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January 29, 1999


Lunar Prospector to get unprecedented

view of Moon’s features
By the time you read this article, mission tionally, initial global maps of the Moon's well defined, and the height of lunar moun-
controllers at the Lunar Prospector mission elements will be confirmed with the close- tain ranges is unclear. The 30-kilometer
control in building 244 at Ames should up data. orbit will require that adjustments be made
have commanded the Lunar Prospector "The Lunar Prospector instruments gath- every two weeks due to the gravitational
spacecraft into a 30-kilometer (approxi- ered such superior data in the one-year fields that pull the spacecraft closer to the
mately 19-mile) lunar polar mapping orbit. primary mission at the 100-kilometer (63- Moon. For this reason, the spacecraft
At press time, the ma- could approach as close as 6 kilome-
neuver was still on sched- ters to the surface.
ule to occur at 11:00
p.m. on January 28.
Earlier, on December LP honored!
19, the spacecraft was (see page 6)
commanded to enter a
transitional orbit that
was 25 miles above the "We only hope that there are no
surface of the Moon. The peaks that reach that high in regions
closer, the better, how- that Lunar Prospector is passing
ever, so this new19-mile, over," said Marcie Smith of Ames,
lower mapping orbit will operations manager for Lunar Pros-
provide an unprec- pector.
edented close-up "view" Ames manages the Lunar Pros-
for the science instru- pector mission for NASA. The space-
ments during the next craft was built by Lockheed Martin
6-month extended mis- Missiles and Space in Sunnyvale and
sion. The orbit adjust- was launched on an Athena II space-
ment maneuver officially craft built by Lockheed Martin Cor-
completes the very suc- poration, Denver.
cessful primary mission Further information on the suc-
that began with cess of the orbit adjustment maneu-
Prospector's launch on artwork by Boris Rabin ver and additional information about
January 6, 1998. Artwork of the Lunar Prospector spacecraft over the Moon Lunar Prospector, its science data
"This one-year anni- return, and other charts and graph-
versary of the Lunar Pros- ics can be found at the following
pector mission repre- websites:
sents an opportunity to reflect on the won- mile) orbit; we are very excited to get an
derful science accomplishments of the mis- even closer look," said Alan Binder, princi-
sion, the spacecraft and the dedicated indi- pal investigator and director of the Lunar
viduals that made it all possible," said Sylvia Research Institute, Gilroy, CA. "In the six
Cox, NASA's mission manager for Lunar weeks at the lower transitional 40-kilome-
Prospector. "Lunar Prospector, across the ter orbit, the data return is already looking
board, has been a complete success." tremendous. This raises our expectations
The extended mission is expected to about getting an even closer look at the
continue through July 1999, during which lunar surface, collecting data at higher
time the five science instruments on board resolutions, and gaining further insights related
will gather additional data at significantly about the Moon." story
higher resolutions. This enhanced data will The lower orbit of the extended mission on
enable scientists to refine their estimates will not be without risks. The extended page 2
concerning the concentration and form of mission orbit is designed to provide no less
the hydrogen detected at the north and than a 6-kilometer (approximately 4 mile) 4 Months to
south lunar poles. Mission scientists inter- margin above the high points of the Moon's Certification
preted the detection of hydrogen as surface. These measurements are based on
deposits of water ice. Mapping of the data provided by the Department of Ames ISO Web-site address:
Moon's magnetic and gravity fields will also Defense's Clementine mission. However,
benefit greatly from the lower orbit. Addi- the terrain at the southern lunar pole is not

