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The Lost Boys Gaming Club

Present Part 2 of the Arminius trilogy

The Fall of Arminius 2012

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Why should I come?

This is a one day 2000 point clash between armies challenging you for control of the unusual Forge World of Arminius which you recently conquered in a most bloody manner. From its hive cities to its wide Jungle plateaus this world is no typical Forge World. To control it a General must be prepared for all manner of different terrain - clearly some places are more dangerous than others! Rich and highly prosperous Arminius is, however, a beacon of Mechanicus technology and, as you have discovered, the home of a large and highly secretive archaeotech research facility. The well guarded vaults and catacombs of this most important facility contain many myriad of treasures and ancient historical artefacts of such importance that many would be willing to push their own forces to the very limit just in order to glean even the smallest portion of knowledge that they might possess. Recent intercepted communicae has added fuel to this considerable fire. Talk of the imfamous Tears of the Emperor has once again been heard. Your spy network has informed you that they are tracking no less than seven separate disturbances in the warp all with vectors directed towards Arminius. This can mean only one thing Invasion! Throughout the day you play in three missions against opponents who are determined to wrest control of the fallen Forge World from you. Each game will present the player with a primary and a secondary objective to complete each equally valid in ensuring ultimate success or failure. Those capable of completing the secondary task will earn even greater rewards for themselves. Are you ready? Can you retain control over this vital location? Are you strong enough to resist all who oppose you? If you feel able read on to find out more.

Sounds great, where is it and how much does it cost to be a part of the action?
The tournament is to be held at Ainsdale Methodist Church Hall, Merseyside PR8 3NQ, on Saturday 3rd March 2012.

The entry fee is 16 per person and this includes a buffet lunch.


How do I take up my place?

To enter the tournament you'll need to e-mail the following information to: 1. Full Name 2. E-mail address 3. Telephone/mobile contact details If you are combining payments for yourself and others please note that you must submit the full name and full contact details for each person attending. Failure to do this will result in those players without contact details not having a place reserved.

Send 16 via PayPal to: Roy Finch-Spencer: Once all this information has been received and full payment confirmed your place will be assured. Please note that refunds will not be given.

Are there any bonuses for attending?

Yes absolutely! As a player in our tournament you are entitled to a further discount on any item from the Marauder Games stock list as they are sponsoring the event. They have a great range of items from GW and already discount them by 20% but tournament players can claim an extra discount above even this! Discount instructions will be emailed to players once tournament payment has been confirmed.

I love the narrative element to the tournament. Is there any more?

Yes! On receipt of payment and full contact details tournament players will also be given a secret password which will give them access to additional data files concerning the planet and further narrative elements. As the tournament gets closer more elements will become unlocked for players to see but please remember access is strictly limited to tournament players only dont let anyone see it as youve paid for it, they havent! Furthermore please note all elements are considered the intellectual property of the author and is therefore copyright material no copying it for your own uses! A separate thread has been established on The Lost Boys Gaming Club forum and all items will be placed here.

This all sounds fantastic, but what are the spoils for me as a player at the tournament?
Supreme High Commander To the General commanding the most successful army on the day i.e. the person to win 1st place overall, a glorious trophy and substantial Marauder games voucher prize befitting your supreme status will be awarded.

High Commanders For those Generals ranking in 2nd and 3rd place a trophy of appropriate grandeur will also be awarded. You will also receive a suitable voucher prize to spend through the Marauder games website on items of your choice.

Artisan extraordinaire The General to preside over the most beautifully painted army will also receive a most prestigious trophy.

How will the day be organised?

08:45am Arrive and register 09:15am Round 1 begins 11:45pm Round 1 ends and we break for lunch 12.30pm Round 2 begins 15.00pm Round 2 ends 15.15pm Round 3 begins 17.45pm Round 3 ends 18.00pm Awards presented and then time to leave and head home.


What rules must I abide by?

Firstly, you must be prepared to adhere to the English version of the Games Workshop Warhammer 40k 5th edition rulebook including any and all official FAQs from the main GW website. Unless otherwise noted, only the main lists from the Warhammer 40,000 Codexs (English version) may be used. The latest edition of the GW codex FAQ will be used, any FAQ issued during the tournament by Games Workshop will not be included. Secondly, you must be prepared to accept that the referees are always right. They have been empowered to make clear and unambiguous decisions when it comes to any issue that requires player co-operation so that there are minimal disruptions to the games. Thirdly, we insist on the highest standards of behaviour at all times. This applies to the event staff, to each other and towards anyone else entering the building. Players are advised that from the moment of entry into the event the decisions of the referees regarding the fair adjudication of the event rules, and in all issues of Health and Safety are final. No discussions will be entered into once a decision is made. This applies to rules adjudications, the scores applied for any category of the event and any issues that require the co-operation of the competitors. Once the Event results are published, we cannot alter them in any way.

