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A publication of the Hawaii Jaycees

Ke Alaka`i
Ke Alaka`i


Chairman of the Board
Executive VP
Region Director
Management VP
Business VP
International VP
Chaplain/Awards & Comps
Video Production Director
Legal Counsel
POC Advisor
Social Networking
Website Director
Spring 2012

If not us, who? If not now,
~Kennedy, John F.~
Summer is here! I remember going to school and thinkingI cant wait for
summer vacation, Disneyland here I come! However, as a Jaycee we look
forward to something more than just summer vacation. What do we look
forward too? Making positive change happen of course! In Hawaii Jaycees
its time for our signature projects, starting those committee meetings and
of course our continuous eort in bettering ourselves through our leader-
ship workshops. As a Jaycee during summer time, I look forward to meeting
old and new friends at chapter picnics and sitting in at chapter midyear
retreats. Yes you heard it hereI look forward to Chapter midyear retreats!
Why you ask? How could a midyear retreat be better than going to Disney-
land? Heres my logic: Jaycee members shares the belief that in order to
create lasting positive change, we must improve ourselves and the world
around us. When we gather for our retreats we seek targeted solutions to
the unique problems in our communities to build a better world, creating
global impact. The rst half of this year has been so inspirational to me as
over 400 members have been diligently working on their chapter projects
and everyone is still wanting for more.
Proud to be a Jaycee!
Eve Epitome
69th State President
With One Heart & One Voice We Can!
Aloha Hawaii Jaycees!


1. Waimanalo was considered Ior the headquarters oI the United Nations beIore New
York City was decided on. The UN Site Committee Ielt that Waimanalo couldn`t
provide the level oI muggings & street crime that the International Community has
come to expect Irom American cities.

2. Many know that Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the Father oI Modern China, lived in Hawaii,
attending both Iolani & Punahou Schools. What most don`t know is that he led the
Iolani basketball team to 3 consecutive championships, specializing in an explosive
360-degree dunk that Ians called the Sen Yo Face!`.

3. Hawaii is the widest state in the U.S., measuring East to West. Just don't mention it in
Iront oI her. She`s a little sensitive about it.

4. It`s illegal in Hawaii Ior you to annoy a bird while visiting a public park. But Ior
some reason it's perIectly Iine Ior the birds to annoy me. That one pigeon just keeps
pushin` me, man.

5. It`s also against the law in Hawaii to put coins in your ears. Bills, checks & credit
cards are Iine. Just no coins.

6. Father Damien was chosen as the greatest Belgian oI All Time by the Flemish public
broadcasting service, VRT. Anybody know who came in 2
? Me neither. Though I`d
put in my vote Ior the Belgian WaIIle. That`s good eatin`.

7. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands National Monument is bigger than all the other
US National Parks put together. It also has the Iewest bear attacks.

8. The Chin Ho` character Irom Hawaii Five-0` (original & current) was named aIter
a real Honolulu businessman. Another Incredible, but True Fact: Local Iemales
suddenly noticed how attractive the businessman was on the exact day that the show
started on television. An amazing coincidence that still conIounds scientists.

9. II you laid all the Hawaii Islands end-to-end you would put the Inter-Island airlines
out oI business.

10. Aiea` is the only town in America with a name that has only vowels. Consonants
have Iiled a discrimination suit.

Jon Cook
Website Director

The United States Junior Chamber is once again wrapping up another awesome year this June 2012 at its
92nd Annual Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa. Members of the Hawaii Jaycees have been gearing up for this
convention and will be sending up its best to participate in various competitions, as well as attend rst-rate
professional and personal development trainings in the nation.
Our competitors this year are:
Also attending the convention are: Yvette Lee, 68th President Hawaii Jaycees, Eve Epitome, 69th President
Hawaii Jaycees, Elvin Berzabal, President Rising Phoenix Jaycees, Stan Fichtman, National Vice-President, and
Jay Raymundo, Toby Mills and Trish Mills.
The Hawaii delegation has been working hard to prepare for this convention and recently did a carwash at
A1 Auto Sales on Nimitz Highway on June 9 to help defray the cost of the trip. This years delegation would
like to extend its warmest mahalo to our fellow Hawaii Jaycees members and Hawaii Jaycees Senate for their
Jay Raymundo
Management Development Vice-President
ONTO Iowa Chair
Galileo Tan
Filipino Junior Chamber
C. William Browneld
(1st year Outstanding Member)
Leigh Ohta
Hawaii Kai Jaycees
John H. Armbruster
(2+ years, Outstanding Member)
Sarah Young
Honolulu Chinese Jaycees
Donald Chang (Speak-Up)
Reuben Lum (Write-Up)
Kathy Carreira
Hawaii Kai Jaycees
John W. Clark
(Jaycee Jeopardy)