January 29, 1999 Communication for the information technology age Astrogram — 1
The Ames
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 -- Into the forms.
During the last two years, Ames has
home stretch
Ref 53.ARC.0005 Appendix A. in their area. Ref 53.ARC.0011
planned, developed, documented and 12. If your organization uses documents 26. Equipment in laboratories, shops,
implemented a quality management sys- of external origin to develop your product, facilities used for inspecting, measuring and
tem that center management believes will then your document control procedures testing the product to verify conformance
produce a payback in operating effective- need to include a description of how: to requirements is calibrated and labeled. If
ness and efficiency. In April, Ames will seek - your staff knows they have the correct the equipment is not calibrated, it is segre-
independent certification to the ISO 9001 versions gated or labeled as such to prevent its
standard to ensure that the management - who is responsible for providing the unintended use. Ref 53.ARC.0011
system is functioning as intended. correct version, and 27. Quality records are maintained for
With less than four months to go, the - making sure obsolete versions are re- 1) equipment calibrations and 2) checks of
center is undertaking a two-prong approach moved to prevent inadvertent use software or hardware used to verify accept-
to ensure that we are ready for the certifica- Ref 53.ARC.0005 Appendix A #9. ability of the product. Ref 53.ARC.0011
tion audit. Managers and supervisors will 13. Forms used as quality system docu- paragraphs 6.4.4 and 6.1.3, respectively.
use the following checklist to ensure that mentation are uniquely identified and avail- 28. Determine if your organization re-
critical processes have been implemented able to personnel. Ref 53.ARC.0005 Appen- quires a system for control of nonconform-
and tangible evidence of implementation dix A #10. ing product. If yes, then follow the proce-
exists. In addition, a comprehensive round 14. Purchase orders/statements of work/ dures in SLP 53.ARC.0013 Control of Non-
of internal audits will begin in mid January contracts clearly identify the product or conforming Product, section 6.2, or use/
to identify any soft spots in time to correct services required. Ref 53.ARC.0006 para- create your own that complies with the
them. graph 6.1.3. general requirements in section 6.1 of that
Audit Preparation Checklist: 15. Contractor performance Data is col- SLP.
1. Personnel are aware of the Quality lected, reviewed by the appropriate Re- 29. Quality records are maintained of 1)
Policy and know how they contribute to sponsible Manager, and is maintained as a Nonconformance Report ARC 758 or equiva-
meeting it. Ref 53.ARC.0000 section 2. Quality Record by Procurement. Ref lent and 2) Quality System Request for
Quality Policy. 53.ARC.0006 paragraph 6.3.10. Deviation/Waiver ARC 762 or equivalent
2. Quality management review meet- 16. Customer supplied products (CSP) 30. Your staff is aware of the Corrective
ings (if required by Directorate Work In- are properly controlled and personnel know Action System and its use. Appropriate root
struction) are properly documented. Ac- what to do if products are lost or damaged. cause analysis is accomplished when pro-
tions from meetings are tracked through Any specific handling of CSP needs to be cessing Corrective Action Requests (CAR).
completion. Ref 53.ARC.0001 paragraph addressed in the Customer Agreements. Ref 53.ARC.00014 paragraph 6.1.1
6.3.4. Ref 53.ARC.0007 paragraph 6.2.1. and 6.2.6 31. Objective evidence (including Qual-
3. Organization charts are current, com- 17. If CSP is lost or damaged, a survey ity Records as required) for all your closed
plete, and readily available. The responsibil- report NF 598 is completed and maintained CARs is easily accessible to demonstrate
ity and authority of personnel who manage, as a Quality Record. Ref 53.ARC.0007 para- corrective actions were implemented and
perform and verify work affecting product graph 6.2.6. effective.
quality is documented in your procedures. 18. Work processes that directly affect 32. For organizations that interact with
Ref 53.ARC.0001 paragraph 6.3.2. product quality are sufficiently documented. Customers, procedures are in place to so-
4. Annual budgets are developed and Any special processes are identified and licit and evaluate Customer feedback of
available. Funding covers all aspects of carried out by qualified personnel. Ref delivered products. Corrective Action Re-
work that affects product quality (e.g., nec- 53.ARC.0000 Quality Manual paragraph ports are generated based on Customer
essary staffing, inspections, calibrations, …) 4.9. complaints. Ref 53.ARC.00014 paragraph
Ref 53.ARC.0001 paragraph 6.3.5. 19. Equipment maintenance program 6.1.1
5. Customer agreements are devel- procedures and/or critical equipment main- 33. Your organization has performed
oped, approved, and amended per SLPs tenance procedures that could directly af- some review/analysis of your processes to
53.ARC.0003 Acceptance and Amendment fect product quality are under document determine whether or not preventive ac-
of Customer Agreements, 53.ARC.0009.2 control. Ref 53.ARC.0000 Quality Manual tion is warranted to eliminate future prod-
Management and Performance of Research, paragraph 4.9.1. uct nonconformances. Ref 53.ARC.0014
or 53.ARC.0009.4 Program and Project 20. Research plans are developed per paragraph 6.1.2.
Management. 53.ARC.0009.2, and program/project plans 34. Materials used to produce deliver-
6. Customer Agreements are signed and are developed per 53.ARC.0009.4. able products are properly handled and
retained as Quality records. Ref 53.ARC.0003 21. Inspection and testing procedures stored to prevent damage or loss prior to
paragraph 6.3. exist that cover incoming materials, in- use. Ref 53.ARC.0015 paragraph 6.1. and
7. Design plans are written for software process checks and final release of your 6.2.
and hardware product developments and product. Ref 53.ARC.0010. 35. Labs/shops with special handling
updated as the project evolves. Ref 22. Quality records are maintained for requirements such as electrostatic discharge
53.ARC.0004.1 and 4.2. urgently needed materials released before (ESD) mitigation have complete procedures
8. Records of design review and design verification. Ref 53.ARC.0010 paragraph and are following them.
verification are treated as Quality Records. 6.2.1. 36. Quality records are identified in a
9. Personnel are aware of their responsi- 23. Quality records are maintained of Quality Records Matrix or other controlled
bility to use current procedures and work the final inspection/test of product prior to procedures. Ref 53.ARC.0016 paragraph
instructions by checking the Master List at release to the Customer, and these records 6.1. identify who authorized the release. Ref 37. Quality records and other objective
10. Procedures and work instructions 53.ARC.0010 paragraph 6.4.2. evidence are collected and filed as required
are shown correctly on the Master List. Ref 24. Systems are in place to identify the by your procedures. Make sure the records
53.ARC.0005 Appendix A status of inspected parts/products (tags, content is consistent with the description in
11. Your organization uses a docu- travelers, …). Ref 53.ARC.0012 the procedures. For example, meeting
mented procedure for controlling changes 25. Personnel are aware of and follow minutes must show that all required topics
to your procedures, work instructions and calibration requirements for equipment used continued on page 6