What can I bring?

As well as the list below, in the instance of a new army book being released or updated, it will only be valid for use providing it has been on sale for one full calendar month prior to the event as an individual item. As always should you be in any doubt about what you can or cannot take feel free to contact us through our website or forum. The following armies may be used: Codex: Black Templars Codex: Blood Angels Codex: Chaos Daemons Codex: Chaos Space Marines Codex: Dark Angels Codex: Dark Eldar Codex: Eldar Codex: Imperial Guard Codex: Necrons Codex: Orks Codex: Sisters of Battle (as published in White Dwarf 2011) Codex: Space Marines Codex: Space Wolves

Codex: Tau Empire Codex: Tyranids Codex: Grey Knights For this tournament the following items are not to be used: Units, vehicles, characters or equipment contained in forge world supplements Units, vehicles and characters contained in apocalypse supplements Units, vehicles, and characters that require an opponents permission to be used

What must I bring?

Anything that you require to play, specifically: Your painted and based 2,000 point Army At least two legible copies of your Army Roster that adheres to the force organisation charts This rules pack Pen and paper Dice, Tape Measure and Templates At least three objective markers Glue for repairs Warhammer 40,000 5th Edition Rulebook and any FAQs Your Army Codex and any FAQs that relate to it. Dont forget: A copy of your army list must be received by the tournament team no later than midnight on Sunday 26th February 2012. Failure to have sent in a correct list by this date will result in a penalty youll lose some tournament points! How much is entirely at the discretion of the referees. You have been warned!

What models can I use?

Clearly all models produced by GW are allowed. This includes any models from Forge World as long as they clearly represent a codex unit. Converted models are allowed as long as they are WYSIWYG and modelled on the correct size of base. Models which have been inappropriately modelled with the sole intent to gain an advantage will be removed at the discretion of the tournament referees. If a converted model is of a varying size to the official model then the rough height/size of the official model may be used for LoS purposes. If you are in any way unsure please contact us before the competition.


What counts as painted?

All models must be painted to the 3 colour minimum standard and fully based. Unpainted bases are not appropriate. If you cannot meet this minimum standard be prepared to be docked some tournament points!

How does the scoring system work?

Primary objective (30 points) The player that wins the primary objective scores 30 points. If the primary objective is a draw both players score 10 points. The losing player scores 1 point.

Secondary objective (2 or 4 points) Any player to complete their allotted secondary objective scores an additional 2 or 4 points. This value depends upon to what degree you complete the secondary objective as explained later.

Victory points These are calculated as per the rules set out within the 5th edition rulebook.

How do I know who wins?

The player at the end of the tournament with the most points will be the winner. In the event of a draw the player scoring the most victory points will be deemed the overall winner.

Right, down to the big stuff! What missions will I face?

Mission 1 The inconceivable has happened. Despite our meticulous planning and total domination of this planet for the last two lunar cycles it appears something has gone

wrong. All communication with sector 4 south of the Artanga peninsula is being blocked. Electromagnetic interference is interfering with our ability to contact our ground forces throughout the entire sector. Central command believes hostile forces have landed under cover of the recent warp storm to break above the planet. This is totally unacceptable and those deemed to have failed in their duties will be severely dealt with. However, this is of secondary importance and this anomaly must be rectified. You are tasked with resolving this minor issue. Mobilise your forces and make a pre-emptive strike into the area whilst these intruders are still at their most vulnerable. Take control of their forward operating base and re-assert our control over the central command facility controlling the shield generators for this sector. Furthermore, we feel an example needs to be set so as to ensure no-one dares try such an action again. Return with the severed head of the upstart commanding this force and we shall be pleased.

Set up: Spearhead Primary Objective: Capture and control 3 objectives. One placed centrally in the middle of the board worth two objectives, and a further two worth one each placed in the deployment zone. Secondary Objective: Assassination 2 points kill the highest ranking HQ unit by shooting 4 points kill the highest ranking HQ unit in close combat What counts as the highest ranking HQ unit: A HQ unit is defined as a model or unit that takes up a HQ force organisation slot and costs the most points. If your army contains two equal point value choices then you must nominate one before the game begins and ensure your opponent is aware of which model/unit it is.

Mission 2 Despite our insistence you have failed in your duty to rid the planet of this invading force. They have now consolidated their position and we are aware they are attempting to land further support units within sector two. We are mobilising additional forces to counter this new threat and your replacement has already been informed of your failures. They will assume command momentarily and your judgement will be swift. The manner in which they remove you from command depends sorely on how you complete this next vital mission. There are five key locations within this sector where forces could land and launch immediate strikes to further destabilise our ground units. Any such landing would be potentially disastrous for our control of the area and would severely weaken our hold

on the entire planet. These locations must be secured at all costs. Move quickly to control them and deny their use to those who oppose us. The longer you can maintain control over these positions the better. We are aware that any delay will cause them significant logistical problems and this is highly advantageous for our redeployment to counter their advances. You are tasked with maintaining control over them for as long as tactically possible.

