Nilim Dutta Saga On Twitter

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Tweets 2h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @engqaddoumi Appreciate your words of wisdom. There shall be no more of it.

9:22 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 3h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @raggedtag That's cute :p

3h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing I will come back to play my innings. At a time of my choosing ;) 3h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta I had said what I had to. Enough. Time will prove what the truth is. I will just endure it for now. 8:15 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid . @nilimdutta remember you made me book the best Sufi artist? Today, he told my friend how a certain Shehla made a false promise to him :( 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I do. A delay for circumstances beyond my control, is that a crime? And have you made it easy thereafter? 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Since you had told many ppl that I'm your "wife" I had to break this story. I'm not your partner in crime. I had to expose you.

4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I am sorry, I will not accept that. Allegations, allegations and allegations....lot of half-truths. 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta I'm not anonymous outside of Twitter.. ppl know me here.. what a fool I was to trust your bullshit 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid But the other handles are. 7:56 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4 h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta what? what the fuck are you talking about? 10h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @kumailansari @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid Untill one of you tell me the story, I would rather watch from sidelines

10h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @TobaTekSing Bro the story everyone knows how one Nilim Dutta dupes people. He did it this time with my family. @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari LOL like you dupe people claiming imaginary summon and to legal notice for a fee? @TobaTekSing 9h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Haha u think I m like u Nilim. U first clear the dues of the old couple n taxi wala then we talk.@TobaTekSing @ShehlaRashid 4h ATUL KANJI @atulkanji @kumailansari @nilimdutta @tobateksing @shehlarashid oh he owes me money too 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @atulkanji And would you also deny that I wanted to come and return that at least twice? @kumailansari @tobateksing @shehlarashid 7:56 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @kumailansari @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid Untill one of you tell me the story, I would rather watch from sidelines 1:55 PM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry Details 10h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @TobaTekSing Bro the story everyone knows how one Nilim Dutta dupes people. He did it this time with my family. @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid 2:02 PM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for Android Details 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari LOL like you dupe people claiming imaginary summon and to legal notice for a fee? @TobaTekSing 2:07 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 9h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Haha u think I m like u Nilim. U first clear the dues of the old couple n taxi wala then we talk.@TobaTekSing @ShehlaRashid 2:09 PM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for Android Details 4h ATUL KANJI @atulkanji @kumailansari @nilimdutta @tobateksing @shehlarashid oh he owes me money too

4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @atulkanji Yes Atul, you were generous on the night of trouble. Did I deny that? @kumailansari @tobateksing @shehlarashid 7:54 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h ATUL KANJI @atulkanji @NilimDutta i don't care for money. It's broken promises & lies I hate @ShehlaRashid

4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid . @nilimdutta remember you made me book the best Sufi artist? Today, he told my friend how a certain Shehla made a false promise to him :( 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I do. A delay for circumstances beyond my control, is that a crime? And have you made it easy thereafter? 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Since you had told many ppl that I'm your "wife" I had to break this story. I'm not your partner in crime. I had to expose you. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I am sorry, I will not accept that. Allegations, allegations and allegations....lot of half-truths. 7:53 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta I'm not anonymous outside of Twitter.. ppl know me here.. what a fool I was to trust your bullshit 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta you are a shameless liar.. ask @ShayanNabi today, Ustad Yaqoob told him about a certain "Shehla" who made a false promise 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid Even though I'm two months too late for the background check, I've come to know that #SRAO is a fraud organisation. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta The fact is, during 'background check' Delhi Police found SRAO's deed of incorporation to be genuine in her presence --> @ShehlaRashid 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Dude, it doesn't matter... what work do you do under the name of SRAO but fool ppl? 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid So it doesn't matter that even an ACP of Delhi Police found everything in order, right? Remeber that evening? 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Don't do this drama here. Don't you receive a pay check from your "organisation"? Pay them., Mr. Executive Director 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I did't deny or run away from anything because I was clear about bring things to a dignified closure, even if it took time. 7:51 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details

