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Growing conditions

Carrots can grow in all but the hottest and coldest climates. They grow year round in subtropical climates. They prefer full sun but can grow in partial shade. Avoid adding manure to the soil, otherwise your carrots will fork. They like beds manured in the previous season. In a 4 bed rotation system carrots are grown with onions, garlic, parsnips, leeks and other root crops.

Garden care

We've successfully grown a number of varieties including baby carrots, All Seasons, Western Red and Early Chantenay. Carrots must be directly sown into your garden beds. You shouldn't try growing them from seedlings. The simplest way to sow carrots is to mix the seed with river sand, pouring the contents into seed drills. The sand makes germination easier; but because sand drains so quickly you need to make sure the carrot seedlings don't dry out at this crucial stage. Carrots have one of the longest germination times of all vegetables; often taking over 3 weeks. Intersperse carrot rows with onions. The onions' smell confuse pests, keeping them away from the carrots. You can also achieve similar results using garlic and to a lesser extent shallots and spring onions. Thin the carrot seedlings out when they're about 5cms (2 inches) tall to a distance of 2cm (a little under an inch). And again when 15cms (6 inches) tall to a distance of 5cm (2 inches) apart. Avoid excessive watering as roots may crack. There are very few pest and disease problems with carrots. During summer we do get some small grasshoppers on their folliage, but it's so close to harvest time there's no point getting worried about it.

Harvest time

Carrots usually need 4-5 months to grow to their full size. Harvest your carrots when required. Thinned out carrots are great baby carrots for stir-fry meals. If you encounter problems harvesting deeply rooted carrots try watering them. Then slowly rotate them around to loosen the carrot from the soil. Don't forget to twist off the leaves. If you don't the leaves will draw water out of the root which will dry it out.

Carrots are fun and easy to grow. If you take the time to prepare a bed with rich, loose soil, you'll be rewarded with a bumper crop of carrots. Growing tips: Soil preparation: Carrots do best in loose, moderately rich soil. Spacing: Space about 2 to 4 inches apart in rows that are 12 to 20 inches apart. When the plants are 2 to 3 inches tall, thin them to 4 to 6 inches apart. Seeds can take up to 14 days to germinate, be sure to keep them moist during this period. Watering: Uneven moisture can cause the roots to crack, so keep carrots consistently moist. Fertilizing: If your soil has lots of organic matter in it, your carrots won't need anything extra.

Special hints: Carrots do very well planted in an area where legumes (beans, peas) were before, because of the extra nitrogen that these plants leave behind. Pest watch White maggots or tunnels filled with brown, crumbly material are the work of carrot rust flies. Disease alert Dark, yellow-bordered spots on leaves signal fungal leaf blight. Stunted, light yellow leaves and woody roots with tufts of white side roots are signs of aster yellows. Harvest hints Harvest carrots as soon as they're big enough to eat. Carrots will keep in the refrigerator in a plastic bag for up to three months.

Carrot is a hardy, cool-season biennial that is grown for the thickened root it produces in its first growing season. Although carrots can endure summer heat in many areas, they grow best when planted in early spring. Midsummer plantings, that mature quickly in cool fall weather, produce tender, sweet "baby" carrots that are much prized. Carrots are eaten both raw and cooked and they can be stored for winter use. They are rich in carotene (the source of vitamin A) and high in fiber and sugar content.

Small, Round Orbit (58 days to harvest, good color, few off-types, best harvested at the size of a 50 cent piece) Thumbelina (60 days; 1992 AAS winner; round roots; good for planting in containers and in heavy, shallow or rocky soil) Baby Baby Spike (52 days; 3 to 4 inch roots, 1/2 inch thick; excellent internal color; tender; holds small size well) Little Finger (65 days; tiny tender roots; 5 inch roots, 1/2 inch thick; golden orange, sweet and crisp)

Minicor (55 days; slender fingerling carrots; colors early; uniform, cylindrical, blunt tip; good flavor) Short n Sweet (68 days; rich, sweet flavor; 4 inch roots, broad at shoulder, tapered to a point; good for heavy or poor soil) Chantenay Red-Cored Chantenay (70 days; heavy yield; good flavor; short, thick roots, broad at the shoulder, tapered to blunt tip) Royal Chantenay (70 days; broad-shouldered, tapered roots; bright orange; good for heavy or shallow soils) Danvers Danvers Half-Long (75 days; uniform, 7 to 8 inch roots tapered to very blunt end; sweet, tender) Danvers 126 (75 days; heavier yield than Danvers; smooth roots; tops withstand heat). Nantes Bolero (hybrid-70 days; 7 to 8 inch roots, uniformly thick, tapered slightly to blunt tip; superior resistance to foliage disease) Ingot (hybrid-70 days; 8 inch roots, 1-1/2 inches thick; indistinct core; deep orange color; strong tops; extremely sweet) Nantes Coreless (68 days; orange-red; small core, medium top) Scarlet Nantes (70 days; bright orange, slightly tapered, 6 inch roots; crisp, tender and flavorful; standard for high quality carrots) Sweetness (hybrid-63 days; sweet and crunchy; cylindrical, 6 inch roots, 1 inch thick) Touchon (70 days; interior, exterior bright orange; 7 inch roots, nearly coreless) Imperator Avenger (hybrid-70 days; extra fancy; slightly blunt, tapered roots, 9 to 10 inches long) Gold Pak (76 days; 8 inch roots, 1-1/2 inches thick; sweet, tender, as coreless as any; good for juice) Imperator 58 (68 days; smooth, fine-grained, long, tapered roots; standard long, thin type)