2 — The Ames Astrogram January 29, 1999

Center Briefs/InformationTechnology
Center Briefs NASA-SGI team builds first 256-
Garver named Associate
Administrator for Policy and Plans
processor parallel supercomputer
NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin
The world's first working 256-proces- puter program that enables the Steger
on Jan. 25 named Lori B. Garver as Associ- sor supercomputer is now being tested at supercomputer to solve the most complex
ate Administrator for NASA's Office of Policy Ames after the machine was built and computer problems attempted to date.
and Plans, effective immediately. Garver programmed by a NASA-Silicon Graphics, Ames computer scientists modified NASA
has served as acting Associate Administra- Inc. team. The computer is a collection of aeronautical computer code to take advan-
tor of the office since September 1998.
Garver will be responsible for agency- 256 individual microprocessors linked to- tage of the unique features of the Steger
wide policy requirements; oversight, coor- gether to make one huge supercomputer. Silicon Graphics machine.
dination, and direction for NASA's strategic With the new
planning and management system; and supercomputer, called
NASA's history program. In addition, Garver
will serve as Executive Secretary of the "Steger," NASA scientists will
NASA Advisory Council. attempt to work out the larg-
"Lori Garver has demonstrated both est aeronautical problems
the management skills and policy leader- that the agency has tried to
ship that this position demands. Her expe-
rience both inside and outside the agency solve by using calculations
has proven invaluable for this important ten times bigger than used
role, and I am pleased she has agreed to before. Steger is named af-
serve on a permanent basis," Goldin said. ter Joseph Steger, a deceased
NASA Ames computer sci-
NASA selects 125 innovative small
business projects entist.
NASA has selected 125 research pro- "Our new parallel
posals for negotiation of Phase 2 contract supercomputer has the po-
awards for NASA's Small Business Innova- tential to cut months from
tion Research (SBIR) Program. The selected
projects, which have a total value of ap- the design cycle of a new
proximately $73 million, will be conducted airplane," said Tom Lasinski,
by 113 small, high-technology firms lo- an Ames computer scientist.
cated in 26 states. "Steger also can make higher photo by Tom Trower
fidelity computer simula- Steger--Ames’ 256-processor supercomputer
NASA hurricane study reveals intrigu-
ing results tions of aircraft more cost-
NASA and other weather researchers effectively than other supercomputers." "Parallel computers have had great eco-
have gained intriguing new information "With our new parallel supercomputer, nomic promise in the past, but were hard to
about upper-level winds that drive hurri-
canes and the devastating impact of the
we can better predict how a future airplane program; programmers had to track where
storms as they collide with mountains. might fly even before we build it," Lasinski computer data would be stored in the
The research is from a seven-week study said. "We get a better vision of what the numerous separate processors," said Bill
conducted last summer during the third plane will do, because this supercomputer Feiereisen, the Ames manager responsible
Convection and Moisture Experiment allows us to use a finer grid. Having more for Steger. "But the Silicon Graphics design
(CAMEX-3) that involved NASA, the Na-
tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- grid points on a simulated airplane, is like keeps track of the data location for the
tration (NOAA) and several universities. using a fine-grained film to take pictures. programmer, making his job more like con-
This was a concentrated effort to gauge You can see a lot more, and you see it more ventional programming."
the strength of Atlantic hurricane winds clearly." The new parallel supercomputer is about
and rainfall.
"Users will get solutions to very com- 500 times faster than a 400-megahertz
Hubble technology benefits new sat- plex 100-million-point problems in eight home computer, and Steger has a thou-
ellite phone system hours instead of eight days," said Ames sand times more random access memory,
Computer software developed for computer scientist Mark Tangney. "Smaller or RAM, than a 64 megabyte Pentium
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope will soon
help operate a worldwide, satellite-based problems will be interactive." personal computer.
phone system called GlobalstarTM. This "Steger not only performs four times The parallel supercomputer project is a
software is a key feature of NASA Goddard better than our best conventional result of cooperation between Ames and
Space Flight Center's "Vision 2000," a for- supercomputer at Ames, but it does it at Silicon Graphics, Inc. In 1996, the com-
ward-looking effort to optimize the ground
system operations and control of the Hubble
one-fourth the cost," Lasinski said. "We've pany and Ames signed a memorandum of
Space Telescope. The "Vision 2000" soft- been trying to do parallel computing understanding that allowed them to begin
ware allows scientists and engineers to ac- since 1986 in a real commercial way, and to work closely together on the parallel
cess and display Hubble spacecraft and we've finally done it." supercomputer project.
ground-systems data through the Internet. Steger is a 256-node single system im-
Now, engineers can log on from home or BY JOHN BLUCK
other remote locations via their personal age Origin2000 supercomputer, the world's
computers. largest "shared memory" machine of its
This Hubble spinoff will provide type. The Steger supercomputer was as-
Globalstar, LP, San Jose, CA, with the tech- sembled by Silicon Graphics, Inc., Moun-
nology to aid in delivering voice, data, fax
and other telecommunications services to tain View, CA, using 256 computer proces-
users worldwide. sors. It is about as big as 20 refrigerators.
Ames developed the aeronautical com-