4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid Even though I'm two months too late for the background check, I've come to know that #SRAO is a fraud organisation. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta The fact is, during 'background check' Delhi Police found SRAO's deed of incorporation to be genuine in her presence --> @ShehlaRashid 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Dude, it doesn't matter... what work do you do under the name of SRAO but fool ppl? 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid So it doesn't matter that even an ACP of Delhi Police found everything in order, right? Remeber that evening? 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Don't do this drama here. Don't you receive a pay check from your "organisation"? Pay them., Mr. Executive Director 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid Well, the drama wasn't being done by me......I didn't start tweeting about non-existent summon to draw sympathy. 7:50 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta you should be the last person sermonizing about truth and llies.. 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid . @nilimdutta remember you made me book the best Sufi artist? Today, he told my friend how a certain Shehla made a false promise to him :( 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid No matter what difficulty, I never gave up.....because I am out to get all that done that I wanted to. 7:49 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid Even though I'm two months too late for the background check, I've come to know that #SRAO is a fraud organisation. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta The fact is, during 'background check' Delhi Police found SRAO's deed of incorporation to be genuine in her presence --> @ShehlaRashid 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Dude, it doesn't matter... what work do you do under the name of SRAO but fool ppl? 4h yogi @yogeeii @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta dude has to be some truth in all this rage. even if toned down, it still leaves a lot to be desired. like money

4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @yogeeii Where is there a denial in certain liabilities? Does it make anyone a fraud? @ShehlaRashid 7:47 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 3h yogi @yogeeii @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid if not then Acknowledge and pay up, Far too many variables against You. Wife.DubiousOrganisation.SufiArtist. 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid . @nilimdutta remember you made me book the best Sufi artist? Today, he told my friend how a certain Shehla made a false promise to him :( 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I do. A delay for circumstances beyond my control, is that a crime? And have you made it easy thereafter? 7:44 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 4h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @NilimDutta Since you had told many ppl that I'm your "wife" I had to break this story. I'm not your partner in crime. I had to expose you. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid So it doesn't matter that even an ACP of Delhi Police found everything in order, right? Remeber that evening? 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta The fact is, during 'background check' Delhi Police found SRAO's deed of incorporation to be genuine in her presence --> @ShehlaRashid 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta RT @ShehlaRashid Even though I'm two months too late for the background check, I've come to know that #SRAO is a fraud organisation. 4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @keshda Thanks. :D

4h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @OyeArchie Naughty girl....don't you know the risk of tweeting to me? ;) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta With the litany of alleged crimes I have committed, parties will soon be falling over themselves to offer me a ticket for 2014 elections ;) 5h Ra Ch Na @raggedtag @NilimDutta or you will be the next president 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta

@raggedtag LOL that wouldn't be bad either......I could dupe more people (read women) saying that I own the entire bloody Raisina Hill :p 7:02 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 3h Ra Ch Na @raggedtag @NilimDutta I still think you were the bunty babli ;) 8:42 PM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for Android Details 2h monika @monikamanchanda @raggedtag that was a good one ;) 3h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @raggedtag That's cute :p 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta With the litany of alleged crimes I have committed, parties will soon be falling over themselves to offer me a ticket for 2014 elections ;) 6:58 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Ra Ch Na @raggedtag @NilimDutta or you will be the next president 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @raggedtag LOL that wouldn't be bad either......I could dupe more people (read women) saying that I own the entire bloody Raisina Hill :p 3h Ra Ch Na @raggedtag @NilimDutta I still think you were the bunty babli ;) 2h monika @monikamanchanda @raggedtag that was a good one ;) 3h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @raggedtag That's cute :p 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta but I'm loving it anyhow,, who start who ends doesn't matter. Too much fun on your expense -Voila! Keep thm coming ;-) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing As I said, no issues. I would love to be thought of as magnanimous to have entertained you for no charge at all ;) 6:57 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta Twitter is not a private chat room if you have forgotten. And as for me, I am a Troll, anonymous, unknown etc, whatever u like 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing No issues my friend. I have no skeletons in cupboards. The few I have are permanently on parade/display outside :D

