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Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

The Board of Directors of Chestereld Village Homeowners Association, Inc., a Missouri non-prot corporation, held its monthly meeting at the Chestereld Village Homeowners Association Clubhouse in Springeld, Missouri, on April 6, 2009, at 7:00 pm, pursuant to the notice posted at the association clubhouse. The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Lora Turnage, Gene & Judy Herndon, Julie Mason, Brandon & Rebekah Gilmore, Tyler Smith, Melissa Wittmer and Edd & Cheryl Liniger. Absent: John Wittmer. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business to discuss at this months meeting. Secretarys Report: Minutes from the March 2, 2009, meeting of the CVHA Board of Directors were read. Minutes were approved with the following corrections: Lora Turnage is not an outgoing Committte member but is still serving on the board as President. On page 2 Edd and Cheryl Liniger were inncorectly identied with the last name LaSalle. Julie Herndon made a motion to pass the minutes with corrections and it was seconded by Edd Liniger. Treasurers Report: It was noted that there are still 19 outstanding homeowner invoices. A second invoice was sent after last months meeting to those homeowners who still owe dues. Six payments have been received since last months meeting. Several options were discussed as to what penalty could be put in place for those still owing dues, including stopping trash service and no pool or tennis court access. It was also discussed printing names and addresses of those who still owe dues in the next newsletter. Gene Herndon volunteered going door-to-door to try and collect dues. Common Grounds/Tennis Courts: Work is continuing on the resurfacing of the tennis courts. We receiveda letter from a town house/condo resident voicing concerning over the tennis courts, and specically the positioning of the backboard. We determoined no action could be taken to change anything with the courts or backboard to satisfaction although Lora has contacted the company doing maintenance to see if they can paint the backboard to match the fence. Again mentioned was the idea of a childrens playground for the area outside the pool. This idea is still on the table and will be looked into again after the tennis courts are nished and to see how much remains in the budget for the year. If added this would be covered by the neighborhoods collective insurance. Clubhouse: We received an invoice in the amount of $94 from Atlas Security for purported done on 03-09-09 on the clubhouses security system. No one was aware of any work done and no member allowed anyone from Atlas Security into the clubhouse. Gene volunteered to contact Atlas concerning the matter. Pool: The pool is still closed for the season and nothing new to report. In the next newsletter there would be made mention of a clean-up day for the Memorial Day weekend opening of the pool, as well as the need for pool monitors. Architectural Control: An issue was brought up regarding storm/wind damge by a Mr. Price on West Winchester. Mr. Prices insurer wants to have his roof patched rather than paying for an entire new roof. However the existing shingles

cannot be matched in color, therefore making the roof two-toned. This does not line up with covenant guidelines. Tyler Smith brought this matter to the committees attention and said that if the committee voted to not approve of these repairs and a formal letter were written and signed with three baord member signatures, Mr Prices insurance company would agree to pay for a new roof. Tyler made a motion to write the letter as noted above and Edd seconded the motion. The new residents of 2439 W Dearborn have asked permission to install a fence and would like approval to do so. As they are currently still living in Wyoming, they sent a diagram of the fence outline. Tyler will send a letter specifying that as long as it is a 4 wood fence and meets the guidelines of the covenant it is acceptable. Everyone unanimously approved. Neighborhood Watch: There is nothing new to report. NEW BUSINESS: It has been noted that several residents have been leaving trash cans out. They will be contacted and reminded to bring in their trash cans once the garbage has been picked up. This will deter vandalism or theft and keeping in accordance with guidelines. Tyler will contact a resident who has been leaving handwritten signs on their trash can, telling them it is unacceptable and needs to stop. Chestereld Village Homeowner Association Board of Directors for 2009: Lora Turnage President Gene Herndon Vice President Julie Mason Treasurer Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore Secretaries John and Melissa Wittmer Pool Gene and Judy Herndon Clubhouse Tyler Smith Architectural Control A motion was made by Gene Herndon to adjourn the March CVHA Board of Directors meeting. Tyler Smith and Edd Liniger seconded the motion. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Brandon and Rebekah Gilmore, Secretaries Chestereld Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors 2101 W Chestereld Blvd. Building C, Suite 100 PMB69 Springeld, MO 65807

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