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1. Which is India's largest inland salt lake? sambar salt lake jaipur 2.

This iconic singer made his film debut in Love Me Tender. Name him. elvis presley 3.Which bird lays the smallest of all bird eggs? Hummingbirds (ruby throated) 4. The final lines of which novel reads "And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God bless Us, Every One!"? The Christmas Carol 5.Which animal is also known as the caribou in North America? Reindeer 6.Which is the largest gland in the human body? liver 7.Which American Actor founded the martial art school of Chun Kuk Do? chuck norris 8.What type of alcoholic beverage is Champagne? wine 9.According to the book of Genesis, who murdered Abel, the son of Adam and Eve? cain 10.Which popular playground game was earlier known as "Potsy"? hopscotch 11.At what age does a Jewish girl become a Bat Mitzvah? 12 12.In which country will you find the Taurus Mountains? Turkey.... 13. What type of an animal is a capuchin? monkey 14. Who was Plato's mentor?(plato was mentor of aristotle) socrates 15.In which city would you find the headquarters of Southern African Development Community (SADC)? Gaborone, Botswana 16. What is the width of a standard foot ruler (in centimetres)?

3cm Q18. What is the area of the sky with relatively low amounts of interstellar dust where one can observe the normally obscured Galactic Centre of the Milky Way cal led? Answer: Baade s Window Q19. Which company manufactures Maaza in India? Answer: Coca-Cola Q20. How many zeroes does 1 billion have (as per short scale)? Answer: 9 <<<<<<< Microfinance related qn s>>>>>>> q21. Who does microfinance help?Options: a. The poor b. The wealthy c. Women d. All of the Above Answer:Microfinance directly helps the poor by providing quality financial assis tance to those who may not have the funds to open an account with a large bank o r institution. But it also indirectly helps the wealthier people who contribute the funds. Not only does it help them feel good about supporting people in need, it helps the entire world because we are a global village. As we lift the poor and help them, we help the world! <<fact-->> Muhammad Yunus is a Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank, an in stitution that provides microcredit (small loans to poor people possessing no co llateral) to help its clients establish creditworthiness and financial self-suff iciency. In 2006 Yunus and Grameen received the Nobel Peace Prize "for their eff orts through microcredit to create economic and social development from below". A Joint Liability Group (JLG) is an informal group comprising preferably of 4 to 10 individuals but can be upto 20 members, coming together for the purposes of availing bank loan either singly or through the group mechanism against mutual g uarantee. Akhtar Hameed Khan was a Pakistani development activist and social scientist cre dited for pioneering microcredit and microfinance initiatives, farmers' cooperat ives, and rural training programmes in the developing world. In Africa, a mere four percent of the population has access to bank accounts, ac cording to the United Nations Development Program, with only one percent having obtained loans or other forms of credit from formal financial institutions. Estimates of the number of poor entrepreneurs who use microfinance today range f rom only 30 million to 50 million worldwide; more optimistic practitioners put t he figure as high as 100 million.

