9 September 2009

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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-profit corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springfield, Missouri, on September 8, 2009, at 7 p.m., pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Lora Turnage, Judy Herndon, Rebekah Gilmore, Melissa Wittmer and Edd & Cheryl Liniger. Absent: Brandon Gilmore and John Wittmer. Edd Liniger called the meeting into session. Secretarys Report: Minutes from the August 3, 2009, meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were distributed. Melissa Wittmer made a motion to accept the minutes and Edd Liniger seconded, with the following correction: Judy Herndon was incorrectly identified as contacting After Hours Repair to fix plumbing in the clubhouse. Rather, Albright Pools contacted After Hours. Old Business: The light pole in the clubhouse parking lot will be our responsibility to replace. We discussed several ideas regarding this and decided to place a floodlight at the front of the clubhouse, with flowers and shrubs planted around it to help hide it. All were in favor of this solution and Seclar Electric will be completing this project for us. An attorney representing Mr. Lightfoot has contacted Lora and asked that the Board revisit the complaint against Mr. Johnsons swing set. The attorney will be sending the Board a letter, as well as the attorney used by the neighborhood, Mr. Kevin Easley. Mr. Easley, an attorney in Chesterfield, has looked at our Covenants to determine if there has been a violation. The only issue he found is on page 10, which states residents need to get prior approval from the Board before building or making alterations to their home or property. Mr. Johnson did not receive prior approval. Mr. Easley will be sending the Board a letter of his findings for us to keep on record, and will be sending one to Mr. Johnson to let him know he was in violation of the Covenants for not receiving prior approval. The Board could try to force the matter in court but this would be difficult and costly. The Board unanimously agreed that the Covenants are not specific concerning swing sets as structures and will be taking no further action. Mr. Lightfoot has decided he will seek remedy without the Board. He wants the set taken down voluntarily or to have it done and the bill sent to Mr. Johnson. The Board discussed several possible alternatives in the matter, including planting trees around the set to hide it, or moving it closer towards the home. Since construction has now been completed on the new addition to Culpepper Place, some residents have inquired if they could upgrade the look of their mailbox, as well as the three-sided trash receptacle opening up towards Dearborn. The question of whether a street sweeper will be coming through to clean up has been asked too. Lora will call Culpepper to see what their plans are for the above listed items.

Treasurers Report: Cheryl Liniger reported there are only three residences left who have not paid this years dues. One is a home owned by a bank, another is vacant, and the third is owned by Mr. Dave Waters, who now lives

in Virginia. Cheryl has located the address of the church Mr. Waters pastors there and will be sending him a bill. Cheryl also had the current balance sheet for the Homeowners Association; and, as of September 8, we have $17,000 in checking and just over $155,000 in total assets and liabilities. Common Grounds/Tennis Courts: There was no new business to discuss concerning the common grounds or tennis courts. Clubhouse: Judy Herndon reported there were eight clubhouse rentals for August, one scheduled for September, none for October, and two for both November and December. Atlas Security has checked the door swipe mechanism we were having problems with and adjustments have been made. It was decided if vandalism is still an issue next summer, we would put up cameras or have Atlas do drive-by checks. Sketches for the new sign for the clubhouse were presented and several ideas were discussed. Pool: We would like to thank Edd Liniger for re-webbing the pool chairs. The pool will officially close for the year after Labor Day weekend. Allbright Pools will come to cover the pool once all the chemicals have drained from it. Now that the pool is closing for the season, the Board is ready to have the pool equipment (pumps, filters, heaters, etc.) covered. The bid we have received from Allbright Pools is $7,860. Half of this would be payable before work begins. We still need two more bids before a decision is made. Architectural Control: Allen Penrod has made a request to the Board for permission to enclose his patio with a wrought iron fence. His request was unanimously approved and Lora will send a letter of approval to him. Also, there was a request from Dr. Jaime and Mr. Mark Lanois at 3656 S Britain Ave. for approval to repair and repaint stucco on their home. This has also been approved. However, a request to put up a seven-foot playhouse was declined. Neighborhood Watch: Residents have requested copies of the Covenants and Edd and Cheryl will be providing them for those wanting them. New Business: There have been complaints concerning a dog (possibly a Pit Bull) being walked by a boy here in the neighborhood. The dog has shown aggressive behavior and attacked another smaller dog while being walked. The owner of the dog being attacked had to kick the larger off of their smaller dog smaller to protect it. Animal control has been called in the matter. Cheryl Liniger made a motion to adjourn the September CVHA Board of Directors meeting. Melissa Wittmer seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore, Secretaries Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors 2101 W Chesterfield Blvd. Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springfield, MO 65807 Chesterfield Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors for 2009: Lora Turnage President Cheryl Liniger Treasurer Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore Secretaries John and Melissa Wittmer Pool Judy Herndon Clubhouse Edd & Cheryl Liniger- Neighborhood Watch

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