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Speaking topics Level C

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Topic 1: Making good impression in daily conversations is important. How to make good impression? In what situation? For me, making good impression is very important because it is one of the secrets to help us successful in our lives and work. Besides, this will create a good relationship in society. However, sometimes it is not necessarily important when you have nothing in your mind. If you have a lot of experiences and knowledge, you can be confident in communicating with other people. And other people will be impressed by your understanding How to make good impression? Suggestion: You have two ways to present your ideas: The first way: - Remember the name of speaker - Pay attention to what thay say. That means you should try to be a good listener. That is also a good way to show your respect to others. - When introducing yourself, you should not always talk so much about yourself, just some basic information. Otherwise, people will have bad impression toward you because they think that you are not modest. - Be careful of humour with people you first meet. Sometimes, they are not in the humour for joking, or they are so grave that your joking makes them uncomfortable. - Care about your appearance. People usually appreciate someone through his/ her appearance. If you are in bad and slovenly clothes, they may think that you do not respect them. Besides, they do not highly appreciate your personality such as meticulosity, - Do not prove that you know everything because at that time, people will not know anything to talk with you. Moreover, when you talk so much, you may make mistakes. Sometimes, you can not understand all respects. - Whenever you have any appointment, try to be on time. For people who are not patient, waiting for you will bother them very much. The second way: (I want to mention 4 tips: physical appearance, remember the name of the person you are talking to, what to say and how to say ) There are many ways to do that First of all, Your physical appearance is very important. It makes up more than 50% of the first impression. It includes friendly body language, polite and suitable clothes (e.g. uniformed, suits and ties. You should avoid wearing shorts, short skirts and open-necked), direct


Speaking topics Level C

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eye contact (e.g. You should look out of the window, look around the room ), and general appearance (e.g. keep an open posture, smile, not stand with arms folded, not cross legs, not put hands in pockets,..) Second, you should be careful about what to say. It includes the topics and the words we use. You can start a conversation by talking about the simple things such as weather, TV programs or sports (e.g. Miss universe contest,..) Dont ask people personal questions about their salary, age, their private life, or religion, Third, We should pay attention to how to say. You try to be a good speaker. You should have a clear and friendly voice, should not speak too fast or too slowly In addition, You should try to be a good listener. You need to show that we are listening attentively by asking questions, nodding the head in agreement or by saying Oh, it sounds interesting, tell me more, please . You should avoid saying I am right. You are wrong. Instead, we say, I think I dont agree with you, or, You may be right, but I think, The next, remember the name of the person. You should use the name of acquaintaince frequently (e.g. Hi, Duy, How are you today!. You show that you have paid attention from the start, cathing the name during the introduction. Finally, You are careful with humor because you dont know a strangers sensitivities, prolonged joking might establish barrier you cant overcome, either now or later Another tip You put yourself in others position, React appropriately. Moreover, you should remember paying compliments. Everybody likes to give and receive compliments graciously. It is an easy way into a conversation. Situation: - In the first meeting with the family of your life partner - In an interview for a job - In the first day you go to work - In some parties - In business meeting (with customers, partners)

Topic 2: Some people like to work with other people while some others like to work alone. Which way of work do you prefer? Talk with your partner about your choice.


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Some people like working with others. However, others hold an opposite view point. In my opinion, I prefer the way of working with others. There are many reason for this: Working with other people: - If there is a good group leader and every member is responsible, working with others is very effective. Because the work is shared and so it can be finished quickly and I learn a lot from others such as characters, communication skills, cooperation skills, lifestyles - Besides, cooperation may encourage a close relationship among people and we can work in a comfortable atmosphere. - I can share my thoughts and feeling; I get more ideas - I can share burden with others. - I can refine many ideas and have many ways to solve the problem, after that I will choose the best one. - Other people can suggest improvements and they can find out my mistake - Explaining things to other people can help me undestand better. However, when I work with others in a group or a team, I sometimes face several problems. For example, different people have different ideas, so it takes a lot of time to discuss, argue and come to the final agreement. Moreover, if you share a task, then you might learn only your part of the task, not how to do all of it. Your aim is to learn, not to fimish quickly. Sometimes, it is a waste of time when everyone talks about something else, not the main topic. Working alone: - We can concentrate on our work and become more independent. - When you need higher concentration, it is better for you to work by yourself. Nobody can bother you. In addition, you can decisde what to do first, what to do next and you can manage your time. It is also a good chance to develop independent thinking. - This kind of working can provide a high rate of excelent student and allows peole become more responsible for themselves and they can be creative in finding good sollution. - Your work is not the same as other peoples - You dont want to share ideas with others - Maybe you dont want to be influenced by other people, you can be self-controlled and selfcorrected. However, many people say working alone is boring and they usually become lazy because noone reminds and encourages them. If they get into difficulty, they cant solve the problems and it usually takes them a long time to find out sollutions.