Outstanding New Members

Michele Itsuno
Executive VP
Jaycees would like to celebrate our Outstanding
New Members Dan Bayly and Sara King from
Rising Phoenix Jaycees (RPJ) who have shown great
initiative and motivation to make a positive impact on
their chapter, the organization of Jaycees as well as their
community. These new members have shown amazing heart
and rose to answer a call to action that few could meet.
Sara King has been a longtime friend of the chapter, and she has volunteered on several occasions from
volunteer coordinators) according to RPJ President Elvin Berzabal. Sara became a new member January
2012 and has been making great strides since then. She attended the Hawaii Leader Build Academys
Egg Hunt game booth. She also handmade 400 candy boxes and hand-painted a new animal matching
game for the event. Berzabel said, At this rate, she'll assume the presidency by June! Sara's calm
demeanor and good humor make her a natural leader, and it's no small wonder that she's a teacher. I
wish all of the chapter's members were like her.
Dan Bayly volunteered for numerous service projects and also served on project committees such as
Spikes for Tykes volleyball tournament last year even before he became a member in March 2012. He
served on this years committee for the Kaimuki Easter Egg Hunt game booth and was even the rabbit
wrangler during the event. According to Elvin Berzabel, RPJ President, Dan is the type of guy who will
rise up to help before even knowing what he's getting into, which for the most part has been for the
ciation of Hawaiis Rubber Duckie Race raising nearly $300 in donations himself.
company in cleaning, painting, and creating display cases for its trophies and plaques. Berzabel said,
time to do things, I plan to tell them about Dan.
Hawaii Jaycees wants to thank you and Dawn for
the over 100 man hours you spent in renovating
Hawaii Jaycees and many of the other chapters who
utilize it appreciate all your labors of love and the
hard work that you put in to make it a functional
Thank you Sara and Dan for being an inspiration
and for all that you do for Jaycees!
Have you ever known someone who's gone through a life-threatening illness and wanted to help? The Filipino
Junior Chamber has an opportunity with its newest project called Save a Bottle, Save a Life. The idea is simple: FJC
is collecting bottles that are then recycled in which the redemption money goes towards the treatment of a person
who is going through a life-threatening illness in the Philippines.
The rst patient adopted the FJC is a 25 year-old man named Marlon Rodriguez who was recently diagnosed with
kidney failure. While Marlon's relatives and retired parents assist him as much as they can with hemodialysis,
they're incapable of providing him a transplant. Because of their nancial situation, a local hospital has been
gracious enough to bring down the cost of a transplant. Marlon's sister, Mary Grace Rodriguez, has volunteered to
donate to him one of her kidneys. The operation will cost about about $7,000 USD, but to save a life is priceless.
The FJC has raised about $1,300 over the last couple of months, but is still in need of raising $5,700 to reach our
goal. With every day that passes, it becomes more dicult for Marlon to function regularly. Thus, time is of the
essense and the FJC is asking for your support through the following.
Monetary donations of any amount. Contact us for coordination or for information on donating at any Central
Pacic Bank branch.
Donations of HI-5 bottles and cans or redemptions.
Be a 'Redeemer.' Rally all your friends/family/co-workers to regularly give their bottles/cans their bottles and cans
for the Filipino Junior Chamber.
Join the project committee to plan and coordinate fundraising opportunities. Too busy to join? Not a problem!
Just attend our upcoming events!
The chairperson for this project is Katrina Fernandez. Contact her at or 808-218-0340
for donations, redemptions, or to join the committee. Visit us on Facebook at
Please support this worthy cause and remember that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of
nations! Together, we can "Save a Bottle, Save a Life!"