The problem of scale, of course, is the magnitude of global poverty. More than 3 billion of the world s people now live on less than $2 per day. Microfinance can dramatically improve the lives of borrowers. Increased household income, access to healthcare and education, and better living conditions are just a few of the ways in which microfinance and complimentary services is impacting the poor and underserved populations around the world. Loans were typically repaid at the astonishing rate of 97 percent or better, and they proved that even such small amounts of credit could make the difference be tween a life of abject poverty and one of dignity and promise. The nonprofit mic rofinance networks, including ACCION International, have taken the model further , showing that microfinance loans have become investment-worthy a critical step in taking microfinance to scale. The United Nations Capital Development Fund sponsored an International Year of M icrocredit in 2005. This marked a huge step in spreading microcredit to many peo ple living in poverty around the world. The idea of microfinance gained attention when Muhammad Yunus won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize. His Grameen Bank, founded three decades ago in Bangladesh, has $52 1 million outstanding on loans to small businesses in poor countries. High-profi le microfinance investors include Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar and Sequoia Capita l, the venture capital backer of Google and YouTube. An estimated 40 funds focus ed on microfinance have been created since 2005. On July 11, 2005 the Grameen Mutual Fund One (GMFO), approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Bangladesh, was listed as an Initial Public Offering. One of the first mutual funds of its kind, GMFO will allow the over four millio n Grameen bank members, as well as non-members, to buy into Bangladesh's capital markets. The Bank and its constituents are together worth over USD 7.4 billion The Reserve Bank of India, January 2012, released on its website the Malegam Com mitee Microfinance Report of the RBI Sub-Committee of its Central Board of Direc tors to study Issues and concerns in the micro finance institutions (MFI) Sector . The Sub-Committee recommended some additional qualifications for NBFC to be cl assified as NBFC-MFI. These are:1. The NBFC-MFI will hold not less than 90% of its total assets (other than cash and bank balances and money market instrum ents) in the form of qualifying assets.2. There are limits of an annual fa mily income of Rs.50,000 and an individual ceiling on loans to a single borrowe r of Rs.25,0003. Not less than 75% of the loans given by the MFI should b e for income-generating purposes.4. There is a restriction on the other serv ices to be provided by the MFI which has to be in accordance with the type of se rvice and the maximum percentage of total income as may be prescribed. The Task Force on Supportive Policy and Regulatory Framework for Microfinance se tup by NABARD in 1999 provided various recommendations. Accordingly, it was deci ded to exempt NBFCs which are engaged in micro financing activities, licensed un der Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, and which do not accept public deposi ts, from the purview of Sections 45-IA (registration), 45-IB (maintenance of liq uid assets) and 45-IC (transfer of profits to the Reserve Fund) of the RBI Act, 1934. Founded by Sandra Rotman in 2009, Rise Asset Development is a Rotman and CAMH in itiative that provides small business loans, leases, and lines of credit to entr epreneurs with mental health and/or addiction challenges. Based in New York and founded by Muhammed Yunus, Grameen America provides microloans, savings programs, financial education, and credit establishment to low-in

come entrepreneurs. ASA tops the list of microfinance institutions of the world.Its ASA. ASA has bee n working relentlessly to reduce poverty since its inception in 1978. Up to Octo ber 2011 ASA's cumulative Loan disbursement has been BDT 481,381 million (US$ 6, 326 million) while loan outstanding (principal) is BDT 44,972 million (US$ 591 m illion) among 4.43 million borrowers. At the end of June 2011 ASA's Operational Self Sufficiency(OSS) was 182.48%, Financial Self-sufficiency (FSS) 118.82% and rate of loan recovery 99.83%. Fondep microcredit is an institution in Morocco. BESA Fund is in Albania, FINCA-ECU is in Ecuador, INECO Bank is in Armenia and E KI is in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 90 percent of borrowers at the Grameen Bank are women Grameen Bank

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Give a woman microcredit, she, her husba nd, her children and her extended family will eat for a lifetime." these are words of bono The first among the 16 decisions is We shall follow and advance the four principl es of Grameen Bank: Discipline, Unity, Courage and Hard work in all walks of our lives. - Grameen bank Which Indian MFI has the most gross loan portfolio? Bandhan 733,282,475, Spandana has 533,758,754, followed by SHARE (414,837,199) a nd SKS (328,091,213) Recently, microfinance has come under fire in the state of Andhra Pradesh due to allegations of MFIs using coercive recollection practices and charging usurious interest rates. These charges resulted in the state government's passing of th e Andhra Pradesh Microfinance Ordinance on October 15, 2010. The Ordinance requi res MFIs to register with the state government and gives the state government th e power, suo moto, to shut down MFI activity. [12] A number of NBFCs have been a ffected by the ordinance, including sector heavyweight SKS Microfinance.

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