3 March 2008

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on March 3, 2008 at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Lora Turnage, Steve Webb, Julie Mason, and Jay Jones. Absent: Lorna Hammock. Also present were homeowners Allen Penrod, Dwane Turnage and Mary Myers. After brief introductions, President Becker announced that Dr. Ramon Shane had resigned his position on the Board due to medical reasons. She then informed the Board that someone would have to take on responsibilities for upkeep of the pool or that area would fall upon the President. Homeowner Allen Penrod was invited to serve on the Board and oversee the area of Architectural Control, and indicated he would respond with his answer by the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS Secretarys Report Minutes from the February 4th meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Jay Jones and seconded by Steve Webb. Motion passed. Treasurers Report There are still 18 outstanding open invoices after second notices were sent out approximately three weeks ago. Six have been returned as vacant properties, one of which there was no forwarding address available. Two properties had submitted partial CAMS payments. The suggestion was made to contact the Realtors that are selling the properties for the homeowners contact information. If this proved unsuccessful, a final letter would be sent by the CVHA attorney, followed by a lien being placed on the property. A motion was made by Lora Turnage to accept this proposal and seconded by Jay Jones. Motion passed. Common Grounds Vice President Turnage announced that D.C. Lawn Care had removed limbs and brush from the common areas as a result of the past ice storm and had fertilized the common areas last Monday. There was some discussion by the Board as to whether or not new bids should be solicited for grounds maintenance for 2008. Due to the level of service being provided and no anticipated increases in cost, the Board agreed to continue as is with the current provider.

Tennis Courts

Secretary Webb solicited a bid from Gerald Perry Tennis Co. for repairing the cracks on the existing courts. Two options were bid including (1) a total resurfacing of the courts for $7,150.00 and (2) simply filling in the existing cracks for $250.00. Due to the impending repair costs on the pool filters and pump, a motion was made by Jay Jones and seconded by Lora Turnage to fill in the cracks for 2008 and explore the possibility of a complete resurfacing for the spring of 2009. Motion passed. Clubhouse One rental had taken place since the last Board meeting and one deposit check had been received for an upcoming rental for which Julie Mason presented the checks to the Board for the appropriate signatures. Linda Becker announced that Lorna Hammock would be handling the clubhouse rentals following Mary Myers resignation from the Board at the last meeting. Architectural Control One complaint had been received from a homeowner regarding a CV property containing up to eight parked cars including one in the backyard. Linda Becker stated she would write a letter to the homeowner. One complaint had been received from a homeowner regarding the driver of a black Mercedes Benz speeding through the subdivision. A previous letter has already been sent to the individuals parent. Julie Mason offered to ask her neighbors son who is a police officer to contact the vehicle owner. Neighborhood Watch Linda Becker informed the Board that the signs around the CV pond area had been fixed and reinstalled by a homeowner. Jay Jones will follow up with the sign company regarding updating of the CV Clubhouse sign. Linda Becker announced that the majority of the Block Captains would be staying on for 2008, but that Jay would need to schedule a meeting with them to review roles and responsibilities. Newsletter Linda Becker gave Jay Jones the template for the next newsletter due out in May. The Board discussed possible content including the following items: date and time of Block Captains meeting, April 12 garage sale, and posted speed limits in the subdivision. Discussion was initiated with Mary Myers about her involvement with the social activities committee, and Mary agreed to remain involved. NEW BUSINESS Pool Linda Becker will present the cost of repairs at the next Board meeting. Drainage Issue at 2341 West Westview Dwane Turnage, Immediate Past President, met with the CVHA Attorney and Fred Palmerton of the Palmerton and Parrish Engineering Firm to discuss the issue. Linda Becker also secured all of the necessary historical documents from the City of

Springfield and provided to them. Palmerton and Parrish are waiting on the original plans and additional documents from the original engineers, Scott Consulting Engineers, P.C. before moving forward. Once they have everything they need they will survey the area and offer some potential solutions. They informed Dwane this could take 30-45 days. After some discussion with the homeowner, Dwane agreed to follow up with them this week on a more definitive timeline. Signatures Mary Myers agreed to obtain the paperwork necessary to initiate the transfer of signature responsibilities at the bank from the old officers to the new officers.

Jay Jones made a motion to adjourn the March CVHA Board of Directors Meeting and Steve Webb seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Steve Webb, Secretary

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