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June 12, 1998


Eshoo: “Ames, you make me proud!”

On May 27, Congresswoman Anna and for Ames' leadership role within NASA and use it to fix the Social Security
Eshoo came 'home' to Ames Research in information technology. She called the system on a long-term basis." While we
Center to address a town-hall meeting Astrobiology Institute an "enlightened are not doing enough for those in the
and to reach out to a large, centerwide effort," and said that it has "a great deal of "spring of their lives," she acknowledged,
audience viewing live on Ames vidnet. vision to it." She also expressed support it is imperative that we take care of those
The representative for California's 14th in their autumn years. To do so is "a
district, Eshoo recalled that Ames was definite yardstick of our society," she
the very first place that she visited suggested. "We have nothing short of a
following her election in 1992, even stunning economy" at the present time,
before she was sworn in. "It was an Eshoo observed, "but everyone is not a
exciting time," she recalled, participating part of it." She concluded that it is
in the signing of the memorandum of essential that we open up the American
understanding that signalled a new dream to all of our citizens.
chapter for both Ames and the Moffett Eshoo expressed concerns about
complex. But, she acknowledged, the the K-12 public school system. And she
Center has seen some tough times even made it clear that she does not see a
since those halcion days. voucher system as any part of a compre-
However, Eshoo said, she is very hensive answer. "Our University system is
excited about the prospects for the the envy of the world," she said. "But
future of the Center. "NASA Ames has nobody comes to the US to observe our
gone through its bumps in the road," K-12 system."
she declared. "I am thrilled about where Eshoo said that her three main
you are now and how far you have hopes for the current 105th Congress
come." In particular, she referenced the are that they will pass tobacco legislation
improved morale at Ames, and said that "rooted in the public's health;" that they
she is truly "heartened" by the huge will not "blow the balanced budget we
amount of progress that has been made have come to" and will use it to address
in a relatively short time. the long-term problems of the Social
Eshoo praised Center Director Security system; and that they will begin
Henry McDonald for what she referred the process of reforming the abuses that
to as "his steady, firm, quiet and enlight- are part of the managed care system.
ened leadership." And she further cited She added a fourth goal -- the need for
the Center for its new approach to Congress to act in the educational arena
community outreach -- for dispensing to assist local school districts.
with the old paradigm and embracing Eshoo said that she "loves doing
an approach that involves working with town hall meetings" and getting a
local cities and becoming a true part of photo by Tom Trower chance to "go face to face with her
the fabric of surrounding communities. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo addresses Ames constituents," addressing their concerns
"Never underestimate how much can be employees during a townhall meeting in the Space and answering their questions. She
Sciences auditorium. continued on back page
done by establishing close working
relationships," she advised.
Eshoo said that Ames has come
out of the recent budget scenario in a for other Congressional initiatives to put
strong position. She said the Center is in money into the Next Generation Internet See
the "going-in position" of having a ($110M), the Tasmin light rail project
planned $48M increase over the current ($39M), and a variety of educational
$550M annual budget figure. This gives programs and efforts to help develop page
the Center a chance to "go in with a leg computer centers in less affluent neigh-
up," she said. This has only resulted borhoods, although she called the $10M
because "Ames is excelling at what it is earmarked "a measly amount" in the
Eshoo put her considerable
overall scheme of things.
Eshoo spent much of her time
11 Months to
knowledge of, and support for, Ames talking about the forthcoming budget Certification
programs and future directions on surplus and her opposition to using it to
display, expressing her support for fund a tax cut. It is Eshoo's belief that "we Ames ISO Web-site address: http://
SOFIA, the new Astrobiology Institute, should hold the budget surplus on reserve

June 12, 1998 Communication for the information technology

The Ames
age Astrogram — 1
Ames Awards/Winners
Ames logo contest -
grand prize winner!
Cheryse Triano
The NASA Exchange presented
Cheryse Triano with the grand
prize check for $1,000 for her
creative new design.

Cheryse Triano holds a copy of the new Ames logo that she designed.
The logo will be used in a variety of venues as an updated image of
the Center and its mission. The Exchange Gift Shop will soon feature
new t-shirts and other products displaying the updated image.
photo by Roger Brimmer

Ames captures three national

JASON project awards
The JASON Foundation for Educa-
tion selected the technical crew from the
NASA Ames Research Center as one of
the top five groups for its teamwork and
problem-solving during the JASON IX
Expedition held in March. The awards
Galileo scholarship winners
were handed out at the spring Primary
Interactive Network Sites (PINS) confer-
ence in Biloxi, Mississippi in May.
A special public relations commen-
dation was given for publicity, media
relations, and press releases to Ames’
Mike Mewhinney of the Office of External
Affairs. His release, entitled “Students To
Explore Ocean Environments During
JASON Project,” was designated a model
document for the year.
JASON project coordinator Lisa
Marie Gonzales was also honored for her
efforts in creating the new “model”
interactive site. Special achievements
included the hands-on exhibits in Hangar
One, quality of student participation, and
activities taking place during the
telepresence in the auditorium.
Twenty-nine sites around the photo by Dominic Hart
United States, Bermuda, and England
competed for the awards. This is the From left to right: Sandy Chang of Homestead High School, Sunnyvale;
fourth year that Ames Research Center Shirley Ni of Leland High School, San Jose; Lewis Hyatt of Camplindo High
has hosted the JASON Project. The School, Lafayette; Steven Huynh of Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High School,
JASON X expedition, to be held in March San Francisco; and Manu Seth of Piedmont Hills High School, San Jose.
1999, will take students on a compara-
tive field trip to the rainforests of
Colorado, the Olympic Peninsula, and
the Amazon Center for Environmental
Education and Research in Peru.