January 29, 1999 The Ames Astrogram — 3

Human Interest
A note of thanks from the Shaw family
Editor’s Note: Tianna and Ross Shaw Trey also has a condition known as Apert pneumonia - probably due to a cold virus
sent this update to the Astrogram to keep Syndrome. This is a genetic disorder char- he picked up at home. It looked like he was
the Ames community apprised of recent acterized by the premature fusion of the developing a pattern; after another three
developments with their son Trey. sutures (plates) of the skull and fusion of the and a half weeks, he came home again.
Trey was recently asked by a new doc- fingers and toes, or syndactily. Apert kids Unfortunately, this visit was a lot shorter.
tor, “What is it about you that makes people often also exhibit disorders in other organs After a week, he was admitted for another
like you so much?” While we don’t know including the brain, the heart and kidneys. pneumonia which required a short time on
the whole answer, the question certainly After Trey recovered somewhat from his a ventilator. At that point, it was decided
captures the essence of people’s reaction to lung disease, his VSD that he needed to
our son. Trey is a very happy and friendly (ventricle septal defect) stay in the hospital
person. Seldom does he lack a big smile for also called “hole in the until his heart was
someone or start talking (or flirting with the heart” became a major repaired. It took a
ladies) when someone stops to talk with concern. This combined while for him to get
him. He is very strong, and he lets you know well, grow and be
what he wants. He has had a pretty rough placed on the
life so far, but with each medical treatment surgeon’s schedule.
and procedure, he has responded better Finally, on October
than expected. He always manages to let 23, Trey had his
whoever is holding him know what he heart surgery. We
wants and needs. were very lucky that
Trey Kenneth Shaw was born on July 2, his cardiologist con-
Tianna holding Trey
1998. He joined big brothers Chris and vinced Dr. Hanley
Tyler. He is named for being the third son at UCSF to squeeze
and after Tianna’s doctor who spent so him in. Surgery went well and recovery
much time worrying about him over the even better. Mom and Dad were very
weekend of his birth. After a normal preg- nervous about his being sent home after
nancy, Trey entered the world via an emer- only five days. It seemed amazing after he
gency C-section. Mom had gone in for a had spent practically his whole life in the
normal check up about two weeks before hospital. But Trey was ready, he was the
his due date. The doctor determined that smiliest and talkingest I have ever seen him.
he was in the breech position and recom- Trey’s heart and lungs are in pretty good
mended turning him to make sure that he shape now. He just needs time for the tissue
would be in the proper position when it to grow over the patch and for new lung
was time to be born. tissue to grow.
Later that evening at El Camino Hospi- Trey Kenneth Shaw Today,Trey is happy and growing well
tal, Trey was easily turned, but he went into at home, but he still has a number of issues
fetal distress, his heart rate dropped and with which to deal. The immediate prob-
wouldn’t pick up even after being turned lems include getting him to eat by mouth
back. After the birth, some obvious abnor- with his lung problems meant that he had rather than through a feeding tube. He also
malities were noticed, but the immediate to work very hard to breathe because he has been undergoing physical therapy for a
problem was dealing with his lungs. Appar- was pumping about twice as much blood. torticolis (tilting and tightening one side of
ently, earlier he must have had another His heart is very strong. He should be in his neck) and to get him more on track
event that stressed him. His lungs were good shape when his big brothers want to physically to where a healthier baby his age
filled with meconium aspiration, the amount play ball. He had to be treated with several might be. Things are moving forward in
and depth of which meant that the event medications to deal with his heart condi- these areas. Trey still has a number of
happened much earlier than the turn or tion. He spent the next weeks in the Neo- rough years ahead. Once he gets to about
delivery. Characteristic of Trey, he recov- natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), burdened 10 kg, he will need to have two sutures in
ered; so this was unknown. If he had been with the difficult tasks of gaining weight his head opened. Also, at about 5-7 years,
born much later, he may not have made it. and learning to feed. he will need the faces (front plate) moved
As it turned out, he had to undergo the Trey was able to come home after three- forward. In addition, he will be undergoing
most extreme treatment for his lung dis- and-one-half weeks, but only for the same a number of surgeries, probably starting
ease, endocorporeal membrane oxygen- amount of time. Trey began having sei- very soon, for his syndactily.
ation or ECMO. Trey was transferred to the zures. He went back into the hospital for The family is extremely grateful for all
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at what looked like apnea. It took about five the support we have received from the
Stanford. Mom didn’t even get to see him days to determine that he was actually Ames community, especially in the areas of
for three days, and by then he was already experiencing what is called absence sei- leave donations as well as time and emo-
responding to treatment . He was removed zures. Since then, they have been con- tional support from so many.
from the ECMO machine on his fourth day trolled with medication, without incidents,
(typical run 4-7 days), and was off the even during his most difficult times. While
he was in the hospital, he also developed ROSS SHAW
ventilator the next day.

4 — The Ames Astrogram January 29, 1999

Outstanding Achievements
Ames’ contractor selected as elite Rhodes scholar
Karen Yoshiko Matsuoka, an employee She is bothered that art, literature, phi- project for San Francisco’s most-frequented
of Johnson Controls supporting the Earth losophy and religious studies are the kinds BART stations — juxtaposing the poetry of
Sciences division at Ames, was selected as a of subjects the general public perceives as T.S. Elliot with images of the commuter
Rhodes Scholar to attend Oxford culture.
University, England, beginning in “I wanted to explore all the ways we
the fall of this year. conceive of movement in our society, par-
The Rhodes Scholarship is a very ticularly social mobility and the idea that
competitive international study happiness comes from climbing the social
award. Matsuoka’s application was ladder,” she explained, “...I wanted to ask
endorsed by Stanford University, my fellow human beings to think about
and she seemed most modest about where we are going as a society...” This
being one of only 32 American project certainly must have made an im-
scholars (1 of 2 from California) pression on the Rhodes selection commit-
selected from an application field tee.
of about 1000 highly qualified ap- Matsuoka has been at Ames working as
plicants. a graphic designer for a year and a half. “I
Matsuoka will pursue a BA in will find it hard to leave...I love this job and
English Language and Literature at working here has been one of my proudest
Oxford, supplementing her previ- photo by Roger Brimmer accomplishments,” said Matsuoka. On the
ous training and degrees in phi- other hand, she believes that the fact that
losophy, religious studies and art. Karen Matsuoka standing by an Earth science she’s been away from academia and in the
satellite imagery poster.
Although Matsuoka cannot venture “real world” helped set her apart from
to guess what paths will be open to many of the applicants. Matsuoka plans to
her upon completion of the Oxford continue working at Ames until her depar-
degree, she is anxious to utilize her educa- the “exclusive domain of the elite few,” and ture for England in the fall.
tion to do something for society. she dreams of utilizing her Oxford experi- BY BETSY CARTER
“I want to spend my life being engaged ence to learn ways of breaking down these
with the world’s greatest thinkers (artists barriers, particularly through literature. In
and writers included among them), and in the area of art, she has a track record of
the dissemination of that learning to a larger delivering art and poetry to the masses.
audience,” Matsuoka said. Matsuoka recently designed a public art