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Some people like working alone. Some people like working with others. It depends on the situation and the work I choose the most suitable way Topic 3: Crime has critically increased in our country in recent years. What are some crime in your community which concern you? Talk with your partner about them and suggest some solutions. The criminal situation. The Crime has critically increased in VN recent years. Especially, crimes caused by young adults increase very fast. There are a lot of types of dangerous crime such as: murder, robber killer, violation, terrorism and hacker The reason causing crime: Nowaday, there are a lot of action films, violent films in TV programs which have criminal seenes. Many young adults imitate bad characters action from movies. After that, they do criminal actions in the real life. More seriously, Many criminals accept crime as the black rules of life. Furthermore, Internet becomes popular. Most of young people are very interested in Internet. They can get more information about crime easily. People can learn criminal methods and cross off marks after finishing crime. Many young adults who learn from Internet become dangerous hackers. Most of games are online games which are violent that players can become criminal easily. Besides, there are little parks and children and young adults can not find the place to relax. Most criminals have family problems. Their parents only may pay attention to earning a lot of money instead of taking care of their children. They spend little time to concern their childrens private life, so their children can spend much money on illegal actions such as: drug addiction, wine addiction The education programs in school only teach knowledge for students study but dont teach them how to deal with many soial problems. Solutions to reduce crimes: The government, school and family must be responsible to reduce crime. The government should censor all TV programs and internet- lines. The Government should reform program educations and re-educate young adult criminals. Besides, the Government should improve law systems and policies in order to help people understand more clearly about what they should and should not.


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The parents should spend more times on taking care of their children and controling their children when they use Internet. The schools always combine with families to control students activities. Besides, the reason why the rate of young criminals becomes higher in society today is that young people lack their self-image and their parents care. In the open-door time, new viewpoints, new trend of living enter our society. Young people dont have enough selfeducation and self assertion to distinguish good aspects and to learn from bad ones. As a result, they fall and commit a crime. So, in my opinion, to reduce the rate of young criminals, we should lead them to the right way, flexibly and appropriately educate them according to their ages. We should learn how to understand them, their behaviors as well as their living conditions and their living environment. Besides, playing with them and teaching them how to play can also help us reduce the rate of young criminals for society. Topic 4: For some people superstition is one of the safest ways to protect their life. Are you a superstitious person? What supestitions do the VietNamse ofen have? Share your idear with your partner Some people in Viet Nam and in the world still believe in suspertition because they believe that everything is arranged by God. Besides, they also want to know about the future and past events. In fact, some people think that supertition is one of the safest ways to protect their life. I think, Vietnamese people are very suspertitious in many aspects: - Firtly, people believe that the black cat is very unlucky, the dog is very lucky. - Secondly, on New Year holiday, most family dont sweep the floor because we think if they sweep it, their money will be taken away together garbages.They try not to break any thing on Tet holidays or on wedding day because this may bting bad luck - Thirdly, the 9th ,the 19th or the 29th of lunnar months shall bring luckiness for everyone to go out or to celerate wedding ceremonies, build their houses or even open companies. However, on the 5th, the 14th and the 23rd of lunnar months, people do not want to do important things on these days because they are afraid of being unlucky. - Next, many people believe that red colour is symbolized for good thing. - In addition, parents usually choose the best days for their childrens wedding day. They think that if their childrens wedding days are held on these days, they can live together happily ever and ever.


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In short, supertition can make our life instresting but we must be careful to enjoy supertition because it is not explained and demonstrated by scientists. In some cases, it is very dangerous for us to do. I am not a very superstitious person, but sometimes I am superstitious about somethings. For example, when I was a tudent, before taking any exam, I did not eat egg, banana, or pumpkin because these food are believed to make me fail or have bad marks in exams. Topic 5: Changes in education in Viet Nam should be made locally and nationally. If you could change one thing about the educational problems in your hometown or in the whole country, what would it be? Discuss with your partner. If I could change one thing about educational problems in our country, 1/ That would be increasing practice and decreasing theory. I think that there is a long distance between practice and theory. So if students can be taught what they can use in practice, they can apply what they studied in their work. This can help students more confident in their work and life. They can find jobs and get information about society easily. 2/ The Vietnamese government would carry out immediate reforms of the state administration and government officials to cut down corruptions and enable the system to relocate their budget to be more educational focus. 3/ The Vietnamese government would raise teachers salary and benefits to a comfortable, compatible level to reduce corruptions and increase motivation. The Vietnamese government would offer frequent retraining and in-services to teachers. 4/ The Vietnamese government would implement renovated educational programs that focus on independent thinking and characters 5/ The Vietnamese government would work with the Vietnamese Overseas Task Forces in developing educational supporting programs to help with the Vietnamese students abroad as well as updating the curricula to international standards. If Vietnam follows the above suggestions, it will gain the support of the Vietnamese overseas to assist in the development of Vietnam. This will in turn give Vietnam substantial changes in human infrastructure to compete with the growing market in Southeast Asia. The real winners would be the Vietnamese people who would benefit from a sound education that they will be very proud of for generations to come.

Topic 6: There are both types of classes in some schools in Viet Nam; they are a coed class and a single gender class. Discuss with your partner which type you would prefer.