2 — The Ames Astrogram June 12, 1998

Ames Community Activities
NHUs "Sky is the Master of science in systems
Limit" student management at Moffett,
Packard. Engineers, software and hard-
workshop The College of Notre Dame
continues to develop its delivery of the ware developers and managers, human
Master of Science in Systems Manage- resource and marketing professionals can
ment (MSSM) degree program offered develop skills for managing people,
at Moffett Field. A new sequence of technology, and projects in these high-
classes now includes reduced
classroom meetings along with
student and instructor discus-
sions using the Internet.
Systems management
focuses on innovation and
successful management of the
whole system through both analytic tech environments. The MSSM is offered
tools and people skills. The MSSM at three Bay Area sites including Moffett
degree program emphasizes immediate Field, Belmont and Oakland City Center.
application of systems principles to It accommodates students' professional
students' work where the people, lives offering evening and weekend
technology and projects create com- classes, and Internet-augmented online
plex, rapidly changing systems. learning. Degree requirements include
photo by Tom Reddy
Internet discussions are a natural part of completing twelve 3-unit courses. Cost
Ruben Ramos of Ames briefing the students. the learning environment for MSSM per semester unit is $460.
students because they serve as a For more information about the
The National Hispanic University laboratory for managing teams using program and to arrange a personal
hosted a field trip on May 29 for fresh- this environment, and improve ease of information meeting, contact the MSSM
men, sophomores and juniors who are course delivery to working professionals. at 650-960-0677 or
interested in learning the steps to making The MSSM has a long, successful Visit the program site at http://
it to college, as well as the latest ad- presence in the Bay Area, meeting the
vances that NASA has made in technol- needs of managers working in organiza- BY DR. SYLVIA SHAFTO
ogy and inter-planetary research. The tions such as the Air Force, NASA,
event was sponsored by Ames and East Lockheed Martin, Sun, and Hewlett-
Side Union High School District.
Sports Day
The Naval Air Reserve Santa
Summer interns NASA/Ames Branch Clara is sponsoring "Sports Day" on
Friday, June 26, for all personnel at
ATM has moved
tour Ames The Golden Bay Federal Credit
Moffett Field. All NASA employees,
including NASA contractors, are
Union relocated their NASA/Ames invited to participate.
Branch ATM from Bldg. 204 to the Planned events to be held at
Ames Cafeteria. A "Grand Opening" Chase Park are as follows:
celebration will take place on Tuesday, Softball 10 member teams
Volleyball 6 member teams
June 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Basketball 5 member teams
The NASA Exchange will provide cake Racquetball 2 member teams
and coffee during the celebration. Golf 4 member teams
In addition, the Credit Union will Tug-of-War 6 member teams
be giving away special goodies for all (Including Darts, Horseshoes
who stop by their membership table and Pool)
and ATM. Credit Union representa- A schedule of team order and
tives will be onsite to open new game times will be determined and
accounts and answer any questions distributed after the total number of
regarding their products and services. teams is established. The games are
anticipated to be modified by limiting
the time or number of innings and/or
rounds as applicable to fit all tourna-
ments into a 1-day event (8 a.m. to
photo by Roger Brimmer
4 p.m.)
The Office of External Affairs’ David Morse (far The Navy MWR will provide a
left) discusses the Lunar Prospector mission with barbecue lunch at Chase Park for
summer interns, (from right to left) Ali Finley, participants. Trophies will be awarded
Andreas Woods, Bobby Craft and Ramonica to winning teams in each event.
Green. Please call Mr. Dave Kane at ext.
3-8963 if you interested or to request
further information.

June 12, 1998 The Ames Astrogram — 3

Ames News and Center Briefs
Evidence of abundant water, thermal
Tennis ball experiment
NASA Ames recently conducted layer transition and separation and the
activitiy in Mar’s past
New mineralogical and topographic wind tunnel tests of a large tennis ball burbling effects of turbulence in the
evidence suggesting that Mars had abundant model to learn more about the ball's wake region can all be readily demon-
water and thermal activity in its early history aerodynamics and its flow physics strated and explained to the young
is emerging from data gleaned by NASA's characteristics.
Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft. Scientists
Conducted in
are getting more glimpses of this warmer,
wetter past on Mars while Global Surveyor the Fluid Mechanics
circles the planet in a temporary 11.6-hour Laboratory's 3-foot by
elliptical orbit. 4-foot wind tunnel
In addition, the Global Surveyor May 26-29, the test
accelerometer team has discovered two
enormous bulges in the upper atmosphere of was part of the
Mars in the northern hemisphere, on ‘Aerodynamics in
opposite sides of the planet near 90 degrees Sports’ project, a
east latitude and 90 degrees west longitude. cooperative agree-
These bulges rotate with the planet, causing
ment to educate
variations of nearly a factor of two in
atmospheric pressure, and systematic young students on the
variations in the altitude of a given constant science of sports
pressure of about 12,000 feet. between Ames'
Possible runaway planet found Learning Technology
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has Project (LTP) and photo by Dominic Hart
given astronomers their first direct look at Cislunar Aerospace Over-sized tennis ball as it is subjected to the wind tunnel tests.
what is possibly a planet outside our solar Inc., a Napa-based
system -- one apparently that has been
engineering consult-
ejected into deep space by its parent stars.
Future observations call for images ing firm. Test data
taken at a later date to confirm the object's were shared with participating elemen- students," he added.
predicted movement across the sky. The tary, middle and high school students In addition to NASA, project team
spectrum of the object will tell whether the over the Internet. members include aerospace engineers
object is a background star, brown dwarf, or
something whose spectrum is less easy to "One of the benefits for students, is from Cislunar Aerospace Inc., sports
predict, such as a giant protoplanet. that sporting activities are a natural scientists from the US Tennis Association
attention grabber," explained Dr. Rabi and other organizations.
Solar flare leaves sun quaking
Mehta, an Ames research scientist and The team is studying ball aerody-
Scientists have shown for the first time
that solar flares produce seismic waves in the the project's advisor. "For the elementary namics (including the effects of velocity
Sun's interior that resemble those created by and middle school students and educa- and spin rate), ball/court interactions
earthquakes. The scientists observed a flare- tors, the tennis ball is a familiar and 'less and player biomechanics. Team
generated solar quake that contained about scary' object to study, compared to an members were guests at the 1997 US
40,000 times the energy released in the
great 1906 earthquake that devastated San
aircraft or airfoil, and yet the same Open where they collected data in the
Francisco. (The amount of energy released aerodynamic principles can be discussed." form of high-speed video, and they have
was enough to power the United States for Up to now, most of the scientific been invited back to the tournament
20 years at its current level of consumption, research has been conducted on cricket again this year.
and was equivalent to an 11.3 magnitude
balls, golf balls and baseballs, but not on "At each step, the goal is to
The data were collected by the tennis balls. The wind tunnel tennis ball showcase aerodynamics concepts and
Michelson Doppler Imager onboard the Solar tests at Ames demonstrated how wind the work of NASA," Mehta said.
and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) tunnel experiments and Computational Mehta and other NASA scientists
spacecraft immediately following a moder- Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are have been discussing the aerodynamics
ate-sized flare on July 9, 1996.
used together to calculate aerodynamic of sports with students over the Internet
Arctic expedition probes role of clouds forces and to predict a ball's flight path. using LTP's Learning Technology
in climate change "From our point of view, we're Channel ( An
An ice-breaking ship, research interested in flow physics - how the flow
airplanes, space satellites and an interna-
Internet video presentation of the actual
tional team of scientists are converging in of air around the ball varies with speed, wind tunnel test will be shown in early
the Alaskan Arctic this month to learn more spin rate and change in surface roughness June.
about global climate change through the (fuzz)," Mehta said. Further information about the
study of clouds and radiation of the Sun "Since our project is oriented project is available at the project
during the spring and summer.
FIRE (First International Satellite Cloud
towards elementary and middle school website:
Climatology Project Regional Experiment) is students, the most effective presentation Tennis.
led by NASA, in collaboration with other of wind tunnel data is through smoke BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY
government and private organizations, and flow visualization results," Mehta said.
will take place in Alaska in the Beaufort Sea "Flow features such as boundary
and in the skies over the coastal town of