Ames researcher wins prestigious

early-career award
On February 10, Azadeh Tabazadeh, a composition and climate. She is focusing troposphere, and the implications these
researcher with the Earth Science division at her research on the Earth’s stratosphere, a effects have on global climate change. The
Ames, will be awarded a region 15-50 kms PECASE Award provides Azadeh with five
Presidential Early Career above the Earth’s sur- years of funding, at about $120K per year,
Award for Scientists and face where the ozone to pursue her research.
Engineers (PECASE) at a layer is located. Spe- To be eligible for the PECASE Award, an
White House ceremony. cifically, she's investi- individual must be a U.S. citizen, national or
The PECASE is the high- gating how aerosols permanent resident and have no more than
est honor bestowed by turn into polar strato- 5 years career-track research experience
the U.S. Government on spheric clouds, which since completing postdoctoral research
outstanding scientists in turn play a crucial training or its equivalent. NASA selects its
and engineers who are role in the formation awardees based on exceptionally meritori-
beginning their indepen- of the Antarctic ozone ous proposals funded through the tradi-
dent careers. Awardees hole and the Arctic tional research grant process or the unsolic-
are selected annually ozone dent. Ozone ited proposal process. Selections are based
based upon the recom- depletion results in on the innovative and integrative character
mendations of 10 fed- more harmful UV ra- of proposed research in areas that will ben-
eral agencies that com- photo by Roger Brimmer diation at the planet's efit NASA's understanding of the Earth, the
prise the National Sci- surface, which has solar system and the universe, the human
Azadeh Tabazadeh
ence and Technology important implica- exploration and development of space, or
Council (NSTC). tions for life on Earth. the development of advanced aeronautics
Azadeh won the award for her research Azadeh is also investigating how changes in and space technologies.
investigating how aerosols, both natural aerosol composition and properties may BY LAURA LEWIS
and human-made, may impact the Earth's impact cloud coverage and chemistry in the

January 29, 1999 The Ames Astrogram — 5

Awards/ISO 9001
Lunar Prospector mission and team
members rake in awards
The resounding success of the Lunar Moon."
Prospector Mission, particularly the discov- The Lunar Prospector
ery of water ice, has been recognized in a principal investigator Alan
number of recent awards, honors and nomi- Binder, Director of the Lu-
nations. nar Research Institute in
Popular Science Magazine highlighted Gilroy, was presented the
the LP's water/ice discovery as one of one National Space Society's
hundred "Best of What's New" greatest "Space Pioneer of the Year"
achievements in science and technology for award.
1998. Scott Hubbard represented the Ames In addition, the Space
team at an awards ceremony in New York Frontier Foundation pre-
sented the
"From Vision
to Reality"
award to
Alan Binder.
The pres-
t i g i o u s
Space Act Scott Hubbard receiving Popular Science’s “Best of What’s
Award was New” award on behalf of the Lunar Prospector team.
presented to
the LP Web
site feature "Real-Time LP pector Mission.
Data Visualization." The in- Lockheed Martin Corporation's Tom
dividuals cited were Glenn Dougherty, received Public Broadcasting's
Deardorff, Ken Bollinger, NOVA award for leadership for his role as
Larry Kellogg, Bryan Green Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Lunar
Scott Hubbard accepts award on behalf of the Lunar and Ling-Jen Chiang. Prospector program manager.
Prospector Team The Northwest Mining Lockheed Martin also received a NOVA
Association presented to award for teamwork. Individuals cited were
Scott Hubbard, on behalf of Bob Garner, Dan Swanson, Kim Foster, Tim
City's Tavern on the Green. David Lawrence the LP project, the "Exploration Geophysi- Maloney and Tom Dougherty.
represented Los Alamos National Lab and cist of the Year," recognizing the contribu- The LP project has been nominated for
the Lunar Research Institute. tion made by the Lunar Prospector mission a number of additional awards to be an-
Sky and Telescope Magazine selects the through the use of geophysics. nounced in the near future, so stay tuned.
top science news stories of the year, and NASA Headquarter's "Top Ten Science Congratulations to all LP team members!
their list for 1998 is headed by "Ice on the Stories of 1998" included the Lunar Pros-