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6/- Thi: Helo, M. How are you? - M: Helo, Thi. Fine, thank you. And you? - T: Im very well, thanks.Im glad to meet you in this school. What do you do here? - M: I register my son for school. - T: Oh, yeah. There are coed class and single gender class in some schools in Vietnam. You choose a coed class for your son, so I am sure you prefer the coed class more than the single gender class. That right? - M: Yes, all right. I think that every type of class has some advantages and some disadvantages. In my opinion, I like to study in a coed class more than a single gender class. Because, in the coed class, boys and girls study together, so they have several advantages. The fisrt of all, they feel exited and no boring. The boy and the girl can learn together about characteristics, sexual personality... For example, boys are talent, flexible, fast, generous, girls are gentle, diligent,perseverant, helpfull, Next, students have a lot of good ideas and they can share about that. They can learn the patience together because of the other personality. Sometime they make concessions together for the target of their class. Therefore, they will try better and reduce their mistakes. Do you agree with me? Do you have the other ideas? - T: Yes, I agree with you. I have extra another idea. Boys and girls study together, they have close friends, that is a good foundation to develop their love, or after that, they do not have difficult when they choose their partners in the future. That s benefits of the coed school, but I think that they also have some disadvantages. The first, girls are strongly influenced by what boys do. They can play some games that are just for boys and are not suitable for them. On the contrary, boys can imitate girlss characters such as talkativeness, taking snake, and so on. Finally, because they meet usually, so they can fall in love soon. Thats not good for their study. Besides, they are too young to fall in love and get married. Do you agree with me? - M: Yes,I agree with you. Beside, I think that, the single gender class has some good points, too. What do you think about that? - T: Ok, I think so. The single gender class has only boys or girls. I think that it has more disadvantages than advantages. - M: I think the same as you do about this matter, so I choose the coed class for my children.


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- T: In my opinion, you choose is quite right. I am busy right now, Im sorry. See you later, we will talk together in other chance. - M: Ok, I have to come back home, too. See you again. Bye. Topic 7: Different people have different thinking about success. Which qualities do you think are necessary to be successful? Share your ideas with your partner. What do you think about success? For me, success is getting someones purpose in his life. Everyone has his or her own purpose. So their definition of a sucessful person are also different. - A sucessful person is the person who has a happy family where family members love and sympathy with each other. His family helps him overcome many difficuties he meets in work, in other relationship - A sucessful person is the person who has a good job with high salary and suitable for the major and the interest in a nice working environment. He may feel very happy with his work because at that time, he is confident enough to fufill his assignments. Then he can receive a good payment for his work. - A sucessful person is the person who maintains firm social relationship such as nice with neighbors, friendly with strangers, helpful with people having problems) - A sucessful person is the person who has the main role in the family. Someone wants to show that he is a powerful person. And in family, he is the person who makes decision and every one has to obey him. - A sucessful person is the person who can get what makes him happy. In fact, everyone has his own desire to get something. For example, for a student, if he can pass the exam or get a high score, that means he is sucessful; or for parents, they will be happy if their children are mature and succeed in life or in business; for for the poor, happiness is an easy circumstance, they have enough money to pay for their food, their clothes, their home - A sucessful person is the person who is satisfied with what he is having. He doesnt look for anything beyond his capacity. For him, everything he needs is available and enough. This makes him very comfortable. He wont try to work hard for anything. He can live without any worriness. - A sucessful person is the person who is highly appreciated by the boss and the coworkers. Someone wants to be express himself. Therefore, he needs appreciation of others, especially in his work. When he works, he wants other people admit his ability. And that is his success. Which qualities do you think are necessary to be successful?


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1/ You should be well educated. That means you should have a knowledge about something. Then your skill, the ability to perform a physical or technical task, such as financial analysis, or a cognitive task, such as problem solving, is very necessary. 2/ You should have a self-image. Self-image gets at our attitudes and values and relates to the feelings we have about ourselves, and what is important to us as individuals, our inner-self. For example, if a person has an attitude or value that serving customers is important, that person may be more likely to answer repeated requests for information and assistance than someone else who doesn't share the same attitudes and values. Another example of self-image is a person's level of self-confidence. 3/ You should have motives. Motives are deep-rooted and formed early in life. They are the things a person consistently thinks about or wants that cause them to take action. For example, someone who is highly achievement-motivated will always strive to do a better job. Someone who is highly social and is driven by an affiliation motive may be better suited to a role that involves dealing with people as their emphasis will be on building and maintaining positive relationships.

Topic 8: Different people have different attitudes toward money. What is your attitude about it? How important money in your life? Discuss your idea with your partner. In my opinion, money is very important for us. If we donot have money, we will die. But you have a lot of money, you donot have happiness. For example, money donot buy heath, love, and so on. So, money is very necessary for our life in many fields such as in everyday life, education, relationships and recreation. In everyday life: You need some money to buy houses, food, clothes and other necessities to survive. In education: If you want to study or resach, you must have some money to pay tuition or boarding house. Besides, we can buy equipment for our study such as major books, pens and so on. In recreation: Nowadays, people work very hard, people should relax your mind such as go pinic, go travel, go to the cinema or the theater. Therefore, people need some money to do this.


