7 July 2008

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri nonprofit corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri on July 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Linda Becker, Lora Turnage, Steve Webb, Diana Deford, Tyler Smith and Jay Jones. Absent: Julie Mason. Also present were homeowners Allen Penrod and Deb Fusek, a new block captain. OLD BUSINESS Secretarys Report Minutes from the June 2nd meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes and was seconded. Motion passed. Treasurers Report There are still 4 outstanding CAMS balances due, two of which are lots. Linda Becker will contact the property owners one last time before having the attorney place a lien on the property. The homeowner at 2328 W. Westview is paying down the $100 remaining balance. The Balance Sheet and P&L Statements were reviewed. Checks were presented in the amounts of $6 for trash bags; $177.41 to City Utilities for use of the fire hydrant to fill the pool; $1,332 from the attorney on matters related to the 2341 W. Westview property drainage issue; $10.36 from the Missouri Department of Revenue for taxes; $363 for the engineers survey on the drainage issue; and $228.90 to After Hours Plumbing for pool work. Receipts were presented for reimbursement from Diana Deford for clubhouse supplies and from Lora Turnage for work done on the pool lights by the Sechler Company. Common Grounds Lora Turnage announced that the pond had been examined by a professional and he stated that it appeared to have a healthy inflow and outflow. He recommended not doing anything to it right now. He also said that the rocks the City had put in were actually causing reeds to grow in the rocks. Homeowner Allen Penrod stated that the trees along Chesterfield Boulevard needed to be trimmed. Tennis Courts Steve Webb informed the Board that a date for power-washing the tennis courts would have to be set for August and it would be emailed to the Board members. Clubhouse Rentals have been scheduled for 7/13, 7/14, 7/15 and 7/27. Checks from the rental on 6/22 are currently missing and Linda Becker will follow up with Lorna Hammock, who resigned from the Board for personal reasons, to see if she knows where they might be.

Linda is still looking into a potential 3-month contract with the soda machine provider. Pool The baby pool is temporarily closed for a few days to be repainted, as it suffered minor damage during the work that was performed on the clubhouse roof. The roofing company will be paying for the repainting. Architectural Control Steve Webb sent Tyler Smith a list of recent complaints and issues that needed to be followed up on. Tyler was in the process of contacting the property owners and addressing them. One of the satellite dishes in violation of the covenants and restrictions had already been removed, and the other property owner requested hers to be taken down also. The grass was being cut at 2959 W. Westview, helping to alleviate the weed issue. It was believed that the property may have been sold or is now being rented. Neighborhood Watch A recent magazine salesman traveling door to door was asked not to return by one of the Board members due to rude and disrespectful remarks made to some homeowners. Jay Jones will ask the sign company for a bid on No Soliciting signs for the subdivision when he talks to them about a new clubhouse sign. Linda Becker mentioned that a new homeowner directory would not be published until January due to the expense and to make sure that all new homeowner information was included. Newsletter A newsletter will be produced in early August by Jay Jones or Linda Becker. Drainage Issue at 2341 West Westview After receiving the letter from attorney Mark C. Fels of Yates, Maack, Bohrer, Elliff & Fels, P.C., Bill Mace contacted Lora Turnage to schedule a meeting with Mary Myers, an engineer friend of his, and members of the Board. The engineer wrote a letter which was read during the Board meeting. The letter suggested adding new grading and installing inlets and drainage pipes to move the water from the clubhouse driveway along a path between the tennis courts and the town homes to a termination point in the southwest corner. The letter suggested that CVHA cover partial costs. It also stated that the property owner would still need to install an automatic sump pump under her home. After much discussion by the Board members, Tyler Smith agreed to follow up with Bill Mace on next steps. NEW BUSINESS Homeowner Allen Penrod presented two proposals to the Board for approval of adding a covered patio on to the rear of his home. The proposals included materials, dimensions and blueprints. Tyler will follow up with Allen on site to ensure the addition would meet the covenant and restriction requirements, and to ensure proper drainage.

Linda Becker is working on getting the Westview Street turned over to the City for routine maintenance. There was some discussion on changes to the Covenants on behalf of the Board members, such as waiving the association dues at the end of their term for their volunteer service. This will need to be discussed further and presented at the annual meeting for a vote to amend the covenants. Also mentioned was an appreciation gift for the outgoing President for his/her voluntary service. All of the Board members were in agreement. Julie Mason to research past financial history on this. Steve Webb volunteered to research costs and providers on a potential community playground area addition to one of the common areas near the clubhouse for use by the subdivisions property owners, and present this information at a future meeting as well as for a potential vote at the annual meeting. A motion was made by Jay Jones to adjourn the July CVHA Board of Directors Meeting and was seconded by Lora Turnage. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Steve Webb, Secretary Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors 2101 W. Chesterfield Boulevard Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springfield, MO 65807

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