6:53 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta When u put your dirty linen in public, only fair that ppl shld enjoy the visuals and ask for more :) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing That I cannot at all disagree..........we are all voyeurs and there is no entertainment better than a whiff of scandal :D 6:52 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta true again, so why all this hoopala on twitter. Take it somewhere else dear. 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing You have to ask them....I didn't start it here ;) 6:50 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta No need to present any proof if u don't wish. I am not on trial here, u are by ur own friends. :) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing There is only one place which has the jurisdiction to put any one on trial....and that is not twitter, my friend. 6:48 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta HaHaHa, offense is best defense right Nilim? 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing Isn't it only fair to ask who you are when you seek information which may not be in public domain? 6:46 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid well, that atleast proves that SRAO is genuine. But where is that registered again? Guwahati? 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing You will have to ask that to those who were authorized to examine it and had examined it in @ShehlaRashid's presence ;) 6:45 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 6h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing Now That's what I call a story. Is eshtory mein suspense hai, drama hai, masala hai,, aamir shld make a movie nai? @NilimDutta :) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing Aamir won't be allowed to make a movie without the screenplay rights being taken from me ;)

6:26 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 6h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing Now That's what I call a story. Is eshtory mein suspense hai, drama hai, masala hai,, aamir shld make a movie nai? @NilimDutta :) 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing What about your own identity first? Before asking for any proofs of anything? :D 6:21 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 5h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing Ask @ShehlaRashid ...SRAO's deed of incorporation was examined and found to be genuine by Delhi Police during background check 6h IbnBattuta @IbneBattuta The only thing I can foretell is that you shall always desire what the other person has. Retweeted by NILIM DUTTA 6h Poonam @bhatnagarpoonam "Never allow your nightmares to take over your dreams" 6h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @bhatnagarpoonam Well said :D 6h Poonam @bhatnagarpoonam @NilimDutta Good Evng Nilim ji N Thanks :) 6h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @bhatnagarpoonam A very good evening to you too :) 5:35 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 6h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @bhatnagarpoonam Well said :D 7h Nidz @Nidhik20 Making a Million Relations is not an art, !!The real art is to make such relation which stands with"you" when Millions are against you.!!! Retweeted by NILIM DUTTA 7h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta Alright. Enough shit for a weekend. 10h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing @kumailansari @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid Untill one of you tell me the story, I would rather watch from sidelines 9h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @TobaTekSing Not One not two but i can show u z dozen people who have been his victims @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid

9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Shall @TobaTekSing too will have to wait like I am for that imaginary summon I have been waiting since weeks for? 9h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta U have no shame Nilim, i have never seen a person like u. @TobaTekSing 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I kept quiet for a long time..... believing you will see some light ....but it appears needling me is great fun. So be it. 9h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Nilim these stories wont help you but yes its gonna help all the other people who u trying to conn. @ShehlaRashid 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari You still haven't come up with the summon you lied about. Your stories won't help you either ;) You lied. Period. 2:48 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari You lied. Period. You don't have a summon to show because there were no cases. That is called a LIE in any language. 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I kept quiet for a long time..... believing you will see some light ....but it appears needling me is great fun. So be it. 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari While I accept my mistakes, like any other human beings, I don't like to be accused incessantly of even things I didn't do. 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Let me get this straight Kumail, I make mistakes like any other humans do too...but I don't sit around to find scapegoats. 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Why should I be ashamed of truths? You tell me? Just because those are inconvenient to your lies? @TobaTekSing 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari How could you be like me? after all where do I have powers to have summon issued even without cases? ;) @TobaTekSing 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Shall @TobaTekSing too will have to wait like I am for that imaginary summon I have been waiting since weeks for? 9h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari LOL like you dupe people claiming imaginary summon and to legal notice for a fee? @TobaTekSing

10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @_rahulk Apologies for flooding your TL with a spat which ought not to have been on TL. But I had to respond. 10h A tragic horse. @_rahulk @NilimDutta that's fine. Hope normalcy returns to both of your lives. 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @_rahulk It will. Rest assured of that. 1:47 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 13h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Listen its was ur mess n ur borrowings why wld she engage a lawyer to bail u out. Our lawyers r their to protect her from u 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I am capable enough to handle this end and keep trouble from reaching her doorsteps. That should be enough. 11h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Dude, plz. You put my life in immense danger time & again, left me to their mercy & generosity. Have some shame. @kumailansari 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Really? In Delhi ppl literally get murdered for 27 bucks. I STILL AM in so much danger. What did you do about it? @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid And why do you have to be in danger with @kumailansari to protect you? Or is all his talk just bravado? 10h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta She is in danger from u, I clearly remember what Rana Mam said abt U, n how wicked u r with ur agenda's. @ShehlaRashid 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari And @ShehlaRashid is in no danger because I officially 'indemnified' her against any liabilities in black & white. 1:46 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid

