


The Education, Training & Development landscape in South Africa is widespread and peopled by a variety of practitioners; from Trainers to Assessors and Moderators, to Coaches and Mentors and Learning Material Developers.

The South African Qualication Authority Board announced their decision to re-register all the qualications and unit standards that reach the end of their registration period on 30 June 2012 for a further three years to 30 June 2015. The SAQA board conrmed this decision on application of the Quality Council for Trades and That means thousands of people who practice with varying Occupations (QCTO) and the Council on Higher Education (CHE). degrees of success yet there is a small group of Practitioners who have made a name for themselves. Within the current qualication registration period, it is anticipated that the last date for enrolment and achievement will How do they manage it? Each one has a strong moral compass be applied, as is currently the case. The normal conditions vis--vis from which they do not waver. Each one believes in the success of the teach out period will apply to all qualications that are not re- the Learner and in life-long learning. Each one considers success registered. to be synonymous with quality and quality to be synonymous with a deep seated belief in ethical practice. SAQA further conrms their decision that the following types of qualications and unit standards would not be re-registered: That notwithstanding - there are some Practitioners who confuse success with quantity; some Practitioners who delight in Qualications that have, to date, not been oered to circumventing the system by engaging in corrupt practices; some learners; Practitioners who treat the ne art of Assessment as a ticking Qualications for which no provider of education and training exercise and some Practitioners who have no respect for the has, to date, applied to the relevant ETQA for accreditation; profession. Qualications that were submitted for registration by private providers, but which are not being quality assured by an Corruption a word that has been much bandied about of late. A ETQA strong word, the meaning of which can be (depending on which Qualications that do not meet the requirements of the dictionary you reference) morally depraved or the state of being HEQF and for which the CHE has not given approval for their so. Wow; surely this does not happen in the world of Education & continued oering Training? Surely no ETD Practitioner would stoop so low? REALITY CHECK 1: There are Developers who assert that their material is aligned and approved. The material is then found to be so sub-standard that we would be setting Learners up for failure if any Learner tried to use it. REALITY CHECK 2: For R1, 000 I can make sure you get your Certicate of Competence. Unit standards that have been replaced. Replaced unit standards remain valid for the purpose of oering the qualication(s) of which they form part, but may not be used for credit purposes in skills programmes or short courses; Unit standards that have, to date, not been oered to learners; Unit standards that are not linked to a qualication and consequently are not quality assured by an ETQA;


REALITY CHECK 3: M aking fraudulent claims about ones Letters will be sent by SAQA to all Higher Education and Training providers with an Annexure indicating which qualications are accomplishments (in a CV or in an email to a prospective client). registered on the NQF. REALITY CHECK 4: If you want to use me as an Assessor then pay Providers must return the Annexure to SAQA giving an indication me R5,000 and Ill send you my SETA registration papers. of which qualications should be re-registered. Failure to return Have you comes across any of the aforementioned reality checks? the Annexure will be regarded by SAQA as an indication that the Do I hear a resounding YES? What have you done about it? provider does not wish to have any of the qualications re- Nothing I hear you say. What can we do to eradicate this scourge registered. from the ETD landscape? Do we want to blow the whistle on illicit Providers that have voiced tremendous uncertainty on their future activities? ability to operate in the occupationally directed education and Well, I agree it is dicult (and sometimes scary) to blow the training elds are able to plan for the duration of the re-registered proverbial whistle yet we owe it to our Learners, to ourselves and qualications. Clients will also be in a position to plan strategically to our noble profession to be brave. Should a whistle blowing in relation their qualication skills oering for reregistered qualications. facility be available to us as ETD Practitioners? Consider this Who benets from illicit and corrupt activities? Providers that have programme approval to oer qualications are How does unethical practice aid your able to rmly continue their programme oering, whilst the QCTO transitional arrangements are in place, and whilst the appointment credibility? of professional bodies as quality partners continues. Whilst we celebrate the continued qualication oering, we look forward to the timely planning, communication and consultation of the future quality partner processes.
Queries regarding re-registration should be directed to the following e- mail: Eddie Brown: (012) 431 5073 Carina Oelofsen: (012) 431 5112

Heidi is an independent ETD Practitioner. She pays her dues to CIMAP & the Ethics Institute of South Africa. Heidi writes in her personal capacity.