4 — The Ames Astrogram June 12, 1998

Ames Education Activity
Hillary Clinton goes back—and forward—to school
pollution measures. At each point in the
On May 13, first lady Hillary and expertise to the success of this
Rodham Clinton learned that it doesn’t project were individuals from NASA’s presentation, control of the system was
take big pipes to tap into a huge reser- software debugging group, the Indepen- resident at the location being presented.
voir—sometimes a straw will do. dent Verification and Validation facility “You didn’t show us where I live,”
That was the lesson when she went and from the LTP units within NASA’s Mrs. Clinton chided a Washington, DC
to a French schoolhouse for a demonstra- High-Performance Computing and student who failed to point out the
tion of how Internet-based educational Communications Program at Goddard White House as he noted other land-
opportunities will eventually be distrib- Space Flight Center, Langley Research marks to an Internet audience during the
uted to a worldwide, multilingual student Center, Lewis Research Center and ARC. presentation. “I want to make sure it’s
body through low-bandwidth, low-cost, Observing the demonstration from still there while I’m gone.”
the French National School of Student Cloud Observation On
Chemistry, Physics and Biology in Line (SCOOL) is an American project that
Paris were first lady Hillary Clinton; encourages individual students to
Ambassador and Mrs. Felix Rohatyn; recognize how they, their school and
Alain Bensoussan, CNES President; data from orbiting satellites, such as the
Jeffrey Hoffman, NASA; and Mrs. optical, land-mass images from
Segolene Royal, France’s deputy LANDSAT, are connected. In this case,
education minister. downloaded NASA data allow students
Across the Atlantic ocean, to determine when a LANDSAT or other
observers at the Kramer Middle satellite is making observations directly
School of Environmental Studies in over their schools. When the satellite
Washington, D.C., included NASA image of the clouds and ground cover
Administrator Daniel S. Goldin and near the school is downloaded, students
his Excellence Francois V. Bujon make simultaneous, local, ground-based
(Ambassador, Republic of France), observations to validate the satellite
while the Brooklyn School for Global information. Thousands of students
Studies in New York hosted M. from 117 schools in 12 countries
Richard Duque, Consul General of currently contribute data to SCOOL.
photo by Pam Sheets León
Hillary Clinton speaking at a French schoolhouse on Back in explained that
the benefits of Internet-based educational France, “the 18-month
opportunities. students at the goal of this
American project is to
School of Paris interact simulta-
off-the-shelf technology. also participated. neously with
This demonstration of the benefits This two- 5,000 schools
of advanced computing being delivered continent event across the
to ordinary citizens was also witnessed by demonstrated LTPs nation. We are
NASA Administrator Daniel S. Golden, as expansion to six months into
well as the U.S. Ambassador to France, Europe. The LTP the project, and
the President of Centre National d’Etudes broadcasts live we can already
Spatiales (CNES-the French National audio and video support 1,500
Space Agency), the French Ambassador across the Internet schools online,
to the U.S., and the French Minister of from NASA’s Ames with students
Education. Research Center to photo by Pam Sheets listening to audio
The educational technologies 10 other NASA content from
demonstrated at this event were: (1) a centers. These Left to right: Kristen Fourtney, Eric Morgan, NASA Ames and
French interactive software that permits centers then act as Hillary Clinton and Vincent Montibus asking questions
shared control of a program providing transmitters, in live chat
layers of environmental data within a providing local windows.”
single birds-eye view of a location; and (2) access to a constantly expanding global The Learning Technique Channel allows
an American interactive program that network of science and space informa- educators and the general public to participate
involves students around the world as tion and education. in courses, workshops, seminars and other
expert, ground-based observers validating The May demonstration of the events that probably would not be available to
satellite-observed ground conditions. expanding global network presented them without leaving their schools or homes and
The event is the result of the close two examples of what is possible: Titus going to a specialized Net access site. The LTC
collaboration between NASA and CNES. and SCOOL. originates from ARC and is a service of the Quest
Learning Technologies Project (LTP) Titus is a French application that Project, which produces many NASA educational
Manager Mark León of Ames, said, allows geographically distributed users to websites supported by the LTP within the High-
“Participating at this level is a profound collaborate and simultaneously view Performance Computing and Communications
opportunity for both NASA and CNES. selectively filtered levels of a satellite- Program.
While we are serious competitors at the generated image and to share control of In addition to sharing NASA on the
national aeronautics level, we are equally the program itself. In this project, Titus Internet and making available a huge
serious about finding and creating was used sequentially by students to reservoir of science data, another central
opportunities to cooperate in the service webcast satellite photos of their respec- focus of the LT Channel is to provide
of education, which is for the common tive top sights in Washington, New York
good of all humankind.” and Paris, and to study and compare continued on page 8
Also contributing vital resources vegetation, water sources and anti-
June 12, 1998 The Ames Astrogram — 5
ISO Certification/Ames Activities
Wind Tunnel/Simulator Divisions
Pass ISO Certification Audit
DNV auditors announced on May stepped down as management represen- procedures , and spent time preparing for
28 that the Wind Tunnel Operations tative. Ron Johnson, now the FOF Acting both internal and external audits. They
Division (Code FO) and the Simulation Branch Chief, was appointed as the new could recite the division quality policy
Operations (Code AFO) and Systems management representative. backwards and forwards!! Without this
(Code AFS) Branches, formerly Code AO, Added to the division’s challenge dedication and support from everyone,
passed the ISO certification audit with no was the center’s decision to become ISO the task could never have been accom-
major nonconformances. After the certified. Center management debated plished. Each and every person in the
organization sends DNV a plan for whether the AO Division should continue wind tunnel and simulator facilities
corrective actions for the eight minor on with their effort, which had been should feel pride in a job well done. All
nonconformances found, DNV will issue underway for a year, or fold into the deserve a big CONGRATULATIONS. Soon
the official ISO Certificate. As a team of center’s schedule. Fortunately, the center the Center will see ISO CERTIFIED
civil servants and contractors, the former supported AO’s determination to be ISO banners flying on wind tunnel and
AO Division has reached their 2 1/2 year pathfinders and to be certified separately simulator facilities at Ames.
goal to become ISO certified. one year ahead of the rest of the center. BY SALLY BREW
The division’s effort began when an Another challenge was that AO was
AO management group in January, 1996,
decided that the division’s TQM efforts
reorganized into two different director-
ates last fall. Again, the decision was
Weight Watchers
should be redirected to ISO. Bob Shiner,
AOS Branch Chief, was appointed the
made to continue on under one certifica-
at Ames...
management representative by Roy
Presley, the AO Division Chief at that time
Was the effort worth it? The
answer is overwhelmingly, yes. Although
- new session!
documents existed for running the Nineteen Ames employees have
and a great proponent of TQM. A lost over 160 pounds in seven weeks.
Management Review group of branch facilities, the procedures needed to be
That would be the Weight Watchers
and division management as well as AO standardized and updated to reflect
group that meets every Monday at
contractor site managers met monthly for changes over the last few years. ISO 11:30 a.m. in the Ames Cafe - Galileo
two years to oversee the implementation provided a focus for coordination of staff Room. The class members are getting
of ISO. efforts to write and revise procedures helpful training in healthier eating
After the decision was made to go which resulted in improved documenta- habits and ideas for incorporating
for ISO certification, seven working tion on the development and manage- exercise into busy life styles.
groups, involving about 60 civil servant ment of data in the wind tunnels and On Monday, June 15, there will
and contractor employees, were formed simulators. be an Open House for all employees
each with an assignment to write sections As pathfinders down the road to who are interested in signing up for the
of a Division Quality System Manual. The ISO certification, the wind tunnel and next 10-week session which will start
manual was developed with a combina- simulator facilities personnel can share on Monday, June 29. Please stop by
tion of policies and high level procedures. lessons learned. One such lesson is that the Ames Cafe Galileo Room on
The working groups faced the arduous ISO has to have real benefit and not just Monday, June 15, at 11:30 a.m. to
task of trying to understand and agree be an exercise for individuals already learn about the program and meet
upon the meaning of the ISO elements as overwhelmed by too much to do. ISO some of the people that have already
well as to agree upon the implementing can be the leverage to streamline work, discovered success.
reduce errors, improve communication Please note that the Weight
procedures. The challenge was to write
and take the arbitrariness out of pro- Watchers at Work Program is less
the sections so that the two simulator
cesses. ISO becomes a part of how expensive than joining the externally
facilities, VMS and CVSRF, and the two held Weight Watchers sessions. Ten
wind tunnel cultures, high-speed and business is done and not just an add-on.
weeks for only $89 -- that's a $30+
low- speed, could agree on a procedures Following the rigorous requirements of
for the manual. In retrospect, although the ISO elements, most would agree, Class dates are:
the working groups’ task was difficult, does develop a true quality system. 6/15 - Open House
many in the division learned about ISO Division employees are certainly willing to 6/29
through this effort. The working groups share other specific lessons learned. 7/6
completed the sections in about six The key to ISO certification is 7/13
months. Management spent an addi- teamwork. Many people were involved 7/20
tional three months reviewing and either writing sections of the Quality 7/27
approving the sections System Manual, conducting internal 8/3
Once management approved the audits, or writing procedures for their 8/10
Quality System Manual, many employees functional area. Throughout all parts of 8/17
became involved in writing or revising the organization there were many unsung 8/24
implementing documents, which took heroes who attended the quality training 9/1
about one year. Also during this time, classes, found appropriate documents on If you have any questions, please
Bob Shiner, who initiated the effort, the servers, used and reviewed new contact Betsy Robinson at

