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Compliance Statement List B

A Items
Category A A A A A A A A A A A

Civil Aviation Act l988 A items

Reference 3A 20A 22 23B 26 28BD 28BE* 28BF* 28BG 28BH 29 Subject Main object of this Act Negligent etc. operation of aircraft Interception etc. of aircraft (International AOC holder only) Training relating to dangerous goods Aircraft on international flights to have permission Compliance with civil aviation law Duty to exercise care and diligence Organisation, personnel etc. Operations headquarters and suitable buildings Reference Library Offences in relation to aircraft Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

A Items
Category A A* A A A A A A A A A A A A A

Civil Aviation Regulations A Items

Reference 52B 132 147 175A 184 206 207 210 215 221 223 262 288 305 309A Subject Keeping of defective aircraft and aircraft components Statistical returns Australian aircraft in or over a State which is not a Contracting State Restrictions on IFR flights by single engine aircraft Two-way radio communication Commercial purposes Requirements according to operations on which Australian aircraft used Restriction of advertising of commercial operations Operations Manual Facilities and safety devices for public Operators to ensure employees and flight crew familiar with local laws and regulations Carriage of examiners Detention of aircraft Access of authorised person Instructions about activities on board aircraft Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

A Items
Category A A A A

Civil Aviation Regulations - A Items (class A aircraft only)

Reference 42ZV 42ZW 42ZX 42ZY Subject Maintenance controllers Approval of maintenance controllers Suspension or cancellation of approvals Maintenance control manuals Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Category A A A A A A A

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations - A Items

Reference 92.005 92.010 92.015 92.020 92.035 92.050 92.060 Subject Applicability Definitions for Part 92 What are Dangerous Goods Compliance with Technical Instructions generally Compliance with Technical Instructions persons who consign dangerous goods Commercial foreign aircraft operators -conditions Directions relating to dangerous goods manuals
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Operations Manual Reference

Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Form 965 12/2004

Compliance Statement List B

A Items

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations - A Items

92.075 92.080 92.085 92.125 92.155 92.175 92.205 Dangerous goods statement in reliance on statement already made Exclusions from requirement about dangerous goods statement Definitions for Subpart C Training certain employees Exclusions from training requirements Private operators Information with passenger ticket and notices (non operators)

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
Category C* C* C*

Civil Aviation Act C Items

Reference 28BF 28BG 28BH Subject Organisation, personnel etc. Operations headquarters and suitable buildings Reference library Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Category C* C C* C* C* C* C* C*

Civil Aviation Regulations C Items

Reference 36A 39 38 41 42 42ZC 42ZD 43B Subject Use of aircraft material in the maintenance, servicing and operation of Australian aircraft Airworthiness Directives (CAR 1998) Maintenance directions Maintenance schedule and maintenance instructions Defective or inappropriate maintenance schedule Maintenance on Australian aircraft in Australian territory Maintenance on Australian aircraft outside Australian territory Time-in-service to be recorded on maintenance release Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Form 965 12/2004 AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

Date ...................................................

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C* C* C C* C* C* C C C C C C C C C C 46 47 48 49 50 52 5.04 5.40 5.108 5.109 5.110 5.124 5.125 5.126 5.134 5.135 Information to be passed to other persons Maintenance release to cease to be in force Maintenance release to recommence to be in force Permissible un-serviceabilities to be endorsed on maintenance releases Defects and major damage to be endorsed on maintenance release Defects discovered in aircraft components Medical certificate: flight crew licence Pilot acting in command under supervision Commercial (aeroplane) pilot: regular flight reviews required Commercial (aeroplane) pilot: recent experience required Commercial (aeroplane) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old Commercial (helicopter) pilot: regular flight reviews required Commercial (helicopter) pilot: recent experience requirements Commercial (helicopter) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old Commercial (gyroplane) pilot: recent experience requirements Commercial (gyroplane) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.143 5.144 5.145 5.154 5.155 5.156 5.157 5.169 5.170 5.171 5.178 5.179 5.180 78 82 92 Commercial (balloon) pilot: regular flight reviews required Commercial (balloon) pilot: recent experience requirements Commercial (balloon) pilot: aeronautical experience requirements Commercial (airship) pilot: regular flight reviews required Commercial (airship) pilot: recent experience requirements Commercial (airship) pilot: recent experience for commercial operations Commercial (airship) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old Air transport (aeroplane) pilot: regular flight reviews required Air transport (aeroplane) pilot: recent experience requirements Air transport (aeroplane) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old Air transport (helicopter) pilot: regular flight reviews required Air transport (helicopter) pilot: recent experience requirements Air transport (helicopter) pilot: requirements if over 60 years old Navigation logs Equipment of Australian aircraft with radio communication systems (see AIP GEN 1.5-1 for detail) Use of aerodromes

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C* C C 120 133 139 Weather reports not to be used unless made with authority Conditions to be met before Australian aircraft may fly Documents to be carried in Australian aircraft

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C C C C C C C C C C C C C* 143 153 156 157 174B 174C 175 175A 176 178 195 208 213 Carriage of firearms Flight under simulated instrument flight conditions Flying over public gatherings Low flying VFR flights at night Qualifications for night flying under VFR IFR flight Restrictions on IFR flights by single engine aircraft Qualification of pilot in command Minimum height for flight under the 1 FR Compliance with rules as to lights Number of operating crew Organisation

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C* C* C* C* C* C C 215 216 219 220 224 225 227 Operations Manual Flight time records Route qualifications of a pilot in command of a charter aircraft Fuel instructions and records Pilot in command Pilots at controls Admission to crew compartment
AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C* C* C C C C C C C 233 234 245 248 254 256A 292 299 302 Responsibility of pilot in command before flight Fuel requirements test before and during take off run Reporting of defects Exits and passageways not to be obstructed Carriage of animals Aircraft on movement area to be reported Change of address Production of licences