SAQA recently completed a road show to discuss the SAQA level Reec:on descriptors. Please see some important extracts in summary of viii. Iden=fy & Address Level 8 the presenta:on. ix. Autonomous Decisions (Masters) - Level 9 Levels are indicators of rela=ve demand made on the learner, the x. Advance Processes (PhD) - Level 10 complexity and/or depth of achievement, and the learner Level descriptors are used: autonomy in demonstra=ng that an achievement. When designing new programmes of study; Level descriptors are statements describing learning achievement When wri=ng learning outcomes at a specic level on the NQF that provide a general, shared understand of learning and achievement at each of the ten NQF When wri=ng assessment criteria levels. When assessing prior learning Level descriptors are applicable to Learners, Providers, Curriculum When incorpora=ng non-tradi=onal learning (e.g. work-based designers & Employers etc. learning) into award-bearing courses When modules or short courses need to be related to for Level descriptors oer coherence in learning achievement, accredita=on purposes facilitate evalua=on for comparability, advance objec=ves of the NQF and General, shared understanding of learning & When learning at dierent levels needs to be compared achievement. Applied competence includes: Founda=onal competence (academic/intellectual skills) Prac=cal competence (opera=onal context) Reexive competence (learner autonomy)

apply the principle of best fit

establish the centre of gravity of the qualification


Equivalence Professional exper=se is required to apply the level descriptors to Is the NCV at NQF level 4 the same as the NSC, also at NQF level ones own subject or context. 4? Principles of Level descriptors Applica=on One common set Ten Competencies Academic and Occupa=onal Qualica=ons Correla=on between qualica=on & occupa=onal levels Cri=cal Cross Fields are embedded Cumula=ve RPL Descrip=ve not prescrip=ve Nomenclature for Qualica=ons Scope of Knowledge: i. General Knowledge - Level 1 ii. Opera=onal Knowledge - Level 2 iii. Basic Understanding- Level 3 iv. Fundamental Knowledge (Grade 12) - Level 4 v. Informed Understanding - Level 5 vi. Detailed Knowledge - Level 6 vii. Integrated Knowledge- Level 7 viii. Applied Knowledge - Level 8 ix. Specialist Knowledge(Masters) - Level 9 x. Cri=cal Knowledge (PhD) - Level 10 The NQF acts as a neutral reference point for all dierent sorts of qualications. An important underlying principle of the NQF is the promo=on of parity of esteem between academic, voca=onal and higher educa=on routes or pathways as well as between basic and post-school educa=on and training. Specialisation The descriptors reect its utility for both specialisations and generalisations. Moving from a lower to a higher level, in some study or work contexts, can also mean becoming more of a generalist Sequencing Indicating NQF levels for qualications does not mean that qualications necessarily have to be acquired in the same sequence as the NQF levels In summary: Level descriptors:


i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.


Own and specic environment Iden=fy and develop - Level 1 Apply- Level 2 Organisa:onal

i. ii.

Are helpful guides rather than dictates Are generic and not programme-specic Do not cover all possible learning elevation programme of study Work better when viewed in the context of progression look at the same descriptors for the previous and the next level Can be understood interims of the relationship between descriptors at the same level Provide an appropriate vocabulary to describe learning

iii. iv. v. vi. vii.

Comply Level 3 Adhere Level 4 Take Account Of Level 5 Ethical Implica=ons Level 6 Take Decisions & Act Level 7