6 — The Ames Astrogram June 12, 1998

Ames Activities
Astrobiology Institute selection
NASA Headquarters has an-
nounced that Ames is one of the eleven
successful proposers which submitted in
response to the Agency Cooperative
Agreement Notice soliciting membership
in the newly formed Astrobiology
This Institute, which will in
addition be managed by Ames, will be at
the forefront of research into the new
interdisciplinary field of the issue of life in
the University, its origin, distribution, and
Ames scientists successfully
competed for Institute membership in a
hotly contested peer reviewed field of
some fifty three excellent submissions photo by Roger Brimmer
from major research institutes in the
United States and Europe. Center Director, Henry McDonald (right), shaking hands with Louis (Lou)
Allamandola (left) of Code S at the Ames proposal for membership meeting.

turns fifteen
On May 21, Hernandez Engineer-
ing, Inc. (HEI) celebrated its 15th anniver-
sary with employees at Ames Research
Center. As incumbents for the system
safety, reliability and quality assurance
(SSR&QA) support service contract at
Ames, Hernandez management decided
to visit this site, as well as their other host
locations across the country, in order to
share the occasion with employees and
customers alike.
At Ames, owners Mike and Terry
Hernandez presented ARC/HEI employee
Richard Chase, lucky winner of a random
drawing, with a trip for two to New York photo by Beverly Sauler
City. Twelve such lucky employees' will Ames/HEI party-goers gather for 15th Anniversary team photo.
be honored by Hernandez at their sites
across the country throughout the course
of the company's year-long celebration.
In thanking Ames workers, Mike
Hernandez acknowledged the 3 years of
excellent support the company has
received from its workforce during its
association with Ames. He expressed his
belief that the success of an SSR&QA
contractor is a direct reflection of the
quality of its staff. And he pointed out
with pride that, for two consecutive years,
the Hernandez contract at Ames has
produced award winners, specifically
Barry Grimm and Alexis Flippen, in the
Quality Assurance Special Achievement
Recognition (QASAR) program.
Hernandez concluded by saying that the
photo by Beverly Sauler
company is committed to long-term,
steady growth and is looking forward to From Left to right: HEI Vice President, Tery Hernandez, congratulates
an even larger celebration for the drawing winner, Richard Chase, along with SSR&QA Program
company's 25th anniversary. Manager, Dave Zimmer.