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Many people think that money is very important in their life. However others hold opposite points of view. But in my oppinion, money is not everything. It brings human beings both advantages and disadvantages. Money is the instrument of exchange, helping in buying and selling and also in fixing a value on things and commodities. With the market getting more and more progressive we can see the power of money. It can help to fulfil our needs. Money can use to good things, students can be helped by providing them with scholarships in furthering their studies. Moreover, money play an important role in fighting and winning elections. With the power of money, individuals as well as states (countries) can speak high voice in the world. Example, The Middle East countries have found new wealth because of their oil deposits and they have become a very powerful group. However, there is no denying the value of money and the pleasure of enjoying it; But money can be got only a huge amount of sacrifice. People are so busy in getting money, man can no have time for his family and no time even for his healh. Money cannot buy health because health is better than wealth. A healthy person can take care not only himself but also others. In addition, money is the root of all evil. Some people become criminal because of poverty, additions and poison boy and so on. In brief, money is necessary for our life, we can satisfy about its value. But we should know how to get it and decide how to spend it. Topic 9. Foreign language learning has become a very popular in Vietnam during the last ten years. Why do people want to learn a foreign language? What factors help them successed in learning it. Discuss with your partner. During the last ten years, foreign language learning has become a vary popular in VietNam. In VietNam, there are many kinds of foreign languages such as: English, French, China, Khmer, Russia and so on But I think, English is the most important foreign languages in VN. Why do people want to learn English? Because English is an international language. Now a day, many people think that English is an important language to master and it provides useful means to work and international trade. It has become an official language in the field of polities, business, sciences and technologies. In our country, English is the main foreign language, which is taugh in schools and widely uses in business. If you know fluently English, you can read various kinds of English books to


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widen your knowledge. Communicate with most foreigners easily and you can find a good job in a private company with a high salary. What factors help you succeed in learning English? There are many difficulties in learning English. To me, the greatest problem is how to pronounce English words correctly. If you want to overcome this obstacle, you had better master the Alphabet and pronounce English words after their phonetic symbols. Another difficulty is how to speak English fluently. To solve this problem, you should practice speaking English instentively both at school and at home with your friends. And you can sometimes imitate the native speakers voice and your teachers. To improve your listening comprehention of English. You should listen to English records, radio and televition broadcasts and get in touch with Englishspeaking people whenever possible. If you try hard, you can get over these difficulties and master the English language.

Topic 10: Cross-cultural traveling has greatly become popular in recent years. What would surprise foreign visitors when they come to visit your country? Which advice would you give them to avoid culture shock? Discuss with your partner. Traveling is one of ways to entertain oneself and Cross-cultural traveling has greatly become popular in recent years. Fomerly, people have just traveled for sightseeing, relaxing,to be have healthy and to restart their work effectively. Nowadays, beside that they also want to find out the differences between this country and that country about culture, custom, religion,to widen their knowledge, understanding. Because Vietnam is an oriental country, when visitors come from Occidental countries to visit Vietnam, I think that our countrys culture and custom might make them surprise. So what advice would you give them to avoid culture shock? SHOULD They should have a tour-guide They should leave a park before midnight They should wear formal clothes to holy places They should learn some sentences in Vietnamese They should attend some traditional games They should buy clothes in supper market


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Take photograph at the public They shouldnt go out by motorbike They shouldnt do kissing in public They shouldnt make noise at midnight They shouldnt talk about sensitive political issues They shouldnt bring weapon with them They shouldnt eat at vendor They shouldnt show of property


Topic 11: Many people all over the world would have suffered from incurable diseases though their doctors and families have tried every way to help them. Do you think these patients should be kept alive or should die? Discuss with your partner to find a solution for them. 11/- Thi: Helo, M. How are you? - M: Helo, Thi. Fine, thank you. And you? - T: Im very well, thanks. Where are you going? - M: I am visiting my close friend. She is sick. - T: Oh, really? How is her sickness? - M: She has incurable disease. Her disease is finally of time. She has suffered from her disease though the doctors and her family have tried every way to help her. Do you think she should be kept alive or should die? - T: It is difficult to talk about that. In my opinion, If I were that patient and I knew I nearly died, I would want to die so that I could avoid being suffered from disease. On the other hand, If I were the relatives of that patient, I would keep her alive. Do you agree with me? - M: In my opinion, if we were the relatives of that patient, we would not be selfish. We should permit our patient to die soon, because they are very painful, sometimes although they are still alive, they do not know anything. They must lead a vegetable existence. - T: I agree with you. But in many countries, the regulation on human death has not admitted yet. They think that leting serious patients die is inhuman. What do you think about that?