capital. The proposed educa=onal growth CIMAP NEWS AND EVENTS path should include the improved CIMAP - SABPP performance of occupa=onally directed CIMAP par=cipated in the SABPP Learning educa=on and training provision, which in and Quality Assurance Department of SABPP rst workshop on 23 May 2012 at South Africa is presently facing fundamental turn should result in economic growth. economic and transforma=ve growth Educa=onal throughput will have a limited the University of Johannesburg. challenges, compounded by an educa=onal impact on skills advancement, and the focus system that prepares large numbers of South African ci=zens for lifelong under and must transcend to informed learning unemployment. Economic growth must be outcomes that are grounded in innova*ve informed by intelligent accountability and prac*ces, cri*cal and cogni*ve thinking and social transforma=on that reects a capitalise on new technology in a coherent educa=on system. heterogeneous global context. In this context, South Africa requires EXTRACT FROM: - John Arnesen (Project Director: NQF sustained high impact human capital Advocacy) SAQA Ph.D. Thesis of Dr. L. Meyer development systems and a na=on of Marius Meyer: CEO SABPP conscious individuals who could facilitate DISCUSSIONS IN EDUCATION: A Deonita Damons Chairperson CIMAP the journey of transforma=on to a POSTMODERN APPROACH knowledge economy. The Da Vinci Ins=tute for Technology Continuous Human capital development is at the axis of Management 2012 Professional social cohesion, auence, and sustainable employment crea=on, as the emphasis and Study development - CPD focus on broader aspects of value crea=on without desire spoils the and skills base reforms prepare South Africa PLANNED CPD ACTIVITIES FOR 2012 memory and it retains nothing for par=cipa=on and posi=oning as a that it takes in i. Eec=ng Recogni=on of Prior Learning leading global compe=tor. - Leonardo Da Vinci in the workplace; Regulatory policies have formed an enabling ii. Bridging the gap between Assessor and a restric=ve environment where limited and Moderator training and becoming innova=on was evident. In a world where it an eec=ve prac==oner; is impossible to contribute to a knowledge UNESCO AND GLOBAL iii. Ethics in Assessment; economy without informa=on, many iv. D e ve l o p i n g a m e a n i n g f u l a n d EDUCATION learners are s=ll deprived of access to basic adaptable QMS; informa=on technology and meaningful v. Preparing providers for the QCTO; The interna=onal academic community will learning prac=ces. come together to announce a new Higher vi. Preparing workplaces for the QCTO; Post-modern enquiry, based on the ideas Educa=on Ini=a=ve for Sustainable vii. Preparing for the 2012 Labour Law and theories posi=oned by famous Development. An umbrella of United amendments. philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, and Na=ons partner organiza=ons will facilitate Osho and advances par=cular proposi=ons In the coming months members will be the ini=a=ve. c o n c e r n i n g t h e s t r u c t u r a l a n d requested to ac=vely invest n their own Since higher educa=on ins=tu=ons educate methodological pedagogy of occupa=onally CPD development and skills passport and train decision makers, they play a key directed educa=on and training providers conrma=on. role in building more sustainable socie=es accredita=on and external modera=on and crea=ng new paradigms. The ini=a=ve CIMAP welcomes your input in developing prac=ces. calls upon leaders of the academic meaningful topics as CPD ac=vi=es. Please Data analysis suggests that the current community around the globe to commit e-mail the CPD convener Dr. Karen Deller occupa=onal accredita=on and external themselves to fostering research and with your sugges=ons and queries. modera=on frameworks in South Africa teaching on sustainable development require a signicant interven=on to redress issues, greening their campuses and bureaucra=c and puni=ve processes that engaging with interna=onal frameworks CIMAP presented the rst CPD Ethics signicantly inhibit innova=ve educa=on such as the UN Decade of Educa=on for in Prac=ce workshop on Friday 8 June and training delivery, which could support Sustainable Development for which 2012. Guest Resource Services Training social and educa=onal transforma=on. UNESCO is the lead agency. C e nt re i n P reto r i a h o ste d t h e South Africa must develop and implement workshop. CIMAP Ethics convener alterna=ve learning and assessment themes h^p:// Heidi D Edwards facilitated this as well as innova=ve frameworks for events/educa=onevents/? successful CPD ac=vity. accredita=on and external modera=on tx_browser_pi1%5BshowUid (verica=on) ac=vi=es in the realm of %5D=6307&cHash=2c1ab7f308 s u s t a i n a b l e e d u c a = o n t h a t o e r s measurable Return of Investment (ROI) CIMAP opportuni=es.


South Africa should prepare a cohesive integrated economic and transforma=on strategy that conrms specic social outcomes, acknowledging the inter- rela=onship of economic, human and social



By Dr. L. Meyer & Mr. Tsidiso Tshabalala - CIMAP Board Members

The composi=on of the South African popula=on is 78.5% Black Africa, 2.5 % Indian, 9 % coloured and 9% White (Sta:s:cs SA; 2012). Transforma=on has been achieved in the public service with demographically representa:ve numbers of employees. Private sector transforma=on is however lagging behind and causing much frustra=on and vigorous debate rela=ng to economic transforma=on in South Africa.

x. Create a beHer South Africa and opportuni=es are realis=c when business is contribute to a beKer and safer Africa able to create wealth and jobs and have the and world; prerequisite skills sets available for them to xi. A n e c i e n t , e e c = v e a n d create sustainable opportuni=es. development oriented public service South Africa is prosperous and we osen and an empowered, fair and inclusive have to shoulder refugees and immigrants ci=zenship. from myriad countries that are far worse o Some of the factors to consider whilst than we are. C o n s i d e r i n g t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f founda:onal educa:on, it is not surprising that a recent Africa Educa:on report in 2012 highlighted important sta:s:cs: Primary school enrolment in Africa' has increased from an average of 73%. Challenges are being addressed especially around girl child enrolments. 32 million primary-school children equalling 45% of the global out-of school popula=on resides in the sub- Sahara. In sub-Saharan Africa, almost 12 million girls may never enrol in school. Approximately 28 million pupils in sub- Saharan Africa drop out each year. Only one in three youths (34%) a^ends secondary school the lowest

