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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chestereld Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-prot corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chestereld Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springeld, Missouri, on August 3rd, 2009, at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Lora Turnage, Judy Herndon, Brandon Gilmore and Edd & Cheryl Liniger. Absent: Rebekah Gilmore and John and Melissa Wittmer. The meeting was called into session by Edd Liniger. Secretarys Report: Minutes from the July 6th, 2009, meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were distributed. Cheryl Liniger made a motion to pass the minutes and it was seconded by Judy Herndon. Minutes were approved. Old Business: Judy Herndon contacted After Hours Repair this past month for clubhouse plumbing and shower repairs. Judy will also be contacting New Finish Remodeling, L.L.C. to nd out when repairs will be made to the clubhouse. It was noted that several other problem areas have been identied outside the clubhouse that will also require repairs. Treasurers Report: Julie Mason has resigned as treasurer. Cheryl Liniger volunteered to ll the position. Judy Herndon made a motion to accept this offer and Brandon Gilmore seconded it. Since the July meeting, one residence has paid its homeowner dues and one has contacted Lora about making payments. As of this meeting, there are still ve residences owing homeowner dues; trash services for these ve were stopped as of today. Common Grounds/Tennis Courts: There was no new business to discuss concerning the common grounds or tennis courts. Clubhouse: Judy Herndon reported there were two rentals in July, three for August and one scheduled for December. The trash is not being emptied in the clubhouse and pool monitors will be contacted concerning this. There is a downed light pole in the clubhouse parking lot. Lora contactd Seclar Electric, who takes care of our pool lights, to check for any safety issues. Also, City Utilities has been contacted, but we have not yet heard back from them. We anticipate we wil be responsible for replacing this light as it is on our property. Seclar Electric is trying to locate a match. Pool: Edd Liniger has volunteered to check into re-webbing the pool chairs which require repair.

Architectural Control: The position of architectural control is still vacant. The pond by Scenic and Chestereld is being surveyed with issues regarding drainage. Lora was been notied of these surveys and the board will be contacted if and when any actions need to be taken. There have been no new requests for home improvement/ remodeling projects presented to the board. The issue brought up concerning a tree house in a residents yard has been closed, as it was determined no neighborhood covenants had been broken regarding the building or its placement.

Neighborhood Watch: There was nothing new to report regarding neighborhood watch. New Business: It was noted the sign which hangs over the clubhouse is deteriorating. It was repaired once and probably needs replacement. Edd volunteered to contact sign shops to nd out about replacing it. Cheryl Liniger made a motion to adjourn the August CVHA Board of Directors meeting. Judy Herndon seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore, Secretaries Chestereld Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors 2101 W Chestereld Blvd. Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springeld, MO 65807 Chestereld Village Homeowner Association Board of Directors for 2009: Lora Turnage President Cheryl Liniger Treasurer Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore Secretaries John and Melissa Wittmer Pool Judy Herndon Clubhouse Edd & Cheryl Liniger- Neighborhood Watch

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