Key Features of Job Responsibilities For Audit

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Key Features of Job Responsibilities for Audit:

1. Various Rate Analysis (basically for that type of work which is not included in RPL Standard Rate Schedule) 2. CS ( Comparative Statements) finalizing related to Construction 3. Bill Checking such as a. Labor Bill like Civil Work, Electrical Work, Sanitary & Plumbing Work, Glass Work, Aluminum Work etc. b. Petty Cash- usual site petty cash maintained by site engr and submitted at the end of the month. This amount is generally spent for tackling emergency situation, carrying, entertainment, site office maintaining, site cleaning, salary of cook etc. c. Procurement Bill like Cement, MS Rod, PVC/uPVC, Sand, GI Sheet, Tiles, Granite, Electric Cables, Paint etc. d. EME/Logistic Bill basically this are WASA & DESA Bill collected from site by Logistic Dept and after checking they submit it to Audit 4. Materials Reconciliation for the assigned Project- to check the material status as per MOQ (Material of Quantity) 5. Site visit as per requirement

Observation on Present Audit System:

From my point of view, there is some observations regarding present Audit system which are as belowa. No specific time in a month for contractor billing- as there is no specific time for it; bills comes in a scattered manner and intervening the audit sequence. Considering Audit as third eye it requires contemplating the site works by visiting frequently without informing them. But the bill checking takes more time and creating hindrance of frequent site visiting as there is some pressure to release it. b. Old fashioned Data Preserving System- to preserve the data, we presently maintained individual data preservation through Excel. So in this way there is some scope to preserve the data in individuals test. If the person changes than it will be vulnerable for new comer to compile data again. c. No standard Manual for Audit- how to audit, where to audit, what should be checked, restrictions, obligations etc. d. Cash purchasing- cash purchasing is being done without informing audit at least one day before from the purchasing day. General practice here is to inform/requesting audit at the time or day of cash purchasing which hinders audit works a lot. e. Negotiating for under table money- yes, there is no scope to avoid it as to surge the site progress forward. But the way logistic dept. maintain to let audit know sometimes only one day before the scheduled negotiation day/time. All of these discussed above are the limitations of Audit Dept which is very much personal observations of mine and none of others are involved or persuading me to write this.

In this context, my observation is to make Audit Dept. more efficient, a few steps are necessary pragmatically upon the issues illustrates above which are as belowa. First of all, an Auditing Manual is highly necessary to speed up the audit process and by this way any confusion will be left whether someone is new or old in that Dept. So any Auditor can do their duties/work without being influenced by others or by any hearsay b. Secondly, it is highly important to make common and centrally organized and maintained Data System, ie: no data will be stored in individuals computer. It will be in the server and only Audit has the right to get the entry there. So if someone changes it will not be hampered for time being before further recruitment. And the new comer doesnt have to depend on others or the person left the place. It just requires a simple training or an introducing class on how to work with it.


Fixed Timing for Contractors Billing- This is one of the most substantial parts to develop engineering audit. Engineering audit doesnt depend on the bill checking only also depending on the frequent site visit at the same time. A very trivial error occurs on the bill from the accounting point of view. But the site visit makes sense what is going on and what should be checked before anything happens worse or any unethical relationship or boding is growing up between the contractor and engineer engaged there. Not only that, if a time is fixed for billing than it will be easy to check and visit the site subsequently. Meanwhile the Construction dept will get the time to pay

him off and the company will not be over burden. So a system will be automatically developed between the Construction Dept and Audit Dept.


Cash purchase & Logistic Dept. issues-

a weekly program may be

prepared as expected and sent through mail to Audit Head and then he can organize the whole matters under a schedule which explain who, when will lead which team. This can reduce the uncertain pressure and will smooth the Audit Process. In conclusion, to achieve the overcome the above mentioned limitations, it is required to organize the Audit Team in two layers. First Layers will be engaged in desk work such as making comparative statement, rate analysis, contractors billing & inputting their datas into the computer etc. And the Second Layer will be engaged in roaming site to site and at the same time give feedback to the First Layer. By this way the Audit team work will be stronger than previous and will put significant impact to the company.

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