dealing with poverty eradica=on include the Gini coecient, employment, per capita, available social services, and the breadline South Africa has has agreed to a The poverty measure. Millennium Development Goals, (MDGs) as Structural unemployment, poor levels of a member state of the United Na=ons: The educa=onal quality and forced throughput M i l l e n n i u m D e v e l o p m e n t G o a l s , rates oer li^le hope when faced with the (MDGs).contains eight development structural unemployment rate as opposed priori=es: to the ocial unemployment rate of i. To eradicate extreme poverty and individuals ac=vely seeking employment. As hunger; South Africa embraces a newfound poli=cal ii. To a c h i e v e u n i v e rs a l p r i m a r y will to address the youth educa=on and employment wastelands, no responsible educa=on; ci=zen can sit idly by in the face an iii. To promote gender equality and inevitable educa=onal revolu=on (Meyer; empower women; 2012). iv. To reduce child mortality; Government must create an environment that is conducive to business development and scal policy constraint. The educa=on vi. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and system in South Africa is struggling to other diseases; produce func=onal learners. Universi=es are vii. T o e n s u r e e n v i r o n m e n t a l being bombarded with learners that are not sustainability; ready for higher educa=on. viii. To develop a global partnership for The ques=on is however broader than the development. obvious. Where do these students go once The South African Government developed they complete grade 12 or graduate from 12 outcomes that will drive the MDGs. ins=tu=ons of further and higher learning? How did these students end up being set up These include: for inevitable failure by being structurally i. Improved quality of basic educa*on; disadvantaged by substandard educa=on ii. A long and healthy life for all South support structures? Africans; The Deputy Minister of Higher Educa=on iii. All people in South Africa are and feel and Training Professor Mkize conrms, the safe; new mandate was born out of a crisis, iv. Decent employment through inclusive emana=ng from the perceived failure of our system to produce employable graduates, economic growth; manifested through the inability of our v. A skilled and capable workforce to graduates to meet the needs of labour support and inclusive growth path; markets. Of even more serious concern, is vi. A n e c i e n t , c o m p e H H v e a n d the failure of our system to absorb the 2.8 responsive economic infrastructure million youth between the ages of 18 and network; 24 who are neither at school nor at vii. Vibrant, equitable and sustainable work (Mkhize; 2011). v. To improve maternal health; rural communiHes with food security The ocial unemployment rate in South for all; Africa is quan=ed at 25, 3 % for the second viii. Sustainable human seKlements and quarter of 2010 and conrmed as 47 % for youth (Sta=s=cs South Africa, 2010). It must improved quality of household life; be considered that only individuals who are i. A responsive, accountable, eecHve ac=vely seeking employment are included in and ecient local government the percentage. system; Educa=on is one of the key elements in ix. Environmental assets and natural addressing unemployment coherently. It resources that are well protected and m a k e s s e n s e t h a t e m p l o y m e n t con*nually enhanced;

globally level.
153 million adults (38%) of the adult popula=on in sub-Saharan Africa cannot read or write, with 60% of these individuals being women. 1.2 milion Addi=onal teachers are required in the region to reach the interna=onally agreed goal of ge{ng all children into primary school by 2015. I n N i g e r i a , a c h i l d s p e n d s approximately 6.5 years in school on average. A wealthy urban child averages around 10 years, while poor rural Hausa girls average less than six months in school. Aid levels to basic educa=on in sub- Saharan Africa have dropped from US $1.72 billion in 2007 to $1.65 billion in 2008. Taking into account rising enrolment in primar y schools, spending per pupil has dropped by 7%. In confron=ng the aforemen=oned topics, it will not help us to entomb reality at the expense of pragma=sms. It is not governments job to create wealth this is the role of business and entrepreneurs. Government must create an environment that is conducive to business development and scal policy constraint that is able to support the achievement of the MDGs. (Cont.)



Laying the blame for our ques=onable educa=on system solely at the door of government is however nave and disingenuous. Businesses, government, labour and civil society, regulators and professional bodies and associa=ons are in this together. The global economic crisis has raised a set of profound ques=ons about ma^ers of trust, inuence and accountability. There is a widespread sense, that the t ra d i = o n a l c h a l l e n g e s o f av o i d i n g accountability will be redened in the context of new scien=c, legal and viable trials in suppor=ng the MDGs. Educa=on must be treated with the support and respect it deserves. The quality and standing of prac==oners must be conrmed for those wishing to operate in the eld of educa=on. No one would willingly allow our children to be taught by unqualied and inexperienced educators. Equally, organisa=ons cannot aord to engage the services of individuals that are unqualied and ill equipped to train or assess their employees - if we are serious about achieving the MDGs. In achieving the Millennium Development Goals, meritocracy and compromised quality can no longer be part of our vocabulary. As we stand in the face of defending quality, we will osen stand alone. Educa=on in the context of achieving the MDGs must be considered cri=cally in the perspec=ve of quality processes including available r e s o u r c e s , l e c t u r e r / e d u c a t o r competencies, ongoing CPD, language prociencies etc.