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- M: I think that this problem is still in dispute. Some people think that human dealth is quite acceptable because this help patients who suffer from incurable diseases overcome torment. However, others hold an opposite view of point. People may take advantage of human death for seeking profit. They can participate in trading in internal organs. - T: I know that in some countries, although they have not considered the regulation of human death as a written regulation, they still accept human dealth when necessary. - M: What do you mean? - T: Yeah, It means in some cases, patients with serious diseases may be died with the assistance of doctors upon the suggestion of doctor, relatives or that patient. - M: Anyway, I still agree with human death for patients with incurable diseases. The matter is that we should find out the way to detect the violation and minimize its negative behaviors. - T: Ok. You have a good idea. I need to go to work. See you soon. bye. - M: See you. Bye. Topic 12: Stress is unavoidable in a busy life. What are some possible causes of stress? What do you do to reduce stress effectively whenever you get it? Share this experience with your partner. Stress is unavoidable in a busy life. Stress affects us all. If you can spot the symptoms, you can manage them. Causes of Stress 1/ Threat A perceived threat will lead a person to feel stressed. This can include physical threats, social threats, financial threat, and so on. In particular it will be worse when the person feels they have no response that can reduce the threat, as this affects the need for a sense of control. Generally speaking, any threat to needs is likely to lead to stress being experienced. 2/ Fear Threat can lead to fear, which again leads to stress. Fear leads to imagined outcomes, which are the real source of stress. 3/ Uncertainty When we are not certain, we are unable to predict, and hence feel we are not in control, and hence may feel fear or feel threatened by that which is causing the uncertainty. 4/ Cognitive dissonance


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When there is a gap between what we do and what we think, then we experience cognitive dissonance, which is felt as stress. Thus, if I think I am a nice person then do something that hurts someone else, I will experience dissonance and stress. Dissonance also occurs when we cannot meet our commitments. We believe we are honest and committed, but when circumstances prevent us from meeting our promises we are faced with the possibility of being perceived as dishonest or incapable (e.g. a social threat). 5/ Life causes There are many causes of stress in life including: Death: of spouse, family, friend Health: injury, illness, pregnancy Crime: Sexual molestation, mugging, burglary, pick-pocketed Self-abuse: drug abuse, alcoholism, self-harm Family change: separation, divorce, new baby, marriage Sexual problems: getting partner, with partner Argument: with spouse, family, friends, co-workers, boss Physical changes: lack of sleep, new work hours New location: vacation, moving house Money: lack of it, owing it, investing it Environment change: in school, job, house, town, jail Responsibility increase: new dependent, new job 6/ Stress at work The demands of the job The control staff have over how they do their work The support they receive from colleagues and superiors Their relationships with colleagues Whether they understand their roles and responsibilities How far the company consults staff over workplace changes. Other stress indicators at work include: Sickness absence High staff turnover Poor communication between teams Bullying Lack of feedback on performance Value and contribution


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Technological change Lack of clarity of roles and responsibilities Dissatisfaction with non-monetary benefits Working long hours Boring and mundane work One-off incidents Uncomfortable workplace Lack of training How To Reduce Stress S Sleep well. Your bed is for sleeping, reading and intimacy. When your head hits the pillow, its time to sleep, not think. Your bed should NOT be for: watching television, balancing your checkbook, planning the next day, arguing with your spouse, checking your e-mail, or making phone calls. When in bed, books are OK, laptops are not. P Plan every day. Create a to-do list every morning. This gives you a) a roadmap of what you need to do at the beginning of the day, b) a reminder of what still needs to be done throughout the day and c) a place to check off your accomplishments at the end of the day A Anticipate less. Recognize the false assumptions you make that lead to anxiety. Will things really turn out to be as bad as you think? Probably not. When you look to the future, visualize success rather than failure. After all, you really dont know which it will be. So why not expect the best? R Relax. Breath deeply when you feel stressed. Get up and change your environment, if only for a short time.Go for a walk at lunch. Relaxation means taking a break from what you were doing, not just vegging out. For instance, watching television isnt always relaxing; it can be dumbing and dulling. Find activities that calm your body and stimulate your mind. Create a time for your own kind of meditation. Find a quiet space and a quiet time thats just for you. K Keep Anger under control. Be empathetic and forgiving to others when they make mistakes. Like you, theyre trying to do their best. Learn to give constructive feedback rather than destructive criticism.


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When someone makes you angry, remember that you have a choice in how you react. Instead of yelling at that bad driver who cut you off, do a running play-by-play on his erratic driving techniques. Its more fun. L Laugh. Use positive affirmations to keep yourself on track. Affirmations should use the 4 Ps; personal, positive, passionate and present. For instance, I am a confident and successful manager who always runs an amazing team. Find time to share a joke. Laugh at the curves life throws at you rather than fretting over them. E Eat Well and Exercise. Your body needs to be a well-tuned machine to manage all of the stresses that act on it. Avoid eating packaged snacks anything that comes in a wrapper or plastic bag. Try natural fruit instead. Add more colored vegetables to your meals. Reduce caffeine in your diet. Its a stimulant and can exacerbate physical symptoms of stress that you may already have. Choose water instead. Avoid the escalator or elevator and take the stairs. Find opportunities to go for a walk. Ideally, get exercise that causes you to sweat for twenty minutes at least three times per week

Topic 13: Friendship plays an important role in people'mental and physical life/ having true friendship is not easy, while keeping it is difficult. What qualities are necessary for existence of friendship? Discuss with your partner. Everyone has a number of acquaintances but no one has many true friendship. In nature, birds live in flocks, animals in herds, trees in forests. Man cannot live by himself. The pleasures of man will lose half their charm when there are no friend to share them. For a friendship to be intimate and lasting, both the friends must have some very special qualities. First, unselfishness, you should never only think of yourself, you share your interests and feelings, no doubt. Friendship is a two sided affair, and live by give-and-take. No friendship can exist long which is all give on one side and all take on the other.


