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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chestereld Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-prot corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chestereld Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springeld, Missouri, on March 2, 2009, at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Lora Turnage, Gene & Judy Herndon, Julie Mason, Brandon & Rebekah Gilmore, and Tyler Smith. Absent: John and Melissa Wittmer. Also present were homeowners Gerold Abbott, Edd & Cheryl Liniger and town house resident Clarence Ketch. OLD BUSINESS: A special Thank You to outgoing Committee members who have served on the Board: Lori Turnage, Steve Webb and Jay Jones. Secretarys Report: Minutes from the February 2, 2009, meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were read. A motion was made by Julie Mason to accept the mintues and was seconded by Gene Herndon. Motion passed. Treasurers Report: It was noted that there are still 25 outstanding homeowner invoices. It was decided that a second invoice will be sent to those homeowners who still owe dues. The balance sheet ending for March 2, 2009, was gone over. It was recommended a nal payment in the amount of $4,000 be made to Modern Tractor to pay off the remainder owed for the property beside the pool. Gene Herndon made a motion to accept and it was seconded by Gerold Abbott. Motion passed. Common Grounds/Tennis Courts: There are several lights around the neighborhood that are either out or functioning improperly. Lora Turnage said she would contact CU concerning this. The job of resurfacing the tennis courts as well as repairs to the fence, lines, net and backbaord was brought up again in this meeting. It was decided that the repairs should be made this year. Gene Herndon made a motion to accept and it was seconded by Tyler Smith. Motion passed. Clubhouse: It was noted there is a leak around the back door and new weather stripping is needed. Ants were also seen in the kitchen area. Traps have been laid out and it was decided an exterminator should be contacted. It was mentioned as well that the pool supplies need to be made more secure. There has been a total of $200 brought in for clubhouse rentals however there were no new rentals for the clubhouse for the month of March at the time of the meeting. Pool: The pool is still closed for the season and nothing new to report.

Architectural Control: An issue was brought up regarding storm/wind damge to fences in the neighborhood and whose responsibility it would be to replace damaged fencing. After Lora Turnage spoke with past presidents, it was decided that homeowners will need to replace any fence on their property. It was also decided that fencing in front of the water retention area needs replacing. This is not on any homeowners property and will be paid for by the Association. Two quotes were received, one in the amount of $1,000 and the other in the amount of $485. It was decided that other weak areas in the fence would be xed at the same time, bringing the total amount of repairs

to $800. Julie Mason made a motion to move forward with these repairs and Gene Herndon seconded this motion. Motion passed. Clarence Ketch, a new resident at 2324 W Westview, attended the meeting to request approval to build up the stairs leading up to the doors at his home, as well as add hand rails by the steps, in order for his wife to more easily access their town home. It was noted that permission would have to be granted from the Homeowners Association before these modications could be made. The matter was voted on and unanimously approved. Neighborhood Watch: Gerald Abbott was in attendance at the meeting and said a theft was reported during daylight hours of a potted plant off a homeowners porch. It was again noted that any suspicious activity should be reported to block captains and the police. Edd and Cheyrl LaSalle were in attendance at the meeting and approved as new Nieghborhood Watch Generals. NEW BUSINESS: Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore informed Association members that the two suppliers of mailboxes for our neighborhood are no longer in business and that it would be benecial to search for possible new mailbox suppliers. Chestereld Village Homeowner Association Board of Directors for 2009: Lora Turnage President Gene Herndon Vice President Julie Mason Treasurer Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore Secretaries John and Melissa Wittmer Pool Gene and Judy Herndon Clubhouse Tyler Smith Architectural Control A motion was made by Brandon Gilmore to adjourn the March CVHA Board of Directors meeting and was seconded by Gene Herndon. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Brandon Gilmore, Secretary Chestereld Village Homeowneers Association Board of Directors 2101 W Chestefeild Bolvd. Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springeld, MO 65807

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