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Posted: FedEx Waybill No. 00000000000000000 Timothy Geithner, Secretary Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave.

NW Washington, DC 20220


Trade Acceptance IN ACCORD WITH HJR-192, PUBLIC POLICY, and UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE September 15, 2010 RE: CHARGEBACK of UCC CONTRACT TRUST ACCOUNT Dear Mr. Geithner, Secretary-in-Charge: Enclosed are documents from my examination of my Commercial Agreements, which I have accepted for value (all related endorsements front and back to include those in accord with UCC-3-419) via Bankers Acceptance for the Charge Back via the enclosed instrument and Bond for deposit. The total amount of NON-NEGOTIABLE CHARGEBACK enclosed is $100,000,000.00. Please Charge-Back (deposit) into my UCC Contract Account at $100,000,000.00 and charge my account for the fees necessary for securing and registration for the priority exchange for the tax exemption to discharge the public liability of my personal possessions, and command memory of account No. 123-45-6789, to charge the same to the debtor's order or your order. This Posted FedEx Tracking Account Number 000000000000000, and funds, is part of my tax estimate, and is directed for use (priority) for the Republic (Article IV, Section 4 of the united States Constitution) initially emanating from Public Policy and HJR-l92, and currently germane by amendment and re-codification via the national Uniform Commercial Code, to discharge the Debtors portion of the public debt through the manner and medium of exchange prescribed therein. Mr. Geithner, as Secretary-in-charge and/or your Deputy-in-charge, are to take my acceptance (BA), this Article Seven receipt, in exchange for the tax exemption priority. This NON-NEGOTIABLE BILL OF EXCHANGE/Trade Acceptance is in accord with both Public Policy and the national Uniform Commercial Code and is presented for the receiver to the Federal Window, for settlement (EFT), within the three (3) day Truth-inLending time for settlement of retail agreements. With this POSTED transaction the CHARGEBACK charges documented by the enclosed forms are for use by the Republic, and are complete. Please notify S.O.T. Puerto Rico as to this Charge Back/transaction if necessary. If you need more information or assistance with charging my UCC CONTRACT TRUST Account, you may write me. Sincerely, Without Prejudice

See attached documents.

Real-Live Man - Beneficiary c/o 11234 Republic Street American, California state [90001] united States of America Exemption Identification No. 12-3456789 Pre-Paid - Preferred Stock Priority - Exempt from Levy

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