Filipino Fiesta

Filipino Junior Chamber
This past Filipino Fiesta was a truly memorable one,
community has been showcasing the unique cultural
event on the island of Oahu. In fact, this year's theme
entitled Pagdiriwang at Pasasalamat translated as
Celebration and Thanksgiving paid homage to past
participants and supporters. In recent years, the Filipino
Jaycees in partnership with the Filipino Community Center,
and a host of other organizations such as the Oahu Filipino Community
Council, United Filipino Council of Hawaii, and the Congress of Visayan
Organizations have been instrumental in the planning of the event.
Jay Raymundo, the current State Management VP,
was the Overall Filipino Fiesta Chair while Randy Cortez,
current Filipino Jaycees Executive VP, chaired the Kapiolani Park portion of the event.
As the Filipino Jaycees signature chapter project, the Fiesta seeks to educate the larger community on Filipino
culture of which include the various languages, traditions, and customs through informative exhibition booths,
delicious Filipino cuisine, as well as song and dance. The Annual Filipino Fiesta usually has 50-70 booths which
showcase products ranging from food and crafts to social and health services. It consists of Regional villages or a
series of booths showcasing certain ethnic groups from the Philippines through artifacts, crafts and food. Various
performers routinely perform throughout the entertainment program. Performers are island based with a few from
the mainland and the Philippines. The Fiesta consistently draws a crowd of about 20,000 to 30,000 throughout the
day, at least 30% of whom are Hawaii visitors.
Overall, the Filipino Fiesta, which includes the parade, made a lasting and positive impact.. As in years past, the
community greatly appreciated the largest cultural showcase of Filipino culture as manifested by the ever-popular
Filipino culture as manifested though the food, diverse booths, and eclectic and unique performances.

Loyal and screaming fans expressed their excitement towards our three Philippine Stars Richard Guiterrez, Jay R,
and Krista Kleiner. An autograph session followed and as evidenced by the long line, the fans certainly had a joyful
mous success.

Election & Membership Meeting

Honolulu Japanese
Junior Chamber of Commerce

NIJIKAI Fundraiser
Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce
The Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce (HJJCC)
Foster Youth Coalition and Kids Hurt Too. All proceeds from this
and Japan and the HJJCC.
This event featured food tastings by some of Hawaii's best restau-
host bar.

Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber had much
to celebrate at their May General Membership
Meeting. They had just elected their 2013
Executive Vice President and had 20 new mem-
bers sworn in. The chapter had just nished
their signature Cherry Blossom project and after
the meeting they were eager to get ready for
next year. Honolulu Japanese didn't' hesitate at
all when activating their members. Once they
were sworn in, the new members were greeted
with Aloha from the Hawaii State Board and the
Honolulu Japanese Chapter board. After the
dinner program, it was time for the new mem-
bers to be introduced to the several project
committees the chapter has to oer. President
Staci and incoming President Nate have worked
very hard in continuing the chapter's strong
traditions. Amazing work Honolulu Japanese
Junior Chamber! BANZAI!
Bone Marrow Drive
Preliminary Round 1 - September 8th @ Windward Mall
Preliminary Round 2 - September 15th @ Ala Moana Centerstage
Finals - September 30th @ Ala Moana Centerstage
Helping people is a huge passion of mine. I have been
given so much that whenever possible, I like to give
back and help those less fortunate. Earlier this year, we
were approached by a young woman asking the Hono
lulu Chinese Jaycees for help. Her best friend, Janet
was in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. As
was from individuals with Chinese ancestry, which is
why we were approached. In the beginning, I was
hesitant. I was not a registered bone marrow donor, so
how could I ask others to be donors without setting an
example. I had heard the rumors about how donation
could be painful. After some thought and research, I
realized how can we turn down this opportunity to
possibly save a life. The pain of being a match and
actually donating bone marrow cant possibly be a
fraction of the pain that Janet and others with cancer
After reaching out to our members, friends and the
community, we were able to get 40 people registered at
our Bone Marrow Registry Drive at Starbucks Ward on
May 19th, 2012. 40 possible lives saved! That's 1% of
the Hawaii Bone Marrow Donor Registry's Annual Goal
and 8 TIMES more registered donors than their typical
help save lives and its something that we can all be
proud of.
Healthy Baby Contest
The contest gives proud parents the opportunity to
showcase their healthy keiki in a setting that promotes
health and nutrition.
Krystal Wu
2012 Chapter President
Honolulu Chinese Jaycees