June 12, 1998 The Ames Astrogram — 7

Ames Activities
Hillary Clinton goes back—and forward—to school
continued from page 5
training to educators, wherever they are collaborate, as well as interact with NASA put the information in their hands. We
located. Many teach at local schools and CNES personnel. will have succeeded when events such as
just now connecting to the Internet, Mark León, who spearheaded the those carried out here today are per-
commonly with low-end technology technology for the event, states, “Al- formed routinely in every educational
such as 28.8 Kbps modems operating though this has been an impressive setting and are considered unremarkable
across phone lines. And for those demonstration for the VIPs and press, our and ordinary,” León concluded.
schools accessing at even slower speeds intention was never merely that. Our For more information, see the
of 9.6 Kbps, a real-time transcription of design was, and is, to demonstrate that Learning Technologies Channel’s web
some programs on the audio channel superior, curriculum-enhancing content page at
are presented in an all-text chat can be accessed by the vast, worldwide
window. Instead of a pipeline into the range of educational institutions, instruc- BY TOM MEAD
reservoir, these users are making do tors and students. It is available even to
with a straw. those whose access to the treasures of
The Titus and SCOOL activities are NASA-on-the-Net is limited to one pair of
the fruit of an ongoing educational
collaboration between the U.S. and
twisted-copper wires and a telephone
modem.” The proverbial straw, as it
Italia numero due
French space agencies, giving French were. continued from page 10
and American students access to “The LTP’s communication of The thread is stretched but
scientific data from both agencies. science is something that belongs to all unbroken. Thomaso and his son both
Students also work together via the students and citizens of the world, and play brass instruments in “La Bandadi
Internet to share information and we are building the technology that will IntroD’acqua,” as my grandfather played
a century before.
After leaving for America in 1901
Recent VIP visitors to Ames at the age of seven, my grandfather never
went back to the Abruzzi. The last he
Brant Sponberg, White House the Biocomputation Lab (Dr. Muriel saw of his parents were two tiny hands
Office of Management and Budget Ross), NAS Supercomputer Vis Lab (Dr. waving from behind a lace curtain. And
(OMB), Budget Examiner for Space Tom Lasinski), Neural Nets (Dr, Robert the tears on his mother’s face, like
Science and Advanced Space Transporta- Mah), Crew Vehicle Systems Research diamond stigmata. He was part of the
tion Technology visited the Center on Facility (Barry Sullivan), and Air Traffic first wave of emigrees that left the
Friday May 22. Brant has worked at OMB Management (Dr. Heinz Erzberger). hamlet for Mott Street in New York, for
for nine months and not visited the On June 8, Ed Heffernan, Associate Chicken Street in Carracas, and for Vieux
Center before. He has an undergraduate Administrator for Legislative Affairs and Carre Street in Rio, followed by a second
degree in Astrophysics and the History of White House Liaison; Lori Garver, Special identical wave after WWII. Nella regione
Science, Masters degree in Science and Abruzzi non era lavore. In Abruzzi, there
Assistant to NASA Administrator; Patrick
was simply no work.
Technology Policy. He was given the Mellody, Special Assistant to NASA
Now, Thomaso and Annuncia fear
Ames overview by Deputy Director Bill Administrator, Dr. Charles R. Denham, their children will leave for the prosper-
Berry and briefed on Space Science/ MD; and Betsy Ross, Assistant to Dr. ous north after graduating university.
Astrobiology by Larry Manning and Dr. Denham visited the Center. Dr. Denham Coda / Fina: By the way, my nose is
Larry Caroff. He toured the is touring all the NASA centers to gain a okay. Two weeks after I got back it
Biocomputation Lab (Dr. Muriel Ross), better understanding of NASA technolo- peeled, undramatically. I was a great
the SOFIA Project (Chris Wiltsee), gies and commercial applications. He is curiousity among the nurses and PA’s at
International Space Station Biological also a pilot. The group received the Ames Dr. Rubenstein’s. He examined me under
Research Project (John Givens), Lunar overview by Deputy Director Bill Berry a halogen light and pronounced the nose
Prospector mission control (Bob Jackson), and toured the NAS Supercomputer Vis “perfect,” amending with “as it was
arc-jets facility, X-33, X-34, (Carol Lab (Dr. Tom Lasinski, Gina Morello, Chris before.”
Carroll), NAS Supercomputer Visualiza- Gong), Neural Nets (Dr. Robert Mah), the Standing there surrounded by
tion Lab (Dr. Tom Lasinski), and Neural Crew Vehicle Systems Research Facility lights, metal instruments and the curious
Nets (Dr. Robert Mah). At lunch, Dr. (Matt Blake, Barry Sullivan), the interested faces of Dr. Rubenstein and his
Francis Everett, Stanford University, Biocomputation Lab (Dr. Muriel Ross), assisting nurse, I felt like Marco Polo,
briefed on the Gravity Probe B mission. arc-jets facility, X-33, X-34 (Carol Carroll), returning, a cache of silks and spices in
On May 29, Congressman Tom Air Traffic Management (Dr. Heinz my backpack; (lit up with the light of a
Campbell’s Washington DC and local Erzberger), infrared detectors for as- thousand stars, reflecting the light of a
staff visited the Center, including: Ed tronomy (Dr. Craig McCreight), the thousand campfires in high mountain
Siebert, Legislative Assistant on Energy, passes). With a wild and dangerous glint
80x120 wind tunnel (Brenda Collins) and
in my eye that spoke of tangled stars, of
Power, Environment, Agriculture; Joel Hangar One. At lunch, they were briefed
stories that would never be told.
Starr — Defense, Education, and Labor; on the Ames Commercial Technology
Suhail Khan, Press Secretary; and local Program by Acting Chief Carolina Blake.
staffer Dennis Cima. The group visited BY KATHLEEN BURTON