Legend (hybrid-65 days; high yield; smooth, uniform, 9 to 11 inch roots, 1-1/2 inches at shoulder; tolerant to cracking) Orlando Gold (hybrid-78 days; uniform, long, tapered shape; excellent flavor, color; 30 percent more carotene) Tendersweet (75 days; long, tapered roots; rich orange color; sweet, coreless) Novelty Belgium White (75 days; mild flavor; long, tapered, white roots; productive, vigorous)

Carrots are usually planted with other frost tolerant vegetables as soon as the soil mellows in the spring. They may be planted earlier in gardens with sandy soil. The soil should be plowed and prepared to a depth of 8 to 9 inches to allow full development of the carrot roots and the seedbed should be worked uniformly to break up clumps and clods that prevent penetration of the roots. Varieties with extremely long roots (Imperator and Tendersweet) usually are recommended only for home gardens with deep, sandy soil. Excess organic debris worked into the soil just before planting also may affect root penetration, causing forked and twisted roots.

Plant seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep (no more than two or three seeds per inch) in early spring. Later sowings may be planted 1/2 to 3/4 inch deep when the soil is dryer and warmer. Space rows 12 to 18 inches apart. A single radish seed planted every 6 to 12 inches can mark the row. Germination requires as long as two weeks and the seedlings may not emerge uniformly. If heavy rains occur after sowing, packing the soil surface, no seedlings may emerge. Thin the seedlings when they are about one inch tall to no more than three seedlings per inch for finger carrots; one or two seedlings per inch for carrots that will be harvested young; and one seedling per 1 to 2 inches for larger varieties like Danvers and Chantenay that will be allowed to develop to full size and be harvested mature for canning or freezing.

Carrots germinate best in warm, moist soil. Covering the row with clear polyethylene film warms the soil and conserves moisture. Remove the film immediately when seedlings appear. To assure germination of successive plantings during the late spring and summer months, it may be necessary to supply water by sprinkling. In the heat of summer, some shade may be necessary to keep the tiny seedlings from burning off at the soil line.

Young carrot seedlings are weak and grow slowly. It is essential to keep weeds under control for the first few weeks. Cultivate shallowly with a knife blade cultivator or hoe. Deep cultivation may injure the roots.

Carrots can be harvested or "pulled" when the roots are at least 1/2 inch in diameter. Under usual conditions, carrot tops may not be strong enough to withstand actually being pulled from the ground and digging helps to remove the roots without damage. Finger carrots are usually ready to harvest within 50 to 60 days. Other varieties should be allowed to grow until they have reached a diameter of at least 3/4 inch (about 60 to 70 days after planting). They then may be harvested over a 3 to 4 week period. Summer planted carrots may be left in the ground until a killing frost. Some gardeners place a straw mulch over the row so that carrots can be harvested until the ground freezes solid. In many areas, a heavy mulch allows harvest of carrot roots throughout the winter. For carrots to be stored, cut off the tops one inch above the root and place in storage at 32F with high humidity. Carrots may be placed in a refrigerator, buried in lightly moist sand in an underground cellar or stored in the garden in a pit insulated with straw. Under proper storage conditions, carrots keep 4 to 6 months.

Q. What causes my carrots to turn green on the crown (top) of the root? A. This condition is called "sunburning." It causes an off flavor and dark green pieces in the cooked product. Cut away the green portion and use the rest of the root. When the tops are healthy, sunburning can be avoided by pulling a small amount of loose soil up to the row when the roots are swelling (about 40 to 50 days after planting). Q. Why are my carrots misshapen, with forked and twisted roots? A. Forking may result from attacks of root-knot nematodes, from stones, from deep and close cultivation or (more frequently) from planting in a soil that was poorly prepared. Twisting and intertwining result from seeding too thickly and inadequate thinning of seedlings. Q. What causes my carrots to have fine hairy roots, poor color and a bitter taste? A. These conditions are caused by a viral disease known as "aster yellows."

Carrots can be harvested at various stages of development. Carrot thinnings can be added to fresh salads and eaten green tops and all. "Thinnings" are immature carrots pulled from overcrowded rows to make room for others to grow. Finger-size carrots may be dwarf carrots or immature average ones. They can be very tender and sweet. Harvest carrots before they are over mature, about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Hugh overgrown carrots are less tasty, and they may have a tough woody core which may need to be removed. Store carrots with the green tops trimmed. Although the tops are edible, during storage this greenery robs the carrot of moisture and nutritional value. Carrots will keep for several weeks in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator in perforated plastic bags. If you plan to use the green tops in soups and stews, store them separately, as they will only keep for a few days.

As the name implies, carrots are brimming with beta carotene. Beta carotene is a substance that is converted to Vitamin A in the human body. A 1/2 cup serving of cooked carrots contains four times the recommended daily intake of Vitamin A in the form of protective beta carotene. Beta carotene is also a powerful antioxidant effective in fighting against some forms of cancer, especially lung cancer. Current research suggests that it may also protect against stroke, and heart disease. Research also shows that the beta carotene in vegetables supplies this protection, not vitamin supplements. So eat your carrots. Nutrition Facts (1/2 cup cooked) Calories 35 Protein .86 grams Carbohydrates 8.19 grams Dietary Fiber 2 grams Calcium 24.18 mg Iron .47 mg Phosphorus 23.4 Vitamin A 19,152 IU Vitamin C 1.79

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