Set up: Pitched battle Primary Objective: Seize ground 5 objectives. All objectives must be placed in open ground. Only one may be placed in each players own deployment zone. Secondary Objective: Take and Hold At the end of each game turn (i.e. each player gets their respective player turn) assess who has any unit/model holding an objective. Immobilised vehicles, pinned or gone to ground units do count as holding an objective for this secondary mission. To hold an objective you must be within three inches of it with no enemy forces this close. In this instance you claim 1 T&H point. Contested objectives gain you no T&H points. Keep a log of your T&H points and score as follows at the end of the game. 2 points you have collected three T&H points 4 points The difference in T&H points between you and your opponent is five or more in your favour.

Mission 3 Yet again you fail us! You live only due to the total destruction of those sent to replace you. The loss of this additional sector has resulted in significant losses. This force is knowledgeable in the extreme and their ability to activate and control the monuments in sector two is proving our undoing. Planetary quakes have intensified in the last three weeks and it appears the warp storm has intensified as a result of this. Daylight is now in short supply. Emergency planetary retreat has been enacted. Our transportation fleets need time to evacuate our remaining forces and remove the valuable archaeotech discovered in sector one. The removal of these objects is vital if we are to ever re-take this planet and complete our work. You and you alone are now our final remaining operational fighting force on this planet. Use this opportunity to weaken those who oppose us as much as you can. A weaker force will be all the more easily conquered when we return. This is also your

last chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of command. Capture as many prisoners as possible so we have some sport whilst we rebuild our forces off planet. Target practice and combat training are far more effective with live opponents!

Set up: Dawn of War Primary Objective: Annihilation Secondary Objective: Prisoners Destroy as many units as you can in close combat. Each time you destroy a troop unit you are effectively capturing them for mission objectives purposes. If you destroy a vehicle it is assumed that your forces have taken crew members prisoner. 2 points Completely destroy 2 enemy units in close combat (Vehicles count as destroyed if they suffer either destroyed result) 4 points Completely destroy all enemy troop units in close combat

Tell me about the best painted competition.

All armies playing on the day will be automatically entered into the best painted competition. However, only armies painted by you can win best painted. Therefore on arrival all players should inform the tournament organisers whether their army qualifies for entry into the best painted. Throughout the morning referees and Lost Boys Gaming Club officials will examine all armies in play and select their 3 front runners. These three armies will then be placed on show for all players to examine during the lunch break. At this time all players are free to nominate their favourite army. The army with the most votes will be considered the winner.

Who will I be playing?

In each round you will play one of the preset missions. After each round you will play against a different opposing player. In the first round, you will be matched randomly against an opposing player. After that, in each round the two players in 1st and 2nd place will play each other, the players in 3rd and 4th place will play each other; the players in 5th and 6th place will play each other, and so on. If you have already played an opponent in a previous round, you can ask a referee to swap your opponent with a neighbouring one. This usually means moving you either up or down the tables to swap you around it isnt THAT critical as to exactly which table youre on, as long as you play a relatively well-matched opposing player. The only exception to this is that in the final round, when you may not swap opponents as
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it will affect the final rankings. Once your opponent has been determined, you will be assigned a table. Each game will be played on a 6' by 4' table. Please try to keep the playing area clear of excess clutter. Each table will be a pre-designed battlefield with fixed scenery. Set-up, game length and victory conditions are described in the above; Terrain will be set up on each table before the competition begins. We ask that you leave this in its original place so that the same table set up can be used for the next game. If you have to move the terrain then please try to place it back in roughly the same position. If at any time you think your opponent is cheating, question them about it. However, continuous purposeful breaches of the rules, and poor sportsmanship all round, is not acceptable. We are all here to play toy soldiers, and have a good time. Report this behaviour to one of the referees who will deal with it accordingly.

What about my dinner? I will get very hungry!

Dont worry. Lunch is provided on the day but if you are still hungry or thirsty during the day a tuck shop full of soft drinks, bottled water and yummy goodies will be open throughout the tournament. Everything is priced at the low rate of 60p per item.

What if I need to check something?

If you have any queries or questions please contact us through our website: Look for the link to the forum to find the specific tournament thread. Or send us an e-mail: We check this every day so can quickly respond to any query you have.

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The Lost Boys Punisher cannon

Warhammer 40,000 This tournament is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos devices, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either , TM and/or Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

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Name: Number: Opponents name: Opponents number: Opponents VP: Your VP:





Secondary Mission

Name: Number: Opponents name: Opponents number: Opponents VP: Your VP:





Secondary Mission

Name: Number: Opponents name: Opponents number: Opponents VP: Your VP:





Secondary Mission

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