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May 2012

Chapter I


Background of the study

Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

It is a sacred institution that evolved through ages. It is based on mutual trusts, confidence and commitment. It has religious sanctions and so it is solemnized with rituals.

Marriage has continuously degenerated into a formal contract, losing its sanctity. Sexual orientations have changed which has completely restructured the institution of marriage. Getting annulled separated and breaking away the marital bond has become rather a solution and an empty formality.

In the Philippines, there is no divorce law, where marriages have to necessarily go through dilatory annulment proceedings.

People who belong to the upper class are lucky, able to tackle the annulment proceedings with the costs they have to give while those who belong to the middle

and lower class suffer from the marriage their in, unable to bear the cost and get a decree in their favour.

These many women suffer along with their children and they cannot get remarried without getting a decree or complying with the provisions of the court order.

For that reason, this research paper has come up to lighten everyone on the possible remedies for the suffering of these many unfortunate women. This research paper aims to find out from the PAF personnel of Zamboanga City whether or not Marriage of Contract be Renewable.

Chapter II


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the impact of renewable contract of marriage to the Philippine Air Force personnel of Zamboanga City.

Specific Problems:

1. How helpful is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of its contribution to the relationship of Filipino couples?

2. How effective is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of: a. Family Relationship b. Individual c. Society

Scope and Delimitation

This study aims determine the impact of renewable contract of marriage to the

enlisted personnel of the Philippine Air Force.

The respondents will be the enlisted personnel of the 530ABW of Edwin Andrews Air Base during May 2012.



The Womens party-list group Isa-Ako Babaeng Astig Aasenso or 1ABAA plans to propose in Congress a measure requiring couples to renew their marriage after 10 years, or else their marriage would be null and void.

1-ABAA president Margie Tajon said the measure would save incompatible couples the trouble of going through a tedious and expensive annulment process.

She said it would also help cut down the number of annulment cases that have piled up in court.

Tajon likened a marriages lasting power to the shelf of canned goods.

If the canned food is expired, this one, if it is expired, you can renew it. There is no limit on renewal, she said.

It will enhance the relationship of the couple. Initially, we talked about 5 years, but then, you know, if people know that theres going to be an expiration, they

will be more caring since this is a consent between 2 parties, Tajon said in an interview on Mornings at ANC.

1-ABAAs measure only proposes to set an expiration date for a couples marriage and not their marriage license. It will be deemed cancelled if the contracting parties have not made use of it upon the date of expiration.

Definition of Terms

PAF Philippine Air Force 530th ABW 530th Air Base Wing Enlisted Personnel Renewable Contract Marriage Family Relationship Individual Society

Significance of the Study

This study will provide information and insight about the advantage and disadvantage of renewable contract of marriage. This is to enhance and strengthen the relationship of Filipino couples. This study will serve an eye opener both husband and wife in order to perform their respective responsibilities.

Furthermore, this study will also provide relevant data that our government needs to enact this laws Renewable Contract of Marriage to save conflict couples.

Research Methodology

This study will be used the structured interview guide that is constructed by the researcher in gathering the data from the respondents. The interview questions were formulated in such a way it will provide detailed information on their perception on the renewable contract of marriage.

Findings and Results

Problem #1. How helpful is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of its contribution to the relationship of Filipino couples?

Table 1 shows how helpful the renewable contract of marriage to Filipino couples.

Table 1 Table 1. Renewable contract of marriages contribution to Filipino Couples

Contribution to Filipino Couples





Very helpful


Not helpful at all






It shows that out of 30 respondents, 5 or 17 percent said renewable contract of marriage is helpful to the Filipino couples and 5 or 17 percent said it is very helpful to the Filipino couples. Approximately 66 percent or 20 of the respondents said that the renewable contract of marriage will not help their relationship. This indicates that most of the personnel of 530th ABW believed that renewable contract of marriage may not help the relationship of the Filipino couples. And this implies that the Filipino couples are not ready to adopt the renewable contract of marriage. This can also be because of the Filipino tradition were family intact is important.

Problem #2 How effective is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of: a. Family Relationship b. Individual c. Society

Table 2 shows the effectiveness of renewable contract of marriage in terms of family relationship.

Table 2 Effect of Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of family Relationship

Effectiveness of RCM to Filipino Relationship











The data revealed out of 30 respondents, 30 percent of the respondents believed that the renewable contract of marriage is effective to the Filipino relationship. 21 or 70 percent agree that the renewable contract of marriage could affect the Filipino relationship. Further, the data revealed most of the respondents assumed that the renewable contract of marriage is not effective. This implies that most of the Filipino couples value their family relationship.

Table 3 shows the effectiveness of renewable contract of marriage in terms of individual.

Table 3 Effect of Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of Individual

Effectiveness of RCM to Individual












The data revealed that most of the enlisted personnel of 530ABW believed that the renewable contract of marriage is effective in terms of individual by 63 percent. 11 out of 30 respondents or 37 percent said it is not effective. This finding implies that the renewable contract of marriage will save the couples from conflict relationship.

Table 4 presents the effect of renewable contract of marriage to the society.

Table 4 Effect of Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of Society

Effectiveness of RCM to the Society











It shows that out of 30 respondents, 6 or 20% believed that the renewable contract of marriage will affects the society. A greater percentage of 80%, respondent said that the renewable contract of marriage will not affect society. The data indicates that most of the enlisted personnel of 530ABW were contrary on the renewable contract of marriage. It implies that most of the respondents were still practice their family tradition which is Family is the Foundation of our Society.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations of the study.


This study was conducted to determine the impact of renewable contract of marriage to the Philippine Air Force personnel of Zamboanga City.

Specifically, the study provided answer to the following questions:

1. How helpful is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of its contribution to the relationship of Filipino couples?

2. How effective is Renewable Contract of Marriage in terms of: d. Family Relationship e. Individual f. Society

Summary of Findings

1. The renewable contract of marriage was found not helpful to the relationship of the Filipino couples particularly the enlisted personnel of 530 th ABW, Philippine Air Force, Endwin Andrews Air Base, Zamboanga City.

2. The renewable contract of marriage was found not effective in terms of Family relationship.

3. The renewable contract of marriage was found effective in terms of individual.

4. The renewable contract of marriage was found not effective in terms of society.


In the light of the findings, the following are drawn:

1. The renewable contract of marriage is not helpful to the enlisted personnel of 530 ABW Philippine Air force were the RCM is not the solution to the conflict of marriage.

2. The renewable contract of marriage is not effective to the family relationship and society.

3. The renewable contract of marriage is effective to the individual person or couples.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are presented:

1. The Philippine government specifically the law makers had proposed a law on Renewable Contract of Marriage. It is not time to enact and to implement the law were most of the Filipino couples particularly the enlisted personnel of 530th ABW of the Philippine Air Force believed that the renewable contract of marriage is not helpful. Thus, the law makers should have a dialogue with the different sectors of the government to discuss the contributions of Renewable Contract of Marriage to Filipino couples.

2. There should be a thorough study on this propose laws since most of the Filipino couples still practice the Filipino values which is to preserve the relationship of the family as much as possible. In addition, there should be a consultation and relevant information about the Renewable Contract of Marriage in order to adopt proposal.

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