New Project Aims to Help Hawaii Foodbank

Rising Phoenix

Chaplains Corner
Lori Unemori
Chaplain / Awards & Comp
Quote of the week:
"To succeed, you need to take
that gut feeling on what you
believe and act on it with all
your heart."
~ Christy Borgeld.
Have you ever gone through life wondering the "what ifs?" Or are you the kind of
person who if you want something done, you'll get it done with no questions? If
you are that type of person, then success comes very natural for you. Good for
you!! Well, I am the other person who always wonder "what if..I was this
person...what would happen?" Before Jaycees, I wasn't your typical shy girl, I was
extremely shy but deep down I wanted so much more than what I actually did for
my life. But, it had to take having the right friends to motivate me to strive for
excellence and break this shyness that trapped me for many years. My gut feel
ings to do something were to be a singer, be a leader of some kind, and just be a
helper of some sort to anyone who were hurting just as I was. Through faith and
my best friends, I came across Jaycees which helped me to overcome so many
personal obstacles especially taking the leading role of chapter president of the
Community Organization Of Leaders (aka COOL). It actually helped in two of the
areas to be the leader I want to be and be the example that I wanted to show my
members and board members. As for the singing, I am still finding my voice and
way through it. But, music has always been my passion and healing tool. I know
that I have become more confident in all that I do. I thank my best friends and
this awesome organization called the Jaycees.
Nearly One in Seven People in Hawaii Struggles with Hunger
According to Hunger in Hawaii 2010, the Hawaii Foodbank now feeds 183,500 people statewide or over 14
percent of Hawaiis population. Thats nearly one out of seven people in Hawaii that has to struggle with
hunger. A new project from the minds of RPJ members Dawn Martin and Dan Bayly intends to raise funds and
awareness for this worthy organization. The project Around the World in 10 Plates is an event scheduled for
September 22, 2012 from 2-5 p.m. at Magic Island. It will be an all-you-can-eat function lled with great food
and entertainment from dancing, music and comedy. Admission will be a $20.00 donation as well as the
collection of any non-perishable food item that you would like to contribute. It will be a guaranteed fun and
entertaining time to support the food need in Hawaii, so lets put our hands and support together to help
stop hunger in Hawaii.

Adopt-A-School Day
Yvette Lee

Goal 1 of 4 for Hawaii Jaycees 2011 Adopt-A-School-Day
By Yvette Lee, Chairwoman of the Board
Consider that it is our experiences of the past that help determine the course of our future. Therefore,
knowledge is the light that shines backwards that we may see forward. It gives us intelligence to forge the
course for the future. And, of course, our ultimate gift is that we make choices in each 'next step' we take.
With that, in the following four (4) Ke Alakai newsletters I bring to light four (4) primary goals that were
accomplished in 2011. It is up to you what you make of it for tomorrow.
GOAL #1 of 4: Provide stronger executive team support to the Hawaii Jaycees signature community proj-
ect: Adopt-a-School Day.
Each goal below focused on the primary objectives of:
1) Establishing a base value to the membership;
2) Recruiting and retaining quality membership;
3) Rebuilding a statewide public relationship/image with government the and community;
4) Enhancing communication with our membership; and
5) Growing in membership.
Chairman of the Board
In 2011, the Hawaii Jaycees was
heading into its 4th Adopt-a-School
Day (AASD) year, led by a new and
dynamic Jaycee named Karen
Nakagawa from the Filipino Junior
Chamber. In 2010 just fewer than 100
schools were adopted and helped by
organized by a host local chapter and
this year the stipulation from the host
chapter to the Hawaii Jaycees was
that it needed stronger executive
team support.

