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ID: 1836 Author: kevin8084 Date: 2006-10-08 17:21:52 Title: Genetic Algorithm Description: Simple example of Genetic Algorithm

; ****************************************************************************** ******************** ; Critters by Kevin Lee Legge ( ; ****************************************************************************** ******************** ; ; This program is an experiment in genetic algorithms that attempts to combine r andom chromosomes ; to create a perfect artificial life with these requirements: ; For Male: ; 1. The red color must be 255 ; 2. The blue and green colors must be 0 ; 3. The sex must be 0 ; ; For Female: ; 1. The red and blue colors must be 0 ; 2. The green color must be 255 ; 3. the sex must be 255 ; ; If the above requirements are met (either for male or female) then the solutio n is found. ; ; Description of chromosome used ; ; 0000 0000 0000 0000 ; ; This is a 16-bit chromosome divided into 4-bit segments. Each 4-bit segment is a gene. ; The first segment is the red color segment ; The second segment is the green color segment ; The third segment is the blue color segment ; The fourth segment is the sex segment ; ; Quick primer on binary numbers: ; The name "binary" comes from the fact that this is a base-2 number system. Tha t is, there are ; only two numbers used in it. In this case, those two numbers are 1 and 0 ; Binary numbers are read from the right to the left - the right being the lowes t and the left ; the highest. ; The numbers below represent an 8-bit binary system. Each of the numbers are po wers-of-2 ; That is: 2^0=1 2^1=2 2^2=4 2^3=8 2^4=16 2^5=32 2^6=64 2^7=128 ; ; 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ; ; The highest number that can be stored in an 8-bit number is 255. Why? ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 = 255 ; 128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1 = 255 ; ; If you have the binary number 01100101 can you figure out the decimal equivale nt? ; ; 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

; 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 = 64+32+4+1 = 101 (that's one hundred one) ; ; The binary number 10110000 = ? ; ; 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 ; 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 = 128+32+16 = 176 ; ; ************************************** ; Genetic Algorithm Theory in a nutshell ; ************************************** ; ; First, let's start with a short story ; ; A long time ago there were creatures that looked like whales but lived on the land. They were happy ; creatures for thousands of years but then they noticed that food was getting a bit scarce. Well, ; that was ALMOST true. Food was still plentiful in the oceans. This didn't do t he land whales any ; good, though, because they were afraid of the water. One day a baby land whale was born that rather ; ENJOYED the water. The baby, Billy, could only wade out a little way and splas h happily while the ; other land whales all looked on and shook their heads. When the baby grew up, he met a nice female ; land whale, Suzie, who didn't mind his odd liking of the water. Time passed an d the couple had a ; cute, little baby, Joey. What was THIS? The new baby land whale ALSO liked the water. Though the ; land whales didn't know it, the first land whale to like the water, Billy, did so because of a ; mutated gene. This mutation was then passed on to his baby. Well, in another v illage there was ; another baby land whale, Cindy, who had longer fingers and broader hands than any other land whales. ; These would make swimming very easy if this land whale liked the water. Cindy did not, however. ; Well, more time passed and one day Cindy and Joey met and fell in love. One th ing led to another ; and before you knew it, they had a brand new addition to the family - Oscar. O scar was a puzzle to ; all of the other land whales. He had long fingers, broad hands, AND he liked t he water. He was very ; popular with the girl land whales who enjoyed watching him swimming with broad , powerful strokes. ; His unusual hands enabled him to speed through the water as fast as any fish. ; ; We could continue with the story but it is not necessary. The point is that if you combine ; a mutated chromosome with a normal one, the child of such a joining may have t hat mutated chromosome, ; and if you combine TWO mutated chromosomes, the children just may have both of the mutations. ; ; In genetic algorithm theory, you start off with a population of random chromos omes of a certain length. ; This length can be anything that you like. Each chromosome is divided into dif ferent segments, each ; of which describes a specific attribute. These divisions are the "genes". ; When you have your random population of chromosomes, you then check the "fitne