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Category C* C C* C* C* C* C

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations C Items

Reference 92.25 92.30 92.40 92.45 92.55 92.65 92.70 Subject Compliance with Technical Instructions - operators Compliance with Technical Instructions passengers and crew Commercial Aviation aircraft operators dangerous goods manual Dangerous Goods Manual Australian aircraft operators Dangerous Goods Manual requirements applicable to all operators Commercial operators reporting of dangerous goods incidents Dangerous goods statement (Act s.23A)
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Operations Manual Reference

Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Form 965 12/2004

Compliance Statement List B

C Items
Category C* C* C* C* C* C C C* C C C

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations C Items

Reference 92.25 92.90 92.95 92.110 92.130 92.135 92.140 92.145 92.160 92.165 92.170 Subject Compliance with Technical Instructions - operators Extended meaning of every two years for this subpart Training certain employees of an operator Required standard of training for regulation 92.095 Training Australian operators employed outside Australia Requirement for training course Who may conduct training Records about training Australian operators etc Aircraft operated by law enforcement authorities Helicopter slung loads Cargo carried in main deck cargo compartments Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C C C C* C* 92.180 92.185 92.190 92.195 92.200 Goods carried for parachute operations Carriage of fuel in large containers Goods for use in emergency services Carriage of ammunition by air security officers Information in passenger terminals

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director Date ...................................................

Category C* C* C C C

Civil Aviation Orders C items

(The applicant must show how compliance with all applicable CA0s will be achieved.) Reference 20.2 20.3 20.6 20.7.0 20.7.1 Subject Safety precautions before flight Marshalling and parking of aircraft Continuation of flight by multi-engine aircraft with one or more engines inoperative Aeroplane weight limitations - general Aeroplane weight and performance limitations above 5700 kg all operations (piston engines) Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C* C* C* C* C* 20.7.1 B 20.7.2 20.7.4 20.9 20.10 Aeroplane weight and performance limitations - aeroplanes above 5700 kg all operations (turbine and piston engines) Aeroplane weight and performance limitations - multi- engine aeroplanes not above 5700kg - regular public transport operations Aeroplane weight and performance limitations - aeroplanes not above 5700kg - private, aerial work excluding agricultural) and Charter operations Precautions in refuelling, engine and radar ground operations Hot refuelling - helicopters
AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C* C C C C C* C* C* 20.11 20.13 20.16.1 20.16.2 20.16.3 20.18 20.22 48.0 Emergency and lifesaving equipment and requirements for passenger control in emergencies Cockpit check system Air service operations - loading general Air service operations - carriage of cargo Air service operations - carriage of persons Aircraft equipment - basic operational requirements Taxiing of aircraft by persons other than licensed pilots Flight time limitations - general

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C* C C C* C* C 48.1 82.0 82.1 82.3 82.7 95.7 Flight time limitations - pilots Air Operators Certificates - applications for certificates and general requirements Conditions on Air Operators Certificates authorising Charter operations and aerial work operations Conditions on Air Operators Certificates authorising regular public transport operations in low capacity aircraft Air Operators Certificates authorising aerial work operations and Charter operations in balloons - applications for certificates and conditions Helicopters

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
C* C* 95.7.3 100.5 Exemption of certain helicopters from compliance with the provisions of subregulation 174B(2) of the Civil Aviation Regulations General requirement in respect of maintenance of all Australian aircraft

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Category C C* C* C* C*

Civil Aviation Regulations C Items 7 (Class A aircraft only)

Reference 39 39 40 42ZV 42ZY Subject Airworthiness Directives (CAR 1998) Maintenance required by approved system of maintenance Defective or inappropriate systems of maintenance Maintenance controllers Maintenance Control Manuals Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Category C C C

Civil Aviation Regulations C Items (Training and Checking Organisations only)

Reference 5.07 5.14 5.20 Subject Medical certificate: flight tests and assessments Flight crew rating: issue and refusal Flight crew rating: approval to give training
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Operations Manual Reference

Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Form 965 12/2004

Compliance Statement List B

C Items
Category C C C C C

Civil Aviation Regulations C Items (Training and Checking Organisations only)

Reference 5.07 5.21 5.22 5.42 5.43 Subject Medical certificate: flight tests and assessments Approval to give conversion training Aircraft endorsement must be held in certain circumstances Flight tests: CASA to be notified Flight tests: application for exemption from requirement to notify CASA Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director C* C* 217 218 Training and checking organisation Route qualifications of pilot in command of a regular public transport aircraft

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
11 Civil Aviation Orders C Items (Training and checking Organisations only)
(The applicant must show how compliance with all applicable CA0s will be achieved.) Category C Reference 40.2.1 Subject Instrument rating Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Category C C

Civil Aviation Act C Items AOC authorising international operations only

Reference 22 26 Subject Interception etc. of aircraft Aircraft on international flights to have permission Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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Compliance Statement List B

C Items
Category C* C* C*

Civil Aviation Regulations C Items AOC authorising international operations only

Reference 42ZA 42ZN 223 Subject Use of aircraft components, aircraft materials etc. in maintenance - Australian aircraft outside Australian territory Certification of maintenance outside Australian territory Operator to ensure employees familiar with local laws and regulations Operations Manual Reference Management Acknowledgment and Accountability

Signed: ............................................................................................................................................. Owner/Director

Date ...................................................

Form 965 12/2004

AOC - Compliance Statement - List B

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