ISO 9001 - into the home stretch

continued from page 2

that were listed in the defining procedure Quality System procedures. Ref Ames has carefully developed and docu-
were discussed. 53.ARC.0018 paragraph 6.1.3. mented the policies and procedures that
38. Research organizations have com- 42. The Quality Records are maintained will support its operational objectives. In
plete files showing proposals, acceptance by the Responsible Manager: 1) Perfor- the past few months significant training
documentation, research results or summa- mance Plan (EPCS Form ARC 33), and 2) and auditing have been completed to en-
ries, and forms ARC 310 and NASA 1676. Other training records that are not in- sure understanding and implementation of
39. Training requirements for employ- cluded in the Employees Training History. those policies and procedures. Now we
ees are established using the Performance The Quality Records maintained by the need to focus on the above check list to
Plan (EPCS) and other customized spread- Human Resources Division are: 3) Position ensure Ames has a fully implemented qual-
sheets, forms, etc. as determined appropri- Description and 4) Employee Training His- ity management system, and can prove it.
ate by the responsible manager. Ref tory. Ref 53.ARC.0018 section 8.
53.ARC.0018 paragraph 6.1 43. Documented procedures are in place
40. Employee position descriptions are to denote the type of service required to
correct. Ref 53.ARC.0018 paragraph 6.1.1. support delivered products, if called out in
41. Personnel are made aware and Customer Agreements. Ref 53.ARC.0019
trained when changes are made to local paragraph 6.3.

6 — The Ames Astrogram January 29, 1999

Events & Classifieds
Calendar Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Meeting,
Wednesdays, 12 noon to 1 p.m., N-213/Rm. 204. POC:
Debbie Wood at ext. 4-0256.
Java Users Group, Feb. 10, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.,
Bldg. 258, Rm. 127. POC: Sharon Marcacci, ext. 4-1059;
Jetstream Toastmasters, Mondays, 12 noon to
Southbay FEW Chapter Meeting, Feb 2, 11:30 a.m. to Professional Administrative Council (PAC) Meeting,
1 p.m., N-269/Rm. 179. Guests welcome. POC: Jenny 1:00 p.m., Bldg. 241, Rm B1. POC: Christine Munroe at ext. Feb 11, 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Location TBD. POC:
Kahn at ext. 4-6987 or Karen Matsuoka at ext. 4-6184. 4-4695. Janette Rocha, ext. 4-3371.
Model HO/HOn3 Railroad Train Club at Moffett Ames Contractor Council Meeting, Feb 3, 11 a.m., Ames Sailing Club Meeting, Feb 11, 11:30 a.m. to 1
Field invites train buffs to visit and join the club in Bldg. N-200/Comm. Rm. POC: Greg Marshall at ext. 4-4673. p.m., N-262/Rm. 100. POC: Greg Sherwood, ext 4-0429.
126, across from the south end of Hanger One. The club is Web site:
in particular need of low voltage electricians and scenery Hispanic Advisory Committee for Employees, Feb 4,
builders & maintainers. Work nights are usually on Friday 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., N-239/Rm. 177. POC: Carlos Ames Multicultural Leadership Council Meeting,
nights from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Play time is Sunday Torrez at ext. 4-5797. Feb 17, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Galileo Rm/Ames Cafe. POC:
from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more info, call John Donovan at David Morse at ext. 4-4724 or Sheila Johnson at ext. 4-5054.
Environmental, Health & Safety Monthly Information
(408) 735-4954 (work) or (408) 281-2899 (home). NFFE Local 997 Union General Meeting, Feb 17,
Forum, Feb 4, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., Bldg. 19/Rm. 1078.
Ames Bowling League meets at Palo Alto Bowl every POC: Linda Vrabel at ext. 4-0924. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Bldg. 19/Rm. 2017. Guests
Tuesday at 6 p.m. The league is in need of substitute welcome. POC: Marianne Mosher at ext. 4-4055.
Ames African American Advisory Group Meeting,
bowlers. POC: Mina Cappuccio at ext. 4-1313.
Feb 4, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., N-241/Rm. 237. POC: Mary Ames Asian American Pacific Islander Advisory Group
Ames Ballroom Dance Club, Beginning and Buford Howard at ext. 4-5095. Meeting, Feb 18, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., N-241/Rm. B2.
Intermediate East Coast Swing, Tuesdays from 5:15 p.m. to POC: Daryl Wong at ext. 4-6889 or Brett Vu at ext. 4-0911.
Nat’l Association of Retired Federal Employees, S.J.
6:30 p.m. Moffet Training and Conference Center, Bldg. 3
Chapter #50, Meeting, Feb 5, at the Elk’s Club, 44 W. Alma Ames Amateur Radio Club, Feb 18, 12 noon,
in the Showroom. POC: Deb Narasaki at email:
Avenue, San Jose. Social hour: 10:30 a.m. Prog. & bus. mtg. N-260/Conf. Rm. POC: Mike Herrick, K6EAA at ext. 4-5477. New ABDC website: http://
follow lunch at 11:30 a.m. POCs: Mr. Rod Peery, Pres., (650) Native American Advisory Committee Meeting,
967-9418 or NARFE 1-800-627-3394.
Feb 23, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Ames Café. POC: Mike Liu at
ext. 4-1132.