ss" of each gene. ; The fitness is determined by how close the gene comes to solving the problem ( of what you are ; looking for.) ; After you have calculated the fitness of all of the genes/chromosomes, you the n select two of the ; fittest by using whatever selection process you want. In this case, we are goi ng to use the Roulette ; Selection. Basically this is like playing roulette - wherever the ball lands i s which chromosome we ; pick. The wheel is loaded in favor of the fittest chromosomes, however, which take the largest portion ; of the wheel. ; Now that we have our roulette-chosen chromosomes we need to recombine them to form new chromosomes. ; We do this by randomly picking a spot on the chromosome and then swapping all of the genes AFTER that ; point with each other. As an example, suppose we have these two chromosomes: ; 1101001001100101 ; 0110100111000011 ; and suppose we have randomly picked the number 7 as the swap point. The chromo somes, just prior to ; the swap look like this: ; 1101001 001100101 ; 0110100 111000011 ; Notice how they are split at the 8th bit - just after the swap point? ; After swapping the bits, they are now: ; 1101001 111000011 ; 0110100 001100101 ; ; 1101001001100101 -> 1101001111000011 ; 0110100111000011 -> 0110100001100101 ; This is called "Crossover", which is simply recombining two chromosomes with e ach other. ; The rate of crossover is about 0.7. When you generate a random number and chec k it with ; this rate, if the random number is LESS than the crossover rate, then do the c rossover. Otherwise, ; don't do it. ; Finally we mutate the chromosome. The mutation rate varies but it is between . 1 and .001. I prefer to ; use .001 as 1 in 1,000 is a more realistic mutation rate than 1 in 10. ; To mutate the chromosome you iterate through each bit and flip it from a 1 to 0 or 0 to 1 if a ; random number is less then the mutation rate. ; From here you repeat from the calculation of fitness routine until either a ch romosome evolves that ; meets your requirements, or until the maximum number of generations is exceede d - in which case the ; solution was not found. Graphics3D 800,600 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() Const player_type=1 Const ground_type=2 Const POPULATION_SIZE =100 ; we are going to create 100 chromosomes at a time

Const genes Const Const bers Const Const Global Global Global Global Global Global Global


=0.7 ; .7 is the normal crossover rate when recombining

MUTATION_RATE# =0.01; we are going to use this for a 1 in 1000 rate CHROMOSOME_LENGTH =16 ; our chromosomes are going to be 16-bit binary num GENE_LENGTH MAX_GENERATIONS =4 ; 4-bit segment lengths for each gene =500 ; going to allow a maximum generation rate of 500

rCount,gCount,bCount ; red, green, and blue counter sex ; 0=male,15=female bFound = False ; used as flag for perfect chromosome found generations = 0 ; counter for how many generations program ran tempGenerations = 0 ; same as above maleCount,femaleCount; not needed offspring1$,offspring2$ ; holds 16-bit chromosome children

Type chromosome Field bits$ ; this holds the 16-bit binary string Field fitness# ; holds the fitness number End Type ; this Global ; this Global is our main chromosome Population.chromosome[POPULATION_SIZE] is a temporary chromosome used to evolve children chromosomes temp.chromosome[POPULATION_SIZE]

Global buffer=CreateBank(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH*4) ; holds decimal conversion of each gene Global sphere=CreateSphere() ; our male entity's body HideEntity sphere Global cube=CreateCube() HideEntity cube Global camera=CreateCamera() CameraRange camera,.1,500 CameraZoom camera,1.6 PositionEntity camera,0,1,0 EntityRadius camera,1 EntityType camera,player_type Global light=CreateLight() Global ground=CreatePlane() PositionEntity ground,0,0,0 EntityColor ground,100,50,10 EntityType ground,ground_type Collisions player_type,ground_type,2,2 createChromosomes() ; See if the monster lives MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2 HidePointer While Not KeyHit(1) If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1 If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 ; our female entity's body

If KeyDown(203) Then MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0 If KeyDown(205) Then MoveEntity camera,1,0,0 TranslateEntity camera,0,-1,0 mxs#=-MouseXSpeed()/4.0 mys#=MouseYSpeed()/4.0 MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2 TurnEntity camera,mys#,mxs#,0 RotateEntity camera,EntityPitch#(camera),EntityYaw#(camera),0 If EntityPitch#(camera)>69 Then RotateEntity camera,69,0,0 If EntityPitch#(camera)<-69 Then RotateEntity camera,-69,0,0 UpdateWorld RenderWorld Text 0,0,"Looking for perfect red male or perfect green female..." If Not bFound Then Text 0,10,"No solution found in "+(tempGenerations-1)+" generations." Else Text 0,10,"Solution found in "+(tempGenerations-1)+" generations." End If Flip Delay 10 Wend FreeBank buffer End ; ****************************************************************************** ******************** ; FUNCTIONS ; ****************************************************************************** ******************** Function createChromosomes() ; this function initializes the chromosomes While Not bFound ; while perfect chromosome is not found generations = generations+1 ; increment the generation counter tempGenerations = generations If generations > MAX_GENERATIONS Then Return ; if we exceed the maximum generati on count, then return totalFitness#=0.0 For i=0 To POPULATION_SIZE-1 ; POPULATION_SIZE is the size of the population Population[i]=New chromosome ; create a new chromosome Population[i]\bits$=randomBits(CHROMOSOME_LENGTH) ; get random bits for the chromosome parseBits(Population[i]\bits$,buffer) ; parse the bits - transla te from binary to decimal Population[i]\fitness#=calculateFitness() ; get the fitness count fo r the chromosome If Population[i]\fitness#=999.0 Then bFound = True:Return ; we found the perfect chromosome totalFitness#=totalFitness#+Population[i]\fitness# nt of fitness Next nPop=0 ; population counter While nPop < POPULATION_SIZE ; accumulative cou