Adopt-A-School Day
With a young and vibrant AASD committee, there was still the lingering perception that support from the
executive team was weak. I understand the theory behind executive team members not sitting on
a whole, however, with the fact that we were still rebuilding chapter faith in the state organization, we
needed to ensure maximum support for the host chapter by acknowledging their request.
The States Community Development Vice-President Jon Cook was assigned to sit on the AASD Commit-
opened up communication with our host chapter allowing them direct resource and support from the
state organization (addressing priority #1). One particular request was for the Hawaii Jaycees to sponsor
didnt budget for) our Hawaii Jaycees Region Director Eve Epitome went out and obtained sponsorships
partially sponsored by Navatek Cruises, with food, beverages and door prizes sponsored by a variety of
other businesses.
The result was a fully rewarding and Jaycee managed, operated, initiated statewide project called Adopt-
businesses and individuals both young and young at heart, successfully impacting 115 schools in 2011
sponsorships and most importantly, the much needed commitment and connection to the community
that people (Jaycees) care about our children's future; the children who are the citizens and leaders of
tional support people that have made positive impacts in my life.
I am aware of 5 members who directly inquired about Jaycee membership through this project but, I
know within the local chapters this number is greater (addressing priority #5). This project was publicized
heavily with a dedicated website, television interviews, radio interviews, magazine ads, community
meetings and mentions in community and the statewide newspaper. There is great potential of more
people being interested in Jaycee membership because this project is a solution to the current problem
of not-enough-funding for our teachers and our schools. People want to be connected with direct
Great work, Jaycees, on supporting this incredible movement started by Jaycees, called Adopt-A-School-
Day. Congratulations on being a part of changing lives in year ve.

Hawaii Jaycees
2012 ID Project Calendar
Because a work team is a common arrangement within today's business organizations, managers
need to understand group behavior and team concepts. Team building requires a manager to
follow a systematic planning and implementation process to assess whether his or her team can
improve the organization's goal attainment and build an effective team through training,
empowerment, and feedback.
The Hawaii Jaycees uses a Chairman's Planning guide as tool to help in the planning of projects.
It is designed to gather all the information needed to successfully run a project involving
individuals, financial planning, team building and many more.
People spend so much time in meetings that turning meeting time into sustained results is a
priority for successful organizations. Actions that make meetings successful require management
before, during, and after the meeting.
If you neglect any one of these meeting management opportunities, your meetings will not bear
the fruit you desire from the time you invest in meeting. Come to our workshop to learn meeting
management actions to guide meeting attendees to achieve expected, positive, and constructive
In high-pressure work environments, emotions are bound to erupt. When you are able to deal
with the emotions and move the discussion forward, a solution is more likely to occur. Gain a
process for handling the emotions in daily work situations. Learn to remain calm and objective, to
recover quickly and to help others do the same, and to take charge in difficult circumstances to
keep the discussion moving forward.
An organization that can put peoples good ideas to use has a powerful competitive edge -
continuous improvement. But in todays cross-functional workplace, ideas often need support
from a wide range of people in order to be successfully implemented. Influencing for Win-Win
Outcomes provides techniques to analyze, develop, and present ideas in a way that helps win the
necessary support.
Want to work more effectively with people at work? Whether your relationship is with your
supervisor, manager, customer or coworker, you want to make your interpersonal relationships
positive, supportive, clear, and empowering. Get work relationship advice and improvement
ideas. Use our resources for interpersonal relationship problem solving and conflict resolution.
Youve been climbing the mountain and have reached what seems like a mid-point. Tired,
overworked, no-end in sight, alone, unappreciated, and you know that you dont want to turn
back. Welcome is the sight of the returning climber who says, Youre closer than you think.
learn skills and ideas on keeping your team motivated till the very end. Thank you! Thank you so
Ever feel reluctant to do something that somebody else wanted you to do? Why should you?
Yes, you couldbut, why? Maybe the answer is simply because of the way you were asked.
The ability to ask nicely without over sugar coating and buttering people up is important. This
module, understanding these three useful words will change your lifeand maybe someone
elses, too!
Both individuals and organizations benefit from honest, objective feedback about how things are
going. A constant exchange of information keeps everyone on track and helps the organization
stay competitive. In this workshop, you study constructive approaches to giving and receiving
feedback with emphasis on maintaining a spirit of openness and mutual respect.
Presenter a full day course that focuses on the concepts of creating and
delivering an effective presentation utilizing visual aids and strong delivery
methods with a mind towards understanding the audience. Participants practice
presentations during the entire course.
Trainer a two day course that covers adult learning styles, the best training
methods to teach adults, the training tools and other techniques you need to
understand to deliver training for adult audiences. JCI trainer can be taken by
those who graduated from JCI Presenter and want to develop their confidence in
presenting complex information in an understandable and interesting way, and
increase your ability to motivate others.
Throughout the year there will be many workshops that will help members be confident in their
speaking skills. There will be also many opportunities on where they can showcase these skills
on a National and International level:
JCI World Public Speaking Championship - Public speaking is a critical skill
for leaders to motivate others toward positive change. At the JCI World Public
Speaking Championship, members face the challenge of expressing creative
ideas in a clear and captivating manner. National Public Speaking contest winner
compete at the JCI Area Conferences, then the winners for each Conference go
on to represent their geographical area at the JCI World Congress.
JCI World Debating Championship Debating skills equip members to resolve
conflicts, respect differences and overcome obstacles. Discussing topics that
range from profound to comical, contestants argue their truth, relevance and
accuracy. Capacity-building events like this build a foundation of teamwork,
critical thinking and problem solving that members use to address issues in their
local communities.
Presidents/State Delegates Session
Vice Presidents Breakout Session
Secretary/Treasurer Breakout Session
Team Building Exercises
Member Engagement
Stress Management
Customer Service