Ames Classifieds
Ads for the next issue should be sent to
2bd/1ba condo for sale, fireplace,924 sq.ft end
lowerlevel w/patio in 8-plexed one story bldg. Built 1985.
Beautiful w/trees/shrubs/pool and club house. Shopping
'84 Corvette, black, 4 speed, 90K mls, great by the Monday follow- areas nearby. S. San Jose Makati Circle near IBM. One condition, garaged. $8,800. Call (650) 969-0420.
ing publication of the present issue and must be block to H101 and 85. Chuck Hanna (408) 927-7112 '87 Honda Prelude Si 5SP white ext/grey & black int.,
resubmitted for each issue. Ads must involve personal (selling for retiree Georgia Crenshaw.) PW, PS, PB, moonroof/sunroof, CD, runs and looks great.
needs or items; no commercial/third-party ads and will $4,200. Julie (510) 770-1251or
run on space-available basis only. First-time ads are Miscellaneous
’88 Nissan Sentra 4-door hatchback. Well maintained,
given priority. Ads must include home phone num- RAM: Four 16M, 60nS, 72pin SIMMs (total = new tires, A/C, luggage rack, 5spd, excellent gas mileage,
bers; however, Ames extensions will be accepted for 64Mbytes), $45. Call (408) 295-2160 just smogged and registered, 110K mls. $2,800 or B/O.
carpool and lost and found ads only. Yamaha Clavanova model CVP-10PE; exc cond.; full Call (650) 964-8201.
size keyboard; polished ebony; digital reverb. unit; MIDI; '88 Mazda RX-7 Convertible. Leather, BBS wheels,
Housing RAM music books, bench and much more. Call Dave at factory CD player, service records. Excellent condition.
(510) 471-3466 or e-mail at (650) 966-1206 nights or (831) 648-1423 weekends.
Room available Feb. 1 in 3bd/2ba house in Mt
View, 6 blocks from Castro. Rent $735/mo + 1/3 IMATION LS-120 Superdisk 120MB parallel port '92 Colt, great commute/teen car (30+MPG), mech.
expenses. Close to Ames, H101/85/237. Share home w/ external disk drive; new, unopened box with two sound, very responsive pwr. & handling, plus extras (4
two prof. males, both 40+, and one small dog. Nice, additional 120MB disks. $110. Chris (650) 968-5465 or spkr. stereo cas., racks, side molding) new clutch & 5 spd.
safe location. Separate large office room for computers. email at: trans. gd. cond., must sell, $2,995. Tony (831) 338-4551.
Prefer quiet, neat prof. person. Call (650) 969-5581or e- Wood burning fireplace insert--Fisher brand; glass
mail at: doors; ex. cond. Cost $800, make offer; Sears router w/ Vacation rental
Prof. female, w/cat, seeks to share townhouse in router table; bits & carrying case; used twice, ex. cond. Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3bd/2ba, View
Moffett/Middlefield area of Mt View. Must be clean, $100 or B/O; fax/modem--external 33.6 KbpsTelePort of slopes, close to lifts. Wkend $400, midwk $150 night.
responsible N/S. Townhouse has master bd/ba w/priv model by Global Village for Mac; Internet ed; power Includes linens, firewd, cleaning service. Call (650) 968-
patio; W/D; storage; rose garden; safe, quiet supply, serial cable & phone line included, used 2 mos, 4155,or email:
neighborhood. $650 + 1/2 util. Call (650) 969-7009. like new in box. $75 or B/O. Dave (510) 471-3466 or
e-mail at: Carpool
Sunnyvale (Homestead/Hollenbeck) - Two bdrm Need ride home from NASA to San Mateo. I leave at
apartment in 4-Plex, Avail. 2/15 (poss. early move-in); External fax/modem, U.S. Robotics Sportster 33.6 4:30 p.m. I pay three dollars a ride. You get to use the
New carpet/paint/appliances; 1-block to shopping, 15 Kbps, upgradable to X2 standard (56Kbps). Never been commute lane if you car pool. My name is Maria Triarsi,
min. from Ames, $1,220 mo + dep. Call (408) 738-1447. used. $45. Gene (408) 245-8789. located at Bldg 262, ext. 4-4394.
Furnished room for rent in Los Gatos: $750. Tent, 6-person, outside frame, exc. cond, spacious,
Responsible professional (N/S, no drugs/drinking, healthy w/3 screen windows & door/front entry canopy & canvas Lost & Found
lifestyle) for nicely furnished townhouse on a hill, security ground tarp, $75. Will deliver Call (707) 546-0898 or Moffett Field Lost and Found may be reached via ext.
gate, pools, tennis courts. Own bath, laundry and email at: 4-5416 at any time. Residents and employees at Ames
kitchen priviliges, garage. Room has twin bed, chest of may also use Internet browser at:
Free to good home. Black, female, corgi-cocker codejp/pages/lostFound.html to view a list of found
drawers, computer table, desk, phone hookup, cable. spaniel mix. Spayed, current shots, house trained, about
Valerie (408) 379-7000 days or (408) 374-1046 eves. property and obtain specific instructions for reporting lost
9 years old. Sandy (408) 927-7586. or found property and how to recover found property.
For rent: 4 Plex, Southwest Mtn. View (near El Wanted: Softride road bike @ 50cm. Call (408) 390- You may also contact Moffett Field Security Police
Camino & Hwy 85) 2bd/1ba. Bright upstairs unit. AEK. 0427. Investigations Section at ext. 4-1359 or email at:
Enclosed garage & second parking space. Priv. storage
closet. Central laundry rm. No pets. No smoking. One Iomega zip drive--external. SCSI w/parallel port
year lease: $1,200/mo; $1,300 dep. Call (650) 948-7542. adaptor card for use w/either Mac or PC. All original
documentation, software and cables as well as Astrogram deadlines
Room for rent. Share 4bd/2ba home in N. San Jose powerbook adaptor and padded nylon case. $300 value All Ames employees are invited to sub-
Berryessa area. 12 mls. to Ames. Respons. NS Pref. for $100. Call (408) 390-0427.
$450/mo + utils. Avail. Feb 1. Kevin (408) 259-7684. mit articles relating to Ames projects and
Stereo System, 480 watt Kenwood receiver, 5 cd activities for publication in the Astrogram.
Wanted: Clean, 1 bd/1ba apartment in/near Mt changer, and equalizer. 3-way speakers (2) with 12"
View for a Mon-Fri commuter. Mike (650) 404-4861. woofers + 60 watt powered subwoofer. 5 months old &
When submitting stories or ads for publi-
Roommate wanted (male preferred) to share 2bd/2 barely used. $700 or B/O. Call (408) 257-3175. cation, submit your material, along with
ba condo in South Fremont (near Milpitas, H237, 680, ‘89-’98 Holiday Barbies (all caucasian) NRFB. ‘89 &
any questions, in MS word by e-mail to
880). W/D, D/W, large deck, vaulted ceilings, ‘90 in gd cond all other in exc cond. $1,000 for all or: on or be-
completely furnished (except for the bdrm--plan to rent ‘89/225, ‘90/195, ‘91/240, ‘92/170, ‘93/150, ‘94/175, fore the deadline.
out), gated complex w/pool and jacuzzi. $500/mo + ‘95/80, ‘96/60, ‘97/100, ‘98/40. Call (510) 785-7223.
utils. Julie (510) 770-1251 (hm) or macgirl@mac- DEADLINE PUBLICATION Kevin (408) 259-7684. Lv msg. Snowboard boots, men's size 9. Virtually new. MON, FEB 1 FRI, FEB 12
"Custom" brand. $50,firm. Call (650) 941-3396 or email
Santa Clara duplex, 2bd/1ba, backyard, 1 car ga, at: MON, FEB 15 FRI, FEB 26
laundry rm, storage rm. Available Mar 1. $1,400. Call MON, MAR 1 FRI, MAR 12
(650) 814-8666. Sony 19 in. TV; Sony Dolby ProLogic receiver. Orig.
remotes, docs. $125 pkg./$75 ea. Jeff (650) 324-1967.