temp[nPop]=New chromosome ; create a new chromosome offspring1$=rouletteSelection(totalFitness) ; select the fittest chromosome offspring2$=rouletteSelection(totalFitness) ; again, select the fittest chromos ome CrossOver(offspring1$,offspring2$) ; recombine the two fittest chromos omes Mutate(offspring1$) ; mutate Mutate(offspring2$) ; mutate temp[nPop]\bits$=offspring1$ ; store offspring1 temp[nPop]\fitness#=0.0 ; zero out the chromosome's fitness value nPop = nPop+1 ; increment the counter temp[nPop]=New Chromosome ; create a new chromosome temp[nPop]\bits$=offspring2$ ; store offspring2 temp[nPop]\fitness#=0.0 ; zero out the chromosome's fitness value nPop = nPop+1 ; increment the counter Wend For i=0 To POPULATION_SIZE-1 Population[i] = temp[i] ; store temp in Population parseBits(Population[i]\bits$,buffer) ; parse the bits - translate fr om binary to decimal Population[i]\fitness#=calculateFitness(); get the fitness count for the chromosome If Population[i]\fitness#=999.0 Then bFound=True:Return totalFitness#=totalFitness#+Population[i]\fitness# Next nPop=0 ; population counter While nPop < POPULATION_SIZE temp[nPop]=New chromosome ; create a new chromosome offspring1$=rouletteSelection(totalFitness) ; select the fittest chromosome offspring2$=rouletteSelection(totalFitness) ; again, select the fittest chromos ome CrossOver(offspring1$,offspring2$) ; recombine the two fittest chromos omes Mutate(offspring1$) ; mutate Mutate(offspring2$) ; mutate temp[nPop]\bits$=offspring1$ ; store offspring1 temp[nPop]\fitness#=0.0 ; zero out the chromosome's fitness value nPop = nPop+1 ; increment the counter temp[nPop]=New Chromosome ; create a new chromosome temp[nPop]\bits$=offspring2$ ; store offspring2 temp[nPop]\fitness#=0.0 ; zero out the chromosome's fitness value nPop = nPop+1 ; increment the counter Wend Wend End Function Function randomBits$(length) ; returns a string of random bits of length "length" For i=1 To length If Rnd(0,1) > .5 Then ; if random number is greater than .5 then tempString$=tempString$+"1" ; add a 1 to the string Else tempString$=tempString$+"0" ; else add a 0 to the string

End If Next Return tempString$ End Function Function binary2Decimal%(bits$) ; this function converts the binary string to its decimal equivalent val=0 value_added=1 For i=Len(bits$) To 1 Step-1 If Mid$(bits$,i,1)="1" Then val=val+value_added End If value_added = value_added*2 Next Return val End Function Function parseBits%(bits$,buf) ; this function parses the bits and checks for red, green, blue, and sex compone nt values cBuf=0 this_gene=0 bRed=True ; first number in bank is red component bGreen=False ; second number in bank is green component bBlue=False ; third number in bank is blue component bSex=False ; fourth number in bank is sex component For i=1 To CHROMOSOME_LENGTH Step GENE_LENGTH bogus=False this_gene=binary2Decimal(Mid$(bits$,i,GENE_LENGTH)) ; convert the chromo some string to its decimal values If bRed=True Then ; are we on the red component? PokeInt buf,cBuf,this_gene ; yes, then poke the value into the b ank cBuf=cBuf+4 ; increment counter by 4 - because we are poking int s bRed=False ; set flag to false because we are done checking the red component bGreen=True ; set to true because next component to check is gre en bogus=1 ; this emulates the "continue" statement of other la nguages End If If bGreen = True And bogus=False Then ; if we are on the green component and not midway through the loop PokeInt buf,cBuf,this_gene ; then poke the green value in to the bank cBuf=cBuf+4 ; increment the counter for ne xt position in the bank bogus=1 ; continue from beginning of " For" statement bGreen=False ; we are done with green bBlue=True ; next we check the blue compo nent End If If bBlue=True And bogus=False Then ; if blue component and not midway through the loop then PokeInt buf,cBuf,this_gene ; poke the blue value into the bank cBuf=cBuf+4 ; increment the counter for ne