Business Corner
Galileo Tan
Filipino Junior Chamber
Question 1: Do I have what it takes to operate a business?
While you may have an idea for a business, the best place to start your planning process is to determine whether you have what it
takes to start and operate a business. It is an important question and should be answered before starting a business. Do I have
what it takes? requires an objective appraisal of your personal skills, abilities, and talents, as well as an assessment of your
strengths, weaknesses, and personal situation.
To be successful, you must look for ways to compensate your weak areas, such as taking classes, reading, nding a mentor, hiring
capable people, adding a partner with the necessary skills, or contracting for the needed help.
Question 2: What business should I start?
Once you have decided you have what it takes to operate your own business, your next task is to decide what kind of business you
want to start. Again, you are the only person who can decide what business is best for you. As with Question 1, you begin by
assessing your skills, abilities, and talents. Next you explore ways to use your skills and interests in a business and potential markets
for your product/service.
In reviewing available options, you should consult with local experts and other business owners of the product/service you are
proposing, and check with potential customers to see if they are willing to pay for that product/service. Your chance of success
increases when you match a product/service with available or potential markets.
Question 3: What do I do first?
Once you have decided that starting a business is the right step for you and you have a doable business idea, there are several
more steps to be completed before actually starting the business. These steps involve choosing a name and location for the
business; registering the business with the proper authorities; obtaining the necessary licenses and permits; and developing
production schedules and marketing and pricing plans. Take your time and plan carefully. Do not rush the process or skip any of
the important steps/tasks.
Question 4: How should I organize my business?
Most small businesses are formed as sole proprietorships. The advantages of sole proprietorship are its simplicity and the fact that
business income is treated the same as personal income for tax purposes. A signicant disadvantage is that you, the owner, assume
personal liability for the actions of the business.
Other types of business organization include general and limited partnerships, corporations and S corporations, and limited liability
companies. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. For more information, you should check with the local Department of
Commerce and Consumer Aairs (DCCA).
Frequently Asked Questions
For Small Business Start-Ups
Central Pacic Bank
Business Banking Ocer
Phone: (808) 544-5237 / Email:

Question 5: What permits or licenses do I need?
Licensing and permitting regulations vary with the type of business and the city, county, and state where the business is
located. Some businesses face minimal licensing requirements while others are tightly controlled. Sources of information
assistance include the local county Cooperative Extension Service, the local city or county clerks oce, Small Business
Development Centers, and the local Chamber of Commerce.
Zoning is a concern for all businesses. The local planning and zoning oce is an excellent place to start with questions about the
physical location of your business. Governing bodies, typically the local city or county, are cautious in allowing a business to
operate in residential areas. They want to avoid problems with trac, noise, fumes, signs, or parking. Obtain the proper zoning
permit before opening your business. If businesses are prohibited, learn if there is a waiver provision or if the ordinance can be
changed. Do not just start the business. Without the necessary permit or waiver, local authorities can close the business
immediately. As the owner, you can face civil and/or criminal penalties. Even with the proper permits, maintaining good relations
with neighbors is good business.
In addition to the sales and use tax permit, however, there is an Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the Internal
Revenue Service. Sole proprietors who have no employees can use their personal social security number. All other businesses must
obtain an EIN.
Question 6: How do I get people to buy my product/service?
Sales do not just happen. Sales happen because of marketing. Businesses use market research to identify their customers and what
they want to buy. Marketing involves six issues, which are dened as:
1. Product: what are you producing and what benets does it oer?
2. Production: how is it produced, at what rate, and what raw materials and time are used?
3. Price: at what price can the product or service be sold?
4. Promotion: how will potential customers know about the product or service?
5. Place: where is the business located and what distribution channels will be used?
6. Perception (or image): how should the customer see the business and the product or service provided?
Question 7: Why do I need a business plan?
A business plan is the rm's rsum and lists its goals and objectives. Develop a business plan as much for yourself as for the
partners, investors, and bankers involved with the business.
The business plan identies the product/service, the market, the management team, where the business will operate, and your
business experience. Parts of the plan include a market study, promotional strategies, current and projected balance sheets,
income statements, and cash ow analyses. It outlines how, when, and where nancial support will be obtained, and how to repay
any loans made to the business. The plan provides general operating information, along with information about where the
business is now, where it has been, and where it is going.
Frequently Asked Questions
For Small Business Start-Ups

Business plans have three distinct uses: (1) feasibility and marketing plans; (2) operating (procedural) plans for nancial needs,
production schedules, and marketing goals; and (3) tools to secure loans or outside capital. Many resources are available to
business owners for developing business plans, such as the Small Business Development Centers; the Service Corps of Retired
Executives; computer software programs; and workshops oered by universities, community colleges, and vocational-technical
Question 8: What are the alternatives to help me finance my business?
Your commitment of personal funds is often the rst nancing step. It is an indicator of how serious you are about the business.
Risking personal money conveys your condence to investors. Personal investment sources of capital include savings, current cash
ow, second job income, home equity or equity from other property or assets, retirement accounts, personal lines of credit, and
personal credit cards. All of these options include certain risks.
In addition to personal funds, family members and friends may be a source of nancial help. Remember that successful loans from
friends or relatives begin with a written document known as a contract. Contracts must clearly dene the amount of the loan,
interest rates, payment dates, amounts, etc. Signing a contract signies agreement to the requirements of the contract. You may
want to seek professional legal help in drawing up a contract.
Other, more complex nancing options are also available, and again, should include professional legal and accounting assistance.
Partnerships and incorporations must be in writing and led with the clerk of the court. Business loans can be obtained from
several sources, such as commercial banks and credit unions, commercial nance companies, local development companies,
venture capital rms, and insurance companies. However, venture capital rms and insurance companies are typically not useful
for owners of small businesses.
Excellent sources of nancing information are your banker and the Small Business Administration.
Question 9: What record do I need to keep?
The records needed to manage the business and the records required by the IRS may dier. While the business owner is interested
in where and how income is generated and where expenses are incurred, the IRS requires records that will allow for the
preparation and documentation of a completed tax return. There are, however, basic nancial records all businesses keep: journals
and ledgers, such as a checkbook register, accounts receivable, accounts payable, records of sales, inventory, cash receipts, and
cash disbursements. Records must also document mileage, meal expenses, and entertainment. If the business hires employees,
additional records are required. Remember that all nancial records are historical documents. This includes tax returns and the
documentation for those returns. Business documents such as ling of the business name, incorporation/partnership papers, sales
tax permit, federal employer identication number, and insurance records must be retained indenitely.
Some of these records, such as incorporation papers and tax permits, must be kept for three or more years after the business
closes. For yearly tax returns, the IRS says to keep the records for three years after the ling of that years taxes. Records involving
property must be kept for the entire time the property is owned plus an additional three years minimum.
Question 10: Where can I go for help?
The local Small Business Administration (SBA) oce often has free group and individual seminars for aspiring business owners, as
well as loan programs that the SBA often has jointly with many nancial institutions. A business banker from a nancial institution
can also share information on the steps required in applying for a business loan. Tax related issues for businesses should be
directed towards an accountant.