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Secondly, sincerity and straight forward, True friendship could never be built on falsehood and mutual disrespect. Two friend must be loyal to each other. Thirstly, Mutual understanding and tolerance. No body completely perfect. You must sympathy and forgive some mistake of your friend. Your friend will be appreciated about your generosity. You should be implicit confidence friends, so that he can tell you his most intimate secrets without any fear of being misunderstood and betrayed. Conclusion, keeping a true friendship required many good qualities from both sides. You should believe yourfriend and sympathy their aims, likes, joys, sorrows and pleasures.

Topic 14 : Marriage is one of important things for many students who graduated from college and have had a stable job. However, some student decide to get married while in college. Should this decision be encouraged? Discuss with your partner Nowadays, we are freedom to choose partner, especially students usually have lover in schools or universities. A number of them will get marriage after graduating or having a stable job. It is very suitable for them to decide their lives in this case. But some students get marriage while in college. In my opinion, making a new family while you are so young cannot help you prepare a good life. Balancing marriage and school is an issue for many students and those students have different opinions on whether marriage hinders or helps school performance. I think that students should wait to get married until one or both graduate. Waiting to marry until after graduation allows more time to build the relationship. Besides, students have to be more financially prepared to take on the responsibility of marriage. It is very taxing on nerves and time. There's enough stress in marriage regardless that in your study. In fact, many people are impatient about getting married. A lot of people think they are supposed to be married at this age. They don't think about the difficulties that go along with it. There needs to be a common understanding between a couple that there is schoolwork to do and that as students, school comes first. However, other people have an opposite viewpoint. They get married while in college because they don't want to neglect each other; they will have to make time for each other". There are an increasing number of married students attending universities. These married students have moderate difficulties adjusting to the demands of higher education. University counselors can help students adapt to these new roles and to find constructive ways to manage and decrease stress related to college attendance.


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Topic 15: Some people like to live a peaceful life, while some others like being challenged by taking risks. Share your ideas with your partner. Some people like to live a peaceful life I think im living a pretty peaceful life despite the chaos that happens around me I just had to give up a lot of things like keeping a perfectly clean house I think living peacefully means taking a deep breath and realizing that the world will not end if everything doesnt happen or if everything does happen. Its realizing that maybe everything was meant to happen and all we need to do is taking a deep breath deep breathing is absolutely essential to living a peaceful life remember to drink a lot of water After spending considerable years in life in search of money, position, power, status, conjugal bliss and so on, many a times we end up with a feeling that in the bargain, we have lost peace in life. We feel peace is more precious than many other things we were hunting around. By the time we come to such a conclusion, we would have already developed such deep rooted tendencies, behavioral patterns and mindsets that we consequently find ourselves enslaved in them and become incapable of untangling ourselves from them so as to live in peace. Many of us do not know that having Peace of Mind itself could be worthwhile goal in our life and we can work our way to attain it! It would be even better if we develop such a mindset early in life. Life essentially consists of certain ways and means within our control and certain happenings and circumstances beyond our control. By acting on those within our control we can strive for leading a peaceful life. A spiritual and philosophical mindset would add fillip to our efforts. Some others like being challenged by taking risks We all take risks. Often people change their lives for the better when they take chances. Some people leave secure jobs and start their own business. They become much happier because they are doing soemthing they enjoy and they control their own lives. Sometimes they make a lot of money too. Some people gamble their money on lottery tickets. No one says the lucky winners are wrong when they take risks. Unhappy people should change their lives. They should do something different with their lives rather than stay where they are and accept a life that never changes or gets better. And we all must take a chance on love. many lonely and unhappy epople go home every night to frozen dinners and tired old TV shows. If you take a risk on love and


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friendship you gain experience and sometimes even love. You must take a risk of you want to win.

Here are some steps to lead a peaceful life: 1. Do not compare yourself with others: Your life is your own. Your likes and dislikes, tastes, expectations and standards are your own. Your neighbor or your colleague need not be a bench mark for you to compare yourself or compete with. Their level of education, financial status, social status or spending pattern need not be yours. If at all you have to compare, compare yourself with those who are less privileged than you; those whose lives are more peaceful and less complicated than yours. 2. Do not aspire to make others dream your reality: Your fathers unfulfilled dream of becoming a doctor need not be your dream. Your mothers dream of becoming a successful dancer need not be yours unless and until, you, on your own uninfluenced self-judgment think the same way. 3. Have a clear cut self judgment about your true capabilities, strengths and limitations: You might possess excellent Cricket playing skills within your local league. But it need not mean you are competent enough to play for the national team. Compare yourself with better players and make a sincere judgment: Do I really play or am I capable of playing to that level? Do I have the physical, psychological and financial resources to make myself fit enough to come up to that level? Above all, is such a yearning worth the effort? Sheer positive thinking alone will not do wonders. In the scheme of nature, all are not endowed with same set of skills and resources. If you are capable of judging yourself correctly, you will be endowed with the peace of mind by not pursuing on something beyond your reach. 4. Regularly save a percentage of your income: At any point of time, should you come across a bad patch in life like losing a job, or a loss in your business etc., you should be in a position to pull along comfortably at least for a few months on the strength of your savings. 5. Never get addicted to anything: Be it alcohol, smoking, drugs, women, work, profession, money, fame or recognition. Moderation is the key to peaceful life. Eat moderately. Sleep moderately. Work moderately. Have sex moderately. Do not stretch yourself beyond limits. 6. Run around less: Avoid unnecessary travel. Communicate better and more effectively through the various avenues and media so that personal face-to-face meetings by traveling long