8 — The Ames Astrogram June 12, 1998

Ames Upcoming Events
Street Fair set for MLC works with the Equal Opportunity
Programs Office, the EO Board, the EO Red Cross blood
July 15 Working group and all advisory groups at
Ames to promote diversity issues and a drive - June 22
After a six-year hiatus (can it really multicultural workforce. Past activities of NASA Ames will be hosting a
have been that long?), the Multicultural the MLC have included sponsorship of a Blood Drive in cooperation with the Red
Street Fair returns to Ames on July 15. diversity conference, training classes on Cross on Monday, June 22, 1998. The
Dancing, music, art and food from diversity, and the Center’s renowned
Blood Drive will be held from 7:30 a.m.
different parts of the world will be Diversity Dialogue Groups.
Last year, the MLC worked with to 3:30 p.m. in Building 3, the Moffett
featured. Meal tickets will be available
Center Director Henry McDonald and the Training and Conference Center.
after June 8 at a cost of $5 each. Indi-
vidual tickets will purchase one complete EOP office to help develop a policy Blood is a natural resource which
meal from a selection of Asian-American, statement of non-discrimination at Ames. cannot be manufactured. Until scientists
European-American, Hispanic-American, The group is currently developing a find a blood substitute which is compa-
African-American, Native American, or program to recognize model managers rable to human blood, the only way to
just plain good ol’ American (i.e. ham- and leaders at the Center. This summer, ensure a safe and adequate supply is for
burgers, chips and soda) cuisines. The MLC will co-sponsor a retreat for all Ames healthy individuals to donate on a regular
choices are extensive, the cost is not advisory groups in conjunction and basis. The average adult has approxi-
expensive, and the food is merely the cooperation with the EOP office.
For further information, or to learn mately 10 to 12 pints of blood in his/her
beginning. Bet you can’t wait! body. A person easily adjusts to the loss
The Street Fair is sponsored by the how to get involved in MLC activities,
Center’s Multicultural Leadership Council interested parties may contact MLC co- of the pint that is donated, and can safely
(MLC) in the spirit of fun, and in an effort chairs: Sheila Johnson give again every 56 days, up to 6 times
to expose the entire Ames community to ( or David per year.
a variety of different cultures. The hope is Morse ( There are four major blood
that, through the experience of entertain- BY MARY HOWARD types: O, A, B, AB. Red blood cells
ment, conversation and food in a relaxed contain chemical compounds which
and enjoyable setting, Ames employees
will become more receptive and open to Ames Aerospace combine in different ways to determine a
person’s blood type. Blood types are
a broader range of people, ideas and
customs. The ultimate goal of the MLC is Encounter - inherited through genes and do not
change during one’s lifetime. While all
to help promote a diverse and
multicultural workforce at Ames, and a Ames Employee blood types are needed, there is a special
need for group O donors because group
work environment free from discrimina-
tion — that is open and receptive to all, Day O is the universal blood type. When an
and hostile to none. The theme for this On Wednesday, June 24, from 10 emergency occurs and there isn’t time for
year is “STRENGTH THROUGH DIVER- a.m., until 2 p.m., the Ames Aerospace a patient’s blood to be typed, type O
SITY.” Encounter will be holding another in blood comes to the rescue.
Further details on the entertain- their series of "Ames Employee Days at When you give blood, you give a
ment, where to buy food tickets, and the Ames Aerospace Encounter." The precious gift. A single blood donation
menu specifics will be made available in Encounter is located on the second floor can save as many as 4 patients; one of
an upcoming Astrogram article. That of Bldg. 226.
information will also be posted on flyers them could be someone you know or
All on-site personnel are invited to even yourself. Patients rely on healthy
all around the Center in the next few come, bring their family and friends for
weeks. people in the community to voluntarily
a self paced tour (allow about an hour).
Come out and celebrate the No registration necessary. The Encoun- make blood donation part of their lives.
passing of El Nino. Join Ames senior ter is open on a drop in basis during this Giving blood is safe, easy and takes little
managers, your colleagues and friends in event. time away from one’s life to save another
enjoying the warm July summer that we This is a special opportunity for life.
have all waited so long for and which we children and guests to see and experi- All medically eligible donors are
richly deserve! ence this unique interactive facility that invited to participate in this life-giving
Volunteers are still needed for set- makes math and science come alive.
up and clean-up. Those interested in process. Registration can be made via the
The Encounter is booked year round World Wide Web. To make an appoint-
contributing a modest amount of their with 4th, 5th & 6th grade student
time to help make this event a big ment, please go to the location site:
fieldtrips. We have opened two dates
success, may contact one of the follow- this summer to accommodate the
ing: request of Ames employees to share this blooddonation.htm. Click on Register
• Mary Buford Howard learning facility with their children. Now To Give Blood. Choose a time slot
(, Please note that children must be and you’re done.
• Mary Salcido accompanied by an adult at all times If for any reason you are unable
(, or and that Employees are responsible for to register, please contact Chaz Czaplicki
• Joe Shields arranging to bring their guests onto for assistamce. Also, those interested in
( Moffett Field.
Accomplishment through participa- participating in the Bone Marrow
The next Ames Employee Day at Donation Procedure are also welcome.
tion is its own, and best, reward. the AAE is Thursday, August 27th, from
The Ames’ Multicultural Leadership For more information on the Bone
10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Council is an advisory group comprised Visit the Encounter's website at Marrow Donation, please contact the
of members from all segments and ethnic author at ext. 4-6942.
groups within the Ames community. The encounte.html BY CHAZ CZAPLICKI

June 12, 1998 The Ames Astrogram — 9

Human Interest
Italia numero due - The Abruzzi
Editor’s note: This is part II of Kathleen Burton’s Italy story part I of which
ran in the April 3 issue of the Astrogram.
I left Florence in a thin drizzling rain sketching on the backs of
on the Rapido, bound for Pescara on thin blue airmail enve-
Italy’s Adriatic coast. I disembarked at lopes.
Sulmona, the nearest town to my Inside, Annunciata,
grandfather’s village of Intro’Daqua, at Thomaso’s wife, offered
midnight. Everything, of course, was me espresso and sugar
closed and the iron awning of the covered almonds. Their
stazione tabacchi was rolled down tight two teenage children, a
like a closed eye. boy and a girl, gave me
A man and his wife who’d gotten that universal teenage
off the same train offered me a ride to death-ray look that said
Sulmona in their rusty green Fiat (with “You’re not as cool as we
four-cylinders and the power of a lawn are!” and quickly dove
mower). We drove through the blackness back into their analytic
over a mountain pass toward a tiny geometry homework.
sprinkling of lights. They dropped me at The grandfather and
the Pensionne Albergi where I had the cukoo clocks ticked
guilty pleasure of watching my first TV in loudly, one beat off each
a week — Colombo, with subtitles. other, like sparring jazz
That night, I dreamed about my musicians.
mother and grandfather eating black, Thomaso is a
pitless olives from a bowl. On Sunday bureaucrat at the
morning, I got my first look at Sulmona. coutume (court house).
Located in a valley, surrounded by the He suggests a walk to the Francesco DiPaulo and Jenny DiPaulo, in Livingston, NJ, May 1956.
snow-capped Apennini, the town of campanile with a stop at
20,000 was abloom with mimosa, wild the courthouse to look urbani. Thomaso can’t explain the
primrose and goldenrod, all washed in for my great grandfather’s records (birth, difference between them.
the electric green of Italy’s cold, late marriage or death). My grandfather’s At the courthouse, our search is
spring. father, he tells me, was a red-haired disappointing. The DiPaulo records,
Ovid, the Latin poet, was born here french orphan who emigated to Intro Thomaso says vaguely, waving a hand in
in 43BC, as was Pope Innocenzo VII. Daqua in 1880 and became the town the air, are in Rome being microfiched.
Fronting the Maiella National Park, the baker. The subject is dropped. We walk on.
Abruzzi is known for its goldsmith The three of us bundle into coats We reach the campionelle, a lonely
workshops, stonemasonry and artisans. and stroll up a serpentine road past slag heap cut by an icy wind. Next to it
In the feudal societies of the 11th and scrub-filled ravines and ochre and grey is an abandoned church, its blue door
12th centuries, the world here spun houses. We stroll past strings of laundry hanging by a hinge, the stones of the
around the monasteries and castles, in and climbing Tuscan roses (roses d’ogni bascillica tumbling down. At the altar,
whose hands the land the only source of mese), as deep and red as garnets. the angel’s wing is ripped off and the
wealth—was held.The people of the Thomaso explains that the town has not rusted metal support sticks through. The
Abruzzi have always had to struggle— had an economic infrastructure since the angel has a look of blank, inward
with internecine conflicts, with the stony, 30s, and that the only jobs here are concentration.
uncooperative land, and with the highly-prized government jobs or We have a 360-degree view of the
conquering waves of armies that periodi- working for the Fiat plant, 30 kilometers valley and, in the distance, Mt. Playa and
cally swept the region— the Spanish, away. Mt. Genzana. I look at Mt. Playa and
Bourbon and Aragonese, and before Thomaso and Annunciata both think of my grandfather. “Plant a seed,
them, the Samnites and Romans. have those green-grey Abruzzi eyes; eyes and up springs a musician,” is a saying
Wandering among Sulmona’s that look like water, eyes that look like about the people of Abruzzi. With no
Sunday passegio (the Italian custom best the color of the ocean (the day) after a training, my grandfather could play the
translated as “strolling”), I photographed storm. The Di Paulo eyes that my reed pipe, a bagpipe made of sheep’s
the original Roman town gates, porticos, mother and I both inherited. bladder and a guitar. But the double-
engraved porches and wells, a medieval Intro Daqua is a town of 2,000 stringed mandolin was his weapon of
aqueduct and the baroque Santa Chiara (smaller than my high school), and choice. I remember him sitting in the
monastary. everyone knows everyone else. Thomaso garage on an overturned crate in his
That afternoon, I took a taxi to Intro winks at a gimlet-eyed man in a fedora undershirt and suspenders playing
Daqua, 6 kilometers away. At 650 meters, backing a smog-belching 48-inch wide lightning licks on Celito Lindo and Come
Intro Daqua is located at the confluence truck down this 50-inch wide medieval Back to Sorrento with his cronies, his pick
of Valle Saint Antonio and San Benedetto cobbled lane. “Ma lui e pazzeo” he flying at warp 1, his foot tapping a hole
dell’Alpe. The cabdriver pulled up at a mutters. In the square, boys play soccer, in the floor.
landscaped townhouse, rang the bell and one with a faceful of measles. Three older And my grandmother and her sister
spoke into the intercom in rapid Italian. women in suits coming from church (as Rose, with dark brooding sopranoes, a
Thomaso de Francesco, my second they have every Sunday for the past 20 voce che alza i morti. (With voices like
cousin, bounded out to welcome me. years) carry bouquets of mimosa and stone angels, who could sing “the dead
Small, dapper and black-moustached, wild roses, their arms linked. back across Charon”.)
Thomaso didn’t speak English, so we Walking, we pass lots of police—
resorted to pidgin Ital-ish, hands, and carabinieri, polizia, vigili municipali and continued on page 8