January 29, 1999 The Ames Astrogram — 7

Black History Month
African American heritage month luncheon
to be held February 10
Dr. Marquita L. Byrd, Professor of Com- prehension. She teaches courses in Inter- of Intellects and was recognized for her
munications at San Jose State University, personal Communication, Multicultural work for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by
will be the keynote speaker at the center’s and Intercultural Communication, Critical Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Whiteman Air
annual African American Heritage Force Base, MO.
Month Luncheon on February 10, Dr. Byrd received her Ph.D. from the
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Grand University of Missouri at Columbia, her
Ballroom of the Moffett Training and Master of Arts from Southern Illinois Uni-
Conference Center, Bldg. 3. For ticket versity at Edwardsville and a Bachelor of
information, contact Patricia Powell at Science at Central Missouri State Univer-
ext. 4-6988. sity. Her areas of study included speech,
Dr. Byrd is a faculty member at San communication, drama, English and edu-
Jose State University in the Communi- cation. Dr. Byrd is President and chieft
cation Studies department. In January executive officer of MockingByrd Commu-
1998, Professor Byrd published her nication Services, a diversity training com-
second book, “Multicultural Commu- pany which prepares professionals to bring
nication and Popular Culture: Racial clarity and vision to organizations through
and Ethnic Images in Popular Cul- diversity-focused lectures, seminars, work-
ture.” The text was published by shops and training sessions. In addition to
McGraw-Hill. In her book, Dr. Byrd Dr. Marquita L. Byrd being a teacher and writer, Dr. Byrd is also
helps students become critical view- studying to become an ordained minister.
ers of screen images by helping stu- She resides in San Jose.
dents to become aware of stereotypes of Thinking, Public Speaking and Interview- BY MARY BUFORD HOWARD
African, Asian, European, Hispanic and Na- ing. She designed the course, “Intercul-
tive American characters. The theoretical tural Communication,” as presented in
work in the book was applied to the four Star Trek for her department.
Star Trek series: Star Trek the Original, The Dr. Byrd has received numerous awards.
Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and In the spring of 1998, she was listed in the
Voyager. Her first book, “Intracultural Com- Who’s Who of America’s Teachers. She has The Ames ASTROGRAM is an official
munication,” focused on communication been honored as an Unsung Heroine by the publication of the Ames Research Center,
and diversity in the United States. Women’s Resource Center at San Jose State National Aeronautics and Space
Dr. Byrd has also published several ar- University. In the fall of 1998, Dr. Byrd was Administration.
ticles and convention papers on a wide recognized by the African Methodist Epis-
range of topics including male identity, copal Church (A.M.E.) for her work in Chris- Managing Editor.........David Morse
Asian stereotypes and communication ap- tian Education. She is listed in Who’s Who Editor..........................Astrid Terlep

National Aeronautics and Permit No. G-27
Space Administration

Ames Research Center

Moffett Field, California 94035-1000

Official Business
Penalty for Private Use, $300

Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.

8 — The Ames Astrogram January 29, 1999

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