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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on June 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Pam Breedlove, Mary Myers, Ramon Shane, and Dwane Turnage. Director Kathey Grodi was absent. Homeowner Julie Mason, who had willingly accepted the Treasurers position, and Lucy Eberhart and five other Chesterfield Courts residents were in attendance. President Dwane Turnage called the meeting to order. A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the May 7, 2007 CVHA Board Meeting were distributed and read by Pam Breedlove. A motion was made by Ramon Shane and seconded by Mary Myers to accept the minutes without any corrections. Motion passed. B. Treasurers Report No report due to the vacancy of that position. Treasurer Dennis Bortis relocated to Maine. C. Neighborhood Watch Report May bills were paid before outgoing

Linda Becker reported that there had been no reports of crime in the Village. She has received more Directory updates and will now turn over the info to Block Captains for them to visit with their neighbors to determine if info is correct. She was pleased that Pat Meyer, a new homeowner, had agreed to serve as Block 7 Captain. A map will be posted to the CVHA website to enable residents to locate the block to which they belong. Linda read several thank you notes she had received from homeowners and mentioned other email notes of appreciation. She asked for ideas for the upcoming newsletter and recommended a July neighborhood barbecue. D. Clubhouse Report

Mary Myers turned in checks for $40 in clubhouse rentals. She related concerns about a recent party: the rental for a Friday night continued into Saturday; the clubhouse and tennis courts were not thoroughly cleaned; homeowner was not always present with the group; and visitors had treated a homeowner rudely and denied his request to play tennis. She made a motion that the $50 deposit not be returned to the homeowner since the rental was actually for two days and rules regarding clean-up were not followed. Linda Becker seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Mary turned in bills for supplies and for restriping the parking lot. E. Pool and Tennis Courts Report Dr. Shane asked about more blue pool passes and clarification regarding the number

each family should receive. F. Architectural Control No report due to Kathey Grodis absence.

G. Grounds Report President Turnage reported that Galloway Greenscape will soon have the monument landscaping project completed. Board Directors were pleased with the appearance of the one already finished. Mary Myers told Dwane about a street light near her home that needs repair. Dwane shared that the electricians expense of repairing lights on and around the Clubhouse would probably be large, but Board Directors agreed that this was a necessity due to the age and deterioration of wiring, fixtures, etc. and important for deterring vandalism and affording homeowners enjoyable experiences at the pool and in the Clubhouse. New Business Lucy Eberhardt and other Chesterfield Courts residents presented a drawing of the sign they wished to erect on the Boulevard entrance to enable emergency vehicles, taxi, delivery, and other services to locate homeowners in a more expedient manner than in the past. The drawing complied with the Boards request that the 4 x 3 sign resemble the Culpepper Place sign. The sign will be placed in a residents yard and should not violate the Citys rules regarding its right-of-ways. Board Directors unanimously approved their plan and thanked homeowners for their efforts to secure a drawing for approval and for agreeing to our requests. President Turnage introduced Homeowner Julie Mason who lives on Winchester and has been a resident of Chesterfield Village for several years. Julie has agreed to fill the Treasurers position. Pam Breedlove made a motion that Julie Mason be elected Treasurer and that the three signatures approved for check writing include: President Dwane Turnage, Vice President Mary Myers, and Treasurer Julie Mason. Linda Becker seconded the motion; motion carried. This reaffirms the CVHA policy that two signatures are required on checks. Much discussion was held regarding the poor service so far received by the pool company that we had contracted. This company is the one we used last summer but has new ownership and/or management. The company claims that service people have called on our pool when they have not and that they cannot determine a specific day for cleaning. They have ignored phone calls, did not repair a chemical line leak and other repairs they recommended, have not vacuumed the pool since opening, etc. etc. Linda Becker, pool monitor, had kept a thorough log of dates, times, and duties that she and her husband had completed. The pool water turned green over Memorial Day weekend, a large amount of chemicals leaked out on the ground, golf balls and glass were found in the pool, etc. Linda felt frustrated with efforts to locate Dr. Shane and the pool company and elicit their help. She asked for clarification regarding duties of the pool monitor and duties of the Board pool position. In the past the pool monitor has not had sole responsibility for repairs, monitoring chemicals and water level, cleaning and vacuuming the pool, etc. Board Members voiced their disappointment with the pool company and with the amount of time and work the Beckers put in recently. The pool company will be contacted regarding poor service. Another work day was set for Monday, June 18 at 8:00 a.m. Only six homeowners worked on the last work day. The pool deck needs to be power washed again. Clean up around clubhouse shrubs and in the pool equipment area are the main concerns.

Pam Breedlove made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Ramon Shane seconded the motion. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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