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MBA continues on page 7A

First of filed
,t Campus bills includes

gay marriage
State amendment to ban
controversial unions proposed
By JOIelinda Merola
Daily Texan Staff
After Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, proposed a
state constitutional amendment Tuesday to ban gay
marriage, many fellow legislators felt confident it
would pass - even those not in favor of it.
"By putting this in the Constitution, it takes it
out of the hands of the court to be able to overrule
it," Chisum said about his resolution that mar-
riage consists "of the union of one man and one
Nearly 100 bills were filed to Chief Clerk Robert
Haney Tuesday, which marked the first day Texas
senators and representatives could pre-file bills for
the upcoming session to start in January 2005.
Many legislators filed up to eight bills, while this
was Chisum's only proposal.
Chisum said he thinks his proposal "is a very high
priority given the fact that in the last presidential
election 11 states passed it."
Rep. Eddie Rodriguez, D-Austin, said he thinks
"it's pretty likely" the resolution will pass, although
he is not in favor of it.
"For me, gay rights is a civil rights issue. It's one
of the last, if not the last, antiquated laws we have
that excludes a group of people based on who they
are. I think the [rights for] homosexual community
is that last civil rights fight we are probably going to
have," Rodriguez said.
Rep. Elliot Naishtat, D-Austin, -said he will work
with members of the Legislature and advocacy
, groups to "try and slow the resolution down," but
added there is a good chance it could pass.
"I think the votes are there to pass this amend-
ment in the Texas House of Representatives and the

BILLS conti~ues on page 7A


Command Districts HB24
o Charlie Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston
o David Bill would raise monthly allotments nursing home
Cl George
Baker residents can keep from their own pensions or
Social Security.
Officers are in the process of
district representa- creating fliers to put on indi- S661
downtown area. vidu~s' cars in anticipation Sen. Royce West, D-Dallas
of burglaries of holiday burglaries, Limon Bill would allow English-speaking students to learn
for the first couple said. other languages as early as elementary school.
when new stu- The fliers are meant to warn
to the University, about the dangers of leaving S659
Usually, the instances doors unlocked and posses- Sen. -Kip Averitt, R-Waco
as the semester sions in plain view of pass- Bill would reverse reductions made to the Children's
and then increase ersby. Limon said a year-and- Health Insurance Program in the 78th Legislature,
seasons such as a-half ago, officers passed out which resulted from a S10 billion deficit.
and spring break,
THEFT continues on page 7A OTHER BILLS continues on page 7A
Source: Texas. Legislature

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