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distances can be reduced. Delegate more. Remember that traveling long distances taxes your health by upsetting and altering your eating, drinking and sleeping rhythms, which in turn affect your peace of mind. 7. Intentionally slow down: Dont hanker behind high targets and goals. Reduce your standards of expectation from others. If you are running, switch over to walking! Remember: You dont really have to prove anything about yourself to yourself! Perhaps you can be better off by extending the principle you dont really have to prove anything about yourself to others too, if you can! 8. Let wellness of your family take precedence over your profession: Remember: The fundamental needs of any human being is rather simple and basic : Good food, good clothing and a good shelter. Under shelter comes the family. When you have a good conjugal relationship, nice children, healthy homely food and the loving embrace of the beloveds hands when you are physically or mentally down, you have mostly got what is fundamentally essential for peace. Any other pursuit that goes against these and disturb these fundamentals will only add to misery. 9. Avoid poking your nose into others affairs unnecessarily: Extend a helping hand to others, within your capacity and limits when a help is sought from you. Do not over-stretch yourself in helping others and get into trouble. Being over-willing to help may invariably end up in one being taken undue advantage of. Also, do not offer a help with a calculative mind to get something in return in the future. Helping others willingly is of couse a spiritual quality- but it requires a spiritually cultivated mind to handle the repercussions peacefully. 10. Be health conscious but dont make a fetish about your health: By eating in time, eating moderately, eating nutritious food and by exercising moderately, keep your physical health fit. Do not read beyond rudimentary facts about various ailments, their symptoms and cure! Excessive knowledge about various ailments will add to wild imagination about their existence in your body! 11. Live within the moral framework generally acceptable to the elders in the society: Every new generation makes a compromise in moral standards of the previous generation and dilutes them to a lower level. Moral laxity is conducive for instant gratification and unbridled thrills but a sure ingredient for loss of peace. Sticking to moral standards set by morally sound elders of the previous generations is a trait you can follow to lead a peaceful life. 12. Watch Your Ego: The formula is very simple. The extent of your egotism is directly proportional to the loss of mental peace! Are you over-sensitive? Do you put your selfinterest always by bulldozing others rightful share? Consciously analyze such traits in you and make a sincere attempt to straighten yourself.


Speaking topics Level C 13.

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Have faith in a Higher Power governing all: Have faith in God. Always remember that you are mostly a puppet in the hands of a higher power whose scheme of things are mostly beyond human comprehension. Surrender to that force. Accept and be content about the Cards you have received and play with the best of your ability using the Cards available in your hands. Accept with humility the outcome of the game.

Topic 16: Traveling has becomes more and more popular in VN. You and your friend are planning to take a trip somewhere after this examination. Plan with your friend where to go, how to go, what to do and expect to have In modern society there are many activities for people to relax after working hard such as: playing sports, watching TV, traveling and so on. Traveling has becomes more and more popular in VN because traveling in VN is very cheap. Vietnamese is friendly so more and more foreigner to visit in VN. Traveling not only help us to relax but also brings us knowledge. My oppinon, after this examination we should go to Nha Trang to relax. Nha trang is the best place to visit in VN. It has mild weather, due to its location and natural condition, Nha trang have many beauty place such as: Varella Cable, Eldest Cole, i Lnh beach, Hn gm peninsula, Hn Khi and Cam Ranh peninsula and so on. Its still famous for a lot of geysers along the seashore and many other beautiful sights. When people visit Nha Trang, they can enjoy many activities such as seaports, diving, hunting, climbing, swimming, etc Topic 17- Having problems in taking a trip on holidays is unavoidable to any traveler. You and your partner are planning for a trip. Discuss some travel tips to avoid the problems in order to have a good trip. Traveling on holidays would have some problems if you dont make a plan before. In travel season, there are a lot of tourists come where you want to go so you might have some troubles about price, accommodation, and services. To have a good trip, you should prepare everything. I have some travel tips to avoid the problems in order to have a good trip.