10 — The Ames Astrogram June 12, 1998

Events & Classifieds
Ames Volkswagen service manual for '77 to '84 Jetta/Rabbit
diesel cars, $15, Brian (650) 940-1673.
Calendar Classifieds 2 evenflo infant car seats, great cond., $20 each. Call
(650) 968-7715 eves.
Ads for the next issue should be sent to
Jetstream Toastmasters, by the Monday Akai Reel to Reel tape players, Cross-Field X-355D,
Mondays, 12 noon to 1 p.m., N-269/Rm. AKAI X-150D. Both with extras. Make Offer. Call (408)
following publication of the present issue. 395-3831.
179. Guests welcome. POC: Jenny Kahn Ads must involve personal needs or items;
at ext. 4-6987 or Pam Walatka at ext. Sofa and loveseat, oatmeal color and texture, simple
4-4461. no commercial/third-party ads. Ads will run lines. Clean, no stains, but loveseat arm is catscratched.
on space-available basis only. First-time ads $45/B/O. Small accent chair, burnt orange, swivels. $20/
Ames Child Care Center Board are given priority. Ads must include home BO. Teak entertainment unit, 2 pieces, 20 dx24 h, width
of Directors Meeting, Tuesdays, 12 noon phone numbers. Ames extensions will be expandable 59"- 118" $20/BO. 408-257-3175.
to 1 p.m., N-213/Rm. 220. POC: Lisa Reid accepted for carpool and lost and found ads ‘94 Travelark electric chair with upgraded med. sized
at ext. 4-2260. only. Ads must be resubmitted for each issue. basket, right-hand brake, left-hand motor ctrl, battery
charger/battery incl., swivel seat & arms and cane holder.
Ames Amateur Radio Club, Housing Good condition, seldom used. New $2100, asking $750.
June 18, 12 noon, N-260/conf. rm. Standard hand-push wheel chair good condition. New
For rent: Master bedroom in Sunnyvale home, one $400, asking $250. Jeanette (408) 378-1447.
POC: Walt Miller, AJ6T at ext. 4-4558.
block from El Camino, 5 blocks from H85. $550/mo +
applied utils., and first and last month’s rent. Private Pre WW II Japanies sword w/sheath in cloth cover
Ames Asian American Pacific bath, full use of kitchen and pots and pans. Big garden. exc. cond., $1,500 or B/O. Dan (650) 962-8869 .
Islander Advisory Group Meeting, Touran (408) 773-1927. Computer system of Mac Quadra 700, 20 MB RAM,
June 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., N-213/
Working on a project at Ames during June and July. 400 MB disk, 17" color monitor and HP laser printer.
Rm. 261. POC: Daryl Wong at ext. 4- Includes cables and software for a basic, stand alone
6889 or Brett Vu at ext. 4-0911. Looking for a 2 bdrm/1 or 2 bath furnished apartment
within 15 miles radius of Ames Lab. If you have an system. $500. (408) 734-5769.
apartment for rent, pls. contact me at Bunk Beds, exc. cond. Almost new. Used by only one
Native American Advisory
Committee Meeting, June 23, 12 noon Wanted to rent: room in house or apartment, close child. Full size bed on bottom, twin size on top, including
to 1 p.m., Ames Café. POC: Mike Liu at to Ames (bus or walking), I am NS/NP, clean, quiet, matresses, $350.00 or B/O. Charmaine (408) 870-8239.
ext. 4-1132. temporary: ASAP thru Aug 15. Call Joel (415) 604-0113 ‘92 Kawaski Jetski. Like brand new. Comes w/cover,
days, no home number. and roll- around stand. Runs like new! Must sell/ moving,
Ames Contractor Council Transportation $2,500 or O/B. Call (209) 827-9287 (home) or (650) 428-
Meeting July 1, 11 a.m., N-200/Comm. 6118 (pager).
Rm. POC: Greg Marshall at ext. 4-4673. '85 VW GTI, 5-speed, 180k mi, gd. cond., $1000.
Bob (650)349-7825. Beautiful, healthy, male and female Zebra Fench
birds for sale, $8.00 ea. Mary (408) 947-7179.
Hispanic Advisory Committee for ‘86 Ford Econoline white van 150, 1/2 ton, V-8, fuel
Electric twin size hospital bed, $150; queen size beign
Employees, July 2, 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 injector, exc. cond. Call (408) 732-9309.
sofa, $100; living room sofa, $100; Singer electric sewing
p.m., N-239/Rm. 177. POC: Carlos Torrez '86 944, Zermat Silver Gray, 62K miles, orig. owner. machine and chair, $150; ping pong table and accessories,
at ext. 4-5797. Stick shift, 5 gear; beauty to drive and own. Asking $6K. $100. Call (408) 732-9309.
Call after 7:30 weeknights. Bonnie (408) 736-6947.
Environmental, Health & Safety
‘87 Ford Escort wagon , AC, tilt, PS, PB, AM/FM
Vacation rental
Monthly Information Forum, July 2, Cass. 130K. Asking $1550 or best offer. Call Bob (408) Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley-Townhse, 3br-2ba, Balcony
8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 19/Rm. 736-4039. View, horseback riding, hiking, biking, golf, river rafting,
1078. POC: Linda Vrabel at ext. 4-0924. tennis, ice skating, and more. Summer rates. Call (650)
‘87 Honda Accord LX-i, 4-dr, automatic, 136K,
Ames African American Advisory loaded, gd. cond., $3,600 or b/o. Call Walt or Sue (408)
984-3426 on weekends or after 6:30 p.m., weekdays. Houseboat for rent on Claire Engle Lake ("Trinity"
Group Meeting, July 2, 11:30 a.m. to Lake) in No. CA. Sleeps 8, kitchen, bathroom w. shower.
12:30 p.m., N-241/Rm. 237. POC: ‘88 Cadillac Eldorado Briarritz , gold series. Fully Peaceful. See,
Antoinette Price, at ext. 4-4270 and Mary loaded , 120K , asking $5100 or best offer. Call Bob at $1200/wk. Call (650) 941-3396.
Buford Howard at ext. 4-5095. (408) 736-4039.