xt position in the bank bogus=1 ; continue from beginning of l oop bBlue=False ; we are done with blue bSex=True ; next we check the sex compon ent End If If bSex=True And bogus=False Then ; if sex component and not midway through the loop then PokeInt buf,cBuf,this_gene ; poke sex component into the bank bogus=1 ; continue from beginning of l oop bSex=False ; we are done with sex bRed=True ; next we check the red component again End If Next Return Int(cBuf/4) ; return the number of elements. It is divided by 4 ; because we incre mented by 4 to hold int values in bank End Function Function calculateFitness#() ; this function calculates how close the value is to the target we set. tempRed#=PeekInt(buffer,0)*17 ; get red component. Since each component uses 4 b its, then max ; value is 15. 15*17 = 255, which is max v alue of color component tempGreen#=PeekInt(buffer,4)*17; get green component tempBlue#=PeekInt(buffer,8)*17; get blue component tempSex#=PeekInt(buffer,12)*17; get sex component result#=0.0 ; this is the important variable. It is used to tell the program how close the calculated ; value is to what is wanted If tempRed#=200 And tempSex=100 Then result#= 5 ; not a bad result, but not what we are looking for ElseIf tempRed#=255 And tempGreen#=0 And tempBlue#=0 And tempSex=0 Then male=CopyEntity(sphere) EntityColor male,tempRed#,tempGreen#,tempBlue# PositionEntity male,Rand(-50,50),1,Rand(50) maleCount=maleCount+1 PointEntity camera,male result#= 999; now THIS is what we are looking for. A pure red male ElseIf tempGreen#=200 And tempSex=100 Then result#= 5 ElseIf tempGreen=255 And tempRed#=0 And tempBlue#=0 And tempSex=255 Then female=CopyEntity(cube) EntityColor female,tempRed#,tempGreen#,tempBlue# PositionEntity female,Rand(-50,50),1,Rand(50) femaleCount=femaleCount+1 PointEntity camera,female result#= 999; now THIS is what we are looking for. A pure green female Else result#=0 ; not a good result. We weren't very happy with the findings End If

Return result# ; tell the calling function how happy/unhappy we were with the re sults End Function Function rouletteSelection$(totalFitness#) ; the chromosome with the fittest value has the best chance of being returned fr om this function portion#=Rnd(0,1)*totalFitness# tempFitness#=0.0 For i=0 To POPULATION_SIZE-1 tempFitness#=tempFitness#+Population[i]\fitness# If tempFitness#>portion# Then Return Population[i]\bits$ End If Next Return "" ; we didn't find anything worth returning End Function Function Crossover(child1$,child2$) ; this function takes two chromosomes and recombines them into new chromosomes If Rnd(0,1) < CROSSOVER_RATE# Then crossover=Int(Rnd(0,1)*CHROMOSOME_LENGTH) If crossover = 0 Then crossover = 1 ; we want at least ONE combining gen e ; the next two statements takes the genes from crossover to CHROMOSOME_L ENGTH and ; swaps them with each other. Thus, each chromosome is recombined into a new ; configuration c1$=Mid$(child1$,1,crossover)+Mid$(child2$,crossover+1,CHROMOSOME_LENGTH ) c2$=Mid$(child2$,1,crossover)+Mid$(child1$,crossover+1,CHROMOSOME_LENGTH ) offspring1$=c1$ offspring2$=c2$ End If End Function Function Mutate(bits$) ; this function mutates the chromosomes For i=1 To Len(bits$) If Rnd(0,1) < MUTATION_RATE# Then bits$ = flipBits(bits$,i) End If Next End Function Function flipBits$(bits$,where) ; this function changes a "1" to a "0" and a "0" to a "1" tempString$="" For i=1 To Len(bits$) If i=where Then If Mid$(bits$,i,1)="1" Then tempString$=tempString$+"0" Else tempString$=tempString$+"1" End If Else tempString$=tempString$+Mid$(bits$,i,1)

End If Next Return tempString$ End Function

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