9 September 2007

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on September 10, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse and on the CVHA website. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Pam Breedlove, and Dwane Turnage. Directors Julie Mason and Ramon Shane were ill, and Kathey Grodi and Mary Myers were out of town. Though a majority was not present, directors agreed to discuss routine matters. The meeting was called to order by President Dwane Turnage.

A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the August, 2007 CVHA Board Meeting were distributed and read by Pam Breedlove. A motion was made by Linda Becker and seconded by Dwane Turnage to accept the minutes as written. Motion passed.

B. Treasurers Report No report.

Clubhouse Report President Turnage reported that lightning had disabled the swipe card key system on the back door of the Clubhouse. Directors agreed to have block captains collect all keycards from homeowners for programming during the winter months. When cards are rekeyed, a log can be made to match use of the card to enter the Clubhouse to the homeowner. This will allow increased security, for it has appeared that key cards were not always returned to the Association, block captain, realtor, or new homeowner when residents left the Village.


Pool and Tennis Courts Report Directors agreed to have the pool closed immediately. Due to lack of turnout on neighborhood clean-up days, we will ask the pool service to stack the pool furniture in the silo. We will use the cover that we have since we are concerned about making any more large purchases this year. President Turnage called Dr. Shane at his home and requested that he contact the pool service company.


Neighborhood Watch Report Due to lack of news to report, the CVHA Newsletter will not go out until October. Linda said that the participation in the upcoming neighborhood garage sale was less than that in the spring. There have been no crime concerns reported this past month. The no trespassing signs surrounding the catch pond had been bent but might have been done by the lawn service. Earlier, it was thought that a Neighborhood Watch sign was missing along Butterfield, but that is incorrect.



Architectural Control No report.

G. Grounds President Turnage was pleased that our NeighborhoodWoods grant application was approved. Removal of the tree trunks should begin soon. Directors discussed the drainage problem on West Westview in front of the Clubhouse. There is confusion regarding whether condo homeowners and/or the builder has the responsibility for remedying the problem, just as individual home residents would be responsible or whether the CVHA should offer assistance. A homeowner who is an engineer did not feel that there would be significant damage to the Clubhouse driveway. Dwane also reported that the small shrubs at the entrances that did not survive the August hot weather will be replaced.

Pam Breedlove made a motion to dismiss the meeting; Linda Becker seconded the motion. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted,

Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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