A recent presenta:on made by Mrs Heidi Pieters from the QCTO shared some valuable informa:on: Pre QCTO Legisla:on: Pre-1922 Company specic appren=ceship contracts 1922 Appren=ceship Act 1930, 1944, 1950 Amendments ONLY appren=ceships Appren=ceship Commi^ees by trade / industry / area 1981 Manpower Training Act Black workers could enter appren=ceships Appren=ceship focus but permi{ng other skills too Industry Training Boards voluntary, with voluntary levies 1995 South African Qualica=ons Authority Act - NQF 1998 Skills Development Act & 1999 Levies Act Sector Educa=on and Training Authori=es (SETAs) with focus on whole workforce (not only ar=sans), mandatory levy 2008 Amendment to SDA Quality Council for Trades and Occupa=ons (na=onal not sectoral standards for trades and occupa*ons The NQF pre 2008: of working contexts in both the formal and informal economy as well as in the public and private sectors. All occupa=onal qualica=ons are linked to the Organising Framework for Occupa=ons (OFO) and must: be t-for-purpose, reect workplace requirements, i.e. be demand or opportunity led and not supply driven, T h e p u r p o s e o f a n o c c u p a = o n a l qualica=on is to qualify a learner to prac:ce an o c c u p a : o n , r e e c t e d o n t h e O r g a n i s i n g F r a m e w o r k f o r Occupa=ons (OFO) or an occupa=onal s p e c i a l i s a = o n r e l a t e d t o a n occupa=on that is reected on the O r g a n i s i n g F r a m e w o r k f o r Occupa=ons (OFO).


The QCTO has two types of qualica:ons: Na=onal Occupa=onal Qualica=on (more than 120 credits) Na=onal Occupa=onal Award (less than 120 and more than 25 credits) Linked to occupa=on on OFO and reec=ng occupa=onal specialisa=on in brackets (where applicable) Not reec=ng learning eld


Title of qualica=on

Three types of standards Knowledge / Theory (minimum 20%) Prac=cal Skills (minimum 20%) Work Experience (minimum 20 %) All occupa:onal qualica:ons will be assessed externally through an appropriate na:onally standardised integrated summa:ve assessment. Characteris:cs of occupa:onal curricula Not the same as an educaHonal curriculum A curriculum will cover the following: O c c u p a : o n a l p r o l e - b a s e d o n occupa=onal tasks. Specica=ons for three learning components (subjects, prac=cal skills & work experience)


The value of quality educa=on in achieving the MDGs is best outlined in the words of President Nelson Mandela, Educa*on is The QCTO is responsible for (SDA, 2008, the great engine of personal development. Section 26H, 3): It is through educa*on that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son E s t a b l i s h i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g of a mineworker can become the head of o c c u p a = o n a l s t a n d a r d s a n d the mine, that a child of farm workers can qualica=ons become the president of a of a great The quality assurance of occupa=onal na*on. standards and qualica=ons and learning in and for the workplace

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world - Nelson Mandela

Internal assessment criteria per subject and D e s i g n i n g a n d d e v e l o p i n g prac=cal skills module and work experience o c c u p a = o n a l s t a n d a r d s a n d record per work experience module qualica=ons and submi{ng them to Skills Development Provider accredita=on the SAQA for registra=on on the NQF requirements per subject and prac=cal skills Ensuring the quality of occupa=onal m o d u l e a n d w o r k p l a c e a p p r o v a l standards and qualica=ons and requirement per work experience module learning in and for the workplace; Focus is on external summa:ve assessment An occupa=onal qualica=on denes to determine occupa=onal competence the learning required to be competent using na=onally standardised assessment to prac=ce an occupa=on or an processes and instruments. (Cont.) occupa=onal specialisa=on in a range


QCTO Cont.
Assessment specica:ons will cover: P u r p o s e o f t h e o c c u p a = o n a l qualica=on External assessment model Qualica=on outcomes to be assessed (in each Phase) Assessment criteria for each outcome Eligibility requirements to qualify for the external assessment The QCTO has two types of qualica:ons:

I. II.

Na=onal Occupa=onal Qualica=on (more than 120 credits) Na=onal Occupa=onal Award (less than 120 and more than 25 credits) Linked to occupa=on on OFO and reec=ng occupa=onal specialisa=on in brackets (where applicable) Not reec=ng learning eld

Title of qualica=on

Overview of the occupaQonal qualicaQon development process

Eligibility requirements to qualify for registered qualica=ons development the external assessment facilitators.

