4 EDM&amp Induction Type Instrument

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Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis By BC Nakra and KK Chaudry

The Electrodynamic or electro-dynamometer (EDM) instruments are very similar to PMMC instrument. But instead of using a permanent Horseshoe magnet, the EDM is using two xed coils on either side of the moving coil These coils generate magnetic elds proportional to either the current to be measured or to the voltage to be measured. The eld coils are generally air cored to avoid errors due to hysteresis eect and eddy currents. The moving coil wherein the pointer is attached to is connected in series with the xed coils.

The deection torque developed in the

moving coil suspended in the magnetic eld of xed coils is TD = BINA B of the coil is directly proportional to the current I owing through it. Thus TD I2

In EDM instrument the magnetic ux density

Because of the square law, the measuring

scale of the instrument is non-linear There is over crowding of scale markings at low current values and there is progressive spreading of scale divisions at higher current values.

The instrument is of universal type. It can be used for ac and dc measurements Due to the absence of an iron core, the instrument does not display hysteresis eect and eddy current losses are absent. The instrument can be modied as a wattmeter. The instrument can measure a range of current and voltages up to 10A and 600V respectively with an accuracy specication of 1%. These instrument has the same calibra3on for dc measurements as well as ac measurements.

These instruments have a low torque/weight

ratio as compared to DArsonval instrument. Sensitivity is relatively low because of poor deecting torque, especially at low measured ranges The scale in non-uniform Power consumption is high The instrument can be aected by stray magnetic eld and has to covered with a laminated shield.

The EDM movement for the measurements of voltages and current can be conveniently used to measure power for both dc inputs as well as ac inputs of any waveform of voltage and current.

For the EDM power meter, the xed coil, known as current coil, is excited by the total line current owing through the circuit, and the moving coil is not connected in series with this circuit. The Moving coil, usually called the pressure coil, is exited independently by the small current proportional to the voltage by introducing a high multiplier resistance across the load circuit.

TD = K ( I f Vi ) Vm I f TD = K 2 cos

The instrument indicates true power for both

dc as well as ac inputs. The scale of the instrument is linear. By careful design, an instrument with a high degree of accuracy can be obtained and this in turn could be used as standard calibration purposes.

The deecting torque is generated by the

interaction of eddy currents generated in the aluminum disc supported on the jewelled bearings, and the two uxes generated by the two magnets.

The deection torque produced on the

aluminum disc is balanced by the controlling torque of a torsion spring. This way, the deection of the pointer on the scale would indicate the wattage on the load.

The deection torque produced by the electrical load causes the aluminum disc in this case, to rotate. The rate of rotation is proportional to the wattage of the load. A permanent magnet can be used to control the speed of the of the disc. The consumption of energy (Wh) is proportional to the number of rotations of the aluminum disc, in a given time. For counting the number of rotation, the spindle is provided with a worm-screw and a worm-wheel mechanism. The worm wheel is connected to a train of gears which are connected to the suitable energy consumed register.

Tesla/Gauss Meter is used to measure the

intensity of magnetic eld. based on hall-eect

Magnetic ux measurements are commonly

Hall-eect the development of a voltage

between the two edges of a current carrying conductor whose faces are perpendicular to a magnetic eld.

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