@nilimdutta Really? In Delhi ppl literally get murdered for 27 bucks. I STILL AM in so much danger. What did you do about it? @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid And why do you have to be in danger with @kumailansari to protect you? Or is all his talk just bravado? 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Look who's talking!! About lies and tall talk. Gimme a break! Stop sending me useless mails and leave me alone. @kumailansari 10h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @ShehlaRashid See his problem is not me or u or anyone he has cheated, what pinches him is for being exposed @NilimDutta 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Like the summons you never could produce? tsk tsk

10h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta in what language will u get it. U will be told when we think u shld know. 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari In any language it is a fact that you lied about the summon and was caught with your pants down. Accept that. 1:44 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Oh? Why should she be in danger from me with you to protect her? Or have you suddenly lost your super powers? LOL 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Like the summons you never could produce? tsk tsk 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @_rahulk Apologies for flooding your TL with a spat which ought not to have been on TL. But I had to respond. 1:38 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h A tragic horse. @_rahulk @NilimDutta that's fine. Hope normalcy returns to both of your lives.

10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @_rahulk It will. Rest assured of that. 13h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Listen its was ur mess n ur borrowings why wld she engage a lawyer to bail u out. Our lawyers r their to protect her from u 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta

@kumailansari I am capable enough to handle this end and keep trouble from reaching her doorsteps. That should be enough. 11h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Dude, plz. You put my life in immense danger time & again, left me to their mercy & generosity. Have some shame. @kumailansari 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 1:01 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Really? In Delhi ppl literally get murdered for 27 bucks. I STILL AM in so much danger. What did you do about it? @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid And why do you have to be in danger with @kumailansari to protect you? Or is all his talk just bravado? 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Look who's talking!! About lies and tall talk. Gimme a break! Stop sending me useless mails and leave me alone. @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid certainly :D 1:34 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h Toba Tek Singh @TobaTekSing What's the story now? MT "@ShehlaRashid: @nilimdutta No need. You inform me only after you pay them. I don't have time for your bullshit." 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @TobaTekSing The story isn't there...... ;) 1:33 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h A tragic horse. @_rahulk Finally unfollowed @ShehlaRashid and @NilimDutta to return to peace. These fellows are worse than I imagined anyone could be on Twitter. 1:29 PM - 23 Jun 12 via TweetCaster for Android Details 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @_rahulk You did good :) 1:31 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 13h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Listen its was ur mess n ur borrowings why wld she engage a lawyer to bail u out. Our lawyers r their to protect her from u 10:59 AM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for Android Details

13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I am capable enough to handle this end and keep trouble from reaching her doorsteps. That should be enough. 11h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Dude, plz. You put my life in immense danger time & again, left me to their mercy & generosity. Have some shame. @kumailansari 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Really? In Delhi ppl literally get murdered for 27 bucks. I STILL AM in so much danger. What did you do about it? @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid With professionals stepping in to resolve matters lawfully on both sides, talked like civilized humans & reached understanding 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta No need to inform me of anything. You inform me only after you pay them aur chalte bano. I don't have time for your bullshit. 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid Deal. Then stop spreading the lies. As I said, I accept the mistakes/lapses I am responsible for, not the baseless accusations 1:26 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid And why do you have to be in danger with @kumailansari to protect you? Or is all his talk just bravado? 1:22 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 13h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Tarnish U Right. Who r u O J Simson n btw everyone knows by now all abt ur scams n hoax's. 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Fact is, you were caught LYING with your pants down on claiming that Shehla received summons. tsk tsk ;) 13h Kumail Ansari @kumailansari @NilimDutta Listen its was ur mess n ur borrowings why wld she engage a lawyer to bail u out. Our lawyers r their to protect her from u 10:59 AM - 23 Jun 12 via Twitter for Android Details 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I am capable enough to handle this end and keep trouble from reaching her doorsteps. That should be enough.