Three types of standards Knowledge / Theory (minimum 20%) Prac=cal Skills (minimum 20%) Work Experience (minimum 20 %) All occupa:onal qualica:ons will be assessed externally through an appropriate na:onally standardised integrated summa:ve assessment. Characteris:cs of occupa:onal curricula Not the same as an educa:onal curriculum A curriculum will cover the following: O c c u p a : o n a l p r o l e - b a s e d o n occupa=onal tasks S p e c i c a = o n s f o r t h r e e l e a r n i n g components (subjects, prac=cal skills & work experience)


B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a = o n , Informa=on Services, Human Resources and Teaching Related Occupa=ons F i n a n c e , I n s u r a n c e , S a l e s , Marke=ng, Retail and Logis=cs Related Occupa=ons A c c o m m o d a = o n , F o o d Prepara=on and Cleaning Services Related Occupa=ons F a r m i n g , F o r e s t r y, N a t u r e Conserva=on, Environment and Related Science Occupa=ons Medical, Social & Welfare, Sports and Personal Care Related Occupa=ons Occupa=ons

The QCTO will monitor and evaluate the performance of the Partners through a signed SLA.(Service Level Agreement) Func:ons of the AQP: Develop assessment instruments Manage external summa=ve assessments Report on external summa=ve assessments AQP must be iden=ed prior to the verica=on of the occupa=onal prole Heidi Peters

2. 3. 4. 5.


Internal assessment criteria per subject and prac=cal skills module and work experience record per work experience module Skills Development Provider accredita=on requirements per subject and prac=cal skills m o d u l e a n d w o r k p l a c e a p p r o v a l requirement per work experience module Focus is on external summa:ve assessment to determine occupa=onal competence using na=onally standardised assessment processes and instruments Assessment specica:ons will cover: P u r p o s e o f t h e o c c u p a = o n a l qualica=on External assessment model

6. S e c u r i t y a n d L a w R e l a t e d 7.
Visual Arts, Design, Installa=on, Maintenance, Extrac=on and Construc=on Related Occupa=ons

8. Produc=on Related Occupa=ons 9. Transporta=on, Materials Moving

and Mobile Plant Opera=ng Related Occupa=ons.

QCTO Assessment Partners: Qualica=on outcomes to be assessed In order to promote quality the QCTO (in each Phase) a s s i g n s s t a n d a r d i s e d f u n c = o n s t o Assessment criteria for each outcome development and assessment partners and

Anyone who stops learning is old - whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. - Henry Ford


CIMAP has a close rela=onship with the C h a rtered I n s = t u te o f Ed u ca = o n a l Assessment (CIEA) U.K. South Africa has also produced 5 Chartered Assessors Response to the meaning of Chartered (CEAs), that completed their designa=on Professional by Marie-Therese programmes with the CIEA (chartered status highest pinnacle of assessment Portolan. Posted on Skills Universe prac=ce in the U.K). 17 May 2012

