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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on January 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following newly elected and returning Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Dennis Bortis, Pam Breedlove, Kathey Grodi, Mary Myers, Dr. Ramon Shane, and Dwane Turnage, Outgoing Board Directors Chuck Woolley, Steve Deford, and Ron Wiedemann and Homeowner Lucy Eberhardt were also in attendance. The meeting was called to order by our 2006 Vice-President Dwane Turnage. Outgoing President Chuck Woolley thanked returning Board Directors and the newly-elected Directors for 2007 for past work and for agreeing to serve our neighborhood. He distributed copies of a report that he had compiled, which he had titled Observations and Cautions and then read and explained each item (see attached report). He felt that the past Board had addressed issues that were incomplete (i.e, Cox Road fence project). He encouraged the new Board to enforce CVHA Covenants rigidly but in a friendly way. Chuck recommended that we follow to the letter the process for approving new construction and/or changes to homes. He believed that the newsletters had been prepared well and that we continue regular communication with homeowners. He encouraged the Board to continue seeking 2 or 3 bids when spending. Outgoing President Woolley concluded that he was pleased with the new CVHA Board and felt that Directors would take responsibility for our neighborhood. Outgoing Board Director Steve Deford reminded that the director with Pool, Clubhouse, and Tennis Court duties should call the pool service company to schedule that companys service and set a tentative date for filling the pool with water for the 2007 summer season. He referred to the box of paperwork, keys, etc. that the new Director would need for the coming year. Outgoing Neighborhood Watch Director Ron Wiedemann also left materials for the director who would assume his position. All retiring Board members readily volunteered to answer questions and help in any capacity. A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the December 4, 2006 CVHA Board Meeting were distributed and read by Pam Breedlove. A motion was made by Dr. Ramon Shane and seconded by Kathey Grodi to accept the minutes with one typographical error corrected. Motion passed. B. Treasurers Report Dennis Bortis presented the December Profit and Loss Report and the Balance Sheet st as of December 31 . Expenses totaled $2,938.23. The last common grounds maintenance bill for the 2006 season was $950. Trash service expense was $1,624.00; remainder expenses were utilities, office supplies, etc. Income included $210 in clubhouse rentals. Treasurer Bortis reported that 177 homeowners had made their annual CAMS payments. Linda Becker made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report; Dr. Ramon Shane seconded the motion. Motion carried. Treasurer Bortis said that he would be glad to send an end-of-year financial report to any homeowner who makes a request for one since he had been unable to attend the annual December membership meeting.


Grounds Report

Vice President Dwane Turnage shared that he has a second bid coming in for painting the iron fence along Cox Road. The brass signage had been completed. The street light at the corner of Forest and Katella has been replaced. D. Architectural Control

Kathey Grodi reported that many homeowners had notified board directors about the fence being built at the Bakare residence on Dearborn. Its appearance does not meet covenant requirements for height and location on the sides of the residence. She will send Robinson Fence Company a letter advising of covenant violations to follow up the correspondence with Mr. Bakare.

New Business Board members for 2007 discussed duties of various positions and shared their requests for which positions they were interested in holding. Pam Breedlove made a motion to elect the following slate of officers; Dennis Bortis seconded the motion. Motion passed. President/Grounds -- Dwane Turnage Vice President/Clubhouse -- Mary Myers Secretary -- Pam Breedlove Treasurer -- Dennis Bortis Pool/Tennis Courts -- Dr. Ramon Shane Neighborhood Watch -- Linda Becker Architectural Control -- Kathey Grodi Pam Breedlove made a motion that Dennis Bortis, Mary Myers, and Dwane Turnage be the three approved CVHA check signatures for 2007. Dr. Shane seconded, and the motion carried. Homeowner Lucy Eberhardt, who lives in the Chesterfield Courts, requested the Boards approval for a new sign for their condominium complex, as outlined in their Chesterfield Courts Covenants. She shared the difficulties homeowners had incurred with package delivery, ambulance and other emergency services, etc. Chesterfield Courts residents wish to erect a sign similar to the Culpepper Place sign in font and color and approximately 3 x 4 in size. She displayed a sample drawing of the sign they hoped to place at the entrance off Chesterfield Boulevard. Board Directors requested that she bring a color copy of the sign that Courts residents approve at their upcoming meeting. Pam Breedlove made a motion that the meeting adjourn; Kathey Grodi seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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