Answer All Questions. Circle The Correct Answers (10 %) : Name: . Score

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Name : . Objective Questions Answer all questions.

Circle the correct answers (10 %) 1 All of the following are living things except A B C 2 rocks animals human beings

Score :

The picture above shows a group of living things. What are they? A B C 3 Plants Animals Human beings

What is not a characteristic of living things? A B C They can eat and drink They can move quickly or slowly They do not grow

All of the following are different types of food except A B C food that give us energy food that helps us to grow food that is tasty

Which of these foods is unhealthy? A B C

Why do we need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables? A B C To grow bigger and taller To enable us to do work So that we do not fall sick easily Page 1

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

Different kinds of food are shown below. Which food gives us energy? A and

B and

C and

As we grow, our arms and legs become _____________. A B C shorter longer lighter

The animal in the cage above died after a few days although it was given some plants to eat and water to drink. Why? A B C 10 The tiger died of loneliness because it was alone in the cage. The tiger died of hunger because it eats other animals and not plants. Nobody knows why the tiger died.

As a plant grows, its leaves _______________. A B C become less become more will drop

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

Page 2

Subjective Questions Answer all the questions. A. Put the things in groups ( 8 %) Letak benda-benda dalam kumpulannya.

Farmer Pekebun

Bird Burung Guitar Gitar

Table Meja Fern Paku-pakis Coconut Tree Pokok Kelapa Pekebun

Baby Bayi

Crocodile Buaya

Humans Manusia

Plants Tumbuhan

Animals Haiwan

Non Living Things Benda bukan hidup

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

Page 3

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (4 marks) Isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang betul alive hidup move bergerak die mati food makanan

1. Living things can . by themselves. Benda hidup dapat . sendiri 2. Animals need . and water to stay alive. Haiwan perlu .. dan air untuk terus hidup. 3. Non living things are things that are not .. Benda bukan hidup ialah benda yang tidak .. 4. Without food and water, living things will .. Tanpa makanan dan minuman, benda hidup akan ..

C. Colour the food that can gives us energy. (6 marks) Warnakan makanan yang dapat membekalkan tenaga kepada kita.

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

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D. Put the animals into the correct groups. (12 marks) Letak haiwan ke dalam kumpulan yang betul

Eat plants only

Eats other animals only

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

Page 5

E. Study the picture, then answer the questions. (10 marks) Kaji gambar berikut, kemudian jawap soalan yang berkaitan.

1. The picture shows that a plant can . Gambar di atas menunjukkan tumbuhan akan 2. When the plant grows, it becomes bigger and Apabila tumbuhan membesar, ia akan menjadi semakin besar dan .. 3. The plant will have more . Tumbuhan akan mempunyai semakin banyak . 4. The plant need ., air and .. to grow. Tumbuhan memerlukan . udara dan untuk membesar.

F. Tick (

) the correct answers. (4 marks) ) pada jawapan yang betul

Tandakan (

1. Which object is longer ? Objek manakah yang lebih panjang ?

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

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2. Which plant is taller ? Tumbuhan manakah yang lebih tinggi ?

G. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers (6 marks) Isi tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.


The calculator is . paper clips long Panjang Kalkulator ini ialah . klip kertas


The saw is . straws long Panjang Gergaji ini ialah . penyedut minuman.


The Saw is than the calculator. Gergaji daripada mesin pengira

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

Page 7

4. Study the picture below, then answer the questions. (10 marks) Kaji gambar di bawah, kemudian jawab soalan yang berikut.


is taller than Siti. adalah lebih tinggi daripada Siti. Mei Ling is shorter than . and .. Mei Ling adalah lebih pendek daripada dan Ahmad is the .. Ahmad adalah yang Mei Ling is the . Mei Ling adalah yang ..




5. Study the picture below, then answer the questions. (2 marks) Kaji gambar di bawah, kemudian jawab doalan yang berikut.

Which object is longest than the key ? Objek manakah yang lebih panjang daripada kunci ?

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

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H. Circle and colour the items which need batteries to function. (10 marks) Bulat dan warnakan benda yang memerlukan battery untuk berfungsi.

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

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I. Fill in the blank with the parts of the battery (4 marks) Isi tempat kosong berkaitan bahagian bateri.

. terminal

... terminal

J. Draw a wire to complete the circuits (8 marks) Lukis wayar untuk melengkapkan litar.

Science Year 2 [Mid Year Test] SK Jalan Deshon_May2010

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K. Colour the bulbs that will light up (6 marks) Warnakan bulb yang akan menyala

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