4 April 2007

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on April 2, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Dennis Bortis, Pam Breedlove, Mary Myers, Ramon Shane, and Dwane Turnage. Director Kathey Grodi was absent. President Dwane Turnage called the meeting to order. A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the March 5, 2007 CVHA Board Meeting were distributed and read by Pam Breedlove. A motion was made by Linda Becker and seconded by Mary Myers to accept the minutes without any corrections. Motion passed. B. Treasurers Report Dennis Bortis presented the March Profit and Loss Report and the Balance Sheet as of th March 29 . Expenses were $397.82 for utilities and the usual trash service monthly fee. Checking and savings accounts show a total balance of $75,762.68. Our two certificates of deposit total $65,305.87. Dennis reported that he had mailed the third notice to homeowners who have not paid CAMS. There are eleven outstanding. Pam Breedlove made a motion to accept the Treasurers Report. Linda Becker seconded the motion. Motion carried. C. Neighborhood Watch Report

Linda Becker reported that lawn ornaments and flowers had been stolen from the front yard of a West LaSalle homeowner. A police report had been filed. Linda said that she would call the city regarding the graffiti on the green utilities box near the Scenic pond. Mary Myers caught three teen boys using skateboards on the tennis courts and got them to leave. Block captains are still needed for four zones. Linda had met with block captains on th March 11 . She reported that the second newsletter of 2007 would be ready at the next st meeting. The neighborhood spring garage sale is set for April 21 . D. Clubhouse Report

Mary Myers turned in checks that had been received for Clubhouse reservations and bills of $181.32 to pay for a door handle, sink stoppers, toilet tissue, paper towels, flowers, tea, and lemonade and $50 for checking the furnace. She agreed to contact Merry Maids and/or a professional window washer to give the Clubhouse its spring cleaning. She has ordered soda for st the machine. Directors who attended the April 1 game party appreciated Mary and Lindas time and effort.

Pool and Tennis Courts Report Dr. Shane reviewed the pool companys contract with Board Directors. Clarification was needed regarding the specific services the company will provide. Treasurer Bortis agreed to complete the credit application. Hopefully, we will be able to have the pool company begin work th on May 14 so that the pool will be ready for a Memorial Day weekend opening. A th neighborhood clean-up day may be held on May 19 to get the pool deck and furniture cleaned. Ramon asked for clarification on the number of swipe cards and pool passes that each homeowner is to receive. Architectural Control Dennis reported that the certified letter mailed to Mr. Bakare on Dearborn came back to our mailbox. Board Directors are still dismayed that his fence violates our covenant requirements. G. Grounds Report President Turnage has called City Utilities regarding the street light that does not work on Dearborn. He is securing bids for the landscaping at the Cox Road entrances in front of the new brick sign monuments. F.


New Business President Turnage requested Board Directors to visit with neighbors who might fulfill the Treasurer vacancy that will occur in May. The 2007 CVHA Board is saddened that Dennis and his wife are relocating to Maine.

Dennis Bortis made a motion to adjourn the April meeting; Linda Becker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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