Nat’l Association of Retired Federal

‘89 Mercury Sable w/electronic features.
Computerized key system, A/C, V-6 engine, 4-wheel Ames
Employees, S.J. Chapter #50, Meeting.
July 3, at the Elk’s Club, 44 W. Alma
Avenue, San Jose. Social hour: 10:30 a.m.
drive, exc. cond., needs paint job. $2,800. Call (408)
732-9309 eves. retirements
Program & business mtg. follow lunch at
'89 Mustang 5.0 LX Convertible, 25th Anniversary Name Date Code
Edition, 81K miles, auto, CD, exc. cond. $7,500 or B/O. Michael M. Sobremonte 5-30-98 JAC
11:30 a.m. POCs: Mrs. Leona Peery, Ralph (408) 730-4630.
President, (650) 967-9418 or Earl Keener,
Public Relations, (408) 241-4459. '91 Ford F-150 XLT Lariat pickup with shell.
(Loaded) 61,200 org. miles. Exc. cond. $9000. Call Astrogram deadlines
(510) 656-7723.
Professional Administrative All Ames employees are invited
Council (PAC) Meeting, July 9, 10:30 '92 Ford Mustang 4cyl 5sp, loaded, Very Reliable,
$4,500. Call (408) 267-4105. to submit articles relating to Ames
a.m. to 11:30 a.m., N-244/Rm. 103.
POC: Janette Rocha, ext. 4-3371. ‘93 Mercury Tracer Station Wagon Excellent Shape,
projects and activities for publication
1.9L SEFI Engine, Extra Low Mileage 27,300, Air AM/FM in the Astrogram. When you submit
Ames Sailing Club Meeting, W/tape, $4,999. Offers welcome, (408) 268-9568. stories or ads for publication, make
July 9, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., N-262/Rm. '94 Dodge Ram 4 x 4 SLT 2500 Turbo Diesel, sure to check the publication
100. POC: Greg Sherwood at ext. 4-0429. 67,500 miles, standard cab, two-tone black/red, auto, deadline and submit your material
power everything, tow pkg., 10 disk CD, custom wood by e-mail to astrogram@
dash trim, bed liner. Exc. cond., all maintanance
Ames Multicultural Leadership records, $22.5K. Stuart (403) 338-6199. on or before the
Council Meeting, July 15, 11:30 a.m. to deadline. Stories should be sent as
1 p.m., Galileo Rm./Ames Café. POC: '95 Toyota 4Runner, SR5 V6, AT, 4WD, only 28K
mi., AC, power everything, mnrf, rf. rack & other opts. enclosures in MS Word.
David Morse at ext. 4-4724 or Sheila
Johnson at ext. 4-5054. Exc. cond., $20,995 (under low blue book). Girish (408) If you have questions about
363-8727. items for publication, contact the
NFFE local 997 Union General ‘95 Ford Aerostar 7 passenger van. Immaculate, all editor at the above email address.
Meeting, July 15, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 amenities, new tires, brakes, shocks, 58K $13,500 firm.
p.m., Bldg. 19/Rm. 1040. POC: Marianne
Mosher at ext. 4-4055. Miscellaneous MON., JUN 15 FRI., JUN 26
Genuine BMW leather jacket and bibs: exc. cond., MON., JUN 29 FRI., JUL 10
gray w/red and blue, size L (fits mens size 42). $1200
new, will sell for $400 or B/O. Stuart (408) 338-6199.

June 12, 1998 The Ames Astrogram — 11

Ames Events
Asian and Pacific Islander luncheon held 5/29

photos by Dominic Hart

photos by Dominic Hart
Polynesian dancers performing the art of the hula.
Congressman Underwood, Governor of Guam and the featured luncheon
speaker, enjoying the festivities.

Eshoo speaks of pride at Ames

continued from front page
closed by saying that she "senses Center, and acknowledged her "active
that Ames is on the move and not about role in promoting the interests of Ames."
to be stopped." She expressed her pride He said that Eshoo is an expert at The Ames ASTROGRAM is an official
in the women of the Ames workforce, and championing the causes of her entire publication of the Ames Research Center,
encouraged Dr. McDonald to continue district, and declared that she has been National Aeronautics and Space
and redouble his efforts to further the "the strongest proponent for Ames in Administration.
position of women in the Center's Washington, DC in many years."
scientific and management structure. BY DAVID MORSE Managing Editor.........David Morse
McDonald praised Eshoo for her Editor..........................Astrid Terlep
"passionate and articulate" support of the

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National Aeronautics and
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Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, California 94035-1000
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use, $300

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