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Respect for the House of God But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest

to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth - I Timothy 3:15. This passage in the Bible teaches us that there is a proper behavior in church. Paul was speaking about the lost when he said There is no fear of God before their eyes (Romans 3:18). If he were to look at many Christians today, he would undoubtedly apply this to them also. There has been a slow erosion of reverential respect for the things of God. There is no strict dress code for our public services. We want you to be comfortable, and ready to concentrate on the message of Gods Word. With an understanding of Who God is, most of our church members in attendance wear their Sunday best the men in dress shirts and dress slacks, some with a tie, and the women in appropriate skirts or dresses. We still believe God deserves our Sunday best! How much one respects God will be reflected in how one dresses for church, and how one conducts himself in church. There are boundaries we should respect. We must remember that the church is Gods house, and the One we have come to meet with is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. If a persons best clothes are a clean pair of jeans and a clean T-shirt that is OK. But if a person has nice clothes to wear to a job interview or a wedding, and wears old beat up clothes to church, what is he saying about his attitude toward the house of God? As born-gain believers with a reverential respect toward God, lets set the pace by wearing nice clothes when we sing at church, and not be dressed like we just came from mowing the lawn. What kind of message does this send to a lost visitor in church? At the same time, a person can dress for show also. This is just as bad as dressing like one is going to a backyard barbeque. If one dresses to say look at me, it shows the same disrespect as dressing like one just came from working in the garden. Christians must realize that their willingness to lower standards of conduct in Gods house will result in diminishing the Gospel. If the Gospel cannot change the Christian, why should the world want it? If the Christian doesnt think that it is important to dress in a respectful manner when going to the house of God, then why should the lost have any respect for our God?


437 North Duffy Road Butler, Pennsylvania 16001 724.282.2494

Thank you for choosing to worship at the New Testament Baptist Church of Butler. Our prayer is that your heart will be stirred for the eternal as we sing songs & hymns that direct your heart toward Christ and challenge you through the preaching of Gods Word.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Make Plans to Participate in The Church Picnic at Alameda Park Saturday, July 7, 3 PM7 PM
Our church has reserved the Masonic Shelter for our church picnic. Families are asked to bring their pop, sides, and desserts. The church will provide the meat. You will also need your baseball glove and bat.

Service Schedule Sunday: 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Adult & Childrens Bible Study Classes Morning Preaching Adult Choir Practice Evening Preaching

Our Choir Sings at the Pittsburgh Pirates Game Friday, July 20

Our choir, under the leadership of Bro. Waterhouse, will be singing the National Anthem on Friday, July 20, at the Miami Marlins vs. the Pittsburgh Pirates game at PNC Park.

Saturday: 10:30 AM Soul Winning & Outreach

Visit us online at

Wednesday: 7:00 PM Midweek Bible Study & Prayer

Butler Farm Show Monday-Saturday, August 6-11

Our church is pleased to host a booth at the Butler Farm Show during the month of August. This is a great outreach opportunity for our church, but it requires many friendly people to serve at our booth. Make plans to participate!

First Time Visitors & Guests:

There are friendly people at our Welcome Center in the lobby who will gladly assist you with any questions you may have during your visit. Allow us to make you feel at home during your visit. First-time adult visitors and families are asked to visit our Welcome Center to receive a gift bag.

National Pastors & Workers Conference MondayFriday, September 10-14

Adult couples are invited to join Pastor & Mrs. Fisher at the church conference at the North Valley Baptist Church of Santa Clara, California. Some of our adults have attended this conference in previous years, and we want you to attend this year. You will attend a refreshing Christian conference on Monday through Wednesday, and see some of the sights of San Francisco on Thursday before returning on Friday.

Free Nurseries & Childcare:

Out of respect for your loved ones and those in attendance, we ask parents to use our clean & well-equipped nursery. This free service is available for newborns and infants (birth through 24 months). Your cooperation is needed and appreciated. Assistance is available at the Welcome Center.

Cell phones, Pagers, & Electronic Devices:

Cellular devices, pagers, and electronic devices should be turned off or placed in vibrate mode. We would ask that parents do not allow their children to bring electronic video game systems with them to church.

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