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1. Where: choose the place you and your family want to visit first and make a plan for the trip. 2. Weather: good weather, not sunshine not rain. Pay attention to weather forecast to avoid starting on bad weather days. 3. Transportation: if you want to go there - by Motorcycle: (not too far from your house) you have to know the way, carry the map if dont know the way. Dont carry much luggage. - by Car: rent a new car with a professional and zealous driver. 4. Acommodation: find out a suitable hotel and reserve rooms to avoid this hotel is fully booked. 5. Food & Drink: choose the restaurant with moderate price. You should bring dried food and fresh water to avoid water shock (to avoid intestinal diseases) 6. Price: if you want to buy something, yu should ask for the information of price or selling place from the local people in order that you can buy with a reasonable price. Your travel should be out of season. Because at that time, there are less tourits and the price is not so high.

Topic 18: Finding a job is a main concern for most students after graduation. If there is a low-paying but permanent job and a better-paying but temporary job, which do you choose? Why? Share your ideas with your partners. Nowaday, after graduated from the University, Students first tend to find any job, at that time, they are not decide what kinds of job they can get. Because they almost pay attention to earning money to support their lives. Afterwards, Some students recognize that they like permanent jobs but low salary and some contrast they like a high salary but temporary job. In my opinion, I appreciate the second idea, because several reasons follow: - A job paying high salary require us to invest our mental, physical abilities. We usually are put into aggressive job. Thank to that requirement we can know our positive points and negative points, we can correct our weak points and growth up sour strong points, that can help us to promote in our career in the future. - During along time studying, students try to use their knowledge gaining from school in work and they want to change the theory which they are taught at school become true. They want to take risk.


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In addition, another important factor is that they are not only earining money for their families but also for improving their qualification. Moreover, they have many experiences to solve difficult problems. They can prove their high abilities. We are able to become competent technicians, qualified worker or experienced specialist that the society always needs.

Incontrast, finding permanent job with a low paying, student are easy to feel bored in their job, it is not enthusiatic for them to review and train new points in their understandings. It took them long time to do the same job without changing. They can not promote in their job and they donot contribute to society. The more they work, the more they become useless. If earning low salary, they will meet some trouble in their lives such as they cannot afford their children to to school, lack of based conditions in life. That is the reason why some still live alone. They donot get marriage because of frightenning their responsibilities. In summary, the choice of a suitable job is very important both to our life and to society. So we should think over before to choose a job.

Topic 19: To get a job requires some certain condidtions. What do you think help you get a good job: your qualifications or good relationships? Share your ideas with your partner. Many people think that good relationships can help you get a good job. Others hold an opposite viewpoint. In my opinion, to get a good job require both your qualifications or good relationships. Firstly, Your qualification is a passport to success in getting a good job. When you have smart knowledge you can be easy to pass any interview for a profession. It is a good way for you to get a interest job. Our economy is increasing. Vietnam is a member of WTO, many companies have to face competition of foreign firms. They have professional officers with widen knowledge. They can operate effectively their companies. They reduce expenditure and increase competitive abilities. So our companies needs many good worker who can contribute their talents for improving their job. Moreover, when you have a good aptitude (nng khiu, t cch c bit), you can do your work as well as you are possible. In case, although you have a high degree from the university, you still become jobless person if you donot have a good relationships. In true life, some students are good at your major but they are not successful in their jobs.


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As you know, no one can live alone, every one needs to communicate to get information, to share sorrow and to help each other. It is very useful for you to obtain experience from your friends, relatives and coleagues. You will be influenced from them. If you have widen friends, you will overcome many problems. Especially, you feel self confident to have a stable shoulder. They will help you find a suitable job that you are happy in your life. In summary, It is not easy to find a job to day. Hundreds of students are leaving schools and universities every year to seek employment in the various professions. You should have both a good degree in school and a good relationship in order to get a good job. It is a good way for you to promote in your work and you are successful in your job.

Topic 20: Different students work part time because of different reasons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a part time job to student Nowadays, working a part time job is very suitable to students. The student can work a part-time job as salespersons, marketing experts, waiters or waitresses in restaurants, tutors, bicycle keepers. Like every coin has two sides, working a part time job to student has several advantages an disadvantages. In fact, working part time jobs is very useful for students because it has several advantages: - Students do part time jobs seem to be more confident, independent and responsible. Beside it helps them improve their communicative skills in society. - They themselves can earn some money to prepare for their next school year or spend that money on studying And the money that they earn from their part-time jobs makes them realize how hard they have worked. - Students who do part-time jobs will be more comfortable with the transition from school to work. It helps them feel more confident to start working after their graduation. * Disadvantages:


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If students do part-time jobs during their schooling, their study will be influenced in some bad ways. The reality shows that students who both work and study usually tend to neglect their study. In short, doing part-time jobs is good for students to some extents, but they should arrange their time properly. If not, they will be regretful in the future when they fail in exams. A lot of questions to discuss: 1. Have you ever done part-time jobs to earn money? What kinds of jobs have you done? 2. According to you, what kinds of part-time jobs are the most popular now? Is it difficult to find one? 3. Do you think working as a tutor is the ideal job for students? Have you ever been a tutor? Is it easy or difficult to do this job? 4. In your opinion, what can we get from part-time jobs? 5. Do you like to have a part-time job? Why? Why not? 6. In our school, many students are working as bicycle and motorbike keepers/watchers. What do you think about them? And what do you think about this kind of job?


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