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Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare - MBA Model Paper - 3 semester Part A consists of 50 questions, Part B consists of 25 questions

and Part C Consists of 25 questions. These are the important questions from the Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare Paper. For each question in Part A carries 2 marks, for Part B each question carry 6 marks and Part C carry 10 marks. Part A consists of maximum 10 questions only, Part B consists of maximum 10 questions from which 5 questions need to be attempted, Part C consists of maximum 10 questions from which 5 questions need to be attempted. Part A 1. What do you mean by industrial relation? 2. Write down any two factors affecting industrial relation? 3. Mention any conditions of good industrial relation? 4. Write down any two objectives if industrial relation? 5. What do you mean by National Union in USA? 6. Write down the concept of industrial relation? 7. Define industrial relation? 8. Mention the role of industrial relation? 9. Write down the importance of industrial relation? 10. Write down the impact of industrial relation? 11. Define trade union. 12. Write down any two objectives of trade unions. 13. What do you mean by collective bargaining? 14. Mention any two importance of collective bargaining. 15. What do you mean by workers participation? 16. Write down any two important objectives of workers participation. 17. Write down any two weakness of trade union. 18. Write down any two forms of worker's participation in India. 19. Mention any two names of central trade unions. 20. Write down the importance of trade unions. 21. What do you mean by industrial displute. 22. What do you mean by employee grievances? 23. Define strike. 24. What is conciliation? 25. What is Arbitration? 26. What is Labour Court? 27. What do you mean by industrial peace? 28. What is Lock out? 29. What do you mean by Gerao. 30. What is compulsory Adjudication? 31. Write down any two objectives of employee welfare? 32. What is Employee Assistance programme? 33. What do you mean by accidents? 34. What is industrial safely? 35. What is counseling? 36. Write down any two importance of health programme. 37. Write down any two statutory welfare programmes. 38. Write down any two non-statutory welfare measures. 39. Write down any two benefits of counseling.

40. Write down the benefits of welfare programme. 41. Write down any two objectives of Minimum wages act. 42. Write down any two objectives of workman compensation Act. 43. Write down any two objectives of industrial disputes act. 44. What is said to be award? 45. Write down any two objectives of payment of wages act, 1936. 46. What is meant by minimum wages? 47. Mention any two objectives of Factories Act 1948. 48. Mention any two objectives of Maternity Benefit Act. 49. Write down the objectives of Employee Provident Fund Act. 50. Write down any two objectives of Child Labour Act. Part B 1. Explain the industrial relation in USA. 2. Explain the industrial relation in UK. 3. Discuss the objectives of industrial relation. 4. Discuss the nature of industrial relation. 5. Illustrate the role of government in industrial relations? 6. Explain the factors influencing in industrial relation. 7. Discuss the industrial relation at national level? 8. Discuss the industrial relation at International Level. 9. Illustrate the infrastructure that guide and direct the industrial relations? 10. Enumerate the industrial relations recent trend in India. 11. Explain the procedure of collective bargaining. 12. Explain the weakness of the trade union. 13. Discuss the objectives of workers participation in management. 14. Discuss the objectives of trade unions. 15. Explain the advantages of worker's participation in management. 16. Explain the different types of strike. 17. Discuss the measures are taken to prevent the strike. 18. Discuss the impacts of industrial dispute. 19. Explain the causes of industrial dispute. 20. Explain the Role of conciliator. 21. Explain the causes of industrial accidents. 22. Discuss the scope of labour welfare. 23. Explain occupational hazards. 24. Explain Counselling. 25. Discuss the objectives of the employees welfare. 26. Briefly explain the new principles under the Industrial Dispute Act. 27. Explain the general schemes of the Industrial Dispute Act. 28. Explain the right of employers and employees under the payment of wayes Act 1936. 29. Explain the objectives of Trade union Act. 30. Explain the important provisions of Contract Labour Act. Part C 1. Illustrate the importance of collective bargaining. 2. Enumerate the trade union movement in India. 3. Explain the different forms of workers participation in India. 4. Illustrate the various functions of trade unions.

5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of trade unions. 6. Enumerate the various steps in grievance handling procedure. 7. Illustrate the machinery to settling industrial disputes. 8. Explain the qualities of conciliator. 9. Explain Arbitration. 10. Illustrate the three tier system of Adjudication. 11. What are the statutory and non-statutory welfare programme? 12. Discuss the safety measures taken to prevent accidents. 13. Illustrate the education and training prgramme for the welfare of the worker. 14. Illustrate the importance and problems of industrial health. 15. Enumarate the labour welfare fund help for the welfare of the workers. 16. Explain Workman compensation Act 1923. 17. Illustrate Maternity Benefit Act 19861. 18. Explain Industrial Disputes Act 19847. 19. Explain The Child Labour Act 1986. 20. Illustrate Minimum Wages Act. Q1. What do you mean by Industrial Relations? Q2. Mention objectives of Industrial Relations? Q3. Distinguish between the concepts of conflict and co-operation? Q4. Name the leading approaches to Industrial Relations? Q5. Define the categories of workers? Q6. What do you mean by Blue-Collar workers? Q7. What do you mean by White-Collar workers? Q8. Difference between HRM and IR? Q9. Define Absenteeism? Q10. Define Labour-turnower? Q11. What do you mean by Grievance? Q12. Define the term strike? Q14. Define Lay-off? Q15. Name the major indicator of Industrial relations? Q16. QWL? Q17. Fringe Benefits? Q18. LOCK-OUTS? Q19. Trade unions? Q20. What do you mean by dismissal? Q21. Define Arbitration? Q22. Define Conciliation? Q23. Define adjudication?

Q24. Define Closure? Q25. What do you men by Industrial dispute according to Industrial dispute Act? Q26. Work-Committee? Q27. What do you mean by Tripartite Bodies? Q28. Bi-partite Bodies? Q29. Define concept of Workman under ID Act? Q30. How is trade-union recognized? Q31. Major characteristics of trade-unions? Q32. Difference between individual disputes and industrial disputes? Q34. Define social security? Q35. What is the evolution of social security? Q36. Describe merits and demerits of the new pension scheme 1995/ Q37. Define the term establishment under The Apprentices Act 1961? Q38. Why apprentices are trainees and not workers? Q39. Main features of The Apprentices Act 1961? Q40. Define the term Bonus under the payment and Bonus Act 1965? Q41. Define Latent Conflict? Q42. Define Manifest Conflict? Q43. Name the main cause of Industrial Conflict? Q44. Describe functions of Social Conflict? Q45. Define Collective Bargaining? Q46. Name the levels of Collective Bargaining? Q47. Statutory Welfare? Q48. Voluntary Welfare? Q49. Workers participation? Q50. Fringe Benefits? Q51. Labor Productivity? Q52. Managements of Collective Bargaining? Q53. Joint Consultation? Q54. What is system approach? Q55. Dispute settlement machinery? Q56. What is Action-theory approach? Q57. Define Agricultural labor? Q58. Code at Discipline?

Q59. What is registered union? Q60. What is unorganized labor?

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