10 October 2007

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri nonprofit corporation, held a meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on October 1, 2007 at 7:00 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the Association Clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Pam Breedlove, Julie Mason, Mary Myers, and Dwane Turnage. President Dwane Turnage called the meeting to order.

A. Secretarys Report Minutes from the September, 2007 CVHA Board Meeting were distributed and read by Pam Breedlove. A motion was made by Mary Myers and seconded by Duane Turnage to accept the minutes without any corrections. Motion passed.

B. Treasurers Report Julie Mason distributed copies of the Balance Sheet as of October 1, 2007 and a Profit and Loss Statement for the period of December 1, 2006 through October 1, 2007. August and September monthly expenses were the usual budgeted items. Two CAMS dues are outstanding. Julie will begin preparing annual CAMS dues/trash service statements for mailing on November 1st. Pam Breedlove made a motion to accept the Treasurers report. Mary Myers seconded, and the motion carried.

C. Neighborhood Watch Report No crime concerns were reported during the past month. President Turnage asked Pam to send a letter to the homeowners on 3745 S. Forest, making them aware of the many complaints and concerns we have received regarding excessive speed of a black Mercedes vehicle. CVHA residents have also witnessed this car not stopping at stop signs. We all are concerned regarding safety of our neighborhood children and the many walkers in Chesterfield Village.

D. Clubhouse Report Mary Myers had no information or concerns to report. She expressed her gratitude for Steve and Diana Deford maintaining rentals and supervision of the Clubhouse while she recuperated from injuries in a fall.

E. Pool and Tennis Courts Report Our pool service company has closed the pool for the winter and stacked all pool furniture near the silo. Dwane volunteered to place the furniture inside the silo.

F. Architectural Control President Turnage had received complaints about weeds growing up between the two fences behind the home on 2406 Dearborn. The previous owner would spray between the fences, and this needs to be done periodically. He requested that Pam call Kathey to have her contact the current homeowner.

G. Grounds Report The street light on the corner of West Westview and Chesterfield Boulevard is still leaning; Dwane expressed concern about the Citys delay in replacing it.

New Business President Turnage led a discussion about the drainage concerns on West Westview in front of the Clubhouse. At times three condo homeowners had two inches of water standing under their homes following a rain. These homeowners feel that the negligence in building a correct drain is not their responsibility. Question remains if CVHA is responsible for the Cox Familys development of the Clubhouse parking lot and driveway, or if Bill Mace, developer of the condo units, is responsible. The homeowners residence closest to our driveway has damage to the wood floors. Homeowners consulted with one company, and the fee quoted for putting in a drain that would run along this yard and behind the condo units was $7,500. Dwane agreed to consult with our attorney regarding this matter. Directors discussed whether to rent the Chesterfield Family Center room again for the annual membership meeting on the second Tuesday of December. The fee is somewhat high, considering the low attendance we often experience. Dwane wondered if we could crowd into our own Clubhouse or rent the community room at the Fire/Police station on Battlefield. There might not be any fee. He requested that Pam check into this and report back at the November Board of Directors meeting. Linda Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Mary Myers seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted, Pam Breedlove, Secretary

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