11h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Dude, plz. You put my life in immense danger time & again, left me to their mercy & generosity. Have some shame. @kumailansari 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 10h Shehla Rashid @ShehlaRashid @nilimdutta Really? In Delhi ppl literally get murdered for 27 bucks. I STILL AM in so much danger. What did you do about it? @kumailansari 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid That is what I did. If you wish to be kept informed of progress, I shall tweet to you and do so. What's there to hide? 1:20 PM - 23 Jun 12 via web Details 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid With professionals stepping in to resolve matters lawfully on both sides, talked like civilized humans & reached understanding 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid So, I did not run away like a criminal (that you and Kumail would want to think the world) but stayed, confronted 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid No one seems to be interested in murdering me here, though. Yes, we had trouble but people realized things could be resolved. 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari whatever :D 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari With what? The summon you could not produce? The to legal notice you can't produce? Allegations you can't substantiate? 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I don't have to waste my time worrying about what you would do to the end, we all end up in 6 feet of earth. 10h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Every dog barks in his own galli Kumail........and twitter seems to be yours. Carry on. 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid You know as well as @kumailansari does that there never was a case and you guys thought it was fair to say you were summoned 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid It was an utterly stupid act to have put you in some peril, but never after that. @kumailansari

11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @ShehlaRashid I never denied my mistake but never left you at anyone's mercy. Not even now. That is why you don't have a case @kumailansari 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari For once, stop lying and have the guts to say so that you too lied to smear me here in twitter and that all is fair. 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @butsandifs Looks like the application has to be made to the Civil SDO of the sub division. 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @butsandifs Here 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @butsandifs Usually this has to be obtained from the district they originally belong to. The District Magistrate's office would be the place 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @butsandifs Which state ? 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta 50 shades of truth..........50 shades of lie 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @SajidBhombal LOL 11h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @Ridchard hmmm @pinterest 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Just remember, I accept all mistake/lapses I am responsible for. Likewise, I don't accept any others tried to be shoved on me. 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari you also accused me of 'forging' Shehla's signature on many more lies Kumail? How many? 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari And your tactics is known, throw enough mud so that at least something will stick. 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari be careful as to what you throw at me...your lies will come back to haunt. I keep records of transactions carefully... 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari You have no replies when I demand to that you produce the SUMMON, or replies to legal notice etc ? How many more lies?

12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari lies again? What do you think? That you can just go on and on with unsubstantiated allegations? 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I am merely stating facts. 12h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Rest assured that I will come regardless of how bad you are. :D 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari I am capable enough to handle this end and keep trouble from reaching her doorsteps. That should be enough.

13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari She doesn't need to do anything. Just ask her to get on in life and concentrate on the many positive things she is doing. 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari And thanks to your friend/cousin who at least told me where I can go and meet you in Sonwar and have a civilized conversation 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Rest assured, I will. :D I at lest keep some of my promises. LOL 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari My advise would be short and simple. Do whatever you do with a lot of circumspection. You aren't the only smart guy ;) 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Fact is, you were caught LYING with your pants down on claiming that Shehla received summons. tsk tsk ;) 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Surprisingly, that , allegedly sent by the lawyer you got her, seems not have been received at all. 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Why, didn't she have to sign one when she allegedly hired a lawyer you provided to to the legal notice? 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari If you are so knowledgeable, you must also know that any lawyer would ask for a vakalatnama to act on your behalf. 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari LOL listen Kumail, there wasn't a case and you were caught with pants down LYING. You and Shehla did so just to tarnish me. 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta

@kumailansari I may be where ever I may wish to be, even Sonwar ;) 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Or even the copy of the to the legal notice that was sent to Shehla which you have handled? 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @kumailansari Do I need your permission to do so? What about your main problem of not being able to produce the summon? LOL 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @SajidBhombal hmmmm 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @SajidBhombal LOL who? 13h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta *Chuckles* RT @SajidBhombal @namitabhandare Will wait till June 2014 to know who has eggs on their face 14h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta @bitchwanti LOL not dicks breaks ? :p 14h NILIM DUTTA @NilimDutta True !! RT @Notebook It doesn't take much to make a woman happy, but it takes even less to make her mad.

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