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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on April 7, 2008 at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Lora Turnage, Steve Webb, Julie Mason, Lorna Hammock, Allen Penrod and Jay Jones. Absent: Diana Deford. Also present were homeowners Bill and Buelah Ruble. After brief introductions, President Becker announced that homeowner Allen Penrod agreed to serve on the board overseeing the architectural committee and that homeowner Diana Deford had joined the board and would be overseeing the pool and clubhouse areas. OLD BUSINESS Secretarys Report Minutes from the March 3rd meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Jay Jones and seconded by Lorna Turnage. Motion passed. Treasurers Report There are now 12 outstanding open invoices, down from 18 at the last monthly board meeting. The property owner who had been in arrears for two years, contacted Julie Mason and submitted a check for $464. This amount included the $5 monthly late fees since August of 2007, during which time he owned the property. The property owner did not feel he should have to pay for the prior term as he did not own the property then. A motion was made by Jay Jones to write off the first year CAMS and late fees and was seconded by Lorna Hammock. Motion passed. All other outstanding CAMS were submitted to the CVHA attorney for sending out notices to the homeowners with the potential threat of a lien being placed on their property. Signing authority and the appropriate signatures required for CVHA accounts and certificates of deposit held by BankCorp South have been collected and transferred from the old officers of the Board to the new officers. A copy of the Resolutions Authorizing Deposit Accounts and Related Services has been attached to the minutes. Linda Becker presented $5 in cash to Julie Mason for the lawn care business which placed an ad in the last CVHA newsletter. Julie Mason announced that the most recent monthly invoice from Ozark Refuge Service, a division of Allied Waste, contained a charge in the amount of $284 for fuel recovery costs for the collection of trash in the CVHA subdivision. The normal monthly bill had been running at $1,850 and with the additional charge had increased to $2,138. After some discussion by the board members, it was agreed that this charge was becoming more common with other vendors and subdivisions as a result of rising fuel costs, so no changes were recommended at this time. Linda Becker announced that the key that was issued in 2000 for the safety deposit box held at the bank was missing, and after much research no one seemed to know where it was or who might have it. The box has a monthly maintenance fee of $25 and it would cost $75 to drill a hole to get access to the contents. Linda asked Steve Webb to see if there 1

was any mention in the minutes during 2000 of whom the key was issued to, to see if it could be tracked down from there. Common Grounds Lora Turnage announced that the lawn care providers would soon be planting the flowers in the corner beds next to the pool. Lora received a second complaint from a homeowner about the thorny shrubs located on the end caps of the medians along Chesterfield Boulevard. Lora stated that these had since been taken out and would be replaced with some sort of perennials. Lora received one complaint from a homeowner about the fence behind the large water retaining area being broken in a couple of spots allowing access to Chesterfield Village by other neighborhoods children and pets. Linda Becker indicated that her husband would be fixing this. Tennis Courts Steve Webb noted that the cracks on the surface of the tennis courts had been patched by the Gerald Perry Tennis Co. since the last board meeting for the amount agreed upon ($250), and should hold up until next spring. Steve presented Julie Mason with the invoice for payment prior to the meeting. Clubhouse Per Lorna Hammock, the clubhouse has been rented for April 16 and April 20. Architectural Control Allen Penrod noted that a homeowner on Britton Street has a satellite dish that is visible from the street, and does not meet the covenants and restrictions. Jay Jones noted that the satellite dish had been installed by the previous homeowner and offered to contact the current homeowner to see if it needed to be removed. It was noted that another property also has a satellite dish that is in violation of the covenants and restrictions. Allen will be sending the homeowner a letter. Lora received a complaint about City Councilman Ralph Manleys property not being kept up and the yard being overrun with weeds. According to her records, several complaints were evidently received on this same issue back in 2006, and Mr. Manley had been notified back then. Allen will be sending the property owner another letter. It was mentioned that a vehicle was still being parked in the yard of a property on Forest Street, and that the fence issue at 2414 Dearborn has still not been corrected. Allen will be sending both property owners a letter. A homeowner on S. Tolliver has a drainage issue. He requested through President Becker to hire his own contractor for the purpose of building a swell to redirect the water to the proper place, and to put a sump pump under his house. The homeowners neighbor has already been contacted and agreed to the proposed solution. A motion to approve was made by Allen Penrod and seconded by Lora Turnage. Motion passed. Linda Becker announced to Jay Jones and the board that during the Block Captains Meeting immediately preceding the board meeting, several block captains expressed that certain parts of the CVHA Covenants and Restrictions about property upkeep needed to be put in the next newsletter. All agreed. Neighborhood Watch 2

Lorna Hammock will contact Mary Myers and follow up with the Signs-R-Us sign company regarding the updating of the CV Clubhouse sign. No new reports presented on neighborhood watch issues. Newsletter The March newsletter had been distributed, and several homeowners indicated that they would be participating in the community garage sale on Saturday, April 12. Linda Becker indicated that she would have someone take inventory in the neighborhood to see who was participating in the sale and who still needed to pay the $3 advertising fee. Pool Linda Becker and Diana Deford met with American Pool and Spa regarding the repairs needed. The pool company stated they did not feel the repairs were their fault and that they had closed down the pool properly, so they would not be covering the cost of the repairs. They recommended replacing three of the filters for the main pool at a cost of $390 each, and one filter in the baby pool for a cost of $272, for a total of $1,564, which could potentially be more. Discussions were also taking place with this pool company for a lighter weight, mesh material pool cover. American Pool and Spa presented their bid for servicing the pool for the 2008 season at a cost of $5,743, which was an increase of approximately $400 from last year. Linda indicated she was working on obtaining a couple of other bids and when she has all of the information she will email the board members for a vote. At the next monthly board meeting, the Board will set a date for the pool opening. NEW BUSINESS Expansion Homeowners Bill and Buelah Ruble presented their plans to the Board for converting their back porch into an enclosed glass sunroom and adding an additional concrete patio with covered awning on the rear of the home. After reviewing the contractors promotional pictures and hearing the description of the work to be completed, the Board determined that more information including exact measurements, materials and colors to be used would be needed before the project could be approved. Drainage Issue at 2341 West Westview Fred Palmerton of Palmerton and Parrish Engineering has surveyed the property and has all of the historical information required. He will soon present his findings to the Board before the Board meets with the CVHA attorney to discuss next steps. Since the last board meeting, Rick Gardner, Public Engineer for the City of Springfield, has reviewed all of the facts, plans and plats, and has sent a second letter to the board with copy to the homeowner. In the letter Rick states that the original plat shows a drainage swell and appropriate grading existed initially, before the town home properties were built. Rick gave indication that the original letter from the City could have been written in haste, and that it appears the builder did not protect the drainage swell and easement. Jay Jones made a motion to adjourn the April CVHA Board of Directors Meeting and Lora Turnage seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Steve Webb, Secretary 3

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