All members in good standing who seek to register with the Chartered Ins=tute for Educa=onal Assessment (U.K) will be in a posi=on to do so from 01 June 2012 at CIMAP nego=ate discounted rates for all membership grades. Please note that CIEA Training will be conducted in South Africa. Certain membership grades will require Entry requirements for the programme CPD training at nego=ated rates. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify this requires a Masters degree and extensive Members that seek to a^end the training in validated assessment and modera=on the U.K will be in a posi=on to do so if common misunderstanding. sucient delegates from South Africa are Chartered is a reference to a professional available at normal U.K rates. The South creden=al that may be awarded to any African CPD Ac=vi=es will be communicated profession. shortly. In South Africa, we have a number of Chartered Corporate Membership is chartered professions: i.e. Chartered available to providers registered with the Accountant, Chartered Shipbrokers, Department of Higher Educa=on and Chartered Secretaries, Chartered Ins=tute Training as an FET or HET Provider. of Purchasing & Supply etc. Chartered Corporate Members par=cipate The rst recorded body from my cursory in the annual CIMAP provider quality research was in the accoun=ng profession awards and may be awarded a series of in 1886 (SAICA website) where the experience at a strategic level. CIMAP looks quality grading conrma=ons. Chartered Accountants of England and forward to playing an ac=ve role in the ETD Providers that are not registered with DHET Wales set up their rst chapter in South Prac=ce landscape. are only eligible for Aliate Corporate Africa (h^ps:// Membership. SAICAHistory/tabid/70/language/en-ZA/). CIMAP MEMBERSHIP The Chartered Secretaries (h^p:// CIMAP AWARDS FIRST GRADES w w za/index.php? MEMBERSHIP GRADES op=on=com_content&view=ar=cle) was Please note that all members in good established in South Africa in 1909. The standing who have received their CIMAP is proud to announce the awarding Chartered Ins=tute of Purchasing & Supply membership cer=cates are now able to of our rst designa=ons. is also extremely use the following acronyms behind their It is within the context of awarding ac=ve in South Africa. names. All aliate members may indicate r e c o g n i = o n t o o u r m e m b e r s a n d A Chartered Professional is a level of their status as follows: Ms. K. Khumalo assessment prac==oners that industry is competence in a par=cular eld of work (CIMAP). oered a dieren=a=ng alterna=ve. and as such has been awarded through Membership upgrades must be done online predened criteria and in recogni=on of a n d a r e s u b j e c t t o p r o f e s s i o n a l We academic and experien=al competence. It is requirements - therefore a status of professional congratulate all c o m p e t e n c y a w a r d e d m a i n l y b y Professional Designa:on Applica:on: members on their professional bodies. Student Member - Open to anyone Although many chartered organisa=ons exist globally, the U.K has the most evolved Chartered Framework. Within the U.K, there are no less than 30-chartered designa=ons including Chartered Librarians, Chartered Bankers, Managers ect. in addi=on, this is endorsed by Royal Charter. Most South African Chartered organisa=ons have alia=ons with their U.K and European counterparts to ensure that a vibrant community of expert prac=ce and peer review is embraced. In the U.K for example an A Royal Charter does not confer a material value, but may be seen to signify eminence and stability. Royal Charter is a form of incorpora=on. The chartered body is a single legal en=ty rather than a collec=on of individuals, and has the powers of a natural person. There are other, more common ways of achieving incorpora=on, for example though company registra=on - with an interest in assessment. Aliate Assessor (No status awarded); Aliate Membership - is open to anyone with an interest in assessment on conrma=on of achievement of the na=onal assessor standard and is registered with at least one ETQA - (ACIMAP); Prac::oner Assessor - 1-3 years experience in educa=onal assessment and must have achieved a Na=onal Diploma (NQF 5) (PCIMAP); Fellow Assessor - Fellowship is available to the most experienced and expert prac==oners in educa=onal assessment (at least 5 years) and a NQF 6 level qualica=on (FCIMAP). Chartered Assessor (CCIMAP). Masters degree and ve years of educa=onal assessment experience. Master Assessor (MCIMAP). Doctoral degree and extensive assessment and modera=on experience.


designa;on awards


As we progress with our formal professional body status with SAQA, we are condent that only that veried prac==oner will demonstrate the value of the CIMAP designa=on framework. SAQA / The QCTO has commenced with the process to professionalise professions that have not had formal recogni=on historically. South Africa has embarked on a process of recognizing Professional Bodies and registering their Professional Designa=ons on the Na=onal Qualica=on Framework (NQF). T h e S A Q A c r i t e r i a fo r p r e s c r i b e d professional body recogni=on embraces Con=nuing Professional Development (CPD) for members and the requirement for a code of ethics and a proper process in place to protect both members and the public.



How do I join CIMAP? You will have received the membership
applica=on form with your newsle^er. Please complete it providing us with as much detail as possible and make sure you ini=al each page of the Code of Conduct. Provide the following in support of your applica=on: A cer=ed copy of your ID Cer=ed copies of cer=cates of your qualica=ons An abbreviated CV (rsum). If you are a cons=tuent assessor proof of registra=on from the relevant SETA. P l e a s e e - m a i l yo u r a p p l i ca = o n to A pro-forma invoice will be raised and sent to you for payment. Once your applica=on has been processed, you will qualify as an Aliate Member. Members in good standing may apply for elevated designa=ons on the CIMAP website. Members will receive their membership cer=cate and will be added to the mailing list to receive regular updates and correspondence.

