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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on March 5, 2007, at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the Association Clubhouse. The following directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Pam Breedlove, Kathey Grodi, Mary Myers, Ramon Shane, and Dwane Turnage, The meeting was called to order by President Dwane Turnage. A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the February 5, 2007 CVHA Board meeting were distributed. Motion was made by Kathey Grodi and seconded by Ramon Shane to accept the minutes without any changes or additions. B. Treasurers Report President Turnage presented the February 2007 Profit and Loss Report and the th Balance Sheet as of February 28 in Dennis Bortis absence. Expenses included $1,455 to DC Lawn Service for their cleanup work of the ice storm damage and legal fees of $75. Utilities totaled $409.84, and the telephone expense was $40.22. The monthly trash service was the only other expense. Total checking/savings accounts show a balance of $77,269.53. Tax returns have been prepared and filed for the 2005 and 2006 years. Taxes of $680 were paid to the Federal Government; state tax was $129. Thirteen CAMS are now past due. The third notice will be sent by certified mail. Dennis provided Board Directors with a copy of the letter that he had sent to the new CV homeowner on 2551 W. Westview indicating the amount of dues minus the garbage collection service fee. C. Pool and Tennis Courts Report Dr. Shane had obtained a bid from Buster Crabbe Pools of Nixa for opening and servicing the pool. They would charge $2,200 to open and $850 to close the pool. Weekly service would cost $135 per week or $200 for two times a month. American Pool and Spa, the company we have used in years past, would charge $750 to open and $750 to close; monthly service would cost $1,200. President Turnage had a letter from American that had just been received that week by Treasurer Bortis that a discount would be offered if we paid up front. Kathey Grodi made a motion that Dr. Shane try to work with American to get a discount; Linda Becker seconded the motion. Motion passed. Board Directors felt that American knew the quirks of our pool and pool equipment. Dr. Shane had priced heat pumps for the pool. Each of the four needed would cost $750. The Board agreed to not heat the pool during May except initially upon filling, due to the the electrical cost. Our pool opening is tentatively set for the week before Memorial Day. Dr. Shane was asked to check on the condition of the bricks in the planters. Pam Breedlove made a motion that Linda Becker be appointed Pool Monitor, with her salary based on the 2006 amount. Kathey Grodi seconded her motion. Motion carried. D. Clubhouse Report Mary Myers reported that she had taken 10 reservations. Homeowners who rented the clubhouse just before this meeting reported that the heat never seemed to reach a comfortable level. President Turnage suggested that we call the company to have the clubhouse

furnace checked out. E. Architectural Control Report Kathey Grodi shared that she had written the fence company that had installed the fence at the Bakare residence on Dearborn about the covenant violations of its structure. President Turnage had left two voice mail messages. Homeowners have called some Board Directors, concerned that the fence violated covenants. The Board agreed to have one more letter sent via certified mail. Also, Board Directors asked Kathey to check about the roof concerns and improper satellite placement on the home at 2406 Dearborn. F. Grounds Report President Turnage had received a second bid of $1,900 for painting the iron fence. This included one coat of primer and an oil-based paint. This was considerably lower than the $4.740 bid from an industrial company that would pressure wash, prime, and use a rust inhibitor. After discussion, Pam Breedlove made a motion that we use the service that provided the $1,900 bid; Linda Becker seconded the motion. Motion passed. G. Neighborhood Watch Report Linda Becker will make and distribute the CVHA Newsletter during the first week of each odd month. She hopes that homeowners will take advantage of updating the directory by contacting her through email. Homeowners may place ads at a cost of $5.00. Our neighborhood garage sale will be Saturday, April 21, starting at 8:00 a.m. A st game night/party is set for Sunday, April 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the clubhouse. Tea and lemonade will be provided. Participants are asked to bring snacks. th Linda will meet with Block Captains on Sunday, March 11 at 4:00 p.m. We need block captains for four zones.

Ramon Shane made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Dwane Turnage seconded his motion. All directors voted in favor of the motion.

Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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