Tell your story on why I should join your chapter?
History of your chapter and projects
What projects you do and why you do them?
Describe each key areas of the project that was filmed.
Be excited and have fun
The main purpose is to show the new people what you
do. We are moving the Hawaii Jaycees to new level. We
care for your members to grow. Take the commitment
and show us what your chapter can really do.

Video Production

Registration Fees:
If you register from Feb. 1st ~ Aug. 31st , 2012 US $450 per
person. If you register from Sep. 1st ~ Nov. 23rd , 2012 US $500
per person
From Honolulu to Taipei is about $1,000 and up.
Average hotel price is about $150 - $250 or more per day per room
double occupancy depending on the hotel. Online travel sites
such as can compare prices online for the cheapest
airfare/hotel that you can book on your own.
Hawaii Jaycees
can help you
document your
2012 JCI World Congress - Taipei, Taiwan
November 18-23, 2012

Founded in 1932, the
Hawaii Jaycees is a
leadership organization
with a long history of
building leaders
through the use of
community service.
Using a carefully
researched program of
community service,
individual development,
and social networking,
the Hawaii Jaycees
have set themselves up
to be the premier
organization for young
people between the
ages of 18 and 40. Go
and nd out how you
can join TODAY!

Hawaii Jaycees

Exciting Member Benets - It pays to be a Jaycee!

Avis Rent -A-Car: Use your AVIS Worldwide Discount (AWD) number
(T306000) when calling 800.331.1212 to make reservations to take ad-
vantage of our 10% member's discount.
Use your Budget Car Rental discount code number BCD#Z859600
when calling 800.527.0700 to make reservations or online at to take advantage of our 5% -25% member's discount.
As a member of the US Jaycees save up to 55% on your prescrip-
tion drug needs. This no cost bene t is available to use at over
59,000 pharmacies such as Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Go to and print your Prescription
Card and begin using it today!
Hawaiian Airlines: Earn a special 5% member discount while booking
ights to the mainland U.S. online. Go to, click on
Quicklinks and then Preferred A liate Program. Enter code: HIJC.
The Ke Alaka`i is a
publication of the:

Hawaii Jaycees
P.O. Box 23206
Honolulu, HI 96823


United States Junior Chamber
National President
Travis Ahlquist
JCI Trainer, A two-day follow-on
course looking at topics such as training
methods, learning styles, and training
resources. This will qualify you as a Trainer
Graduate, which means you can begin to
build up your experience by delivering
unocial local training to other local JCI
members. The beauty of this is that you can
quickly become experienced and condent by
practising your skills within a supportive
environment of fellow JCI members
JCI Presenter, This one-
day course introduces you to funda-
mental presentation skills, including
preparation, involving an audience,
using Powerpoint and verbal skills. All
JCI members are encouraged to take
this one-day course. This course, along
with the next one (JCI Trainer), is for
members who want to develop their
presentation skills for use in their
chapters, community or workplace
Hawaii Jaycees
Mid-Year Convention

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