The Once and Future King - T. H. White:


The best thing for being sad," replied DEAR TRAINING PROVIDERS Merlin, beginning to pu and blow, "is to Do you require a seamless process to learn something. upload to SETAs, with no delays due to failure to adhere to SETA That's the only thing that never fails. specica=ons? You may grow old and trembling in your Do you require a simple, eec=ve anatomies, you may lie awake at night alterna=ve to tracking learner listening to the disorder of your veins, you programme informa=on? may miss your only love, you may see the Are you was=ng your valuable =me on world about you devastated by evil calcula=ng learner achievement credit luna=cs, or know your honour trampled in values? the sewers of baser minds. Do you require a streamlined There is only one thing for it then to searching, assimila=ng, and learn. Learn why the world wags and what administra=ng accredita=ons? wags it. That is the only thing, which the Design, print, and administrate your mind can never exhaust, never alienate, own cer=cates. never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, Print professional learner achievement and never dream of regre{ng. Learning is reports with the click of a bu^on. the only thing for you. Look what a lot of Do you want to control who has access things there are to learn. to your data with an eec=ve security system? CIEA : UK SMS your students no=fying them of their latest assessment results. All members in good standing who seek to Predex LMS oers all of the above- register with the Chartered Ins=tute for men=oned func=onali=es and many Educa=onal Assessment (U.K) will be in a further advantages in a cost eec=ve posi=on to do so from 01 June 2012 at manner. CIMAP nego=ated discounted rates for all Andrew 082 385 9047 membership grades. Please let us know if we can assist with any addi=onal informa=on. We look forward to CHILDS PLAY - PARENT your ac=ve par=cipa=on as a CIMAP member. INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM

Membership applica=on form available Ask for it on



and this inuence her thoughts. Her thoughts determine her ac=ons. Her Table Mountain alone has over 1,500 ac=ons have a posi=ve or nega=ve result. species of plants, more than the en=re Beliefs are the assump=ons that we make United Kingdom. about ourselves, about others in the world South Africa is the second largest and about how we expect things to be. exporter of fruit in the world. Beliefs are about how we perceive things. South Africa has the longest wine Our values stem from our beliefs. route in the world. Their vision and mission also determine a South Africa is rated third in the world persons self-esteem and condence. A vision is a statement of who you are and in supplying safe, drinkable tap water. who you can become. It is the framework for the process of crea=ng your life, based about-south-africa on your beliefs and values.


Your childs mind-set stems from her beliefs

CIMAP SPONSORS Mrs Khanyisile Nkosi

Visit our web site to nd out more: Amanda 082 551 0497


BEE Exemp=on Le^ers R 860.00 (Ex Vat). Full BEE compliance audits (dependent on size of organisa=on). Full accoun=ng services (including invoice prepara=ons, SARS compliance etc. requirements from R 1800.00 per month. 012 546 8622 /

CIMAP is proudly Associated with: SABPP, PRISA & SAPA


An accredited Supplier for OHSA Training and Compliance Assessments. Harry Harris 011 867 5171



Point to any one of the links below (in this PDF document) whilst you are connected to the internet and you will hyperlink straight to the website where the ar;cle appears.
Nego:ate estate fees while you s:ll can h^p:// index.php/legisla=on/tax-a-legisla=on/ legisla=on-news/2402-nego=ate-estate- fees-while-you-s=ll-can SA small business sector not gloomy h^p:// index.php/business-legisla=on/2285-sa- small-business-sector-not-gloomy Is SA's labour broking facing an 'indirect' ban? h^p:// index.php/business-legisla=on/2318-is-sas- labour-broking-facing-an-indirect-ban SARS focuses on tax evasion h^p:// index.php/tax-news/2281-sars-focuses-on- tax-evasion- Vehicle sales increase by 10.5% h^p:// index.php/import-and-export/2261-vehicle- sales-increase-by-105 Zuma reshues Cabinet, res police chief h^p:// index.php/south-africa/3322-zuma- reshues-cabinet-res-police-chief Soweto's new lease on life h^p:// index.php/south-africa/2397-sowetos-new- lease-on-life Gautrain nal leg opera:onal in central Johannesburg h^p:// index.php/south-africa/3274-gautrain-nal- leg-opera=onal-in-central-johannesburg Know your credit rights ombud h^p:// index.php/south-africa/3283-know-your- credit-rights-ombud

4th Unisa Children's Reading Conference Sunnyside Campus, University of South Africa, Pretoria 11-12 September h^p:// conferences.htm#ixzz1wlZNzOD0 2 4 July 2012 Sandton Convention Centre Johannesburg RSA h^p://

Interna=onal Educa=on Associa=on of South Africa 29 August 2012 01 September 2012 h^p:// 49th Interna=onal Federa=on of Library Associa=ons World Congress Landscapes in Transi=on The Townhouse Hotel and City Hall, Cape Town 3-7 September: h^p:// conferences.htm#ixzz1wlYFYMBN

5th Conference on South African Children's and Youth Literature North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, Potchefstroom 18-20 September h^p:// conferences.htm#ixzz1wlZrEYTF


The rst UNISA Open Distance Learning Conference University of South Africa, Pretoria 5-7 September 2012: h^p:// conferences.htm#ixzz1wlYn87ZE


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